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17652469 No.17652469 [Reply] [Original]

it's super good.
this is how romans used to do their shit and honestly they were on to something.
add 4 parts water to 1 part red wine.
perfect drink.
can sip it and get the kick or drink it legitimately as a refreshment.
gets you just a little buzzed but no headache possible or hangover if you're drinking a lot.
so why aren't you drinking watered wine like a sophisticated person anon?

>> No.17652483

Next you can add fizzy water to chilled white wine, it’s super refreshing, though I usually do 50:50.

>> No.17652484

yeah spritzers are fun

>> No.17652487

Naw, it's how they stopped soldiers and conscripts from being dysfunctional and useless. Sailors used to do the same thing. They'd get their beer ration and by the time they were into the Carribean that turned to grog which is just watered down spirits. Keep em' drunk enough to tolerate the miserable conditions but not so drunk that they constantly fucked up.

>> No.17652497

They also added lead to wine, are you going to do that too?

>> No.17652498

>Keep em' drunk enough to tolerate the miserable conditions but not so drunk that they constantly fucked up.
it's the perfect drink!
and with the added water it offsets the sugars making it come and go much cleaner

>> No.17652588
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or you could just stop being a softcunt and smash a goonbag like everyone else you fucking poof

>> No.17652696

Churchill did this with Johnny walker, constantly drank it v diluted throughout out the day cause he thought it will sanitise or he was a drunk or some shit

>> No.17652699

>he doesn’t, in a raging thirst, call for vinegar, or when his strength is failing, add a little wine.

Try posca. It might be your speed.

>> No.17652725

ancient greek/roman wine was probably more like 20%abv
there's a whole section in plato's symposium detailing how to dilute the wine depending on the situation.

>> No.17652729

Is that doomguy

>> No.17652742

>this is how romans used to do their shit
>add 4 parts water to 1 part red wine.
Not exactly Roman; they didn't care for red wine. They drank sweet, spiced white wine, diluted.

>> No.17652753

they had and drank both, but yeah white wine with herbs, spices, honey, etc. was a common drink

>> No.17653080

Didn't they also flavour the water with cumin, lovage seeds and that extinct herb I can't remember the name of?

>> No.17653153

>Ah hell
>Give me
>A white wine

>> No.17653162

Silphium? Probably. It would have been a precursor of vermouth at that point.

>> No.17653252

worst american drinking the worst american booze

>> No.17653307

go on mate

>> No.17653357

lel wat

>> No.17653362

Goon too sweet? Hang it out to dry!
This is why the English sent you away.

>> No.17653520

Yeah, that's the one.
>precursor of vermouth
Now that you mention it, yeah, sort of. Less the cumin, of course. What a weird fucking choice for a drink but then, Romans adored the use of cumin in their cooking.

>> No.17653526

Is that before or after the parts about buttfucking?

>> No.17653541

cumin demons

>> No.17653547

>ancient greek/roman wine was probably more like 20%abv
Unlikely, even modern yeasts bred to tolerate alcohol better don't survive that high

>> No.17653556

they're playing spin the goon you dumbcunt

>> No.17653564

That's not how grog is made, it's actually a mixed drink. You don't just let beer sit around until it goes bad and call it grog, you add water to a rum ration.

>> No.17653585

With six pins on the line? Who are they playing? An American?

>> No.17653588

>grog, which is just watered down spirits
It was poorly written, but this was in there.

>> No.17653592

Oh you're right, I misread that.

>> No.17653596

iirc 28% is the highest abv achieved in modern times.
it's widely acknowledged that wine in ancient times was stronger than present day wine, and that's not really anything to do with the yeast but rather to do with industrial and tax/duty regulations that have made 12-14% the modern range for commercial wine.

>> No.17653684

other dumbcunts more than likely

>> No.17653697

no thanks i prefer unleaded

>> No.17653728

Well that's a fuckin' given innit?

>> No.17653753

wine back then was probably very harsh tasting, it took months to make it smooth in which time it could accidentally turn to vinegar
if you've ever tasted a young homebrewed wine, it tastes like medicine before it's aged

>> No.17653779

came to post this
I love white by itself, but I prefer to mix it with ginger ale if I'm day drinking so as to not be just flying through it as I would otherwise be

>> No.17653784

you obviously dont know how wine is actually made
if you ask anyone who's made wine, getting to 12% is the standard
to get even to just 15% you need a very high abv tolerating yeast that will take months to ferment, and if you want to go even higher you need to ferment it cold i think, which is how sake gets so strong
the issue with cold fermentation is that you'll be aging for up to half a year or more, and thats just to strain the yeast to getting up to 16-17%
alcohol is a solvent that kills bacteria, including the yeast that makes it, they literally suffocate in their own shit

>> No.17653825

Sake's got mold breaking rice starch down into simple sugars, working simultaneously with the yeast. Wine's got simple sugars from grape juice, and either naturally occurring yeast from the grape skins, or a lab cultivated mutant bastard thereof... It's kind of apples to oranges, or moldy rice to grapes.

With very sweet grapes (especially if lightly frozen once or twice) and very tolerant yeast, it's possible to get way up there. The average champagne yeast, given something sweet to work through will hit 18% no problem but that's the level where most yeasts crap out. Turbos, Kveiks, and other specifically high-ABV-tolerant yeasts can get up into the mid 20's, but the flavour will be off at best and undrinkable at worst.

>> No.17653835

This is why Sangria is great, arguably one of the best culinary inventions of the Spanish. It's wine, but mixed with tons of fruits and some juice, usually with ice cubes which dilute over time. It's more diluted, so Sangria is usually like 7-8% alcohol instead of the 12-15% of wine. So incredibly refreshing on a hot day

>> No.17653847

ancient wine not only was stronger, but also thicker and resinous since they were not really good at filtering and refining
they also added a lot of spices, honey, herbs and sometimes even tar which turned into a slurry kind of thing
the water was there just to dial it back into a drinkable status

>> No.17653850
File: 421 KB, 960x960, 1521887903_6ziT5R-0w7w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck drunktards.

>> No.17653857

they did that so it goes off if you try to save multiple rations to drink all at once

>> No.17653867

The Romans! What have they ever done for us?

>> No.17655079

Just drink beer you cunt.

>> No.17655089
File: 109 KB, 850x638, 1646958184562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also used to use piss as mouthwash. Next you're gonna tell me that's super good too

>> No.17655100

only shit quality drinks give you hangover in my experience, as long as I'm spending 10$ on a whisky bottle I'm fine, no hangover.

>> No.17655120

Christopher Hitchens also added soda water to his Johnnie Walker I'm pretty sure.

>> No.17655127

Don't know this for a fact but it was probably because wine in Roman times went sour very quickly.

>> No.17655140

I hear that in my head every single time spritzers are mentioned.
Goddamn that show used to be good.

>> No.17655147
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Are you me, neighborino?





>> No.17655474

This. Undiluted Roman wine was almost like jelly.

>> No.17656037

mein hawara

>> No.17656073

Roman and greek wine was highly concentrated to the point of being borderline undrinkable if not diluted. Even Homer mentions it in the odyssey, Odysseus gives the cyclops a skin of undiluted wine and that giant mother fucker collapses wasted and falls asleep. If it did that to a son of Poseidon what do you think it would do to the average person, probably poisonous.

>> No.17656485
File: 134 KB, 465x400, 400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Only abos and teenagers drink goon cunt.

>> No.17657780

Taught sex to women. It was a men's only sport for the Greeks.

>> No.17657887

lobsters used to be prison food

>> No.17657916
File: 35 KB, 620x330, roads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your father was a woman?

>> No.17658055

I want to have babies.

IIRC, not quite. Ammonia was made from urine and that ammonia was used to whiten linens as well as teeth.

>> No.17658075

im more of a 50/50 red wine/coke guy

but I don't drink at all now

>> No.17659702
