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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17676689 No.17676689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do we hate him here? His videos are fun and he has a comforting tone of voice.

>> No.17676696

He always sucked
Now he sucks even more these days

>> No.17676697

he tanked in quality when he hired that oompa loompa and because a brooklyn billionaire, his smarm went from humble to intolerable, and he hardly uploads half as much as he used to. I like his old videos but almost none of his new ones are appealing at all

>> No.17676700

i followed one of this dude's videos and i nearly burned my house down. fuck him.

>> No.17676704

everyone hates all wanna-be """celebs"""
famous people are cunts, especially faggots on youtube or twitch

>> No.17676705


Is this why he hides his face slightly off camera?? Hes ugly??

>> No.17676709

I stopped watching after the matzoh balls episode where he kept quoting his "favorite anti-goyim quotes" from the Babylonian Talmud.

>> No.17676723

is he a jew?

>> No.17676735

ugly jew

>> No.17676738

popular thing bad

>> No.17676742

I hate everybody on YouTube. It was a fun site when people were playing around on the platform, but that was before Google bought it and destroyed it.

>> No.17676768

I don't like anyone who films their own charity.

>> No.17676777

Because he's a no good, nail painting, bald headed, Reddit browsing, painted brick house in Brooklyn living, smarmy (and God forgive me for uttering such a word) jerk

>> No.17676780

Checking that sing

>> No.17676786

he makes me frustrated

>> No.17676823

He was okay for awhile because he has the decency to spare us his face and keep the camera focused on the food. But then went from being slighty smarmy to being a total insufferable twat.

>> No.17676824

I don't know who he is nor why I should care so I can only judge him on his looks and no sir, I don't like it. Would not fuck.

>> No.17676854


>> No.17676859

>His videos are fun and he has a comforting tone of voice.
You're gay, OP.
This guy has little talent and shit charisma. You just want to fuck him so you overlook that.

>> No.17676860
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success breeds envy

>> No.17676861

fpbp & based & checked

>> No.17676869

You mean you can't tell just by looking at their faces?

>> No.17676874

After he hired sohla the show was just sjw wank

>> No.17676882

I've always wanted to eat foods out of cartoons and movies, so his concept of making real versions of them is great. Unfortunately, he seems to have gotten sick of his concept and now just uses the topic of each video as an opportunity to wank over how great of a chef he is. He did french toast from mad men, which in the show was basic and thrown together by a child, and spent the whole episode making brioche and liqueur marscapone cream

>> No.17676904

Most of the time yeah but sometimes I think I'm just being paranoid even though I'm usually right

>> No.17676909

Never doubt your intuition fren.

>> No.17676938

So I had no idea who this guy was before this thread, looked him up and he has a nephew named "CHRISTopher." No Jew would name their kid that.
Also, Jeff Winger from Community officiated his wedding, so that's cool. I'd've gone with Abed, but whatevs.

>> No.17676941

Because he’s not le based and redpilled

>> No.17676976


>> No.17677254

>uses pretentious ingredients
>one episode featuring him making out with his girlfriend which was complete unnecessary
Fuck this faggot

>> No.17677282

Gross which episode was that?

>> No.17677300
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He can't cook for shit, and all of the retards he brings on board are even worse.

That horrible fucking mapo tofu video genuinely broke me. The fucking retards on his channel proceeded to make gyudon with a fried egg the very next week after that mess.

>> No.17677321

trannette no passto

>> No.17677327

>cringing with Cuckish
Not even once.

>> No.17677376

He's another kike who somehow miraculously got pushed hard by the "algorithm" at jewtube and made bank

>> No.17677410

he is weddit!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.17677423

faggot cringe chef knife tattoo