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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17651357 No.17651357 [Reply] [Original]

/an/ is useless
Canned catfood has increased 50% where I live, and I have 9 cats to feed. They do eat dry food, but kinda hate it.
Do you know any low cost recipes that cats eat? I already make chickensoup with chicken carcasses and rice.

>> No.17651367

Let em outside and they can eat rodents and birds like nature intended.

>> No.17651371

high quality raw food
canned fish

>> No.17651377

they already do lol, they eat everything that moves

>> No.17651383

>domesticated cats
choose one

>> No.17651384

This, except the opposite. Lock them in a closet and let them fight it out until there's only two left. They'll eat each other once they get hungry enough, and nobody should have more than 2 cats or kids anyway.

>> No.17651385
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Every Costco in our state is out of canned food with no restock date. Walmart had some though, and not much more expensive. Try Walmart.com and Amazon and order a few cases for free shipping.
>They do eat dry food, but kinda hate it.
Shitsux but suffering untasty food is better than starving to death. It's not time to really panic until you start waking up with bloody toes.

>> No.17651391

You have too many cats. Lock them in a room till you have 50% less

>> No.17651393

well you can get them the dollar store or walmart meats and you will feed them all for cheap just dont know of the quality

>> No.17651400

>dollar store or walmart meats
>Try Walmart.com
they ship to balkans? yuropoor here
they stay at home in winter and fuck around outside in the summer, balcony goes directly to the garden and then to the wild
they have genocided all mice in a big radius for years now

>> No.17651411

if you're some yuro go to your local butcher and ask for the cheapest meats

>> No.17651413

you shouldn’t own 9 cats if you can’t afford to feed them

>> No.17651416

The dog trannies always out themselves. You're never going to birth your pit-human hybrid like you want to, troon

>> No.17651424
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Reminder that /ck/ is - and always has been - a dog board.

>> No.17651427
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a whole chicken costs 3.7 euros per kilo here, and my 2 eldest kots alone can eat 1kg of chicken
they're big guys
I'll start feeding them pasta I guess
based and true
dogs r gay

>> No.17651431

Take chicken breast, boil it with water and a little salt (very little), then put it in a food processor with a little cooking liquid, just enough to get it into a wet sorta paste. Mix that with some multivitamin (one human pill should probably be enough for a lot of cat meals) and there you have it. Alternatively, you could cook some rice with the chicken breast to make it stretch.

My mom does something like that for one cat of hers that is old and refuses to eat anything else.

>> No.17651448

>one human pill should probably be enough for a lot of cat meals
Cats have pretty specific nutritional requirements. Just guessing what they need and giving them something not meant for them could kill them.

>> No.17651464

must be a tranny pitlover
many such cases

>> No.17651474
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>they ship to balkans? yuropoor here
Sorry, no offense but it would help to specify location in OP since this is a majority American site. Like >>17651411 said I would check what cheap offcuts and organ meats might be available from your local butcher. Beyond that, comment about dry food still stands: if they get hungry enough, they'll eat it. Wishing you luck feeding those kots Balkan-bro.

>> No.17651494
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>I have 9 cats to feed.
Should have had less cats or not became a cab driver.

>> No.17651497
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alternatively, anyone can employ me so I can feed them steaks?
I'll shillpost on /pol/ or anything you want

>> No.17651526
File: 454 KB, 1170x2172, 5DBA350A-4D67-4C63-82CE-B151D23B0BB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I k ow an old lady who feeds her cats dead baby chicks and other rodents she orders in the mail. Literal pennies per feeding, you can order bags of 25 for less than a dollar. You may have to starve the cats for a day or so before they begin eating them.

>> No.17651533

Daily reminder that Francis is dead

>> No.17651535

that's pretty metal

>> No.17651537

And /ck/ died with him.

>> No.17651539

Skip the pill, then.

>> No.17651548

francis who

>> No.17651560

yes. for example, they need taurine

>> No.17651600


>> No.17651601

I'm an ancientfag, I just browse other boards

>> No.17651617

then go back in time and lurk more fag

>> No.17651630

you retard take broth and mix it into the dry food

>> No.17651639

it'll become a soggy mass like mud retard, cats won't touch that shit

>> No.17651646

Just cook a whole chicken in a slowcooker and then shred the meat.

Save the bones to make stock.

>> No.17651648

Why even get pets if you can't even properly take care of them. And 9 is waaaay too many you toxo-brain

>> No.17651655

thats literally what wet food is you incomprehensible retard

>> No.17651671

Chan speak for
>she goes to a different school

>> No.17651809

buy them organ meats

>> No.17651822

Canned fish or spam is probably your best bet but it's very hard to beat cheap animal feed relative to what's in it. Remember too that cats are obligate carnivores, and they're not supposed to eat any plant matter. That said, chicken leg quarters may be a viable option if you can get them for like .$49 a pound like you used to. You would have to supplement them with organ meat for micronutrients though

>> No.17651835

If you go this route, feed the meat to them raw with the bones attached. Their guts should be able to handle raw bones.

>> No.17651880
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>Canned catfood has increased 50% where I live

>> No.17651901

You're going to have to hunt the neighborhood animals to feed your nine cats

>> No.17652101

please get rid of your pest

>> No.17652104

Big bags of costco dry food.

I got a stray and she is utterly grateful to eat it. She is not spoiled like your cats.

>> No.17652128
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>I have 9 cats to feed

>> No.17652138

my mom feeds her cats chicken necks, i feed mine trash meat like pig hides, chicken guts and trimmings, tripe, intestines, livers, hearts etc. i live in an apartment in a city, too, it costs me about $8 a month to feed my cat. eggs and rice are a great filler food for them too, but they shouldnt eat too much starch ideally

nine cats is a lot of cats tho bud good luck

>> No.17652140

there's always one seething

>> No.17652152


>> No.17652166

i wonder how they seal them to avoid the entire package smelling like roadkill

>> No.17652175

deep freeze and vacuum I assume

>> No.17652182

I wish my cats liked offal

>> No.17652239

Mainstream YouTube may be thoroughly cucked, but the obscure corners are still pretty fascinating. I was halfway expecting Benji there to do a taste test.

>> No.17652477

i hate how much he meddles with cat food prices in the bulkan states!!1!

>> No.17652572

is this kid 16 lmao