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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17661859 No.17661859 [Reply] [Original]

Taco Hell has the worst value menu I've ever seen

>> No.17661865

the value menu is going extinct

>> No.17661948

That cheesy roll up looks disgusting. Like someone squirted Velveeta in semi-raw tortilla and rolled it. Something a kindergartener would do.

>> No.17661955

Well with extended food shortages and general double digit inflation what the fuck do you expect? My groceries went from $60 a week to $170 a week, you think fast food won't have a similar increase?

>> No.17661960

The best value is the beefy burrito for 2 bucks and the meal for 5, the rest aren't worth it.

>> No.17663205

imagine what it looks like irl

>> No.17663208

Taco Bell is still cheap compared to most other fast food

>> No.17663213

future is bleak
if Arizona $1 tea goes, it's the canary in the coalmine

>> No.17663230

RIP shredded chicken mini quesadillas top tier dollar menu item

>> No.17663237
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There are still good deals to be had but almost all of them are behind apps now.

>> No.17663610

The cheesy bean and rice is like the same size as their 5 layer burrito. Its absolutely value. The rest is bull shit tho youre right

>> No.17663616

The redditors get what the redditors voted for, to nobody’s surprise.

>> No.17663629

Anyone remember when they had the $2 meal deals? The 5 layer burrito was my go to in high school

>> No.17663634

That's not a good deal.

>> No.17663636
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Forgot pic

>> No.17663653

I like to get so drunk I can barely walk and then make DIY cheesy rollups full of hot sauce. The booze + habanero sauce makes my shits absolutely rancid the next day. I make sure I go out for breakfast and absolutely ruin the toilet with diarrhea spray.

>> No.17663662


>> No.17663669


Spicy potato looks the best

>> No.17663701

The only way fast food is remotely cheap anymore is hammering it hard on the deals and coupons on their shitty apps. The days of getting a decent deal just driving to a random drive thru are gone. Otherwise you're paying at least 300% more

>> No.17663703 [DELETED] 


>> No.17663745

It's already $1.25 by me, they started printing it on the can

>> No.17663750
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>> No.17663761

It's over. Thanks reddit, and your student loans STILL won't be cancelled

>> No.17663770

It's literally prison food.

>> No.17663781

based alcoholic

>> No.17663784

lol holy shit its fucking over

>> No.17664149

When a gas station near me got their first shipment of these I saw people arguing with the cashier like they could do anything about the price, as if they were going to override the POS system or something.

Hopefully the next major disease to float out of Asia will just end the fucking world.

>> No.17664806

leaf grocery gore does not count

>> No.17664816

>most companies postibg record profits
>no it's the minimum wage worker's fault!

>> No.17664851

>Taco Hell
That is some cringy “humor”, friend. And I’m not sure how much you honestly expect for $1

>> No.17664856

Yes, anon.
The restaurant industry has been booming these past few years.

>> No.17664859

based as fuck

>> No.17664889

taco bell's margins have to be ridiculous, they sell tortillas and beans

>> No.17664894

You're paying about 1.50 for each item, do the math anon

>> No.17664973

What you're missing is there is not a single item with meat on that menu, it's all carb filler

>> No.17665019


>those post booze blitz shits

Absolutely cleansing

>> No.17665040

>if it ain’t meat it’s filler

>> No.17665124

Joe Biden and the democrat party need to be burned alive at the stake

>> No.17665146

>The company that owns KFC and Taco Bell posted better-than-expected sales in the second quarter thanks to stronger customer demand and a record new store building spree.
>Gibbs also noted a sharp increase in digital sales, including online orders for pickup and delivery. Digital orders grew 35% year-over-year to $5 billion.

>> No.17665176

I would peel apart ur moms cheesy rollup

>> No.17665180
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Wew lad

>> No.17665191

>sales are up 35% over what they were during an economic shutdown
Anon plz.

>> No.17665263

>an economic shutdown
Strange that they'd build a record number of restaurants during such a period.

>> No.17665264
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I love you

>> No.17665289

>implying those weren’t already in the pipeline
>implying canceling a bunch of contracts would have been a better decision
It’s really not strange at all, anon.

>> No.17665299

>record new store building spree
but anon why would they spend money to just employ people it makes no sense, everybody that would be working at those stores would be better off not working!

>> No.17665539

>implying those weren’t already in the pipeline
And they put them in the pipeline during the economic shutdown? Taco Bell's revenue has overall trended upward during and after all this C19 nonsense. They lost revenue for 1 year then gained more than they lost.

>> No.17665569
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>Go to look at my local McD's value menu
>the cheapest sandwich is $2

How the fuck am I supposed to gorge myself on an ungodly amount of terrible food for $10 now? I want to die

>> No.17665573
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>> No.17665603

>business went down
>then business went up
>and it got even better!!
Yes, anon. That’s what artificial business restrictions do. I’m really not sure what it is you’re trying to argue other than “companies bad”.

>> No.17665611

only thing good at taco bell WAS their caramel apple turnover

now it's gone fuck em

>> No.17665663

I'm saying that business barely went down then went up to a far greater degree. IDK what part of this is hard to grasp.

>> No.17665673
File: 58 KB, 1080x963, 1646766787446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those items are not even a dollar anymore, they're $1.59. Commiefornia btw.

>> No.17665718

>barely went down
>then went up to a far greater degree
Yes, 35% above negative growth is a “lot”.
you’re also talking about a diversified parent holdings company. Which means you think delivery pizza is indicative of the restaurant industry as a whole during c19. Which is silly.

>> No.17665735

I remember 5 years ago taco bell was the best place to go for cheap food. I remember getting 15 breakfast burritos for my coworkers one morning and it cost me 15 bucks and change. I would drop by and nab 20 bucks of random snacks and it would feed my 8 hour dnd sessions with my 6-member-party all night. Now they don't have a single item with meat on their dollar menu... I might end up going to del taco more often if they even use real meat there.

>> No.17665739
File: 152 KB, 956x1280, R8OyA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that these fast food places are raping you with their prices and the "muh low margins" bullshit is a myth propogated by share holders and owners

>> No.17665744

My apologies for the mass reply, but I have some bad news abou the dollar stores...

>> No.17665753

>Yes, 35% above negative growth is a “lot”.
I agree, especially since the negative growth was less than 1% of their revenue compared to the previous year.
>you think delivery pizza is indicative of the restaurant industry
This is a Taco Bell thread and I am talking about the parent company of Taco Bell.

>> No.17665763

>I’m talking about the parent company of Taco Bell
Then come back with some numbers representing Taco Bell and none of other other holdings.

>> No.17665780

Oh wow what amazing solid proof.
>lettuce 3.00
>sugar and creamer <nothing>
>bacon .16
>1 shot big Mac sauce 1.50
That shit is retarded, and you’re retarded for saving/posting it

>> No.17665785

First you come back with a salient argument as to why increased wages that people lobbied for but didn't get are somehow responsible for increased fast food prices when the people producing fast food are making increasingly more money.

>> No.17665822

Oh but anon it’s a Taco Bell thread as you pointed out.
And even ignoring the fact you don’t understand earnings =/= profit, the parent company making more money has nothing to do with a franchise owner (who signs the checks) making more.
No worries though, your notion is emotionally-based anyway. That’s why you’re asking for “proof” that increased expenses equal increased prices.
>lobbied for but didn’t get
Now you’re being sillier. The government didn’t pass a law so it didn’t happen, eh?
I sincerely hope you’re still in highschool.

>> No.17665823

Obviously the 8 dollar an hour worker was too retarded to differentiate between unit and container cost, just as you were.

>> No.17665829

I’ll repeat, you fucktarded zoomer
>tartar/Mac Sauce/mayo
But no, retarded handwritten laminated sheet is a serious truthbomb.

>> No.17665839

Only 1$ for these??
Jesus, no wonder so many of y'all are fat.

>> No.17665844

>you don’t understand earnings =/= profit
As if I'm not the one who pointed out that it's revenue for that exact reason. I'm only asking you to defend your premise, if it's not faulty then this should not be an issue.

>> No.17665854

Defend the premise.. that increased costs result in increased prices?
That premise?

>> No.17665881

This is in Chicago suburbs

>> No.17665886

Buy a loaf of bread and cheap deli meats.

>> No.17665887

Defend the premise that the increase in wages that wagies didn't get caused the increase in price.

>> No.17665903

>that wagies didn’t get
So you work in fast food, and make the same as you did 5 years ago?

>> No.17665904

>cheap deli meats
Nigga where the fuck you live where deli meat is cheap? I'm paying like $7.99/lb for fucking store brand salami these days, it's unreal

>> No.17665906

How are you still breathing if youre this stupid? Read it again and apply some common sense, then go back to flipping fries since you will never make 100k salary in your entire life.

>> No.17665913

Lol fuck off zoomtard.
If you want an even bigger piece of proof I can write “McDonald’s is the devil” on a dry erase board and send you a pic.

>> No.17665916

Christ youre dumb

Obviously thats the cost of a cartridge.
Source: worked at maccas

Regardless if everything is obviously cheaper than ops point still stands.

>> No.17665922

>If you want an even bigger piece of proof I can write “McDonald’s is the devil” on a dry erase
I have no doubt you could, someone with your brain obviously works there

>> No.17665936
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>> No.17665943

Ah yes, an entire cartridge of something is indeed commonly referred to as “one shot”.

>> No.17665947

I didn't ask you to ask me a question, I asked you to defend your premise. If you want me to defend your point then I'll need $20/hour.

>> No.17665955

>McDonald’s employees are retards
>omg look at this laminated piece of paper a McDonald’s employee wrote on! McDonald’s exposed and btfo!
Keep zooming, zoomie.

>> No.17665971

Yeah not how it works though.
You’re stating Taco Bell had had greatly increased profits, and no increased wage expenses, and then demanding I defend something in that context.
Your emotional perception is not accepted as a given. Sorry.

>> No.17665993

so you want wagies to win as much as they did 5 years ago when everything cost got up? just say that you hate the poors already

>> No.17666008

>no increased wage expenses
So you're admitting that this is the case or what? Because your initial post was all about muh wage slave arrogance but now you're telling me that's
>not how it works
yet I can show that Yum is making more money than ever. You keep going on about emotionally driven responses but I'm posting numbers.

>> No.17666009

You have to go back


>> No.17666044

The store near me is trying to charge $12 for a pound of roast beef. Obscene.

>> No.17666049

It's literally just a microwaved tortilla with pre-grated cheddar inside.

>> No.17666056

Yeah but I'm also paying $1.50 for a drink I don't want.

>> No.17666061

Beans and rice make a complete protein.

>> No.17666088

>saying what you stated is an admission
>another brand doing well means Taco Bell is doing well
No. Please learn what a holdings company is.

>> No.17666100


>> No.17666124

>Please learn what a holdings company is.
Wow I guess "The restaurant industry has been booming these past few years" because it's actually holding companies making all of the money which is surely only a very recent development due to Joe Biden or something.

You have yet to demonstrate that employees asking for money that they didn't get are responsible for increasing prices.

>> No.17666880

>supply chain issues all across the world due to the pandemic
>x is solely responsible for all of the inflation

>> No.17666984

two words
Food Stamps

>> No.17667204

Your whinge is the true cringe.

>> No.17667314

The spicy potato taco alone makes it the best fast food value menu.

>> No.17667365
