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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 105 KB, 1200x800, Taco-Bell-Cantina-Burrito-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17687317 No.17687317 [Reply] [Original]

>be Mexican
>have tortillas, meat, corn, beans, and spices for 400 years
>never consider rolling them into a burrito until whitey decides to sell their entire culture as fast food

How could a people go 400 years without recognizing the platonic food form that is the burrito?

>> No.17687324

they had corn tortillas which tear more easily and aren't as suitable for rolling into a big handheld food item

>> No.17687326

There were a LOT of conflicts under Spanish rule.

>> No.17687340

Nice try, but burritos are Mexican.

>> No.17687344

Prove it Pedro.

>> No.17687346

it's better to get a piece of bread in your ahnd and scoop up the stuffing

>> No.17687347

They didn't grow wheat for flour?

>> No.17687384
File: 1.16 MB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_MuPDF_viewer_20220412-003744.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It originated around 1890 in Guanajuato.

>> No.17687390

I have to clarify, the term appears in the book "Diccionario de mejicanismos" published in 1895.

>> No.17687398

The burrito is underrated. It becomes more than the sum of its parts like a sub sandwich, it's sad food snobs attack the burrito.

>> No.17687402

It also says "en Mejico, taco."
Which means Mexico had burritos, they just called them tacos.
Really not hard to fold a taco into a burrito, especially if you're using a large enough tortilla. They just didn't name it any different.

>> No.17687404

Guanajuato is in Mexico.

>> No.17687409

I know, but it's probably referring to Mexico City.
The point is, the NAME came from Guanajuato, but the thing already existed

>> No.17687411

middle america never had any animals larger than dogs. they didnt have pigs, cows, sheep or anything they could turn into meat.
didnt have these either

>> No.17687412

Mexicans start making burritos because it was easy for them to take to work dumbass.

>> No.17687423

And what did this... "Burrito" look like?

>> No.17687428

You really think central Americans were vegan?

>> No.17687432

Everyone was vegan until Yakub made the tricksy man to subvert the mighty people.

>> No.17687438

Unironically people were almost entirely vegan for most of history after forming agrarian societies. Wheat was the single most important product to feed everyone (so much so that every state had an immense amount of rules as to how it could be grown and sold).
Beyond that, most people were too poor to eat meat or cheese often. So it was veggies and bread.

>> No.17687439

Fat as hell, almost bursting. Looked pretty tasty.

>> No.17687440

^Imagine being this retarded.
Cooking meat is what separated the man from the ape and made him smart enough to domesticate grain in the first place.

>> No.17687446

Pretty sure people knew how to hunt and fish by the time they were growing wheat.

>> No.17687447

Chicken and goats were domesticated around the same time as grain, brainlet.
Milk and eggs aren't vegan.

>> No.17687451

not until they had contact with europeans. wheat comes from around the middle east.

>> No.17687461

Chicken, goats, milk, and eggs cost more than bread and veggies. Most people were poor as fuck and worked all day laboring in the fields or in the city.

Everything had been hunted to extinction by then. Anything worth hunting anyway. And most people couldn't afford to go to the water source and fish all day. They had to work.

>> No.17687466

And guess what poor people eat, while the rich eat beef and pork, mongoloid

>> No.17687469

"Catching fish isn't work"
Jesus Christ, you're dumb

>> No.17687473

>Everything had been hunted to extinction by then
Source? Not saying it's impossible but that's pretty out there

>> No.17687474

People were serfs or had a trade they had to do you stupid fucking mouth breather.

>> No.17687477

And one of those trades was FISHING, you drooling moron.

People started spearfishing 6000 years before they started growing grain.

>> No.17687478

One of the reasons switching from hunter/gatherer to agrarian was that early societies would go to an area and hunt the game until the game worth hunting became too scarce. At that point you can hunt riskier game that wasn't as good to eat, or you moved your entire tribe somewhere else.
Usually they just picked up and went somewhere they could hunt better.

The switch to agrarians allowed them to have real cities but at that point, there was much less game.

>> No.17687482

Yes you fucking gorilla. But not everyone's trade was fishing. So for the people whose trade wasn't fishing, they had to buy it. And buying it was more expensive than buying bread you mongoloid.

>> No.17687487

>buying it was more expensive than buying bread
[source: (you)r ass]

>> No.17687489

Teach these devils

>> No.17687499

Dude. You're on /ck/. Have you ever made bread? It costs nothing in ingredients and suggesting that grain was more expensive than fish is so stupid. I swear the average IQ on this board is 50.

>> No.17687502

The horse evolved in north America and was hunted to extinction there by the natives.

You're an idiot. Historically most people had fresh meat all the time.
A lot of the luxuries of life today were standard in the past.
I'm not saying I'd trade today for then.

>> No.17687506

You realize that just because grain was cheaper doesn't mean that protein didn't exist, right?
Just because grain is the MAJORITY of poor people's diet doesn't mean they couldn't have fish or poultry or game meat as well.

>> No.17687508
File: 30 KB, 1425x745, Deer_range[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a map of where deer live.

>> No.17687509

>Milk and eggs aren't vegan
big if true

>> No.17687510

They could, but it was rare. People had like 10 kids back then so they could help with farming or their trade. If you were a peasant family you weren't giving your kids beef and fish every day.

>> No.17687514

I encourage you to get out of your comfort zone and go live in a poor rural farming area today.
Anywhere on the planet.
Your mind is going to be blown.

>> No.17687515

>you weren't giving your kids beef
Obviously, dumbass
>and fish
Again, citation needed. If you've got 10 kids, you can afford to send one down to the river.

>> No.17687519

People ate meat pretty much every day with every meal, which was usually just a large lunch and then a small dinner before the sun set.

>> No.17687527

There's protein in grain. Your question is nonsense.

>> No.17687533

You knew what I meant, retard.

>> No.17687541


>> No.17687558

It originated in a really shitty form in Mexico but, like all shitty 3rd world food, it came to America and we made it way better, so you're half right

>> No.17687565
File: 50 KB, 910x1024, 14A86590-C7C5-4571-9F1B-C33FE4369763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is a taquito a burrito?

>> No.17687566

why would you when tacos exist

>> No.17687571

Not really cause it's crunchy.

Tacos are inferior to burritos in form and function.

>> No.17687598

Post a pic of one like it.

>> No.17687601
File: 140 KB, 700x641, fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tacos are inferior to burritos in form and function

>> No.17687605

>Beyond that, most people were too poor to eat meat or cheese often.
How are you sure it wasn't from inequity, from the societies' rulers decreeing that ingredients like meats, dairy, and spices, were only fit for consumption of the elite classes? (emperors, healers, witch doctors)

>> No.17687615

Good.argument sir, but can you eat a taco on a roller coaster? Didn't think so.

>> No.17687620

The poor people in Europe were forced to eat the disgusting pleb tier food like Salmon, crab, squirrel, and lobster while the elites are Goat and pork.

>> No.17687653

Food you can carry is an American thing as they don't have family meals

>> No.17687658

no, but halfway through your burrito can you change what kind of filling you want?

>> No.17687682

Yep, wheat is slave food

>> No.17687701
File: 40 KB, 608x342, burropercheron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"burritos" are originally just tacos of whatever filling but rolled instead of folded.
what americans call "burritos" are actually called burros percherones over here and they were invented in the city of Guaymas in the state of Sonora, Mexico.
t. beaner

>> No.17687723


>> No.17687842

Animal husbandry came after the agrarian reform.

>> No.17687857

Animals were plentiful and easy to hunt. It was said that you could put a bucket into the NE Atlantic in the Americas and pull up more fish than water.

>> No.17688400

I don't eat them just for the name. "Burrito" sounds like a greasy mexican taking a violent shit after wet farting all day.

>> No.17688444

Burrito means small donkey you dumb mutt

>> No.17688462

A small greasy donkey taking a violent shit after wet farting all day.

>> No.17689065

Tostadas > Burritos > Tacos

>> No.17689093


anyway, I feel the same about greek food. I get confused when I see those gyro platters (with separated ingredients) being the top selling item on delivery apps

why would you get that instead of gyro wraps??? usually the platters are less cost effective too

>> No.17689106

>Historically most people had fresh meat all the time.
you are literally fucking retarded

>> No.17689132
File: 63 KB, 1024x682, reality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tostadas > Burritos > Tacos

>> No.17689244

If you’re an illiterate fucking savage maybe.

>> No.17689310

Nobody attacks burritos and you’re a dunce.

>> No.17689565

Do you think they're smart enough to invent wheat?

>> No.17689629

flour tortillas didn't exist until spaniards arrived

>> No.17689632

what makes wheat require a higher intelligence that domesticating corn doesn't?

>> No.17689679
File: 43 KB, 533x594, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>invent wheat?

>> No.17689714

see >>17687451

>> No.17689725

only on 4chan you get people thinking that burritos aren't mexican kek

>> No.17689731

that doesn't answer >>17689632

they had domesticated corn and that was their staple grain. they weren't grainless until europeans arrived, they just didn't have wheat.

>> No.17689732

and the word mexican wasn't a thing until spaniards arrive too. anything before that is indigenous cuisine, not mexican

>> No.17689745
File: 982 KB, 1500x924, 3baf16cc8a644807835f8e3608dc94bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tacos are burritos. people just like to make any term for the dumbest things. quesabirria, quesatacos, quesadilla sin quesa etc etc etc. they're all just tacos with cheese. and being wrapped doesn't make it a new plate

>> No.17689802

Who first invented wheat?

>> No.17689810

Europe was too stupid to invent corn and potatoes until they made contact with the new world and had to be taught by indigenous savages. Think about it.

>> No.17689811


>> No.17689921

so it was in mexico!

>> No.17690929

with some rare exceptions, meat was only for important/rich people.
peasants in ye olden days usually had a choice of grain, rice or potatoes for 90% of their diet

>> No.17690938

yeah but many places didnt even have chickens or goats until international trade and colonialism started to take place
back then if you wanted meat, you had to go hunting/fishing.
if you didnt have large game or an ocean near you then you were shit out of luck

>> No.17690946

now, yeah
also the map is fairly inaaccurate

>> No.17690967

Depends where, what animal and what tribe. Some had nomadic herds when others were growing crops

>> No.17691231

It literally says it is a synonym for Taco

>> No.17691629

>Burritos are American
yeah, by definition Mexico is in American, you fucking ignorant burger eater piece of shit. There is a whole fucking continent named America, your fucking country is called "United States OF America", you are a bunch of united states on this glorious continent, America goes from Patagonia to Canada, go take a look on a book, you fucking piece of idiot.

>> No.17691656

?Ehhhhhh pepito done esta la taco upsidedown question mark

>> No.17691677

yes burritos are rolled tacos

>> No.17691691


>> No.17691699

yes, it is pure unaldulterated neanderthal tier joy
enjoy eating your burrito with a knife and fork sissy

>> No.17691778
File: 148 KB, 303x415, 38DC5813-9D69-4DA4-8A36-BD7F308AD394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be American
>mock another culture for “selling out”

OP you have to get your dick addiction under control your mom wouldn’t want to see you like this

>> No.17692310

It's missing the stretchy oaxaca cheese

>> No.17692317

You think it wasn't the same with Aztecs? poor are forced to eat grains and fish while the elites eat things like Javelina and wild turkey?

>> No.17692543

Good bait

>> No.17692551

Ok retard

>> No.17692585

But I don't see anyone talking about chilies, or domestic turkeys.

>> No.17692833

Yeah corn tortillas suck ass. Arizona boy here. We buy a bunch and refrigerate them and heat them up on our dashboards when we fuck about in the desert then come back to the truck for a hot meal.

>> No.17692884

Northern Mexico used flour tortillas for a long time retard.

>> No.17693427

Why do idiots think people don't use flour tortillas in Mexico? Before it became popular in the US it was eaten in Mexico. Same shit I hear with quesabirrias, some idiots still think it was made in California but it's just a chicano obsession after visiting Tijuana

>> No.17694367

>mutts trying to cope with the fact that half of their food came from spics
nice try

>> No.17694381
File: 338 KB, 1216x715, The_Wholesome_Dung_Eater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17694398

because yanktards made up the phrase "soft shell taco" which is redundant because all tacos have soft tortillas
the hard shell ones are fucking bastardized tostadas filled with shitty meat and a garden salad
I get tacos from the general store here and its
1. tortilla
2. beef
that's it

>> No.17694604

This maps wrong, or maybe only wild deer?

>> No.17694621

But ancient people relied on chickens for eggs. If you wanted poultry, you had to eat pigeon.

>> No.17694700
File: 74 KB, 500x375, 1344027077_3d77c10695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, they were invented in California.

>what are llamas

>gyro platters (with separated ingredients)
Yeah, shit's retarded, man. My favorite gyros place (picrelated), and the only one I ever went to until I was in my 30s, always opened the pita up into a pocket and put everything inside. I never knew what a "gyros platter" was until I left home and had to eat inferior platter style gyros.

>> No.17694707

>did mexicans eat kangaroos
>what makes kangaroos harder for mexicans to acquire than corn?

>> No.17694723

Not to mention corn tortillas get soggy and just plain fall apart.

Wheat has gluten (protein) in it which allows it to hold together. Sure, it gets kinda sticky and disgusting, but it doesn't turn into a handful of soggy mush.

Wheat tortilla masterrace.

>> No.17694727

*after introduction of wheat from Europe, you IQ63 mestizo retard.

>> No.17694758

>mills, draught animals, irrigation, plant care, bread preparation cheaper than yeeting a spear into a fish and cooking over fire
of large volume if factually correct

>> No.17694968

This thread is bait just like the "do American really" threads, when will you understand?