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File: 618 KB, 2259x3014, Mexicoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17690180 No.17690180 [Reply] [Original]

redpill me on mexican coke

>> No.17690184

Real sugar

>> No.17690187 [DELETED] 
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>redpill me on...

>> No.17690197

It's still coke, but expensive. Locally about 2-3 usd per 250ml bottle while regular coke is 2.16 for a 2l bottle.

>> No.17690198
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are u new?

>> No.17690209

Black pill me on Mexican coke

>> No.17690213

>redpill mexican coke

if u drink enough of these, they will make u glow in the dark

>> No.17690224

nice selfie

>> No.17690312
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>> No.17690323

They scientifically tested mexican coke and it has HFCS just like american coke

>> No.17690327

literally the same as any other coke.

>> No.17690422

who are "they" and post the testing method and results.

>> No.17690439


>> No.17690447

>Be Australian
>Friend tells me he is getting "Mexican Coke" imported.
>Ask him what's special about Mexican Coke.
>"It tastes better than normal coke."
>He ends up looking it up to prove me wrong.
>"See, they use cane sugar instead of corn syrup."
>"Right, but we're Australian. Cane sugar grows in Queensland, it's one of our major exports."
>"Yeah but Coke comes from America."
>"You mean the intellectual property?"
>"No I mean the product itself."
>Tell him to get me a can of coke from the fridge.
>"What does that say?"
>"You wanna take a guess why it doesn't say 12 fluid ounces?"

Anyway, he still insists Mexican coke is better because it doesn't have HFCS in it.

>> No.17690555
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It's fine but so is the corn syrup having Coke. People who think there's a huge difference are just more suggestible than they realize. People generally don't do a good job telling the two apart in a proper blind taste test.

>> No.17690623


>> No.17690694

aussies aren't allowed here

>> No.17690709
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>Johnny Harris is a filmmaker(YOUTUBER) and journalist.
>He holds a BA in international relations from Brigham Young University and an MA in international peace and conflict resolution from American University.

>> No.17690753

It’s nothin special

>> No.17690797

Mexican Coke is actually produced specifically for the US market to be sold at an upcost. Coke made in Mexico for the Mexican market is made with HFCS.

How are both of you so retarded that neither bothered to check the ingredient list.

>> No.17690954

Forcing it to retain real sugar is one of the few good things the Mexican government has ever done.
Coke couldn't dominate in the Mexico to South America market due to the popularity of Fanta. Remembering they are the wealthiest sugar water company on the planet they bought out Fanta instead. On the upside you can now get decent tasting orange soda across the south west United States.

>> No.17691441
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I know it tastes the same, but corn syrup represents bullshit American government bureaucratic madness, so I always buy mexican coke.

>> No.17691467
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I tried it in Tijuana and it was unremarkable.

>> No.17691486

Not as good as columbian

>> No.17691969

I've been buying mexican coke for a few weeks now. Tastes better, in glass, and no HFCS. Seems pretty based to me. I don't drown myself in cokes like the average burger, I drink maybe one or two a week with my dinner.

>> No.17691984

Allegedly the real cane sugar, but mostly just the glass. Everything obviously tastes better in glass versus plastic, and most shit like this you drink comes in plastic.

>> No.17691999

> How are both of you so retarded that neither bothered to check the ingredient list.
The US is pretty much the only market in the world that forces that specification. Europe, Australia, Mexico can all simply list HFCS as just sugar.

>> No.17692109

It's pretty tasty but is it worth the extra cost? Hard to say.

>> No.17692957

It tastes different than US Coke because the formula is different. Kosher Coke is the one you want. US formula with cane sugar. It’s actually available now because (((Passover))).
>Mexican Coke is actually produced specifically for the US market to be sold at an upcost.
Is that why Coca Cola had gotten into public spats with US retailers for selling it here? You know that’s why Costco switched their concession soda fountains over to Pepsi, right? They didn’t even stock Coke products in the stores for a few months.

>> No.17692974

Glass container > Can

>> No.17693631

Some of europe lists HFCS and Corn syrup as seperate ingredients. Where I'm from you even get invert sugars as a list item

>> No.17693641

latinx coke*

>> No.17693661

a lot of pajeets like to lie about "importing" shit that they didn't actually have imported
your coke is brewed and canned less than an hour away from your house no matter where you live in the world
I had a pajeet tell me once he can sell a 12 pack of heineken for $20 because he had it imported... the heineken brewery is in new york

>> No.17693685

Isn't that the Kike that made that ad for the World Economic Forum?

>> No.17693698

What a pair of bimbos. He's retarded for not being aware of Coca Cola production in Australia, and you're retarded for thinking products made for an export market don't get packaging that accords with their destination.

>> No.17693707

Import Heineken can actually work out cheaper than Heineken brewed in Australia because of alcohol production taxes and free trade ageeements.

>> No.17693720
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>2.39 for a 12oz bottle of this at my local walmart
>$1 for a 32oz Coke at McDonald's, which has the superior taste
why the fuck would I buy this bullshit they mark up for gringos

>> No.17693732

McDonalds mixes their coke with water. I still havent found the ratio.

>> No.17693759
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they use BIBs because they're $100 each for just the syrup and then you can sell thousands of cokes for a fraction of the price hence the $1 for any size

>> No.17693773

The only drink better in America is doctor pepper, the one we can get here is the UK version which fucking sucks

>> No.17693774

You can't make coke without adding water.

>> No.17693776

maybe, but it still has more water than the usual coke. I tested it by adding water to the storebought stuff until it tasted the same. you have to be somewhat precise or it tastes like shit.

>> No.17693786

I have no idea how people can enjoy soda dispensers and paper cups more than having a store bought container. I personally prefer the 20 oz bottle since it's resealable and that's about the right amount of soda to last long enough that it's enjoyable but not lasting so long that it starts to go warm and flat.
Cans I could understand too although I wouldn't want to leave an open can sitting on a table and I wouldn't want to try downing the can all at once.
But paper cups from a communal dispenser are the worst of everything.

>> No.17693799

I'm talking about the amount of water

>> No.17693806

It's called a postmix machine you can look up the machines it will tell you the ratios exactly

>> No.17693812

Coca-cola never "bought out" Fanta; the Fanta brand name was created by the German branch of Coca-cola during World War 2, with the main branch gaining control of the trademark after the war. Coca-cola decided to use the Fanta brand heavily in international markets starting in the 1950 (with the more modern Orange flavor created by their Italian branch in 1955), but for some reason they took their time in bringing the brand to the US.

>> No.17693822

mcdonalds doesnt have refill stations in my country so I cant look them up

>> No.17693826

Its called "El coke" in mexico. We usually eat it with crema and crushed up takis

>> No.17693837

>I don't have the internet

>> No.17693861

So its false advertising then, they sell this at my local grocery sometimes and it only has pure cane sugar listed in the ingredients. When is the class action lawsuit?

>> No.17693879
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imagine having to buy pedro shit just to get proper coke

>> No.17693933

internet for what? every fastfood restaurant uses these machines and mcdonalds doesnt have exclusive model that they ship all over the globe.

>> No.17693940

You're the world's dumbest tranny

>> No.17693958

not the mcd ratio and even if it were it would be useless as im looking for the normal coke + extra water ratio

>> No.17694003

Doesn't say cane sugar. Could be fructose.

>> No.17694032

it isn't though - UK coke uses cane sugar. It is known.

>> No.17694044

be in San Francisco
literally every single hipster friend or acquaintance tells me that mexican coke is made with real sugar not high fructose
have some
tastes the same
soda is fucking disgusting anyway

>> No.17694054

All ratios are the same dickhead. In the kegs it's from a company called Cornelius in the box it's the same fucking ratio of water. Why the fuck would the ratio be different for the same drink
Third world ESL retard

>> No.17694057

No, corn lobbyists tried very hard to make it legally permissible to call corn syrup "sugar" and were thoroughly rejected.

>> No.17694061

it's from Mexico, allegedly.

>> No.17694075

calm down mutt

>> No.17694084

Not anymore

>> No.17694140

Debunked. You just like the glass bottle. It's not even always real sugar. Mexico doesn't differentiate sugar and hfcs

>> No.17694287
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The fact that you literally need a professional source to verify whether or not something is cane sugar vs HFCS or sucralose or whatever just proves how big of a meme it actually is with regards to taste

>> No.17694369

Who does? I've had bong coke and I've had US coke with HFCS. I can taste the difference. If you can't, well that's on you.

>> No.17694376

nice try moishe but i’m not putting any of your jew chemicals in my body

>> No.17694904

20oz of soda is way too much, lardass.

>> No.17694986
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it tastes the same
you people are retarded

>> No.17694997

Is "mexican coke" any different from other Coca Cola made outside the jewnited states?

>> No.17694998
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yeah but is your coke space flavored?

>> No.17695084
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>> No.17695109

>Is "mexican coke" any different from other Coca Cola made outside the jewnited states?
It sort of tastes like it has cinnamon flavor in it.

>> No.17696221

>natural flavourings including caffeine

>> No.17696269

Less syrupy, and has a crisper/peppery flavour to it. Might just be additional carbonation

>> No.17696277

My local grocer stopped stocking it

>> No.17696279

But cane sugar coke in plastic tastes the same

>> No.17696293
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>same price as corn syrup Pepsi
Drink this instead

>> No.17696458

Coca Cola as an entity is anti-white and anti-liberty. So either way, you’re funding your enemy.
Of the Big 3 soda companies, only Snapple-Dr Pepper group didn’t openly kowtow to the pozz

>> No.17696463

Extremely overrated.

>> No.17696479

I had coke when I visited the UK. I couldn’t tell the difference between it and US coke.

>> No.17696480

Mexican coke is much cheaper in quality compared to the South American cuts, the level of impurities are just too damn high.

>> No.17696484

>gets proven wrong

>> No.17696490

Learn to read, dumbarse

>> No.17697531

I didnt know we were arguing

>> No.17697585

>i-i’m not mad

>> No.17697603

ok mutt

>> No.17697618


>> No.17697693

Ok mohammad

>> No.17697740

they also add extra water. could be because of all the icecubes that dilute the coke or to save on costs or because it tastes different. maybe all fastfood restaurants do that and I just havent noticed. either way you can replicate the taste by adding water to normal coke. try it if you dont believe me.

>> No.17697763

>1 study by literals whos that no-one but clickbait youtube kikes means this is true!
>if it actually was true Coke would be open to litigation for false advertising
seems legit

>> No.17697771

>redpill me on mexican coke
No, I'm not going to "redpill" you on anything, because that term comes from a movie written/directed by two men who are insane, psychotic homosexuals (although it was admittedly cool for five minutes in 1999 before they "outed" themselves, after which point they have never filmed a watchable movie again, suggesting the original film's success actually had little to do with them).

>> No.17697777

it's actually from Total Recall which precedes the Matrix

>> No.17698350
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Peat likes the pure sucrose (hfcs often having inflammatory impurities) and the coca leaf extract has some potassium. OJ is even better though.

>> No.17698418

all he determined was that the coke had sucrose and fructose. which is sugar.

>> No.17698442

I'm in europe and a local store recently started selling that corn syrup soda imported from america. It tastes funky, and not in a good way.

>> No.17698608

People say that but it isn't the same thing. It was just a pill that happened to be red. The Matrix is the movie where a character explicitly talks about red pills and blue pills.

>> No.17698754

the matrix is a tranny movie ywnbaw

>> No.17698772
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>> No.17698823

Mexican coke is always good.
HFCS burger coke varies wildly in quality.

>> No.17698826

Good. 109 countries + 1 grocery store.

>> No.17698995

Is that supposed to be offensive?

>> No.17699133

yeah i'm sure the multi billion dollar company with name being their flagship product is inconsistently spewing out product and no one but you and a few spergs thinks so

even better the poor developing country has better quality control

>> No.17699145

Falsifying ingredients doesn't require a class action lawsuit, I think that can just simply be prosecuted by the FDA or some other government agency.

>> No.17699171

not him but I've had coke that tastes like fucking pennies before, any company shitting out that much product can't feasibly quality control

>> No.17700036

>Drinking coke
All of you are fat fucks.

>> No.17700297

>it just happens to be a red pill
>the taking of which represents a reality defining ultimate truth

>> No.17700305

Coke has lots of independent bottlers.

>> No.17700563

there is mexican coke that was actually imported then there's the mexican coke they started making in the us to try to get in on the trend

>> No.17700650

Country of origin labeling is required in the US. If it says it’s bottled in Mexico, it legally has to be.

>> No.17700929
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>the matrix is a tranny movie ywnbaw
Yeah, not saying it's not a tranny movie. Just saying the idea "the redpill" comes from Total Recall is complete bullshit someone tried to force after the fact so they could say ACTCHUALLY to people making mention of the obvious real source which is the Matrix.
Red pill / blue pill is the Matrix. Total Recall never calls it "the red pill" and there is no blue pill alternative. Also in Total Recall it isn't even the pill that would wake him up because the guy trying to get him to take it is lying.

>> No.17700984

>Also in Total Recall it isn't even the pill that would wake him up because the guy trying to get him to take it is lying.
The whole point of the Matrix was the real world is just another dimension of control so.

>> No.17700989

>being such a lard ass you're afraid of the occasional soda

>> No.17700992

the true redpill is jewish coke.

If you live in a nice area with a kosher aisle the coca cola bottles in that aisle are Kosher certified and made without HCFS.

>> No.17701094

it tastes better by being stored in glass instead of plastic, for that reason alone

>> No.17701161

>The whole point of the Matrix was the real world is just another dimension of control so.
No, that's more faggoty revisionism. The real world where everyone's in a pod farm and the sky was scortched was legitimately real.

>> No.17701199

>No, that's more faggoty revisionism.
>I know better what the movie means than the people who make it
you sure are coping hard anon

>> No.17701202

How, and by what metric or definition, is high fructose corn syrup not sugar if sucrose (cane sugar) is real sugar?

>> No.17701223

one has sucrose
the other doesn't

>> No.17701787

Not even once and not even in the shitty sequels which don't count is the future world where everyone's in a battery pod field ever shown to be another matrix. That's faggoty revisionism, not canon.

>> No.17701804

lmao it's explicitly stated "hurr durr this is another system of control" and Neo's magic literally works in the real world, you sound really stupid and unable to grasp the most basic messages, maybe you shouldn't be giving your opinions on films?

>> No.17701850

It was wifi you idiot. Not a second matrix. Notice he can't fly or change anything in the real world with his mind other than controlling linked up machines you fetal alcohol syndrome baby.
And the other system of control quote was about the Oracle being a program rather than a human. Don't even reply, you're wrong about everything.

>> No.17701890

That's a nice head canon anon, too bad it's retarded and demonstrably wrong.

>> No.17701902

It's made with real Mexicans

>> No.17701974

>Not believing in bullshit that isn't in the movie or its sequels is the real head canon bro
You're not even trying to be right.
His abilities in the real world are entirely dependent on interfacing with the machines. He can't fly and can't make anything stop unless it's a machine he's connected with. The screwed up future where Earth's natural ecosystems and atmosphere are destroyed and humans are kept comatose in little life support pods isn't a fantasy simultation. Animatrix also consistently shows that as reality even when no subjective character perspectives are involved. It simply is the real world.

>> No.17702132
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>Coke made in Mexico for the Mexican market is made with HFCS.
can confirm, pic related

>> No.17702869
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Mex here and you gringos are full of shit mex coke is sharper and less artificial tasting than US coke. If anything your coke is similar to our pepsi. You guys do pepsi better than us.

>> No.17703804

be proud mexico

>> No.17703809

It's bland and probably full of diseases

>> No.17703823

You can get a 24 case of it at Home Depot for $24

>> No.17703830

A large Coke at Mickey D's is no longer a dollar, bro. It was $2 when I got one last week.

>> No.17703837
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Looks like in addition to HFCS it contains sucralose. That's what shitty soda companies add to make it sweeter and cheaper, like pic related, the shittiest cola I can think of:

Carbonated Water, Caramel Color, Phosphoric Acid, Citric Acid, Potassium Citrate, Sucralose, Caffeine, Potassium Benzoate (Preservative), Acesulfame Potassium, Natural Flavor.

>> No.17703857

>A large Coke at Mickey D's is no longer a dollar, bro
Stop living in commiefornia then. They are a buck here and have been for like 2 years now

>> No.17703859

I live in Florida. It used to be $1.07, and last time it was twice the price.

>> No.17705518

so fructose and glucose aren't sugars according to you and who else?