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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17694191 No.17694191 [Reply] [Original]

How do people decide what to eat every day? I took it for granted growing up that I’d have a home cooked meal every day that was almost always different from the day before. Now I see how big a task that was...

>> No.17694196

Is it autism?

>> No.17694204

You should ask your mom for some recipes and some suggestions since it sounds like she knew what she was doing.

>> No.17694225

Sunday is church, Saturday is payday, Friday is fish. Thursday is shepherds pie, Wednesday is roast beef, Tuesday is soup. Monday is washing day, is everybody happy? You bet you life we are.

>> No.17694226

My parents would fill the pantry with canned vegetables, the freezer with meat, and the fridge with canned biscuits, blocks of cheese, condiments, butter, milk, etc.

So basically you just grab a protein from the freezer a few days in advance, place it in the fridge to thaw, fry/grill/sear/roast it the day you want to eat, and accompany the meal with the fixin's.

An example: fry/grill a hamburger patty, open a can of green beans and add a dab of butter, bake a can of biscuits, say grace, eat.

I tend to work a bit differently. I'll roast a chicken one day and use the carcass for soup, ya dig? Or I'll buy an ingredient like tortillas and make quesadillas and burritos in various forms with various fillings.

>> No.17694250

you're lucky desu i grew up eating the same 3 fucking things
>saltless spaghetti and a jar of marinara
>baked chicken that was always soggy and disgusting
>any time we had meat it was defrosted in the microwave
>hot dogs
>meatloaf like once a year (which was the only meal I liked)
my mom used to say shes making hamburgers for dinner and then take frozen bubba burgers out of the freezer and microwave them until they were hockey pucks and then put them on the george forman grill until they were inedible

>> No.17694258

I rotate

Red meat

If I have burgers Friday and steaks Saturday probably eating white meat or shrimp or something on Sunday

>> No.17694265

Check sales at grocery stores every week then plan out dinners for each night. When nothing good is on sale eat cheap shit from Costco. I'm always cooking extra and freezing it so sometimes I pick out something easy to grab in order to clear up space.

>> No.17694605

I plan out what I'm going to eat in advance and shop specifically for those things, about 4 or 5 days of food. Buy exactly what I need and no more.
For a lot of ingredients I make sure I get canned or otherwise non-perishable things because it's just a lot easier to manage when living alone, and if you're having a bad day you're not gonna be dealing with stuff going bad.

Learn how to do a few things you like really well. Most of what I eat is rice with a curry sauce and some vegetables, or pasta with a tomato sauce and some vegetables plus some legumes (I get canned 4 bean mix so it's not just 1 bean). Also pizza. I really think the best thing you can do is know what you really like to eat and get really good at making it, while having as much of it as you can in a can or frozen, especially if you're prone to having days where you do literally nothing at all like I am.

>> No.17694762

this is what i do. I usually center my meals around what the best deal on protein that week, then pick a carb and veggie to go with each meal.
i.e. pork chops + mash potatoes + green beans,
pork cubes + rice + stir fry veggie mix in asian sauce
pork mince + tomato + rice stuffed in a pepper
pork in BBQ sauce + collard greens + cornbread

>> No.17694899

I buy whatever's on offer for cheap at the grocer, butcher, dry-goods or supermarket when I do my shop and plan my meals around that using what I already have in my fridge and pantry.
This week, it's lamb, spinach, grana padano, mixed lettuces, fennel bulb, top round beef, chicken leg quarters, brown lentils, onions, tomatoes, pea leaves, broccoli, friarrielli, "Irish" sausages (idk wtf they're supposed to be but they taste kinda like chipolatas), red dragonfruit, green papaya, bitter melon, potatoes, turnips and some other stuff I don't remember right now.
I'm gonna make lamb in spinach curry, spinach risotto, bittermelon and eggs, chicken drumsticks soup with pasta, pasta and lentils, lentil qeema, pasta and broccoli etc etc etc
I like the whims of the marketplace dictate my diet.

>> No.17694911

I just cook everything I want on the weekend and then eat that for the rest of the week.

>> No.17695284

>I took it for granted growing up that I’d have a home cooked meal every day that was almost always different from the day before
wow you're a huge faggot then, so sorry to hear about how hard this is for you

>> No.17695334

/tg/ here
>pick 20 of my favourite meals
>roll a d20
>thats the meal i cook next
>i cook 3-4 portion's worth
>freeze the extra portions
>if I get the same meal again i reheat leftovers from last time
feels good man
means I always eat what i like, i dont fall into the trap of having the same food on the same days and i always have a freezer full of meals in case i'm too tired or lazy to cook

>> No.17695430

Just fill your freezer with pizzas put different stuff on each one every day.

>> No.17695440

was your mom an apprentice for Saint Salmonella?

>> No.17695454

>Double spaced
>Ya dig?
>Irrelevant life story
You should go back