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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17646850 No.17646850 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat ze bugs if it was part of a legitimate dish?

>> No.17646867

What would be an example of an illegitimate dish?

>> No.17646869

Bug sandwhich

>> No.17646892

Yes of course. Why not? They are not dirtier than any other creature and the protein is the best so. When there is appetizing option to eat them I can not find any reason not to.

>> No.17646896

I'd give it a try if it wasn't blatantly obvious that I was eating bugs

>> No.17646899

>They are not dirtier than any other creature and the protein is the best
Do you eat shrimp with the shell on and vein intact, too? It's garbage quality protein because you're consuming it with all their indigestible chitin and shit.

>> No.17646914

What stops one from removing the shell of insects... Grass hopper are larger than some of shrimp you get in rice and they are peeled, so

>> No.17646958


>> No.17647745
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Why not? You already eat the FDA allowance of permtted bugs and bug parts in most of the food you buy.

>> No.17647964

Yep, crickets are clean and eat plants... roaches on the other hand...

>> No.17647967

I'm potentially willing to eat bug meat, but not if it still looks like a bug. Natural revulsion is always going to be triggered by that.

>> No.17647977

I ain't gonna give up muh steak just so i can toothpick cricket legs out of my teeth. op is a jew bot shilling up threads with this propaganda bs.

>> No.17647983

... also seafood things eat shit, so better go with crickets

>> No.17648035

Anything that was intentionally designed to replace meat.

An "American burger" made of bugs would be illegitimate. A Maori dish made from huhu worms would be legitimate.

>> No.17648043

Of couse. It's not about eco or expanding diets. It's about dehumanization and forcing unclean people to eat filth. You are literally a nazi if you dont suck your own excriment out of the stool and die of asphyxiation.

>> No.17648047

>Do you eat shrimp with the shell on
Yes, the bottom half, at least.

>> No.17648049

Here's a better question for the thread:

Would you purchase Kosher/Halal meat if it meant 0% chance of bugs?

>> No.17648051

I don't understand the logic of people that post this?
organic food has more bugs than food that uses pesticides
what are you trying to convince us to just stop eating to avoid eating a bug? who are you shilling for?

>> No.17648057

meat doesn't have bugs in it unless it's rotten. flies lay eggs in vegetables and especially fruit. having a rabbi bless your food doesn't remove bugs btw

>> No.17648061

Sure. Limiting your culinary options based on a /pol/ meme would be pretty fucking cringe. I'm open to trying most foods once

>> No.17648066

>pushed heavily by jewish groups
>not kosher
Yeah, that's gonna be a strong NO from me.

>> No.17648071

I've eaten crickets and grasshoppers before. They honestly don't taste bad and arent that gross. I'm not really on board with mealworms though, they just dont seem appetizing. I dont see why anyone should be outraged with people trying new foods. Just try them or not, no one is forcing you, and no one gives a shit

>> No.17648074
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yeah no shit I would even, in my ice cream
>t. Missouri

>> No.17648078
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fried grasshoppers are very snackable
Ant egg tacos comin through

>> No.17648083

it's funny how you supposed ubermenschen can't even spell correctly. truly a superior breed of humans

>> No.17648094

I unironically tried to incorporate cricket flour and bug snacks into my diet. lasted a couple weeks before I got so sick of the flavor that it would literally make me ill to try doing it ever again. shit tastes like peanut shells and the flavor is strong enough to ruin anything its in

>> No.17648096
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>> No.17648101

no the crunch alone would probably make me wretch, even though I have thought about trying those msg "bbq bacon" flavoured crickets

>> No.17648122

that's probably fairly tasty. I dont see why people are so put off by even trying a tiny bite of something like this.

>> No.17648125

The reason you see any articles about bugs as an alternative protein source are due to insect agriculture startups paying journalists in order to garner investors and public interest in its product. They aren't waging some mystical war on the dignity of the American consumer, there isn't any dignity left regardless.

>> No.17648134

no, it has to be some grand conspiracy involving millions of people that can all keep the secret; somehow. That makes so much more sense

>> No.17648158

>it's not conspiracy X, it's conspiracy Y!
Considering who runs the media, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned out to be both.

>> No.17648161

they're p good it's basically like eating cottage cheese that is kinda nutty

>> No.17648179

you're really lost brother, i suggest you go on consultation with jesse lee peterson

>> No.17648192
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I think even Ja/ck/ got some of that $$$ kek

>> No.17649036

It's funny how a person has to have peer reviewed and iphone spell checked posts to maintain a social credit score. I'll eat the roaches with you if it gets us friendbook likes to spend in the metaverse.

>> No.17649053

How do you season that shit?

>> No.17649077

If the alt food source was that viable of a product then they should naturally find market traction. Generate kilos of ant flour if it's more nutritional and better than wheat for example. It's just naive in the current year to trust articles or startups without due diligence.

>> No.17649093

Americans won't even eat lamb. If it isn't chicken pork or beef it's a nonstarter.

>> No.17649099

It's a a street taco, so without even looking I'll guess chili powder, lime juice, cilantro, onion. Maybe crema.

>> No.17649121

Ok, then I'd try that.

>> No.17649261

Supposedly the eggs are buttery with a texture not unlike cottage cheese.

>> No.17649266

I've been meaning to go and get some maggots to snack on for a long time. I've heard they're quite good and have a peanuty, shrimpy flavor to them. They'd probably go well on burgers and rice bowls.

>> No.17649472

you mean like in casu marzu

>> No.17649478

I would eat ze bugs regardless, if I was still able to eat mammal, fish, reptile, and poultry when I wished. But since I can’t then I will eat ze rich instead.

>> No.17650615

If I ever saw someone setting up and trying to shill their disgusting insect food here I'd probably knock their stand off and destroy all of their "product"

>> No.17650657

>What stops one from removing the shell of insects

It's a labour intensive process which cannot be automated.

>> No.17650670

>legitimate dish
>full of bugs
Lol fuck off

>> No.17650682

why cant peeling insects be automated? Everything else is.

>> No.17650752

Chitin is inedible garbage. Even softshell crab is difficult to palate more than once in a while.
Ze bugs are a meme and if they were effective to harvest we would be doing so way earlier in development.
Personally, I could eat bugs to survive, but on principle I despise the almost fetishistic obsession with making humans eat inferior and/or over-processed food.
Get over your damn selves, you are not the NWO. You're a bunch of old fogeys who are desperately trying to become relevant by meming up ideas to 'improve humanity' before you roll over and die in a desperate attempt to give your wasted life meaning.

>> No.17650760

Cracking eggs and peanuts is a lot simpler than removing shit and legs from insects.

>> No.17650768

Lamb is good though. I think we just don't have as many mass production lamb farms.
Same reason venison isn't as popular despite being plentiful- you usually need a local butcher because it's not farmed industrially and thus isn't popular in big shops

>> No.17650776

I'd rather eat a bullet.

>> No.17650791

Sure, if I had to eat bugs for every meal, I'd ask for a helping of cyanide to go with that

>> No.17650798

It's one thing to eat the bugs for
>lol dude check it out I'm eating chocolate crickes, ahjaha isn't that funny
but if you have to eat it for this reason:
>lol dude fuck man beef is so expensive nowadays only CEOs are able to eat it daily fuck
>guess I have to eat the sloppa worms
Then please neck yourself

I'd rather raise my own livestock than be force fed maggots

>> No.17650966

I dunno if the rich would taste that good, but maybe
I tried chapulina tacos (fried grasshopper) and I thought it was disgusting. Other people at my table liked them. I don't think I would ever eat bugs unless they were ground down into a protein powder and mixed into something

>> No.17651092

So how do they get the shells off of shrimps?

>> No.17651098

you would have to be mentally ill to eat this

>> No.17651201

I would eat locusts but that's it
all others are unclean

>> No.17651518

mushrooms are made out of chitin

>> No.17651528

the bugs being sold as food are tiny, and often as flour which is made with the whole bugs

>> No.17652372
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>> No.17652640

>oy vey you are being an absolutely ridiculous goy right now. Oy gevalt take your meds, TAKE YOUR MEDS!

>> No.17652660

Americans don't eat lamb because it's expensive compared to beef, chicken and pork. $10/lb for ground lamb vs $7.50/lb for lean ground beef.

>> No.17652709

The viability of the product was always contingent on its social value. The intention is to show potential investors that there's interest rather than actually sell their product to consumere.

>> No.17652724
