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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17673780 No.17673780 [Reply] [Original]

spirals taste better

>> No.17673783

No. Animal or Pokémon shapes taste better

>> No.17673790
File: 324 KB, 1280x720, Betrayal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What Pokemon do you think would taste the best? I mean, I already want to try Squirtle for turtle soup. Also, lol for google auto-correcting and capitalizing Squirtle.

>> No.17673794

objectively wrong

the spiral just represents your twisted mind and thats why you gravitate towards it. get right mentally and you will see that the traditional mac is the best

>> No.17674029
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what about a manicotti mac but filled with traditional mac, and maybe some bacon...?

>> No.17674088

They really fucking do and I don't understand why.

>> No.17674352

why the fuck are you eating mac and cheese over the age of 12?

>> No.17674358

because it's a tasty
low effort
cheap meal?

>> No.17674359

Probably because mac and cheese is delicious

>> No.17674363

Not a kid’s food. It’s adult’s food for grown ups

>> No.17674370
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'Scuse me. Superior shells coming through.

>> No.17674414

those character shapes really are my favorite texture for boxed mac but I always feel like king manchild going to the grocery store and buying my Baby Shark or Spongebob mac n cheese

>> No.17674443

kd is nostalgia tier
my gran just died
she used to talk about when heinz ketchup "came out" her siblings would all steal and hoard it and chug it out of the bottle
and when kd came out her kids wanted it so bad
she bought it even though it confused her profusely
she ended up liking it

>> No.17674460

this stuff tastes like ass and puts me on the toilet all night

>> No.17675447

>t. tastelet

>> No.17675457
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>not Power Rangers


>> No.17675459

It's literally the same shit, man.

>> No.17675465
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>> No.17675495
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>Meme good

>> No.17675633

I never really understood why they shilled Poliwhirl back in the Gen 1 days.
Pikachu I can understand, because it's the mascot.
Charmander and Squirtle I can understand, because that's what you start with in the games, and the protagonist of the TV series has them.
Meowth I can understand, because he's one of the antagonists of the show.
Even Jigglypuff I can understand, because it's a playable character in Super Smash Bros, it's a recurring character in the TV series, and it's a cute pink character for the female demographic.

But I don't get Poliwhirl. I don't think it was ever popular with the fanbase. None of the main characters in the TV show had it (except Misty, but by the time her Poliwag evolved, Gen 2 had already started). But there was a lot of Poliwhirl merchandise sold in the west, and a lot of Poliwhirl presence in western marketing. I don't get it.

>> No.17675646

To me it just seems like they overdid it. Kids don't ask for much, they just want mac & cheese. They don't need any special flavors, they already got what they want. Granted, a more mature palate may appreciate these flavors, but we really aren't the target demographic.

>> No.17675652


They still sell them in my local store, though I think only the herb and buffalo varieties are available

>> No.17675657
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>> No.17675842

Just pour a couple boxes into a box of rigatoni, that's what I do.

>> No.17675942

>Store brand
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.17675945


>> No.17675950

Tasty, cheap and easy.

Who the fuck do you think you are to gatekeep shit like this anon?

>> No.17676137

Fuck off Cannuck

>> No.17677099

Boxed mac is pretty child-tier, but it can be made way better into actual adult food. Imagine ordering mac and cheese with your steak dinner and getting boxed mac.

>> No.17677136

Come to think of it, there isn't much of a difference in cooking either kind, is there?

>boil & drain pasta
>add butter, milk, and cheese & stir
The biggest difference I can think of is that you use real cheese for the proper version, and the bright yellow powder for the boxed version.
You might add bread crumbs on top of the proper version & bake it, but not everyone does that.

>> No.17677141
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>> No.17677163
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For me it’s

>> No.17677187

The difference between cheese powder and actual cheese is pretty staggering. Not much can be done about the pasta; pasta is pasta. Butter makes everything taste better. The milk is turned into a bechamel in some versions. Etc.

>> No.17677192

A number of years ago, my parents gave away boxes of macaroni & cheese to trick-or-treaters on Halloween, instead of regular candy. They told me that the stores ran out of candy, so my dad purchased a few cases of mac & cheese to give out instead. It was ridiculous yet kind of brilliant.

>> No.17677250
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Anyone ever try Cheetos Mac & Cheese? I've tried all three versions, and I find that the jalapeno version is actually spicier than the Flamin' Hot version. The Flamin' Hot version also looks kind of gross. It's not really a vibrant shade of red, it actually looks a lot closer to pink. The regular version is pretty good in its own right, though; it tastes exactly like the Cheetos snack, right down to the corn base.