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File: 332 KB, 1800x1200, HERO_Worlds_Best_Soda_Bundaberg_shutterstock_679079920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17657986 No.17657986 [Reply] [Original]

I've been sober from soda, juice and anything with high fructose corn syrup for over 7 months now. HOw do you guys deal with the craving for something sugary?

>> No.17658329

Grapefruit. Cut it in half with stem on top, take a pinch of sugar and spread it over both halves, take the smallest spoon you have and dig out the flesh without breaking little cell walls. Sweet and wears you down.

>> No.17658355

G-Fuel. Sure it's a meme drink but it's sweet and sugar free.

>> No.17658367

I go brush my teeth. I recently switched to non-mint flavored toothpaste so it isn’t overwhelming.

>> No.17658463

Literally any kind of fruit or berries. Naturally occurring sugars aren't harmful.

>> No.17658477 [DELETED] 

I didnt drink any soda for 15 years.
I now have 2 cans of pepsi per day.

>> No.17658491

Is there such a thing? What is it?

>> No.17658507

wow sober from soda, what a big boy
do you also wipe your own bottom?

>> No.17658515

juice doesn't have any corn syrup at all, anon.
>HOw do you guys deal with the craving for something sugary?
i don't get cravings for sugary things.
probably because i'm not a chick.

>> No.17658544 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 1024x1024, listerine_green_tea_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17658551

I've never seen this in my life. I'll be on the lookout for non mint flavors from now on.
Only thing I recall seeing is bubblegum flavors for children here.

>> No.17658570

pickled ginger is my go-to. I buy in bulk from the local asian-mart, and just eat it straight out of the jar when i get the sugar munchies

>> No.17658622

aspartame, stevia

>> No.17658687

I drink fruit juice and soda water.

>> No.17658732
File: 14 KB, 546x566, megafacepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you stop the craving for something sugary
>"fruit juice"

>> No.17658918
File: 39 KB, 720x537, 1645462939498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... No

>> No.17659003

By just ignoring it.

>> No.17659014

OP here. No, mommy still wipes bum bum

>> No.17659022


>> No.17659026

Eat fruit.

>> No.17659031

Grapefruit is so awful that there has to be some gene affecting its taste like cilantro.

>> No.17659041
File: 1.80 MB, 460x318, 6F5FE3A9-8FEA-45AE-8A4B-CF318F9A112B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> sober from soda
Do Americans really

>> No.17659050

There's literally nothing wrong with diet soda, why not just have that?

>> No.17659055

Seltzer, Spindrift, tea with sugar, fruit
Also Olipop. It's technically a prebiotic so you shouldn't slam more than 1 or 2 a day, but they taste great.

>> No.17659058

Do Americans really get addicted to HFCS?

>> No.17659148

>Do Americans really get addicted to HFCS?
yes, but its no different than getting addicted to any other sort of sugar. for example look at mexico, their coke uses real sugar and that country drinks it more than they drink water, its a major problem there.

>> No.17659275

>I've been sober
dude fuck off. yes, sugar is unhealthy and it's good you're cutting it out. but if you've had a real addiction you wouldn't be throwing words like "sober" around

>> No.17659326

i started adding pink lemonade kool aid to a 2L of ginger ale soda

>> No.17659381


You and every other gatekeeping crack head need to fuck off.

>> No.17659964

protein shake

>> No.17660004

Propel and Gatorade Zero did the trick for me

>> No.17660261


you're not going to do anything about my "gatekeeping" (lol teenage girl word)

>> No.17660266

this triggers my PTSD as I have a serious sugar addiction, and that's why I am fat, and you're just going to undermine all of that!

>> No.17660831


You're right, I can't do anything about it that will make a change but I can ridicule you for it.

>> No.17660857

I have something sugary and remind myself that it's a treat. abstinence is for faggots with no self control

>> No.17661393

Cigarettes and heroin were easier to kick than my soda addiction that still exists

>> No.17661478

Sparkling water. I also bake cakes or cookies if I want sweets.

>> No.17661509

i used to be soda free but started drinking soda in rehab now I'm hooked hard. fast food too.

my diet is basically dog shit right now...and I used to be a fairly healthy eater. please just kill me already honestly I don't even like eating.