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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17672114 No.17672114 [Reply] [Original]

Going to bump this thread with each beer I drink. I have 24, going to make McRibs later too.

>> No.17672120
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>> No.17672154

Cheers bud.

>> No.17672159

Cheers anon. Just dropped a proper beer sploder in the toilet not 10 minutes ago.

>> No.17672177
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Fuckin cheers cunts, keep up the good work.

>> No.17672193

I love me dat MacRib

>> No.17672205
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I don't actually know what's on one.
From what I've seen it looks like pork riblet, onion, gherkin, bbq sauce, American mayo. Is that correct my BSA friend?

>> No.17672208

are you saying you can drink 24 beers? I think the max I could drink is like 8-10 and I drink pretty frequently.

>> No.17672232
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Yes. I also have 2 bottles of wine for when I need an intermission.

>> No.17672234

When I was a bit younger I was capable of drinking 24 regular-sized bottles of beer. I'm 35 now and have slowed down a lot, I bought 9 tallboys for the night and I might be able to finish them, will start to get tired around 7 or 8, worst case scenario I will be left with a beer or two for breakfast.

>> No.17672241


>> No.17672246

i'm 34, but I've always been really lean. I definitely used to be able to drink more, and drank every day when I was in my twenties. but like you, i get so fucking tired I just can't keep drinking. I never could have put down 24 beers though. I would have puked them up or passed out way before that.

>> No.17672247

Are you an alcoholic? How does that work

>> No.17672251

lol that's not an intermission anon, that's a speed round.

>> No.17672259

>anon describes drinking an inhuman amount of beer
are you an alcoholic?

>> No.17672266
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Kek! Based Chardee MacDennis player.

>> No.17672271

Are you punishing yourself?

>> No.17672278

godspeed good sir. I hope to see you've finished it all tomorrow.

>> No.17672281

Fuck druntards.

>> No.17672284

Thanks for not drinking New Zealand's memeiest beer, Tui.

>> No.17672285
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I haven't bought Heineken for close to 8 years so I thought I'd have another crack at it. I remembered they need to be cold as a Polar Beers cubes so I chilled them on the freezer before consumption.

>> No.17672286
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>> No.17672291

I am not a beer snob but I will not buy 4%. 4.6% is as low as I go and that's usually low carb.

>> No.17672294

is op a new zorlander? and tui? the fuck is that? also I like heinekens. and >>17672281, get fucked. it's friday night, you're on /ck/, stop being a faggot.

>> No.17672298
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cheers anon

>> No.17672302

i like low abv beer. i guess i just have a low tolerance but I like having beer i can drink for a long time without getting trashed immediately

>> No.17672303
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I am a Now Zealander.

>> No.17672316

Enough about the beer, I want to know more about these homemade McRibs. I've never had a McRib before because I'm not big on fast food, but it sounds interesting.

>> No.17672337
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Neither have I. I have sesame seed long buns, pork riblets, long sliced gherkins, onion, smokey BBQ sauce and American mayo. Wondering whether I should melt cheese on them.

>> No.17672347
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You a big fella, anon?

>> No.17672353

>wondering whether i should melt chee...
fucking grow up op. you know god damn well you should melt the cheese.
where abouts are you man? watching your pilgrimage from the mountains in colorado here.

>> No.17672361
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yester zealander

>> No.17672368
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Well the last time I had a BBQ sauce thing with cheese it wasn't too good.
For you

>> No.17672374

don't be scared anon just melt the chee

>> No.17672379
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I will follow the advice of my BSA friend.

>> No.17672383
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Jew Zealand is the last based place on earth.

>> No.17672396

what's bsa and what beer are you on anon?

>> No.17672401

Record yourself when you need to go piss from the beer.

>> No.17672404

Kek, based

>> No.17672405
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I used to call my mate a Jew because he had curly hair and a big nose. Fuckin went for a swim in a river in a mountain range and we had to go down a dirt track to get to it. Before we left I drew a star of David on his car and wrote fuckin Jew. We both had a laugh. On the way home we went through a roundabout, committed no driving errors at all and some cunt lit us up with the horn. Guess they were offended haha.

>> No.17672410

BSA (Big Strong American) and if you can't tell what beer I'm drinking from the picture then you're a Type II BSA (Big Stupid American).

>> No.17672413

Just did, also didn't shake properly haha. Might be on for a poo and a brew later.

>> No.17672449

What Blizzard games to do you play, anon?

>> No.17672453

So we all agree on Riblet, onion, gherkin, bbq sauce, American mayo, melted cheese at the request of the great State of Colorado for the McRib?

>> No.17672457

What the fuck are Blizzard games? Like games in the snow? Doesn't snow where I live bro.

>> No.17672459

I miss New Zealand but I've been in OZ 17 years now. I miss the way it smells when it rains; here it smells like wet dirt, in NZ it smells like a rose garden.
Also NZ food kills Aus, especially the steak and dairy. Aus cows are living on sand, NZ cows on lush green grass.

>> No.17672461
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>> No.17672467

Cool story Ausbro. When it starts to rain it just kind of smells like asphalt or wet road.

>> No.17672473

I'm only here for the money.
It's rad to make $57 an hour to go fishing or the pub with disabled clients.

>> No.17672474

Every kiwi I've come across has been mentally unhinged what is wrong with you dogs

>> No.17672479

Sell out

>> No.17672482

You're clearly an Aussie and you lot are the one's that are unhinged. We're just half cocked.

>> No.17672491

You've been gone too long. You've forgotten that it actually smells of greasy islanders, piss and vomit

>> No.17672495

I will own a retirement bach in the sounds by the time I'm 30 and I will still be shitposting on here.
What will you achieve?

>> No.17672501

I'm from the Wairarapa, not Auckland.

>> No.17672502
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Poo and a brew boy's

>> No.17672504
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>> No.17672518
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Upside down Spiderbro haha

>> No.17672520

I would lick you clean and pound the prostate nectar out of you.

>> No.17672521

Where the mcribs at lad
I'm down half a liter of vodka and a bottle of wine and about to pass out, you better get some tasty shots in before I wake up

>> No.17672531
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Nah bro, it's nearly 15:30. Won't be eating for a while. Just chill out man.

>> No.17672534
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>> No.17672543
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>> No.17672546

I love those sausage fingers.
I'm literally masturbating to the though of them covered in my cum and I'm licking them clean then spitting on your cock as you drill me to the hilt.

>> No.17672551

Basado señior

>> No.17672556
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>> No.17672559

Thats fine I'll be out for 8 hours. Have a good one lad

>> No.17672569
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Might still be up in 8 hours my man

>> No.17672579
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These any good my BSA friends?

>> No.17672617

if they're anything like the taco flavored doritos here they are amazing

>> No.17672626
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They're Doritos mate, they don't make them here. We're rocking some Anthrax now, going to progress into heavier stuff...

>> No.17672630

I've never seen that but would buy without hesitation if I did

>> No.17672639
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Kek, they are actually made here. Hopefully under the supervision of Mexican American Professionals. The beer never ends. I want a gin and tonic, fuck.

>> No.17672642

are you watching the rugger tonight

>> No.17672645

Rugby players pound tight bussy

>> No.17672647

Probably not my guy. I've grown so tired of it. I just want a round robin competition with NZ/Aus/SA with the NPC preceding it so standout players get call ups.

>> No.17672652
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When my sister gets drunk she steals me little animals from people's houses. She is nearly 35.

>> No.17672653

I love Heineken, cheers anons.

>> No.17672655

What do you think of this song?

>> No.17672661

I been getting lots of dubs lately anons what does that mean???

>> No.17672669
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Meh, every beer song I've heard is lame. I like this one because it promotes drink driving and killing yourself


>> No.17672670

your dreams will come true if you visualize them every day, or you will die soon.
Your choice.

>> No.17672676
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Visualize and attack
Visualize and attack

>> No.17672688
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Megadeth flowing now boys...

>> No.17672697
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Damn, them shits taste like a taco kit or some shit. Suicidal coming out the speakers now boys

>> No.17672729
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Rise Of The Northstar now. They may be some cringe ween Hardcore band from France but they have some sick tunes. Here Comes The Boom is sick and their cover of Simon Says bumps.

>> No.17672747
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I should have got pies, and cider for intermission. I guess I showed my own poison man

>> No.17672774
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Sfw piss shit and Anons request >>17672401

>> No.17672815
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Getting hungry cunts. I think a nigga needs a McRib

>> No.17672824
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Haha I'm buzzed enough to listen to Type O Negative and they just came on

>> No.17672829
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>10 beers
I like you anon

>> No.17672837
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Is that bad or?

>> No.17672841

That's barely half a fifth...

>> No.17672849
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Now a Big Strong American from Colorado has informed me that yes, yes I should incorporate melted cheese. Here's to you my horse riding friend

>> No.17672855
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Ok? I'm 32 now. Do I need to.drink 32 beers a night?

>> No.17672866

no, no need to drink more. why keep pushing? You'll feel better tommorrow if you stop now and get some sleep

>> No.17672868
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probably, just saying I can drink a quart of monkey and still stand still
that's over 2/3 a fifth

>> No.17672869

Cheers from the worst coast, USA, anon.
Looking forward to the micro sloppa.

>> No.17672878
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>> No.17672883

what's the confusion? just saying I also have a high tolerance. are you drunk?

>> No.17672885
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What's the worst coast?

>> No.17672887


>> No.17672889

The confusion is that you're just randomly trying to flex because I have buzz off 10 beers then you brang spirits into it...

>> No.17672899
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Kek'd so hard bro that I almost burnt my dudes haha

>> No.17672905

not flexing, just saying we seem to have similar tolerance if you can drink 12 with the intent to drink 12 more. 'drink a quart of monkey and still stand still' is just a beastie boy lyric which means as much. I wasn't the anon bringing up fifths

>> No.17672911

Ok Zoomer. I have no idea the fuck you're shitting on about

>> No.17672915
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>> No.17672919
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Colorado special

>> No.17672937

I'm 30 and don't know how i'm not being clear

>> No.17672950
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>> No.17672952
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Drink more, light weight.

>> No.17672956

that's a lot of mayo (For Me) but you could probably put sheetrock between >>17672899 >>17672919 and I'd be drooling

>> No.17672963
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>> No.17672965

California where I'm at, usually includes the whole west coast.
Shits looking tasty, cheers again you cunt he
>Verification not required

>> No.17672973


>> No.17672980

What the actual fuck are you talking about?

>> No.17672992

are you ESL? there's easily 3oz of loose mayo popping out from the top, which is unappealing, but the cheesy buns look so good that anything inside would be tempting

>> No.17673001

why do you say cheers cunt if you're from california? ausfags normally hate you surfer hippie fucks but you seem alright OP

>> No.17673005

Oh haha. I'm phoneposting and you @'d like 3 mafckers. I should have used a knife but I just straight blobbed it on with a teaspoon for some reason.

>> No.17673010
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>> No.17673011

He said cheers cunt because I said cheers cunt earlier.

>> No.17673015

ah. yeah been there. so if I'm not mistaken you said you haven't had what you made before, how is it?

>> No.17673030
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Pretty fuggin good to be honest. BBQ sauce and mayo always pair well together and you can't go wrong with onion and gherkins. Cheese yeah it was pretty gud but not necessary.

>> No.17673039
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>> No.17673050

nice. cheers m8 fun thread have a good night

>> No.17673060
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Yeah fuckin we will mate.

>> No.17673128
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I'm sick of beer

>> No.17673146

i have that pan tol but i ruined it making haloumi when i was drunk

>> No.17673149

I also cooked haloumi in it

>> No.17673156


>> No.17673160

So stop drinking it, you fat fucking retard. And 4 sandwiches? You're repulsive as shit.

>> No.17673166
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McRib P.II

>> No.17673177
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by leaving it unattended for a very long time on high heat

>> No.17673186

Just add cream to deglaze for a cream haloumi cheese sauce for the pie you are now making haha.

>> No.17673218
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>> No.17673230
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I am so sick of beer haha

>> No.17673249

you've proved your point anon

>> No.17673253


>> No.17673255

That game don't stop just because you aren't on the field

>> No.17673267
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Fuckin wine break after this. I'm so sick of beer. Might actually watch Chardee MacDennis thanks to my BSA friends recommendation.

>> No.17673268
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>> No.17673275
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Based. Might have some cheese too. Definitely got a haka up the sleeve

>> No.17673282

Are you actually drinking them or just dumping them down the sink

>> No.17673290
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I'm drinking them bro. I'm sick of beer now, I'm getting gassy. Bout to switch to wine.

>> No.17673294

I feel ashamed saying this but it's not that hard to slam 14 beers if you're able to

>> No.17673296

Stop drinking them out of the bottle you total beerlet.

>> No.17673300
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Wasn't that hard to slam your mum when she was 14 either

>> No.17673301

you should butter the buns and add some lettuce if you got it

>> No.17673307

yes mister bundy sorry mister bundy

>> No.17673313 [DELETED] 
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>Drink it out of a glass
It's a generic mass produced lager m8...

>> No.17673317

Wasn't butter lad, it was melted cheese.
It's ok chap

>> No.17673329

What’s your drinking record, OP? The drunkest you’ve been or the most you’ve drank.

>> No.17673340

I don't know, I'm not a doctor. I'm just shit posting for the lads.

>> No.17673348

Great thread m8, thanks for posting.

>> No.17673351
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Young intermission, this shit is making me so gassy and bloated.

>> No.17673354


>> No.17673369
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Ended up watching the ruggers my guy haha. Get Up The Blues!!!

>> No.17673372

24 heinekens is 3600 calories.

>> No.17673376
File: 61 KB, 1000x780, nerd-face-emoji-clever-emoticon-with-glasses-vector-29662811[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>24 heinekens is 3600 calories.

>> No.17673379
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Bring it on.

>> No.17673408
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Doritos and The Fast and The Furious

>> No.17673414

Are those 0.33L bottles?

>> No.17673416


>> No.17673424
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Back on the beers after this bottle

>> No.17673428

Based. Keep on trucking brother.

>> No.17673435
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Big mother trucker

>> No.17673443
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This is the gayest thread I've ever seen in all my years here. You guys should just exchange numbers and meet up for an AIDS orgy.

>> No.17673449

Oh no, imagine a /ck/ thread where people actually get along instead of bickering.

>> No.17673460

How many ml is one of those bottles? They don't look like 500ml

>> No.17673485
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330ml bro, do am reading.

>> No.17673524
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Another wine another poo, I never gave up on youu
So don't give up on me
Your faggots oP

>> No.17673526

Depends on the cheese, if it can't legally be called cheese then skip it

>> No.17673614

Fuckin lightweight dog

>> No.17673625

Ok, so we can divide the number of beers you drank by 2 to know how manu you've actually drank

>> No.17673630

The secret to Heineken is adding 1 oz of bushmills or the Irish whiskey of your choice. You get the flavor of the whiskey, citrus floral, and the yeasty bitter flavor completing each other. T. Alcoholic/knower

>> No.17673658

Who the fuck buys 500ml bottles

>> No.17673664
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Calm down bro. The beer was too much, I usually drink wine. I'm finishing my bottle then switching back to the god forsaken beer.

>> No.17673684

how drunk you feelin OP? i feel like just beer doesnt do it for me anymore, unless i drink one like ever 15 minutes, i need some liquor to help my mellow

>> No.17673695

Were you always this fat and retarded or is it a recent thing?

>> No.17673717

Smooth fellas

>> No.17674647
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>> No.17675348

did you die anon?

>> No.17675372

>he rather drink 24 beers than approx half a glass of vodka to get the same drunk with hardly any of the carbs or the pissy piss taste

>> No.17675653

You first. Acquisition is not achievement.

>> No.17675702

Just cracked my first beer. Nice thread.

Mayo doesn't go on a mcrib but it looks good otherwise. Cheers!

>> No.17675734

Is OP dead?

>> No.17675772

>I think the max I could drink is like 8-10 and I drink pretty frequently.
I rarely drink and can put down 20+ in an evening. You are either a woman or seriously underweight.

>> No.17675776

We can only hope.

>> No.17675779

Found the twink

>> No.17675783

>I will own a retirement bach in the sounds

>> No.17675786

Probably hit the insulin wall and passed out.

>> No.17675789

Generally speaking, most people dont remember their record.

>> No.17675807

tell me since when an 0,3 euro lager (heineken, "sikacz") is really considered a beer? it's more like a soda, it will not make you drunk and the taste is horrid too

>> No.17676041

I'm currently drinking Uncanny Valley by Burlington Beer Co. It's pretty good. I usually avoid NE IPAs because they're soiboy-tier, but this is damn good.

>> No.17676048
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, Hoegaarden-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoegaarden and Bushmills here

>> No.17676126

How is man still alive?

>> No.17676527

Did this guy ever make it to 24 beers?

>> No.17677231

I think he got sick of drinking beer at the 18 beers mark. Thats roughly 1.5 gallons of beer. I hope he finished them all, but I suspect it may remain a mystery.

>> No.17678999

Bump for alcoholism.

>> No.17679139

Heineken is fucking disgusting
Hertog Jan is the real deal
Heineken is for absolute fucking retards that dont know shit about anything

>> No.17679202

He clearly stated it had been years since he had and got a 24 pack for old times sake. Why the heck are you coming in so hot, dude?

>> No.17679211 [DELETED] 

Shut up sewer water drinking nigger retard dog

>> No.17679262

Keep swearing like that and I'll get your mother to whip your ass next time I see her for our "sexy fun" time.

>> No.17679305

Hertog Jan is the ultimate midwit beer.
Grolsch is where it's really at.

>> No.17679494

hertog jan is not good at all you pleb. it has fucking corn in it