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17646124 No.17646124 [Reply] [Original]

There is no advantage for gas besides pretending you are cool like the celeb chefs. Name one thing you can do better on gas than electric.

>fire roasted [whatever]


As a realtor I love bumping up houses prices because it has a gas stove that 99.9% of everyone will use exactly the same as anything else.

>> No.17646131

Using a wok

>> No.17646134

Heat control

>> No.17646136

>Name one thing you can do better on gas than electric
Heat up canned food when the power's out.
Cook food that's about to expire if it's a big outage.
Never need matches again
Use a wok
Use copper

>> No.17646178

Also tilting the pan for basting
Using a pan that's slightly larger than the element
Not having some pulsing bullshit to simulate low heat
Not smashing the glass top

>> No.17646296

I light cigarettes on the gas stove, that's something you can't do with induction. You can light cigarettes on the old electric kind with the raised red-hot coils but that causes tobacco grime to burn into the element and smoulder so it's not really a good option. Also those things just obviously suck ass in general so they're not really in the running.

Something nobody mentions in these threads is that gas ovens are way better than electric, they heat up way faster and have better heat control. Induction is only faster to heat up a pan because it dumps all the energy directly into the metal whereas most of the heat from the gas flame flows up around the sides of the pan and heats the air. But in an oven, none of the heat from a flame is lost because what you're trying to heat IS the air. Gas ovens are much faster to heat up and cheaper to use where I live. In New Jersey gas is cheap and electricity is expensive.

>> No.17646630

I've found the advantage of gas stoves is mostly found in your cookware. Stainless steel or aluminum cookware are top tier equipment with gas stoves as they're usually thinner and displace their heat into the food extremely quickly.

However, that thin material is a drawback on an electric stove where the unevenness in heating can lead to warping in those materials. This is where the heft of cast iron really shines. Cast iron and an electric stove is really the ideal match as cast iron retains the heat from the stove, and has vastly reduced risk of warping.

t. someone who's used both.

>> No.17646700

why do you smash your pans against the stove?

>> No.17647030
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Soften up tortillas by throwing them on the fire for a few seconds. The water vapor makes it much more flexible

>> No.17647552

i cooked using electric two times. I'm not sure about what goes on specifically but the heat distribution was atrocious.

>> No.17648661

>Not having some pulsing bullshit to simulate low heat
gas stoves are barely capable of low heat at all. pulsing bullshit works. instead you have to do bullshit like taking the pan off and on (i.e. manual pulsing bullshit) if you need low heat for something like an omlette.

>> No.17649001

You can get electric without pulsing bullshit by buying an actually decent stove.

>> No.17649004

Hell you could even mod yours to do proper power control. Just wire a few SSRs in.

>> No.17649421

>Just wire a few SSRs in.
i don't think you know what that means.

>> No.17649683

Thanks, spicanon.

>> No.17649689

your stove vaporizes water?
or you mean the moisture leaving the tortilla?
which make it LESS flexible

>> No.17649693

Gravity happens sometimes anon
>gas stoves are barely capable of low heat at all.
This is a blatant lie or your stove is shit

>> No.17649887

you can't seriously be comparing high quality gas stoves with low quality electric ones. that's hardly a fair comparison.

>> No.17649896

No I mean normal quality for both, the shittiest gas is better than the best electric that I have come across. I'd love to try some new top of the range kind one day and see how it goes.
Think of it like this, good electric is great, bad electric is terrible. Good gas is great, bad gas is still good.

>> No.17649921

Constant heat. Electric elements deliver ‘pulses’ that make constant heat impossible. Plus, you can visually confirm heat levels with gas, which you can’t with electric.

>> No.17649924

You can’t flambé over an electric stove without a lighter/match, which kind of kills the mystique and romance.

>> No.17649928

You can use ceramic, aluminum, and copper on the stovetop. Thick pans also heat up far faster. I find that to be fairly important.

>> No.17649972

Water vapor is a combustion byproduct. That's what makes the bottom of a cold pot steam up when you put it on a gas stove.

>> No.17650081

electric stoves less responsive end of story

>> No.17650178

Most people in my country use gas stoves, it has nothing to do with housing prices
Electric is non existent here and induction is very expensive, only rich larpers have it

>> No.17650179

Gas stoves are also usable if the power goes out

>> No.17650184

i have a electic wok that's pretty neat
best veggie steamer out there

>> No.17650188

Corn tortillas

>> No.17650193

I have gas and electric.
Gas heats up better, way faster, can do fire roasted shit, can run a wok, flamme shit, can work on everything that isn't flat and forced flat on the surface.

There's a reason literally every real kitchen uses gas.

>> No.17650195

Basting in a tilted pan. That's the only real thing I wanted and couldn't do on my electric stove.

>> No.17650196

>every real kitchen uses gas.
To collect on insurance if the restaurant goes bust.

>> No.17650218

My old apartment had gas, my new apartment does not, it is not really a problem tgqh, it is just a matter of getting used to.

>> No.17650245
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The most patrician cookware only works on gas, that should tell you something
>As a realtor I love bumping up houses prices because it has a gas stove that 99.9% of everyone will use exactly the same as anything else.
Hmm, almost like home buyers know something you don't. Oh well no one ever accused real estate agents of being smart.