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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.34 MB, 2825x3955, Just-Egg-Vegan-Egg-product-shot-31012019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17643243 No.17643243 [Reply] [Original]

>Just Egg
>contains zero eggs
>is sold in the egg section
what did the swindlers mean by this?

>> No.17643267

>clearly says egg-free
Surely you can read, right? If not, you should face your wrangler do your shopping for you, you ban-evading faggot.

>> No.17643273
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>> No.17643274

It's duplicitous and violates FDA labeling regulations by explicitly stating egg in its name.

>> No.17643301

Don’t be a retarded ass faggot. You’ve never read an FDA reg in your life.
Beyond meat has “meat” in the name.
You’re probably the same fag who starts this thread every few weeks or so.

>> No.17643307

why cant they have egg in thier name but almond/soy/nut milk is fine?

>> No.17643317

Completely violates food labeling laws but whatever they have the "right" politics.

It's like that margarine poison right next to real butter.

>> No.17643322

>keeps pulling “laws” out of his ass
As long as it’s real in your head, right?

>> No.17643329
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>> No.17643341

what kind of idiot buys eggs in a fucking bottle? real or fake

>> No.17643346

By "just egg" it means "just fuck my egg up"

>> No.17643358

It's bullshit franken-food masquerading as real whole ingredients.

>> No.17643373

Just is the brand name
Egg is the product name

>> No.17643387

You will eat the bugs and own nothing

>> No.17643389

>”just” only has one meaning
Fucking zoomer education I swear.
Are you too stupid to read a label? How often do you buy your eggs in a bottle?

>> No.17643399

Unshelled egg products exist. This is pretending to be that, but it is not. "Just" is not a company logo, it is an adjective. It means that this bottle only contains eggs. The print below contradicts the original labeling.

>> No.17643403
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>> No.17643407

I've eaten mealworms before. My friend raised them and cooked them for me. It was.... ehhhh.
I'm not a fan of the exoskeleton.
As for owning nothing I have 100+ acres, a garden, livestock, several firearms and the zogs can pry them from my cold, dead, hands.

>> No.17643480

Hmm, seems we need to adjust your property taxes this year.

>> No.17643482

Learn to pronounce
based on or behaving according to what is morally right and fair.
"a just and democratic society"

It is a play on words. You would have to be a complete retard to go buy some eggs and see a bottle of yellow goop that says "JUST egg" to think it was a suitable replacement for your carton of eggs. What is more, upon a cursory inspection of it you would see the "egg-free" print below the logo.

>> No.17643486

I'm ready to become a feral man who lives deep in the woods and kidnaps your children to also turn them feral

>> No.17643490

the company is called 'eat just' and the black rectangle with the "JUST" is their logo

>> No.17643508
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Ah yes it's so unfair that my birds have to live a comfortable life having constant access to high quality food and pasture and clean water and protection from predators and extreme weather. And then they shit out an egg and fucking ignore it. Life is so cruel.

>> No.17643510

Yep, I am not a vegan nor do I think there is anything wrong with eating eggs. I was just explaining their branding to you since you didn't seem to understand it.

>> No.17643522

Oh I wasn't that guy you responded to. I know they use "just" as a way to try to tell their customers that their highly processed factory made, plastic encased slop is somehow morally superior to the real thing.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at how narcissistic processed food companies are becoming, turning their product into almost a religion. But it's definitely spooking me into the opposite direction. Although I definitely see how it's tempting. I plan to grow and dry goji berries in the near future and sell them to stupid vegans at a huge profit.

>> No.17643526

You are so fucking retarded I can’t imagine how you manage to stay alive.
But I can see why you’re so asshurt at the idea of having to read a label.
>just only has one meaning
Again with your zoomer-tier vocabulary.
Do you cry about impossible meat?
>it says meat! It clearly says meat!!
>and it says impossible! But it clearly exists!! Impossible things can’t exist!!
That’s how stupid you sound.

>> No.17643543

You are so fucking stupid we aren't all the same poster.

>> No.17643556

You must be the moronic fucking retard then, since that anon politely replied to the other.

>> No.17643623

Ah, I see. Yeah, the veganism craze is a little too much.

>you are so fucking stupid you can't tell that me and this other guy are different people on an anonymous Mongolian basket weaving forum.

>> No.17643636

Army kitchen. We used to have cartoons of egg fluid to make a lot of omelets

>> No.17643681
File: 174 KB, 1050x1260, IMG_20220212_201436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many times are you going to have this thread op

>> No.17643705

>you should face your wrangler do your shopping for you

>> No.17643713

vital farms master race reporting in

>> No.17643728

What do you do with this product? Is this a beverage?

>> No.17643759

Sounds pretty gay.

>> No.17643782

It isn't fine too

>> No.17643800

I'm not the one who is so desensitized to sex that I can only get off to trannies.

>> No.17643817


>> No.17643818

Yeah it is, schizo zoomie. Go to bed.

>> No.17643943

who is she

>> No.17643947


>> No.17643958


>> No.17643974
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OP, don't. Don't be another name on Big Soy's hitlist.

>> No.17644089

Kill yourself depressed loser

>> No.17644244

you know, this makes a good point. artificial "meat" products should be listed with quotes
>beyond "meat"
>just "eggs"

>> No.17644272
File: 5 KB, 225x225, JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they meant like JUST as in the meme

>> No.17645187

Should be sold as a "beverage"

>> No.17645247

>says egg free in tiny little writing away frmo where your eyes are drawn
>as OP said sold alongside actual egg products
just the first thing would be a bit scummy but not that bad but in combination it's utterly deplorable

>> No.17645283

My boomer coworker who doesn't drive

>> No.17645298

>Illegal in EU

>> No.17645313

>substitute item sold next to actual item HOW IS THIS LEGAL???
So are you retarded, or do you just actively seek ways in which you can feel like a victim?

>> No.17645318
File: 84 KB, 1000x1000, FD1B8C4F-1487-41FD-B148-3B34F5EDC927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17645334

sold in the chocolate aisle

>> No.17645346

It is at least shaped like an egg, JUST doesn't even do that.

>> No.17645347

They make the writing small on purpose. Someone older or with poor eyesight would have a hard time reading that

>> No.17645363

Is the creme egg sold alongside actual eggs?
it's also not on near the same level as the stuff in OP litterly saying just egg, to me if I read that I would think it's bragging about a lack of additives

>> No.17645372

yall are babies

>> No.17645379

If you were considering buying egg yolks in a fucking bottle and somehow are retarded enough to unknowingly buy this instead, you deserve it.

>> No.17645577

you have to eat all the eggs

>> No.17646887

A child, you disgusting pedophile. Die.

>> No.17646906

You can't call jewish people like that, it's racist!

>> No.17646923

i wonder if amanda is still a qt after her freak out

>> No.17646982


>> No.17647039

this thread is pretty representative of the /ck/ experience
i wish i would stop coming here
better than /pol/, i guess

>> No.17647051
File: 328 KB, 2400x1600, amanda-bynes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got some bad news brother

>> No.17647069


>> No.17647109

Don't look, Anon. Some things are best left as memories.

>> No.17647216

Why do women do this

>> No.17647252

>Chock Full o' Nuts
>contains no nuts

>> No.17647262

They just gave her back control of all her finances and legal issues so I'm sure she's going to be doing just fine real soon

>> No.17647282

>It's like that margarine poison right next to real butter.
Galaxy-brain take, they've been doing this shit for decades, all processed food is poison and whole foods are being laced.

>> No.17647324
File: 783 KB, 600x600, 7b45969caeab367b25d9f4958d16dc41.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vile swill for 'cultured' dickheads who wear manbuns and still live with their moms. eat real chicken fetus like a man u freaking amateurs

>> No.17647343

mung bean protein and canola oil, yeah, sounds fucking delicious, and very healthy, wtf man, seriously, just eat a fucking egg which is literally one of the most nutritious healthy foods you can get

>> No.17647345

What a twist

>> No.17647371

why would you give a shit? I thoroughly examine all food before I buy it

>> No.17647390

You're retarded. They aren't allowed to be deceptive in it's naming, but that's it's own argument. Their name is "JUST" which implies it's an alternative product. "Egg" simply states the product it's emulating. By your logic, Cadbury Creme Eggs are in violation of FDA laws and since retards like you seem to get so upset by this naming I wouldn't be surprised if one of you opened one expecting to see an actual egg.

>> No.17647401
File: 258 KB, 512x497, yourmeds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17647412

Can all the upset faggots in this thread just admit that they're angry at vegans because a lot of vegans are "liberal" and you're all /pol/ immigrants from reddit who feel the need to drag politics into every facet of your personality?

>> No.17647428


Why does it even exist? Do people seriously think that eggs are bad for you?

>> No.17647444

The legal matter of this company's branding has already been settled. That faggot whining about the FDA can move on now

>> No.17648292

Maybe it's a fight against eggy farts.

>> No.17648419

God I hate the media so much, imagine trying to paint these people being able to deceive their customers as a good thing because they're the little guy

>> No.17648432

So all right wingers are from reddit?
You're just as retarded as the people you claim to hate.

>> No.17648441

One time I went doo doo and it hurt so I screamed for my mother to wipe me and when she was done I scooped up the turd and kissed it goodbye before I flushed.

>> No.17648447


>> No.17648449

I'd kiss you goodbye but you're too far away.

>> No.17649341

>says the guy bringing up /pol/, veganism and politics.
you will never be a woman, you will never be a herbivore, you will never be an oldfag.

>> No.17649353

>Be vegan
>Want an egg substitute
>Hmm where will I find that? I guess the first place to look is the egg section, as that is the most logical place to put something that markets itself as an egg substitute, and the natural go to area for people looking for such a product
>Nope, guess I was wrong. That actually goes in the egg substitute section of the supermarket because some guy on 4chan had his autism triggered.

>> No.17649392

I mean or they can find it in the vegan section of the store.

>> No.17649403

Oh yeah, that thing that totally exists.

>> No.17649408

That's not allowed

>> No.17649409

>Their name is "JUST" which implies it's an alternative product.
Retarded fuckhead

>> No.17649429

>Oh yeah, that thing that totally exists.
I was vegan for a while, there isn't usually an entire section, but the substitutes are usually off to one side, not put in between two normal products like in >>17643273.

>> No.17649433

The law was settled in this matter. Your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.17649438


>> No.17649457

vegans should be segregated anyways from normal people. They always get so triggered when they look at the real food.

>> No.17649464

>They always get so triggered
Oh yeah, unlike the stoic animal product eaters who keep their opinions about egg substitutes being in the egg section to themselves.

>> No.17649469

Spoken like a triggered vegan

>> No.17649488

vital farms is some good shit

>> No.17649493

At last I truly see.

>> No.17649531
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>> No.17650104
File: 8 KB, 229x250, 1618504391845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people seriously buy pre-boiled eggs, egg yolk, etc when they're not running a fucking restaurant? Just buy the fucking eggs and crack them yourself.

>> No.17650119

>170mg of salt
>in 3 tbsp

lmao, this just tells you how awful this chemical slop has to taste on it's own.

>> No.17650136

To be fair a real country would whip the people responsible in public.

>> No.17650407

she lit it from the wrong end

>> No.17650416

Jews utilising subversive tactics

>> No.17650417

Some fags are on only egg white diets because they are retarded but pre boiled eggs have no excuse.

>> No.17650485

>Their name is "JUST" which implies it's an alternative product.
post nose and blue checkmark

>> No.17650674


>> No.17650689
File: 471 KB, 600x576, 14b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plant based scramble

>> No.17651523


>> No.17651564

I smelled it once (I have a vegan relative).
It smells like garlic and onion.
But vegans will use it as a baking substitute.


>> No.17651586

>Made in Canada
enough said