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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17630232 No.17630232 [Reply] [Original]

" What goes with a cup of hot coffee? " edition

Previously >>17612612

>> No.17630261

Sweet or savory?

>> No.17630263
File: 121 KB, 1600x1067, Clipboard01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I choose sweet

>> No.17630625

>black coffee
jam toast
>sweet/milky coffee
usually something savory but it should compliment the flavor of the coffee.

>> No.17630923

Stop eating food with coffee

>> No.17630928

a hand rolled cigarette

>> No.17630973
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hello coffee frens i hope you have a good cup and a good day

>> No.17631064
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>> No.17631076

Recommend a decent coffee grinder and no gay jokes

>> No.17631082

option o remi

>> No.17631083

Breville SGP

>> No.17631089

i read hand grinder because i suck cocks
here are some decent electric grinders:

niche zero
baratza encore
baratza sette

>> No.17631093

also the DF64 is a good cheap alternative to the niche zero

>> No.17631112

DF64, Mignon Specialita, Niche Zero, etc

>> No.17631197

Encore and sette are fucking junk and unironically get btfo by hand grinders. 40mm Conicals in a shit housing with poor alignment. Don't pay a premium for that.

>> No.17631216

The DF64 isn't really any cheaper since you're going to be paying more or less the same price as the Niche if you get the SSP burrs (which you should be doing if you are going to buy one)

>> No.17631226

Just made a juicy natural Colombian castillo with my V60, what did I think of it?

>> No.17631264

i have a niche zero myself, i just see those recommended a lot alongside the niche

>> No.17631269

you thought it was hollow and sour and that you should get a fuller medium roast next time

>> No.17631276

I didn't mean to imply that the DF64 (with SSP burrs) is bad just that you shouldn't fall for the trap of buying it without the SSPs just because it's cheaper

>> No.17631305
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Savory with good black coffee is godlike.

>> No.17631314

The encore is a slight redesign from the maestro, which came out in 2001. Sette and encore(maestro++) are both a decade old. Hand grinder market wasn't saturated with great options back in 2012 so these recommendations have lingered. The Amazon affiliate links for shilling them on mommyblogs also don't hurt.

>> No.17631355

it's stock burrs are still italmill. if you allign them well, even with stock burrs it's better than any hand grinder or cheap conical

>> No.17631363

>even with stock burrs it's better than any cheap conical
It was being compared to the Niche

>> No.17631376

And alignment and retention are still a crapshoot. Give it a month and you'll be shilling the df64p.

>> No.17631384

no, the encore and sette.

>> No.17631389

>also the DF64 is a good cheap alternative to the niche zero
>i have a niche zero myself, i just see those recommended a lot alongside the niche

>> No.17631416

>it's better than any hand grinder
most retarded post of the day, congrats

>> No.17631423

yeah niche zero guy here, the guy you're replying to is fucking retarded. DF64 is often compared to the niche, not the sette or encore.

>> No.17631454


Cherry jam scone with clotted cream

Egg and bacon bagel

>> No.17631457

water filter came (cleansui). I like it but I guess my tap wasn't as bad since the difference isn't that noticeable. all in all I'd say the main difference makers in french press quality was switching to that one youtuber's meme method, switching from my cheap electric grinder to a cheap manual one (kingrinder), stop using boiling water, then using filtered

>> No.17631543

Water chemistry is a thing. Just filtering out "contaminants" won't give you the ideal mineral content for coffee flavor to bind to.

>> No.17631601
File: 67 KB, 399x617, coffee-and-provocation-postum-food-coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you persist in your caffeine addiction? do you not feel utterly emasculated in your reliance on a stimulant in order to function? cease this nonsense at once. drink POSTUM.

>> No.17631614

savory retard

>> No.17631642

oh that's interesting. not going to do it since it seems incredibly autistic for every cup but maybe I'll add a pinch of each when I make coffee.

>> No.17631705

Just another variable to keep in mind. $8 fishtank gh/kh test, Epson salts, and baking soda are much cheaper than jumping up a tier of grinder. If you're happy, no need to change anything. If you want to fuck around, there are options. Pick up a gallon of distilled and brew a fp with it to see how minerality affects taste.

>> No.17631711

epsom*. Thanks (goo)gol, really needed that changed.

>> No.17631773

I don't have an addiction or reliance on stimulants, I just like tasty things. I like coffee, and I also enjoy chicory or roasted barley drinks.

>> No.17631782

eh ill give my usual electrolyte ratio a try and see how I like it. Don't really see the point in just not adding the minerals to the grounds though as I'd like to not scale my kettle.

>> No.17631907

You could probably work out a solution to add to your cup.
>as I'd like to not scale my kettle
People are making "custom" water for their $xxxx espresso machines. I'd imagine your kettle is way easier to clean compared to flushing out a system. Fucking with water is the next thing I'm going to do once this new grinder gets here.

>> No.17631916

baratza encore and sette are, by all means, cheap conicals

>> No.17632046
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One of these, but the chocolate has to be semi-solid, enough to melt slightly when dipped inside the coffee. Heavenly.

>> No.17632047

My office just got a Tassimo. I don't want to buy pods so I was thinking about buying a re-usable pod. Anyone tried these?

>> No.17632051

ah found an easier recipe that avoids having to weigh out 3 different water ratios every time I make coffee.

>Add 8.6g baking soda, and 25g Epsom salt to 500g distilled water. This is your concentrate.
>Place 500g of distilled water into a clean glass container.
>Carefully mix 2.5g of CONCENTRATE into the distilled water.

works out to be about a full cup of one of my coffee mugs + little over a half teaspoon baking soda and 3 teaspoons epsom salt. Then just use a 1/2 teaspoon of the concentrate. Still not sure why it needs to be heated along with the water in the kettle instead of just being added to the grounds before or after the kettle water is poured in.

>> No.17632078

Yeah distilled and deionized recipes are easy. You only need the aquarium test kit to see what your water(tap or filtered) measures out to, then adjust.
coffeewater.app will take you to a google spreadsheet with a bunch of formulas already plugged in.

>> No.17632504
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Do you still drink brews that came out poorly?
I over extracted the fuck out of some viet arabica, tasted pretty bad.

>> No.17632605

if you dont also grow your own tobacco too. you are a poser.

>> No.17632611


>> No.17632618

yes, its punishment for failing. and pressure to not fuck up next time.

>> No.17633329

>by all means
ESL retard

>> No.17633717

Black coof and a cherry danish.

>> No.17634880

F o o c

Sent from my Google - Pixel 4 XL

>> No.17634919

Honestly anything. I can eat almost any food with some form of coffee. Cheap burrito? Cheap coffee. Apple strudel or slice of pie? Double espresso or a moka.

>> No.17635031

My espresso just comes out so <span class="xae" data-xae="flex">&#x1F4AA;[/spoiler]
I wish it was less :flex: so it's more enjoyable

>> No.17635057

>can only use one
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6ec0dd2c_pepoRope.png">

>> No.17635070
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Got it. I still make coffee the south-east asian way... <span class="xae" data-xae="ok">&#x1F44C;[/spoiler]

>> No.17635091

This morning, both. I won't have time for lunch today so I had a large breakfast. Two eggs over easy, two sausage patties, one slice of brioche toast with blackberry jam, one cup black coffee. I won't eat again for about 12 hours today so I hope this holds me over.

>> No.17635243

>have coffee (2 shots instead of 1)
>feel fine
>5 hours later get jittery as fuck
Why? I've been eating and drinking normally besides it being slightly (1 shot) stronger than the one I usually have at that time, does 1 shot make that much of a difference?
Looks scrumptious

>> No.17635247

I would devour that my god

>> No.17635249

What goes first, food then coffee or coffee and then food? <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/d3c674ba_monkaHmm.png">

>> No.17635285

Food before coffee<img class="xae" data-xae width="100" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/49bde730_shoopdw2.png">
Sounds great. Its been a while since I made a greasy sausage egg and cheese brekkie sammy. Thanks for the inspiration.

>> No.17635287

>Food before coffee
That's what I thought!!<span class="xae" data-xae="nerd">&#x1F913;[/spoiler]

>> No.17635294
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What's the best way to make espresso without spending a ton of money?

>> No.17635312

Do you own a grinder?

>> No.17635318

Pay a wageslave to make it for you. Verbally abuse her when it's inevitably not good enough Make her apologize Make her cry <span class="xae" data-xae="devil">&#x1F608;[/spoiler]

>> No.17635330

no, im not gay <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="26" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/7b4acfbf_trollface.png">

>> No.17635334

Yet.<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/e1899bbe_YEP.png">

>> No.17635386

sip eat sip eat sip eat
and depending on which tastes better determines which one you sip or eat last.

>> No.17635590

oh shidd <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/bb299b4d_monkaOMEGA.png">

>> No.17635785
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>> No.17635791

this time I used one click less and it came out less bitter, but still over extracted.
Weird. Coarser grinding = more nice smells when grinding? Is that how it works?

>> No.17635895

woah, your foodie power level is searing on high heat

>> No.17635902

I'm sorry

>> No.17635907


>> No.17635972

your daily carcinogenic plastic consumption

>> No.17635975


>> No.17635983

>boiling coffee in a plastic tube
<img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/25908e08_PepeLmao.png">

>> No.17635996 [DELETED] 


>> No.17636107

Who adds boiling water? That would taste disgusting

>> No.17636152

Figured out why milk drinks tasted chalky to me. That's just how overextracted espresso tastes with hot frothed milk.
That's kinda neat to know now, I guess <span class="xae" data-xae="kay">&#x1F610;[/spoiler]

>> No.17636458

do you guys ever order coffee online? I have no idea what to look for. I prefer light roasts, generally, but I just got an espresso machine and it seems like darker roasts are typically used for whatever reason

>> No.17636475

I got a capresso infinity grinder and a breville bambino. seems decent. probably as entry-level as it gets before being trash, though I expect /ctg/ to call it trash

>> No.17636581

Black coffee after a meal with chilli is divine. It's like the chilli blocks the harder flavours of coffee on the tongue and let's through the subtler, lighter flavours

>> No.17636659
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Today I had my coffee as a Swedish egg coffee with some white sugar mixed in and it was way too much effort for such little pay off <span class="xae" data-xae="baw">😭[/spoiler]

>> No.17636808

Do you cup beans you've already bought before you brew them? Or brew and then cup?

I like brewing to see what my impression is without the crutch of the tasting notes being clear for you like it is in cupping,

>> No.17636819

always because my local roaster sucks
>ask for light roast
>get super dark roast AND un grounded beans in the fucking bag
never again. so i order online and it takes a couple days for it to get here.

>> No.17636825

do you just order from roasters relatively near you or what?

>> No.17636837

As long as you're happy pal. Maybe slayernon can pop in and give you a rundown of the capresso vs an endgame grinder.
Darker roasts are way more soluble. Easier to extract for home brewers with low tier grinders.

Sent from my Google - Pixel 4 XL

>> No.17636849

>Easier to extract for home brewers with low tier grinders.
can lighter roasts be better extracted with a finer grind, or is the solubility its own factor that fucks it up regardless of other variables?

I'm both the posts you replied to, so thats my set-up

>> No.17636853

>relatively near you
there are roasters closer to me than the one i order from but i havent tried them, i think there is 2 like 2 - hours from me, but the one i order from is in the next state(not american)

i wish you could buy like 30g sample packs but 250g seems to be the lowest on average all over the world (or 100g for that special shit)

>> No.17636866
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Love a good sfogliatella riccia with a coffee - preferrably espresso but americano will do

>> No.17636907

>I just got an espresso machine and it seems like darker roasts are typically used for whatever reason
most people who drink coffee (90%) dont actually know what coffee tastes like, they are used to burnt, over extracted, gritty, cheap coffee and very dark beans are most likely to produce these flavors even when done right they are going to be very bitter and thats what most people think its supposed to be so thats why its the most popular.

also when making coffee different kinds of beans and different roast levels affect the density and the extraction of coffee, like i use a moka pot and if i use the same volume of a light and a dark roast the dark will be a larger dose and it will take much longer for water to actually push through and to start flowing, and it requires a longer brew to get proper extraction without channeling. im not experienced with espresso so i cant comment on that but i would assume the general mechanics are the same.

also the italians are worthless and should be ignored for everything other than espresso. just look at the moka pot, the fact that it has a lid should tell you everything you need to know about how worthless and retarded they are.

>> No.17636917

that looks nice.

>> No.17636937

bump <span class="xae" data-xae="perfect">💯[/spoiler]<span class="xae" data-xae="ok">👌[/spoiler]

>> No.17637023
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One thing is there is far less "sharding" and breaking with lighter roasts. Every time a bean(or piece of bean) breaks, you're going to get fines. Lighter roasts have been cooked less and haven't puffed up and cracked as much as darker roasts so they're more dense and less prone to sharding. Here's a picture of a guy who dropped a weight on 3 roast levels to illustrate it. Espresso is a crapshoot of variables and a grinder with low adjustablity(like your capresso with 16 steps) is going to make that dialing in process real fucking hard. You also have to take into account you're not grinding to a homogeneous particle size. The best grinders in the world still produce a range of sizes with different distributions around the peak. Look into bimodal vs unimodal burr distribution if you want to learn a bit more.

>> No.17637111

nice thanks for that after finding out that my filter shouldn't fuck with GH or KH that was super useful since it works with tap water
for anyone interested. Tried using it's ratio (87.5 ppm GH, 40.5 ppm KH) and I think it tastes better than just my city's normal water (both values near 20). Could just be making it up in my head but I want to say it tastes smoother

>> No.17637112

Kenyans this year are amazing, this one I picked up tastes exactly like lime. Every sip of it tastes like a smoky limeade, it's fucking insane

>> No.17637173

Its crazy how much a small variable tweak can affect your cup. I think I'm going to get a few gallons of distilled and start fucking around on monday. Protip:frosted white water jugs split, clear ones don't. Less risk of algae with the white jugs but they're significantly less durable for some reason. I don't imagine changing grinders here in a month is going to affect what WATER I like in my fucking coffee but this shit is chemistry so who knows. New lance kino shilling the smaller 64mm clone of the burrs I've got otw.

>> No.17637180

is it just me or does filter coffee have a way higher ceiling than espresso <span class="xae" data-xae="wot">🤨[/spoiler]

>> No.17637189

I'm suddenly completely unable to drink coffee, even just a few sips makes me feel like absolute shit for most of the day. The symptoms are similar to what's described for caffeine sensitivity, but it makes no sense because it's specifically only coffee that does it, I can slam back an energy drink or a few sodas and feel absolutely no ill effects. Any idea wtf this could be? I drink my coffee dark with a small splash of creamer at most, so it's not like it's loaded with sugar either

>> No.17637192

take L-theanine with your coffee

>> No.17637228

Sounds like a you problem. How about quit being a hypochondriac little bitch?

>> No.17637259

im not sure, but I wouldnt be surprised if coffee has more than just caffeine that makes it more of a diuretic than other caffeine drinks. coffee and espresso make me feel like shit until I chug some water, at which point I feel significantly better. even if I'm well-hydrated beforehand, I usually have to supplement some water afterward

>> No.17637283

About to make another juicy Kenya peaberry. What will I think of it?

>> No.17637289

if it was anything like mine, fucking amazing. I made out like a fiend on these beans

>> No.17637313

Might be an electrolyte problem. Coffee makes you piss more than other caffeinated drinks afaik. Try making your own electrolyte solution or just buy gatoraid or something. All you need is some salt, baking soda, epsom salt, and no salt or some kind of potassium.

>> No.17637472

Unrelated, but is 4chan not doing anything for April fools?

>> No.17637498

<img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="20" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/68104e2a_peepoHappy.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/90786369_pepePoint.png">...............<img class="xae" data-xae width="31" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/3021a426_WeirdChamp.png">

>> No.17637574

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1e4d8dfa_PillowNo.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6f5bc7e5_PillowYes.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/41a37aa0_ReimuPalm.png">

>> No.17637629

I really wanna get into espresso making on the cheap, but the most common machines seen in english language guides are kinda expensive here in italy. Any itanon got suggestions for a ~200 euros machine? I'd probably pair it with a JX hand grinder, since I can find that for ~130.

>> No.17637670

The Ressurection of the Dead
owai that's tea

>> No.17637673

Just ate a bunch of Chinese food then drank coffee and took an absolutely brutal shit. What are some other foods that will produce big shits when combined with coffee?

>> No.17637697

>I really wanna get into espresso making on the cheap
if you're not buying fresh beans, I wouldn't bother

>> No.17637766
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>> No.17637776

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/fb56168f_BOOBA.png">I'd kill for those beautiful croissants. I am currently on some shitty diet because of health problem and haven't had any food with added sugar for about 5 days.

>> No.17637835

if you really love a coffee lot that won't be back for a long time, do you buy a bunch more and freeze it?

>> No.17638000

Cherry affogato

>> No.17638030
File: 224 KB, 713x866, Screenshot_20220401-201514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so they made it like discord ironically. How do I find and do the emotes? Also it looks weird in clover.

>> No.17638193

I got the breville bambino for 300 USD

>> No.17638203

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/9ecd704b_PepoThink.png">

>> No.17638216

>if you're not buying fresh beans, I wouldn't bother
just say you dont know anything and move on

>> No.17638217

By not using clover. If you are phoneposting you also need to desktop mode/site in your browser, then you hit reply you will see emote options

>> No.17638239

vacuum seal beans
freeze beans
take out of freezer to naturally thaw while still sealed 12-24 hours before intended use

(buy bulk and then distribute it into 1-2 days worth of coffee and then vacuum seal those portions you dont want to seal a ton and then thaw and use like 25g meanwhile you have 1kg thawed sitting on the counter, because refreezing multiple times is bad)

>> No.17638277
File: 53 KB, 250x194, 98397vny434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you spoonfeed him? self-reliance doesn't come with the handicap.
<img class="xae" data-xae width="37" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/0ee48fb4_longcat.png">
fuck ctg

>> No.17638289

Has anyone ever had any coffee that has notes of blueberry? It is my favorite fruit. But most of the fruity notes in most coffees seem to be stone fruits, citrus, or generic things like just "berries" or "berry compote" or whatever. Drinking another of the Kenya peaberry I was posting about earlier and it has a green apple or almost lemony tartness to it.

>> No.17638293

I think packing only 1 - 2 days worth of coffee is just wasteful. I'd pack at least a week's worth of coffee together, up to 2 weeks.
It's not going to make a huge difference in your bean quality to have them sit for a few weeks. Most people already do that with their never-frozen beans

>> No.17638417

Ethiopians are generally extremely blueberry-forward

>> No.17638425

just say you dont know what you are talking about and leave.

>> No.17638434

people like you have ruined this general fyi. brew some bitterness out of your personality, loser.

>> No.17638450
File: 1.11 MB, 1704x2272, Dripping_faucet_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boys, I just ran the numbers for my tap water and it came out at 206 GH and 141 KH, is it over for me? I'm thinking of just drowning myself right now.

>> No.17638517

Probably best would be to get an undersink reverse osmosis setup.

>> No.17638538

Buy a gallon of bottled water and use that for a week. If you can't stand your tap water after that you know its something to fix. Zerowater filters are pretty cheap but with water like that you're going to burn through them quicker than average.

>> No.17638562

>asks question
>gets an informed reply
>says some dumb shit
>gets called out
>gets mad

seethe faggot.

>> No.17638593

Hello newfriend welcome to /ctg/

>> No.17638606

zoom zoom, come back in 10 years kid.

>> No.17638607

>asks question
no retard, I asked the question and I haven't been in the thread. I already vacuum seal exactly as you describe, I'm just debating buying more and stockpiling because I like it so much.

>> No.17638629

Look. I know im responding to a mongoloid, i know. But i have to tell you. You dont know anything about coffee. Read all the faggot books you want. Go to coffee fest and turn your nose up to the italians and masturbate over synesso. Go pay thousands of dollars to be a q gradee and look at coffee under a uv light. Go for it. I dont even care. Just remember kid, i was stripping trucks of supremos while you were in fucking poopy pants diapers. I remeber when Choc full of Nuts delivered coffee in a fucking rolls royce. Your playing yourself, kid.

I have over 100 specialy offerings from 97 different countries of origin in contianer quanities AT ALL TIMES. Wow you say mr. Coffee broker bean KANG you just doxed yourself on the internet, but i dont care. Fuck you. Ive been doing this so long i was playing golf with the nca guys before it blew up ive been a member and disbarred by the scaa more times then your punk ass has even been on there mailing list. Ive FUCKED my way through more coffee roasters secrateries than you even have in your rolodex. I have a warehouse filled with over $1,000,000 of espresso equipment laying DEFUNCT.

People like you, kid, people like your are marks, customers, losers. Go ahead, drink your shitty overextracted coffee; freeze your green coffee; hook up pid machines to your little home.use espresso machines, buy a 1 bag Lorring. But to me kid, youll always be a loser and a faggot

>> No.17638818

Yep. Natural process Ethiopians are the ones that sometimes have blueberry flavors. Almost always a little bit rough finish with chocolatey notes. Lotta rando fruits are possible in natural Ethiopians.

As you know, wet process Kenyas are notably citrusey, often tea-like<img class="xae" data-xae width="44" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/1d7e369a_koiwai.png">

>> No.17639094
File: 2.35 MB, 1080x1920, tonic.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kenya peaberry I was posting about earlier and it has a green apple or almost lemony tartness to it.
Bet it would be great in an espresso tonic<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/e1899bbe_YEP.png">

>> No.17639161

I would try it but I don't have an espresso machine

>> No.17640149

If you have a grinder, a Moka Pot works pretty good

>> No.17640161

is that meant to be architected polka?

>> No.17640195

so based.

>> No.17640302

should i a:
- french dreck
- pee sixty
- kalita gayve
- aeropiss

>> No.17640448

I don't have enough coffee beans to make espresso. Is there any problem with making Turkish style with espresso ground beans or will I literally die because it makes mustard gas?
Actually oh fuck. I could have just set the grinder to turkish <img class="xae" data-xae width="28" height="25" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/25086889_FeelsSpecialMan.png">

>> No.17640556

>picking up the coffee cup then stirring it so that the clinking noise isn't so loud
<img class="xae" data-xae width="27" height="28" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/6476e57d_weSmart.png">

>> No.17640634
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I'm thinking of buying a delonghi dedica (EC685.M) since I can find them new for $150, would any aftermarket replacement arm fit or do they need to be a specific size? This because I want to get rid of the pressurized portafilter without having to void my warranty.

>> No.17640664

>clinking at all while stirring
you just suck at stirring senpai

>> No.17640748
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>> No.17640912

Whats a good bean from amazon.ca thats a decent price for a drip coffee maker. Pretty much just something thats better than folgers but isn't full hipster bullshit.

>> No.17641080

>local cafe makes proper espresso and will roast to order beans
God bless small businesses I will come here forever

>> No.17641081

Flair Classic (250€) + Stepless Grinder (150€)
With this 400€ set-up you can get a similar result to a machine in the 1000-2000€ price range, if you do proper pre-heating.
Getting decent espresso for any cheaper is really not possible (100-500€ range machines are awful) and you should instead just make good espresso-style coffe with a mokka pot or aeropress, if you're unwilling or unable to spend this much.

>> No.17641174

<span class="xae" data-xae="perfect">💯[/spoiler]

>> No.17641176

just buy a non piece of shit machine instead of modding garbage

>> No.17641211

Could also get a Kingrinder K6 for 140 euro and save up a bit for a Flair Signature Pro 2 and a WDT. Wouldn't want to miss out on the signature's pressure gauge

>> No.17641212

one of the best tasting espresso beans I've had were in some random local cafe in Florida that doesn't ship

>> No.17641271

anyone else /acidmaxxing/? acid in juicy fruity coffees is one of lifes simple pleasures

>> No.17641402

only acidic thing about my coffee is the underextraction <img class="xae" data-xae width="30" height="29" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/59b6bba6_FeelsBadMan.png">

>> No.17641516

this is pretty much why I've been trying local places, in my experience they all have to compete with starbucks somehow so they try to bridge the gap with actual quality
getting fresh roasted beans from there for coffee at home and leaving with a delicious doubleshot is basically all i could ask for from a coffee shop

>> No.17641520


>> No.17641534

I always go local for food unless I'm stuck on the road for that reason. Shitbucks is disgusting. They overroast their commodity beans so you can taste something over the pound of sugar, syrups, and cremes in their "coffee"

>> No.17641575

Stop shilling chinkshit and your retarded fake espresso lever

>> No.17641632
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>but muh gaggia
mad and poor. Imagine not having direct control over your pressure in 2022. Vibration pumps are dogshit.

>> No.17641650

Nobody said anything about Gaggia you dumb faggot. And you're the poorfag who is shilling cheap knockoff cheapshit and retarded meme levers. Why the fuck do you insist people waste money on this crap?

>> No.17641700

Finished cleaning and installing redclix on Comandante. It feels nice when you open it up. Screwing on the clicker while having to hold the burr so it doesn't spring away was annoying.
All ready for Yirgacheffe brewing now.

>> No.17641703
File: 338 KB, 1440x3040, Screenshot_20220402-142446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because levers are based and flow profiling is the most important leap forward in espresso in years? I only insist people waste money on shit I've tried. Like the sep, lunar, kinu and various flairs. I'm not the € poster.
>just say you dont know anything and move on

>> No.17641736

>Because levers are based
Wrong retard
>flow profiling is the most important leap forward in espresso in years
Then do it with an actual machine and not a fucking meme device
And stop fucking joining into conversations you aren't involved in and then getting confused over what we're talking about. I told the faggot kingrinder shill to shut the fuck up and you chimed in schizoposting about the fucking Gaggia, just shut the fuck up god damn

>> No.17641748 [DELETED] 

Bros.. remember to report all K*ngrinder posts as advertising/begging. We can't let those chink shills get away with this

>> No.17641756

>just say you dont know anything and move on
Post a better alternative for the price point. Or post your setup. We're rooting for you budgetkang.

>> No.17641782

If you don't have enough money to invest in an actual machine then you aren't ready for espresso, it's that simple. Cutting every possible corner is going to leave you with a frustrating experience and a ton of wasted money if you decide to upgrade.

>> No.17641824

Are you basing this off your own experience, or are you parroting something your read that discouraged you? What has your upgrade path been?
>frustrating experience and a ton of wasted money if you decide to upgrade
I bought a scratch and dent signature(+ pressure gauge) for $210 shipped in 2019. Had a great time with it, pulling hundreds of shots. I sold it in 2021 for $170. Bought the kinu for 199 at the same time. I'll sell it for $175. $65 for 2 years of access to espresso doesn't sound like a ton of wasted money to me. The two "upgrades" I bought(sep and lunar) were a seamless transition to the 58.

>> No.17641837

>Had a great time with it
Ok? And some people enjoy eating human shit. Yet you don't see them out in public shilling the act of eating shit to normal people. Fuck off poorfag.

>> No.17641872

If you think that recommending a Flair to an absolute newfag like the person who started that reply chain is a good idea then you're just straight up retarded. Sure, YOU liked it, someone who apparently has thousands of hours of experience with coffee, but you're telling someone who knows nothing about coffee to go buy a chinkshit hand grinder that takes significant time and effort to grind coffee, which a normalfag is not going to have the patience for, combined with the most finnicky and time consuming method possible of technically making espresso. Do you think that kind of person is also going to have the patience to properly preheat the thing and even pressure profile it? Do you think he knows what pressure profiling is? You need to quit huffing your own farts. When people ask ITT "what is the cheapest way to do X" you need to just tell them to lurk more or get a different hobby.

>> No.17641897

anyone had coffee from Rwanda, Gitesi before?

>> No.17641931

as opposed to you, who merely enjoys talking it

>> No.17641959
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>hand grinder that takes significant time and effort to grind coffee
just say you dont know anything and move on
>patience to properly preheat the thing
Pour a round of boiling water over it? Real simple. Might be hard for a bozo like you. I think they come standard with a preheat cap now so you don't even need an extra bowl.
>ITT "what is the cheapest way to do X" you need to just tell them to lurk more or get a different hobby.
So you don't have any experience? but like to gatekeep others? Because you can't afford to risk a few hundo you'll recoup 85% of if you decide to sell?

>> No.17641962

Based retard ignoring the actual point and instead attacking small snippets out of context because he has no real argument

>> No.17641972

>because he has no real argument
I've picked apart every half decent point you've put out there. What's your upgrade path been?
>Do you think he knows what pressure profiling is?
Its pretty fucking intuitive when you press harder and liquid comes out faster.

>> No.17641977

>I've picked apart every half decent point you've put out there
All you've done is display either a complete lack of reading comprehension skills or a malicious bad-faith intentional misreading of what I've said. You can keep coping though. Nobody is going to buy your shitty meme lever.

>> No.17641987

Post that picture of the reddit mc4 again. Really try to sell it this time.

>> No.17641988

No I'm too cheap.

>> No.17641989

What did the schizo chinkshit shill mean by this?

>> No.17642008
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>> No.17642099
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I'm out of coffee. Where do I order from? If I can avoid supporting super ideological libs, neocons, zionism and cartels the better.

>> No.17642205
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>Noooooooo you'll regret it just trust me leave it to the professionals it's a waste of money

>> No.17642269

Just order it online

>> No.17642273

Imagine spending 2250$ on coffee shit

>> No.17642278

This, this! So much this! There is no reason for a grinder to cost more than $30.

>> No.17642299

And they still won't give him free shipping L M A O

>> No.17642303
File: 139 KB, 1200x1200, 1638675388945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros my hario coffee scale finally came
it's so fast compared to my old scale and my doses are finally accurate
the timer is convenient too

>> No.17642311

They're not paying my customs duty either pal. Why do welfare queens always expect free shit?

>> No.17642315

What are you, Canadian too? So we're looking at 3000$+

>> No.17642318

>wet process Kenyas are notably citrusey, often tea-like
No they aren't. They are intense, juicy, and like black currant. Nothing tea like, very rarely a citrus note.

>> No.17642323

>Chinkshit shilling schizo is also Canadian
It all makes sense now

>> No.17642331

>generalizing the flavor of all coffee from an entire country
just say you dont know anything and move on

>> No.17642339

It's probably going to be ~26 all said and done. Still a bit less than the actual lab sweet but it's a single doser with tighter tolerances. I spend an extra $300 and I put the key burrs in it.
>Shipping to USA is $240
He must be Canadian!

>> No.17642340

Lol, you got the wrong guy buddy.

>> No.17642347

people like you have ruined this general fyi. brew some bitterness out of your personality, loser.

>> No.17642351

>post cut so hard that that anon remembered it word for word
holy mad

>> No.17642359

Kek. Last thread they were sucking my dick for audiobooks.

>> No.17642371

>Doesn't understand the concept of pasta

>> No.17642451
File: 96 KB, 825x825, french press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just use a french press instead?

>> No.17642476

lurk more or get a different hobby

>> No.17642538

This but unironically

>> No.17642574

I like my kingrinder k1!!!

>> No.17642582

Just made you a V60. What do you think of it?

>> No.17642623

very sweet cup, thank you anon

>> No.17642628


>> No.17642645

Made 2 cups today. One with the called for ratio and one with 2x the concentrate dose. Hard to say but there did seem to be a small difference with the normal dose tasting a bit better.

>> No.17642652

Would have been better if it didn't take you 30 minutes to grind and heat a kettle.

>> No.17642660

It takes me like 8 seconds to grind and 3 minutes to boil kettle

>> No.17642782
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Nice pour

>> No.17642852

Same bro. It's great for mokapots

>> No.17642876

Various fruit and spice flavors pop up in Kenyas, but I absolutely stand by my assessment of tea and citrus acidity flavors of Kenyas accross the board. It has to do with the coffee varietals, the processing methods, and first and foremost, the elevation and climate. You want to generalize regional coffee flavors, you look at the elevation flavor charts first. I tried 8 different Kenyas last year and they generally lined up. Interestingly, I found some very, very similar flavors in Rwandan coffees. But this makes sense since they were grown at roughly the same elevation and climate on the other side of Lake Victoria. Betcha in a decade Rwandan coffee rivals Kenyan coffee.

>> No.17642932


>> No.17642934

based kingrinder hater

>> No.17642936
File: 2.30 MB, 4032x3024, AFF6559F-F60A-4659-882C-D3730231629F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made a damn delicious espresso

>> No.17643115

Why wouldn't you just get a P64? P64 is like ultimate peak chnkshit. Let's be real you aren't going to be switching from conicals to flats at all.

>> No.17643199

I looked this thing up and holy fuck whoever wrote this product description has a massive inferiority complex and is clearly seething over the success of the Niche
>With a current SALE Price tag of 385 USD / 265 £, the only other comparable single dose grinder out there is the Niche, at ~ 880 USD / 600 £. That is more than 50% OFF the price of the competition!
>Furthermore, DF64 Grinders have a larger motor (two-thirds the size of its casing), as compared to the smaller substandard motors seen inside the Niche Zero. Undoubtedly, at its economical price point, it is impressive to see such quality parts being used.
>The DF64 grinds fast compared to any of its competition in the 64mm and below range due to its powerful motor. For a benchmark, it grinds faster than the Niche Zero.
>By solely looking at the trend in commercial cafes and influential grinders in the market (Mahlkonig EK43, Mazzer ZM & Lagom P64), statistics do seem to indicate a consumer preference for flat burrs.

>> No.17643223

Thanks got some Espresso Crema E Aroma and Rossa Beans.

>> No.17643253

Enjoy your dogshit stale beans, retard

>> No.17643254

I might have if prima had one in stock at the time. OO is coming out with their own custom 64mm lab sweet clones too. March batch p100s are just now shipping so they're a bit behind too. Didn't want to play the preorder roulette with kafatek either.
>Won't be switching
Maybe, maybe not. Left that option open after getting Weber to refund the key.

>> No.17643265

Thanks I will :)

>> No.17643517

hope you like em

>> No.17643727

What grinder is the "Niche Zero" of filter coffee? Does one exist?

>> No.17643753

64mm flats in your carrier of choice probably. df64/ode/p64 all at different price points/motor strengths/alignment.

>> No.17643819

>$2k CAD for P64
Yeah, think I'll consider the Ode with SSP burrs instead

>> No.17643825

The Niche Zero probably

>> No.17643851

Lol trash tier. I decided to try one once, the glass portion shattered on the floor when I applied pressure on the plunge anyway.

>> No.17643862

Weird tolerances, weak(er) motor and there's some shaft wobble. I think they've fixed the tolerance issue so ssps don't get stuck anymore though. What you do get is a cheapish unit from an american company mass producing units in china tho, so they'll just replace your grinder if theres an issue. Now you just need to decide what burrs. 6 different ssp 64mms right now. 3 of which are different clones of the lab sweet.

>> No.17643884

Fellow seems to sell the Ode with SSP (multipurpose) Red Speed burrs pre-installed now so I'd probably go that route just so the whole thing is covered under warranty.
Dealing with warranty from a China-based company probably would be too much of a hassle and too costly to ship anything back to China for repairs/replacement.

>> No.17643891
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>the glass portion shattered on the floor when I applied pressure on the plunge anyway
>applied pressure on the plunge anyway
Plastic aeropresses are a design feature to keep our low functioning members safe.

>> No.17643964

>Weird tolerances, weak(er) motor and there's some shaft wobble
just say you dont know anything and move on

>> No.17644064

How fucking hard were you pressing

>> No.17644134

Ive had 4 glass ones before I got a metal one. Broke one by dropping it so totally my fault. Broke one by apparently tapping a little too hard. Broke one from pushing down too hard I guess. Then my last one broke when I was pouring water in after about a year of usage.

>> No.17644135

>I understand. You were right on the edge. Easiest way to get them out is to use a heat gun on low heat to expand the aluminum around the burr and the burr will pop right out. Remove the hopper first so you don't melt it. Use gloves so you don't burn yourself when trying to take the burr out. This method has worked for others in the past.
>If you can't get them out, or get them out and damage the Ode, we'll happily replace it.


>> No.17644147

Why didn't you get a metal one after the 1st or 2nd broken glass press

>> No.17644163

What is with you and autistically focusing on rare examples of products being lemons? You're the same schizo who thinks every Niche Zero has a bad motor because you found one video of one with a broken motor. What caused you to be like this? And go ahead and tell us your favorite product so that we can hunt for a single example of something going wrong with it to prove that it's irredeemable garbage.

>> No.17644168

I liked the aesthetics of the glass ones more

>> No.17644174

You should buy one of those $130 Fellow presses that are shilled here constantly just for the meme, they're highly aesthetically pleasing coated stainless steel with wood accents

>> No.17644227

When did I say its irredeemable? I just pointed out there has already been a v2 revision to alleviate the problems with SSPs not fitting due to tolerances/alignment/axis wobble and you'll get a new unit without issue if anything is fucked from jamming in slightly bigger burrs. The new cast versions have a little more variance than the machined SSPs so the issue has popped back up now that more people are shoving LS clones in the ode.
>What caused you to be like this? And go ahead and tell us your favorite product
Have you not been paying attention? I've spent the last 8 months(key preorder) reading forum posts, discord chats, and reviews about anything worth buying. If the wug2 83a is trash, I'll let you know first pal. We both know you freaked out about the key stalling at low rpm, so I posted a SINGLE video of the niche doing the same thing and it still bothers you weeks later.

>> No.17644302

He's seething so hard he clicked the post number twice kek. I bet he was shaking the entire time he typed it out too. Still bitter over the Key being a failure I see, so he has to project his anger onto others and claim that they're upset over his retarded nonsensical schizoposts.

>> No.17644322

Why would I be bitter? It cost me nothing.
>Refund details Amount $1,649.00 USD
Save those pennies, that df64 is calling your name pal.

>> No.17644329

Why would I buy a DF64, schizo?

>> No.17644333

Because it mogs your sgp.

>> No.17644335

Do you have a single peer-reviewed study to back that up?

>> No.17644337
File: 238 KB, 902x1200, 1 3qKDtMGMveCNvMlAditbuw@2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Robert Aloe is putting together a dissertation right now.

>> No.17644347

Seconding moka pots for cheap starters (makes a long shot)

>> No.17644396

>rare examples of products being lemons
Here's Fellow's VP of engineering explaining the issue and telling you to fucking sand your motor shaft. A month ago. Because the tolerances were fucked and the auger will bind. "v2" apparently coming soon. Might be worth holding off for.
>We're not going to provide date codes; mainly because we don't want people to think they have a bad grinder. If you run into an issue, just reach out to us and we'll take care of you.

>Fellow just stated May they're starting production of v2 and mid summer they'll be available for purchase by the general public.

>> No.17644474

So what is the issue if they just give you a new one for free?

>> No.17644500

> What you do get is a cheapish unit from an american company mass producing units in china tho, so they'll just replace your grinder if theres an issue.
Literally how I started the discussion. The "issue" arises when they potentially fuck up "v2" as well and you're waiting with a bum unit for the next shipment of them. Like what happened between the kickstarter and first batch. They ran out of the redesigned stock burrs for a while early on.
>I seen hundreds of post of people from both Q3 & Q4 of 2021 on the net and social media where it didn't fit
Probably best to just wait if anyone is actually considering it.
>I don't have lot by lot data right now. All I can say is that some fit and some do not. If anyone runs into an issue, just drop me a line here and I will personally make sure you are taken care of.
VP of engineering 2 days ago. Sounds like its happening way too frequently to be called a rare issue.

>> No.17644533

So what is the issue if they just give you a new one for free?

>> No.17644585

They're jamming ssps into units that will fit them and selling the rest as is? Batch consistency is so off you don't know what burrs fit what unit until you get it? You have no clue when their leniency for exchanges will run out?

>> No.17644601

Are you really so poor that something like that would affect you that greatly?

>> No.17644606

? Just trying to help the budget boys out pal. I have no need for 64mm when I have an 80mm carrier otw.

>> No.17644634
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>uses device like a retard
>it breaks
>blame the device

>> No.17644646

hopefully this one doesn't shit itself like your last $2000 purchase

>> No.17644656

Gabor used a key for a month and loved it so I probably fucked myself by not getting 83mm conicals. NBD, I'll pick them up later. Gorillagear has some 71mm conicals that I'm somewhat interested in too.
>$2000 purchase
Crowdfunding is not shopping. Your donation is a way to support a project but does not guarantee that you will receive a perk. How mad are the people who got their refunds denied kek.

>> No.17644890
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Any kind of coffee+milk that I can keep in a cupboard, then make a cup without any hot water?
They sell canned coffee but idk if that keeps without a fridge

>> No.17645251

Cold brew fresh coffee. Works best in the refrigerator for 12 hours or so, otherwise you're playing with mold spores. Otherwise instant coffee, which sucks, but it'll disolve in room temp water. You can find UHT shelf-stable milk, light cream, and half & half, but it's expensive and tastes a little weird. There's also powdered non-dairy creamer which is completely terrible. Canned coffee does keep unrefrigerated. Not having the ability to make hot water is a really weird limitation.

>> No.17645268

>shattered on the floor when i applied pressure
>on the floor

What the fuck, did you have it on the floor and stepped on it to apply pressure?

>> No.17645292

Man I'm weirded out. Got barely any resistance when brewing just now, coffee just went through spraying everywhere at 2 bars. I don't even think I reached 30 seconds of shot time, but holy shit the taste was alright. Barely any bitterness, and the fruit tastes were very noticeable and pleasant.
I guess I must try grind coarser and increase coffveve bean dose to truly dial in, but what the fuck it tastes very good already.

>> No.17645612

Nah.... I'm about 6'8", 440 lbs...

>> No.17645889

Holy shit you are dangerously retarded
My first try at making good coffee was a french press and a metal filter pourover cone with an el-cheapo hand grinder. After two months I upgraded to a flair signature off FB marketplace that came with all the accessories, and a 1zPresso that I also got off marketplace. I seriously enjoy using my flair and fiddling with it, it's by far the cheapest way to get espresso of that quality. Levers are based as hell sorry your arms can't press more than 4 bar, try using a pvc pipe to extend the lever and increase your mechanical advantage
take your meds, wash them down with coffee

>> No.17645894
File: 81 KB, 800x800, cafe-pilao-tradicional-250g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>on my second cup of the morning

Feels good, bros

>> No.17645928

You pulled an unintentional turbo shot. Turns out they can be pretty fucking good. Espresso is weird and this is why flow profiling is so cool.

>> No.17646030
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1626442637432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

update: my coffee consistency has gone through the roof, my old scale was fucking up my doses bigly

>> No.17646052

Fuck that reminded me of that old advertisement where a woman would roll the cigar between her boobs.

>> No.17646072

Hell yeah. You got the big square one right? What scale did you use before?

>> No.17646087
File: 441 KB, 1460x956, 1642354965298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one. I wouldn't call it big though.
it replaced an older ozeri model that didn't read to .1 and was pretty slow to respond to small changes in weight. it was originally bought for baking and is still perfectly fine for baking but trying to use it for coffee produced some noticeably wonky results

>> No.17646133

Yeah that's the one I was thinking of. All scales are big compared to the jewelers scale I used to use and the lunar that replaced it. Glad it's working out!

>> No.17646307

Awesome. I'll keep playing around with it, but I wrote down and noted that turbo shots are tasty. It's Yirgacheffe, maybe that makes it even better.

>> No.17646329

i could see that, the lunar looks positively tiny in videos i've seen
anyone else shooting in the dark without .1 reads i'd suggest upgrading, it's super easy to add extra grams unintentionally.
the built in timer is pretty handy though. just wish there was more feedback on the buttons of this model

>> No.17646370

Bunch of info on YouTube now. Not sure if you saw all the clickbait from two years ago about 'scientists btfo baristas and figure out espresso better' but it's taking that concept and refining it.
>Turbo shots are tasty
Turbos CAN be tasty, but it's no guarantee. If you're having trouble dialing in a coffee for a traditional espresso, drop the dose, coarsen up a little and pull quick. Just another option you've got.
>more feedback
I had to turn off the beeps on my lunar lol.

>> No.17646453
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>when your morning cups are just right
it's the simple things

>> No.17646527

Thanks anon. I'll watch them now. Nice to know that I have this option of brewing too

>> No.17646573

>anyone else shooting in the dark without .1 reads
This is me. I've considered upgrading but a lot of coffee scales seem so costly and I can't figure out why.
Is the Hario scale the best value of the big brand scales?

>> No.17646592

probably not. digital scales that can do .1 are cheaper, like $20. if you have a timer elsewhere you don't need a coffee timer in your scale but it's more of a nice to have
etekcity makes a .1 gram scale for $19

>> No.17646647

Only 1kg capacity so you're not going to be able to put a massive carafe on it, but this gets recommended alot.
I could see it working VERY well for someone who bought a cheaper grinder with their espresso setup and can't grind quite fine enough.
> It's Yirgacheffe, maybe that makes it even better.
Prolly. People really like light roast turbos. Just remember, how the shot looks coming out of the basket has zero to do with how you perceive the taste. Pull some quick messy squirters under 6 bar and report back.

>> No.17646660

just say you dont know anything and move on

>> No.17646676

After a bit of searching, I think I'll go with this one
The one review showing the measurement accuracy with the weight set did it for me

>> No.17646686

Lads, I fucking love Costco coffee. I don't think I can go back to the stuff from the roastery near me, Kirklands is 4/5ths as good but only 1/4 of the price

>> No.17646727

500g capacity. My mug weighs 339g. Make sure you're not fucking yourself.

>> No.17646754

Is that how the weight capacity is defined?
It's not 500g over TARE but just 500g absolute?
I just weighed my Aeropress and with my typical dose and water, it's pretty close to an absolute 500g

>> No.17646771

Well, I'll try to make some more tomorrow. It's 10pm now, way too late for espresso.
It was my first try with the red clix on the comandante. 18-18.1 grams coffee and 22 clicks. The coffee is medium roast, I think. Using a Flair pro2.
I'll make it exactly the same as I did today, I do 15 seconds low pressure and then squeeze the rest out. Since the resistance was so light, I don't think I hit 6 bars when I went all out.
I don't weigh the liquids, but start with a full brew chamber and I usually stop when I hear the rubber parts squeaking towards the end of a shot.
Big difference from how I used to brew at the equivalent of 14 redclix with the standard adjustment. I decided to try so coarse, because that was what's written in the booklet of the grinder.

Videos were cool, but was it really so mindblowing to find out that grinding finer and finer won't always make better coffee to infinity.

>> No.17646830
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Yep. My lunar has an option to tweak how taring works, but it still can't add capacity. You're maxing out the load of the sensor. There's probably something very similar to this in that scale you linked. Here's that weightman on .ca. I only link it because its cheap, seemingly accurate, has a timer, and a 1kg max load.
> I do 15 seconds low pressure and then squeeze the rest out. Since the resistance was so light, I don't think I hit 6 bars when I went all out.
Sounds like a "blooming turbo". With your flair 2, you've got a fixed volume of water so its not like you're going to be able to pull super long ratios. You're probably around a 1:2.5 to 1:3 ratio. 60ish grams out. Keep in mind you're inherently going to be grinding coarser than a normal 58mm basket so that commandante booklet isn't that applicable. You've got a 46mm basket with a much taller puck for water to go through. Thats why preinfusion is so helpful, the water has to make its way through the deeper bed.

>> No.17646879

Gotcha man. Yeah I noticed that the booklet isn't too applicable in my case, but hey it gave me a new way to brew coffee today.

>> No.17646910

which did you get? I only ever see people dumping on kirkland coffee so this post raised an eyebrow

>> No.17646942

>I hear the rubber parts squeaking towards the end of a shot.
Should have added this. Keep those orings clean an put a little dab of lube on them. I've used food safe ptfe superlube for years. A tube this size will last you YEARS. I've seen people recommend super expensive krytox and others who say they use olive oil. Good luck!

>> No.17646956

Gotcha, but it's not exactly squeaking, more like the sensation of the plunger rubbers catching on the inside cylinder rubbers. It's a month old Flair, it shouldn't squeak yet.

>> No.17646996

It makes a tactile difference. Less side to side "chattering" of the piston ring gives you slightly more consistent pressure. Just something to think about. I had some of it on hand from the first time I loobed keyboard switches a while back. Superlube grease diluted with superlube oil to the right viscosity for painting on stems works great

>> No.17647009

Just the Kirkland signature Colombia Supremo wholebean, I'm in the UK but I'm sure it's available everywhere

>> No.17647092

Fwiw these guys are most likely the ones roasting for costco. Starbucks roasts some of their other store brands.

>> No.17647767
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Is there anything I can do with all these grounds? It's all ground at V60 so I'm thinking a short cold brew?

>> No.17647776

>It's all ground at V60 so I'm thinking a short cold brew?
Why wouldn't you just make a V60 then

>> No.17647782

>" What goes with a cup of hot coffee? "
Penis pot pie.

>> No.17647789
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Why are you grinding into a miniknockbox? You're not getting away with this one brevillekun.

>> No.17647800
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>> No.17647822

>I showed you my beans pls respond

>> No.17648031

what the fuck

>> No.17648090

I took a class once and they told me v60s were supposed to be muddy :(

>> No.17648137

it's all different roasts from yesterday. i don't want to experience the mud in a v60.

>> No.17648204

just made a mexican decaf mocha, what did i think of it?

>> No.17648297


>> No.17648574

My local bakery makes the most spectacular small-ish rye chocolate chip cookies. 1 or 2 of those with a coffee is kino. on the weekends I like a chocolate croissant or one of their fruit/cheese danishes

>> No.17648579

hipster / Swedish bakery Lost Larson in Chicago has the best cinnamon rolls with an orange glaze. And the roll part appears to be croissant dough. Not something you should eat every morning but it is the best pastry I've ever had

>> No.17648591

I always have a sweet and savory cheese scone with my coffee. It's heaven

>> No.17648606

ran out of good coffee so i had to dig out what i could find, its not bad. it has an interesting earthy almost herbal taste, not bad but it can be a bit harsh at the back of the mouth, so turning it into a mocha really is the best option.

>> No.17648607

i want coffee and these foods so bad now. i might just take a bunch of nyquil so it can be morning

>> No.17648646

Why would you eat food with coffee it just ruins the flavor of the coffee

>> No.17648652

sounds like you have shit coffee

>> No.17648653

hard disagree. coffee compliments a good pastry. and coffee on an empty stomach is sub-optimal. on the other hand, food is NOT required with something heavier like a latte

>> No.17648659

this post is correct
that said my breakfast is usually black coffee and a perfect bar so ymmv

>> No.17648660

That makes no sense. Good coffee is ruined by eating sugary crap alongside it. You cover up shit coffee by eating sugary crap in between sips.

>> No.17648664

I think all the (frozen and thawed) "food" starbucks carries ruins coffee. but food from a local high end bakery is kino with coffee. and many small coffee shops will usually a few pastries from local bakeries

>> No.17648671

>sugary crap
you're eating the wrong pastries anon. i don't mean starbucks shit or garbage donuts, i mean like euro pastries from a good local bakery >>17648664

>> No.17648677

Again, why would I want to cover up the flavor of my coffee with buttery pastry?

>> No.17648720

because that's when the pastries are fresh? when else am i going to eat them? you want me to stop by the bakery after work when they're dried out? come on, man

>> No.17648724

>after work when they're dried out
or far more likely, sold out. most of the good shit is gone by 12pm

>> No.17648725

Just eat them without coffee then? Fat fuck

>> No.17648754

>cover up the flavor of my coffee

holy shit, you are actually retarded.

>> No.17648768

Everything that you have suggested so far would do that so what is your point?

>> No.17648840

My french press coffee is mud. What am I doing wrong?

>> No.17648855

>What am I doing wrong?
Using a french press

>> No.17648869

grind coarser.

>> No.17648875
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I use a blade grinder.

>> No.17648936

Well there you go. Have you heard about nikgrinder? Thev have mostly steel burrs!

>> No.17648943

>Have you heard about nikgrinder?
No, and I still haven't even after attempting to google it.

>> No.17648946


>> No.17648958


>> No.17649027

based and nichepilled

>> No.17649571

>I use a blade grinder.
might as well just chew the beans in your mouth

>> No.17649666


>> No.17650082

Ca phe sua da

>> No.17650952
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>Nice pour
ty fren here's the one from today

>> No.17650967

color's washed out, i need to learn how to make better webms

>> No.17650988
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>> No.17650993
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not sure how to make it not so washed out

>> No.17651006

Making some coffee

>> No.17651010

>never drunk a light roast

>> No.17651016


>> No.17651039

9barista + espresso hand grinder

>> No.17651043

>espresso hand grinder

>> No.17651054

embarrassing post

>> No.17651058

I only drink light roast
Kill me yourself, pussy

>> No.17651059

just say you dont know anything and move on