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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17694168 No.17694168[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have the sacred tomes of cooking knowledge bow before my all knowing gaze peasants! FOR I AM A COOKING GOD!!!

>> No.17694179

I'm trying very hard not to post a soyjak right now. Can someone else do the honors?

>> No.17694181

Is this the end result of your wife divorcing you due to the funkos and you have to start cooking for yourself?

>> No.17694183

>no harold mcgee
super lame, bro

>> No.17694185

FUNKOS ARE FUCKING GAY. No seriously they are ugly small like why are they so popular? A place at my mall has a entire shop for just Funkos.

>> No.17694361

is there food in overwatch?
what the fuck?

>> No.17694418

They're all gimmicks except Joy of Cooking. You at minimum need Larousse Gastromomique, The Art of French Cookery, How to Cook Everything, and Jamie's 15 Minute Meals.

>> No.17694446

If you don't "get" it then basically you're a cognizant human, those people who "get" them and the obsession are doomed to vasectomies, Soylent shakes and left-wing politics.

>> No.17694452
File: 144 KB, 750x642, 1459C6E3-733F-4831-B398-3B3A61832554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s your favorite recipe from all those books?

>> No.17694471

>Jamies 15 minute meals
cooklet detected

>> No.17694612
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>> No.17694625

Each time I see your collection it gets worse. $30 for meme bullshit when there are actual cookbooks out there. How the fuck do you entertain or feed yourself with these? Or do you just like the pictures?

>> No.17694632

>no babish cookbook
So close to full soy

>> No.17694966

These are actual cookbooks and better though lol.

>> No.17694971
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>> No.17695010

How many times are you going to start a thread with your mostly-pop-culture cookbooks?
Reposting your own shit multiple times is kinda sad.

>> No.17695090

Yes, I can tell they're amazing by how many recipes you recommend from them when you make these threads. Nothing says "I like to cook" like rows and rows of pristine cookbooks.

>> No.17695104

Is the hp lovecraft one any good? what's in it?

>> No.17695160

Since when has Destiny had any food at all?

>> No.17695182
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>> No.17695189
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Why hasn't anybody made a Team Fortress 2 cookbook?

>> No.17695292
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>firefly cookbook
What in the actual reddit is this?

>> No.17695301


>> No.17695653

Quit asking for hand outs like a nigger. I bought em so you can check them out if you want at your book store for free. Dont ask me for nothing.

>> No.17695658

Its a lot of southern type dishes. Out of all of them that one has the most beautiful artwork. Good recipes too. They came out with a cocktail recipe book which I have but I dont drink that much.

>> No.17695689

>A place at my mall has a entire shop for just Funkos
Sounds like my mall. I've never seen anyone shop there, but it's not like I go to the mall often.

>> No.17695815

Leave and never come back roflmao

>> No.17695839

Why? Im a better cook then the majority of people here. Besides they are real cookbooks triggered much? BROOOO

>> No.17695865

Like I'd deign to cook any meme bullshit. You can't name a single recipe you enjoy because you treat them like big boy picture books. And sometimes, when you're feeling extra needy, you take them to school for show and tell.

>> No.17695875

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.17695885

Mushroom Broccoli Casserole from Fallout and Tattertot Hot Dish from Overwatch. Peanut Butter Chicken Skewers from WoW. Regular cookbooks are boring not gonna change my mind on that.

>> No.17695893

With each (You) I get that much more powerful and that much more of a better cook muhahahaha.

>> No.17695903

Any real chef uses his imagination, not video game cookbooks

>> No.17695929

Never said I was a chef im a home cook like the majority of people here. Nor do I wanna be a chef too much work god bless em.

>> No.17695959

So, flyover fare and a bastardized chicken satay. Think I'll stick to my French and Chinese cuisine and leave the casseroles to you.

>> No.17696008

I can't tell if this guy is a troll or the worlds biggest retard

>> No.17696017
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>doesn't even have the Dungeons & Dragons cookbook
Never gonna make it senpai.

>> No.17696026

Cant believe I wasted time on you.
Cant handle fine cuisine anon? Its ok. Enjoy your hot dogs.

>> No.17696056

bow before trejo puta culo

>> No.17696066

That Bob's burgers one actually has some decent burgers to try. I got it last year as a joke gift but no complaints honesty. Too bad I dropped the show years ago.

>> No.17696114

I wanna get Nanny Ogg’s Cookbook

>> No.17696132
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>fine cuisine

>> No.17696148
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>none of Price's tomes

>> No.17696154

He gets his tater tots imported from Ireland and and cream of chicken soup from Warhol's private reserve.

>> No.17696174
File: 64 KB, 416x300, wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The oddest ones are the Overwatch and the Street Fighter one. Is there enough lore and world building in both series for a "unique" cuisine?

>> No.17696225

You don't actually think video game cookbooks are fine dining, do you? Oh my God....you do, don't you?
This world is fucked

>> No.17696260

>You don't actually think video game cookbooks are fine dining, do you? Oh my God....you do, don't you?
>This world is fucked

Do you stupid hyperbolic cocksuckers think the average peasant was a refined gentleman?
Guess what you historically illiterate fuckpuppet, classless schlubs have always been a thing.
>but in the 50's-

>> No.17696280

I wanna know what’s in that TMNT pizza cookbook

>> No.17696724

Seething this much over somebody criticizing your children's cookbooks. They are your children's books, right?

>> No.17696740

That wasnt OP

>> No.17696746

The disney parks book has potential. I remember really enjoying the food there.

>> No.17696778

The internet has existed for most of your life, probably all of it, and you're still reacting this way to what you read in text boxes?

>> No.17697109

Excuse me?

>> No.17697191

I have to admit, I'm intrigued by that TMNT 'za book.

>> No.17697229

Honestly a fun cookbook. You make your own dough and shit. Fun recipes too. Made Pizza gyoza from it.

>> No.17697233

Man I might have to pick up a copy of that.

>> No.17697244
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>You make your own dough and shit
Just like in every other pizza cookbok.

>> No.17697256

Yes Anon things have been done before do you want a cookie?

>> No.17697507

Good lord. You are the dumbest person I have ever encountered on this site. And that says a lot.

>> No.17697516

But it's TMNT themed.
That's kinda rad.

>> No.17697528

>Bob's Burgers burger book
A former ex-girlfriend of mine owned this. We made a few burgers together. Not bad recipes.
>TMNT pizza cookbook
Okay, you've made me curious about the recipes.
>vidya cookbooks
Lame and reddit-tier
>diet fads
>Vidya cookbooks
I understand Fallout and Elder Scrolls but how can fucking Street Fighter have a cookbook?

>> No.17697534

Ninja Turtles put weird shit like jellybeans on their pizza. It made them zany mutants, but it wouldn't be good for humans to eat.

>> No.17697545

If you're a little kid maybe

>> No.17697551

These books are designed to take money away from kissless handholdless virgins. They take a normal recpipe like blackened chicken and calls it "Blackened chicken of Azeroth".
Don't be that guy, dude. You'll end up a laughing stock.

>> No.17697556

Interesting that it would be a populous enough demographic to be deemed profitable. Observe this, brethren, and rise to overthrow your false masters.

>> No.17697572

>populous enough demographic

>> No.17697577

Numerous enough subsection.