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17662637 No.17662637 [Reply] [Original]

I work at a ny style pizzeria. Let’s make some pizzas on my day off.

>> No.17662648


>> No.17662652
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Recipe I’m using, use 60% hydration if you arnt good at stretching pizza dough as 55% will be nearly impossible for you

>> No.17662667
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Stretched to 17inches

>> No.17662690
File: 454 KB, 960x1792, 06DFA633-84DA-4A7A-8D28-F8678E21D65E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce, parm and cheese, cubed is way easier than shredding and you will see how it melts the extract same

>> No.17662696

what oven do you use and what temps do you use? Any tips on stretching? just bought an ooni koda 16

>> No.17662701
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>> No.17662720

1inch 18x18 stone @550 but I also have a koda 16. Make sure you have a metal thin peel for turning, it’s better than a turning peel for small ovens. To help with pizza sticking add aLOT of semolina to the peel.


This is how I open. Room temp dough around 60% hydration w a bulk ferment will be your best bet

>> No.17662725

How much do you have to work this dough to get it usable? And when, do you do it before resting in the fridge or after you pull it out?

>> No.17662729
File: 3.87 MB, 4032x3024, CCE87B39-8531-4736-AAFA-FA4605204C4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 min bake

>> No.17662734

Oh yeah sorry 10 minutes hand kneaded, rest 20 min, ball into one big dough and bulk ferment 4-6. Than split into dough balls and ferment in fridge overnight. This recipe is for 3, 540g ish balls, for 17 in pizzas.

>> No.17662738

Oh and don’t try to do the slap thing he does, just stretch it on the work surface the whole way.

>> No.17662742

Dam son

>> No.17662757

Well done op, that's a good 'za
>t. Fat NY'er

>> No.17662765
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Thanks guys, Just pumped another one out

>> No.17662783 [DELETED] 


>> No.17662786


>> No.17662787

Could you share your sauce recipe

>> No.17662792

what brand of pepperoni are you using on these guys?

>> No.17662803

28oz can sclafani tomato’s, or high quality crushed/canned San Marzano, pulse blended w stick, 9ish oz tomato paste, big pinch salt to taste, pinch oregano, pinch sugar if not quite sweet enough, 2 tsp olive oil and some fresh basil if you’d like. Perhaps a garlic clove blended as well if I’m feeling it. You can get sclafani on Amazon for a good price

>> No.17662808
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Just grocery store Hornel dog shit

>> No.17662829

keyed pizza thread
what state are you in OP?

>> No.17662836

Thanks a bunch, will try this

>> No.17662841

Bellingham wa if anyone is close come hangout and I’ll teach you how to stretch dough

>> No.17662847

nice. can we see a cross section of the crust?

>> No.17662858

Damn, I'd totally take you up on that if I was closer, in MO.
I make my own pizza, but I've always done my dad's technique of just rolling pin the sucker and who gives a fuck.

>> No.17662861
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>> No.17662921

And what’s the recipe in english?

>> No.17662957
File: 1.03 MB, 4032x2195, 1A4BDEDC-1D62-4159-9333-6C0AEAEA9A60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m too lazy to get up and go to the kitchen but here’s one of my best crumbs

>> No.17662992


>> No.17662995

its in grams. what are you looking for? handfulls??

>> No.17663132

English. Cups and ounces.
>b-but professional restaurants use metric
We aren’t professional chefs trying to nickel-and-dime every grain. Pizza was invented before the metric system was, you’re being an autistic retard measuring every single gramme. Even yurotrash use cups when cooking.

>> No.17663144

bro, he's got the percentages listed, just convert.

>> No.17663154

Oh boy, just like work but you get to do it for free.

>> No.17663163


>> No.17663227

He’s the one trying to shill his restaurant’s recipe, HE should convert it

>> No.17663281

>generic recipe you can see posted twenty thousand times if you search it

>> No.17663290

Don’t care.

>> No.17663303

if you care so much imma shove the recipe up my asshole and you can call it lunch.
fucking women.

>> No.17663550

>fucking women
You should try it some time

>> No.17663552

>works at a pizza place
>burns pizza
how did you get a job

>> No.17664086

fuuucking hell

>> No.17664093

good job, op. this is probably the best pizza I've seen on this board 11/10 would devour

>> No.17664107

thats how much i stretched ur mum

>> No.17664147

lmao bro you're too much

>> No.17664151

Cheese looks good but you burned the crust bro. Not saying I wouldn't eat it

>> No.17664169
File: 50 KB, 602x403, main-qimg-3d495d84caa4b4af2bda9fc1f088fbe4-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's depressing to hear

>> No.17664172

Unironically looks like shit consdering this is your profession. Didn't rest the dough at all or what?

>> No.17664182

600 g cold water, got it. Can I be a heathen and make small ones on a cookie sheet? I don't have pizza that often.

>> No.17664208
File: 45 KB, 338x600, pizza olive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green olive and pepperoni, the pic/lighting makes it look darker then it was

>> No.17664218

He lives in Washington, he doesn't even have the correct water

>> No.17664224

must suck being fat and tasteless like you

>> No.17664243

>correct water
whats the correct pizza water?

>> No.17664253

NYC tapwater is the secret to the correct slice

>> No.17664293

Do retards really think that's burned?

>> No.17664297

Yes retard. Notice how he cut off the bottom of the picture because the crust was burned in the lower part of that picture and he was embarrassed. Retard.

>> No.17664301

Actually looks good and I dislike 99% of 'za.

>> No.17664306

Then your opinion doesn't count casual

>> No.17664316

>from a "man" who eats chuck-e-cheese meme food

>> No.17664321

that is desirable color for a pizza

>> No.17664327

So did you eat 3 pizzas to yourself in a sitting?

>> No.17664333

the only meme food i eat is your moms cooter

>> No.17664347

>Even yurotrash use cups when cooking
bong here. every time I see a US recipe that uses 'cups' I just laugh, literally nobody in the UK does this. we use scales to measure things. OP's recipe was fine, if you can't understand it you have no right to be in a kitchen

>> No.17664363

>Plebian thinks he understands how pizza should look
>Ignorantly calls others retards

You've never cooked a pizza in your life beyond a frozen one you bought from a store.

>> No.17664382

the shot of the nice looking pizza is ruined by your fat fingers

>> No.17664466

that's what she said

>> No.17664541

for you

>> No.17664542
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>> No.17664579

i would not eat pizza from a skinny chef

>> No.17664729

You weigh the water?

>> No.17664754

no but since i'm not so fucking retarded that i don't know 1ml of water weighs 1g, seeing '550g of water' in a recipe doesn't immediately send me into a panic. especially because 568ml of water is a pint, so anybody with a functioning brain would see the recipe and think 'right, a shade under a pint of water then'

>> No.17665385

So you’re mentally converting it to a more convenient unit. Why do something so backhanded when you could just use units designed for cooking?

>> No.17665413

>we use scales to measure things.
No, that's just you, you autistic twat.

>> No.17666450

>measuring by weight is suddenly autistic now because it confuses the burger

>> No.17666451

I prefer it pretty dark that’s how I baked it. At work we bake lighter.

My oven in my current apartment kinda sucks, it only has a bottom heat element so if I bake it normally the crust will be super white. So I turn on the broiler and put a sheet pan on the rack above the pizza to protect it. Still bakes more unevenly than I’d like. Nice eye with the cut off crust that is exactly what I did lol. Yes I’m gay/fat and a fag!

>> No.17666490

they probably can't find space for a kitchen scale among their rice cooker, air fryer and toaster oven

>> No.17666498

you're talking like it's something hard that i have to think deeply about. i know, maths is hard

>> No.17666626

>t. Has to use an inferior base-10 system because base-12 and base-16 is too complicated for his tiny peasant brain

>> No.17667412

if I'm making pizza dough for the ooni neapolitan style, do I need to knead it if I'm letting it sit in the fridge for ~2 days?

>> No.17668232

Op here, I personally think so, you will get better ovenspring, which makes almost every aspect of the dough texture better. A must is a bulk ferment, don’t ever make a pizza dough that gets balled right away after mixing. That leads to very dense very chewy pizza dough, that’s only appropriate for ny style, (if you like that, I don’t) Let it rise 50%, if 100% is doubled, and it will blow up in the oven. Also, unless you like ultra floppy borderline soupy pizza, high hydration even for Neapolitan is a meme. Start with 62-63% max. Here’s a simple kneading guide:

Knead dough until it’s just starting to get smoother, around 7-10 minutes. Less If your using no fat or high gluten flours. Let the dough rest for 25 and come back and it will be perfectly silky smooth. Do a letter fold to build a little more gluten, promote extensibility and build tension during bulk. Just YouTube dough letter fold and you will see how to do it. And than start bulk ferment.

>> No.17668237

The 50% rise was for bulk ferment**, than ball and they should almost double

>> No.17669024

>than ball and they should almost double
by ball do you mean shape or just ball then let double then shape?

>> No.17670371

Shape. One bulk ferment, than shape and almost double, than turn into pizza

>> No.17670699

Yeah you clearly work at a shithole. Parmesan lmaooooooo go fuck yourself. Buy provolone you dumb fuck

>> No.17670749

Looks fantastic. I used to make pizza for a living, this is making me nostalgic.