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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 152 KB, 1200x1200, iced tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17629911 No.17629911 [Reply] [Original]

I don't understand coffee

it has such an offensive odor and taste, tea mogs

I think it's just caffeine addiction but you can get caffeine from tea as well, who knows, and I'm american with british/irish, italian, polish ancestry I1 haplogroup

same with shit like hard whiskey, why the fuck would I drink that when I can have a sugary wine

>> No.17629914

>different people like different things thread #9858436
Wow anon you're so cool and unique now fuck yourself and go

>> No.17629922

my thread is cold hard truth

>> No.17629939

You posted your opinions, so good job?

Were all super proud of you anon, you formed (very common) thoughts about the two biggest drinks in the world and shared them! Good job.

>> No.17629940

You uncreative and lower effort post reeks of stupidity.

Why would you out yourself as a know-nothing and then express your opinion as if it had any sort of weight to it? What the hell is the point? For people who know better than you to call you a moron? Is that your thing?

>> No.17629942

I dunno

>> No.17629944

winners drink coffee and losers and women drink tea.

however the ultimate alpha based mega chad does not engage in caffeine.

>> No.17629947

Why don't you know?

>> No.17629949

>I dunno
Lmao you really don't know, do you?

>> No.17629950


>> No.17629954

Pathetic. Stop screeching like a stuck pig and tell me why you don't know.

>> No.17629956
File: 26 KB, 475x475, the book of 5 rings miy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tea is for fucking samurai and shit

fucking 9-5 faggots think they're winners when they're lifelong slaves

tea for the samurai

>> No.17629957

leave your mother out of this *slam dunks your gay ass*

>> No.17629963

the samurai lost so it didn't work

>> No.17629964

>lacks the ability of self reflection
>even in the simplest and most rudimentary of ways.

NGMI. Sad, really.

You've outed yourself as less than and nothing you say will ever be a slam dunk.

>> No.17629971

for me, it's lemon and honey in my tea but black for coffee

>> No.17629972
File: 1.97 MB, 2000x1778, jews fear the international samurai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kojirō was known for wielding an oversized nodachi (Japanese greatsword) called a "laundry-drying pole" for its length, as well as being titled "three-shaku silver blade" (「三尺の白刃」). Using this sword, Kojirō was said to be known for a swift two-stroke sword technique called tsubame gaeshi, and he bore the nickname "The Demon of the Western Provinces". Kojirō arrived at the appointed time, but was then left to wait for hours; Musashi had overslept. Kojirō sent out servants to retrieve Musashi, who ate a full breakfast, taking his time. In some variants of the tale, Musashi intentionally arrives late as a sign of disrespect. As he sailed over the Kanmon Straits, Musashi carved a crude oversized bokken from one of the ship's oars with his knife, making an improvised wooden sword, possibly to help wake himself up. Upon his arrival, an irritated Kojirō chided Musashi's lateness and dramatically threw his scabbard into the sea, as a sign that he would not stop and would fight to the death. Musashi responded with a taunt of his own, saying that Kojirō clearly wasn't confident in himself if he thought he'd never get a chance to use a fine scabbard again.[15][16]

The two circled each other, and Kojirō leaped toward Musashi with his trademark overhead strike. Musashi, too, jumped and swung his weapon with a shout, and the two sword strokes met. Musashi's headband fell off, sliced by Kojirō's sword, but somehow, only the headband was cut rather than Musashi's skull. Musashi's strike, meanwhile, had struck true, cleaving Kojirō's skull.[15]

many samurai

>> No.17629976

not gonna read all that bro


>> No.17629978

that's while you'll never be samurai

>> No.17629979

If I wanted a comeback I'd get your piggy momma to spit in a cup, fagboy

>> No.17629981
File: 32 KB, 250x350, Fargoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No fucking shot I'm reading that

>> No.17629984

will never be samurai

>> No.17629990

In Musashi's last book, The Book of Five Rings (五輪書, Go Rin no Sho), Musashi seems to take a very philosophical approach to looking at the "craft of war": "There are five ways in which men pass through life: as gentlemen, warriors, farmers, artisans and merchants."

Throughout the book, Musashi implies that the way of the Warrior, as well as the meaning of a "true strategist" is that of somebody who has made mastery of many art forms away from that of the sword, such as tea drinking (sadō), laboring, writing, and painting, as Musashi practiced throughout his life.[32] Musashi was hailed as an extraordinary sumi-e artist in the use of ink monochrome as depicted in two such paintings: "Shrike Perched in a Dead Tree" (Koboku Meigekizu, 枯木鳴鵙図) and "Wild Geese Among Reeds" (Rozanzu, 魯山図). Going back to the Book of Five Rings, Musashi talks deeply about the ways of Buddhism.

He makes particular note of artisans and foremen. When he wrote the book, the majority of houses in Japan were made of wood. In the use of building a house, foremen have to employ strategy based upon the skill and ability of their workers.

>> No.17629991

What does it feel like to be a retard? I'm genuinely curious?
The only insult to mothers is your inbred and room temp IQ behavior. Honestly I'm suprised she didn't pull the SIDS routine on your ass after seeing how stupid you are and put you out of your misery. I guess stupidity must run in the family.

>> No.17630006
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, sacha-baron-cohen-back-to-direct-and-star-in-fredd-kp1bh720-1598027694762_160w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never have and never will want to be japanese, especially not a cucked ass samurai. TBA KS for confirming that life isn't for me I guess

>> No.17630008

dude I'm just playing but you really are a faggot

>> No.17630013

You like cola don't you? That's almost coffee

>> No.17630014

>bring the heat
>can't handle when it gets turned up

>> No.17630033
File: 1.34 MB, 1280x720, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm american with british/irish, italian, polish ancestry I1 haplogroup

>> No.17630060
File: 77 KB, 408x931, updatedanc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17630063

samurai are everywhere and they don't drink horseshit coffee

>> No.17630064

You're such a memelord holy shit

>> No.17630066

>jew: 0.2%
don't leave your wallet alone with this guy, fellas

>> No.17630068

cucks mad I call them out for having shit taste

>> No.17630071

>Scandinavian 0.3%
hey me blokes, don't leave your refugee status papers around this fella

>> No.17630073

I1 haplogroup

we just fucked so much english and irish puss that it's hard to trace

>> No.17630080

>French and German: 3.7%
I don't know if this guy wants to cook a frog or stick it up his ass

>> No.17630081

>pretending to be shitskin on 4chan

good one

>> No.17630083

Many Americans have never tried tea (besides bubble tea and kfc sweet tea)

>> No.17630084

>spanish and portuguese 2.6%
greasy. just real greasy

>> No.17630087

what are you peruvian or congolese

>> No.17630099

>18.5% eastern european
OK so first he comes to work on your toilet, then he ends up stealing the toilet and it is later retrieved but found to have also been given hiv by him

>> No.17630100

Tea is a lot easier to get into than coffee since garbage-quality tea that you can buy at a supermarket still tastes ok on its own (because it doesn't actually taste like much of anything at all) while the equivalent garbage-quality coffee tastes intensely of burnt newspaper.

However, higher-quality coffee does exist.
You can buy quality beans from a local roaster, grind them as needed, and brew them how you like.
I have no problem drinking good coffee black, but I definitely still add milk and sugar to hotel/diner coffee.

>> No.17630107

you're running out of ethnicities to pretend you are

it's either african, shrimp dick asian, or south american /half white goblino

>> No.17630113

>5.4% broadly northwestern european
very wide geographic range for such a narrow gene pool

>> No.17630115
File: 62 KB, 806x254, haplo IP109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my ancestor took what he pleased

>> No.17630121

>0.2% southern european
don't eggplants grow on trees

>> No.17630124


>> No.17630128

>and I'm american with british/irish, italian, polish ancestry I1 haplogroup
delusional McHumans everyone.

Thats a nice way of saying im a fkin mulatto with no culture who clings to a fkin DNA test to see any purpose in life.

>> No.17630131



>> No.17630138

viking chad just fucking his way through the world

nothing wrong with that

mad nigger that he's r1b shitskin

>> No.17630143

Unlike you roleplaying retards im a german from germany living in germany laughing at you silly plastic humans from the colonies desperatly trying to figure out who and what they are.

>> No.17630148

so you're living in one of the most cucked nations on earth pretending you're the shit

that's what's wrong with euroshits

hey bro, you could have had like 1000 acres but your ancestors are fucking pussies son, sad truth

>> No.17630149

you mean the closest people to get cosmopolitan roman dick shoved up your ass?

>> No.17630150

You dont even see the irony in what you just wrote compared to what you wrote before?

Delusional McHumans. unbelievable, must be all that corn syrup and fluoride

>> No.17630153

danish vikings that pillaged britain and then came to america

where we export freedom dumbshit

we're free as fuck and your brothers are scheduled to be slaughtered again by judea

imagine that

get up and fucking leave before it's too late you imbecile

>> No.17630156

Don't forget you're the jew

>> No.17630157

thats some heavy teenage autism there buddy.
>free as fuck

you are a walking stereotype you fake human.

>> No.17630159

danish viking is somehow jew

interesting, you better hope some vikings are there to clean the slate you docile euroshit

yes, enjoy having no heat this winter

>> No.17630160
File: 1.14 MB, 360x360, 1647741783196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit spacing

>> No.17630163

>2017 trump poster is mad at a 2009 normal poster because he doesn't conform to his weird rituals typical

>> No.17630169

sorry newfag ive been here for over 10 years.

>> No.17630173

>wait so a Norwegian blue is somehow jewish?
This isn't my opinion. you posted your own DNA. Your own cells stand as rune stones declaring your kikery.

>> No.17630176


>> No.17630177

where's yours

for all that ? ancestry you're still stuck in europe aren't you, you fuckers are literally like cattle at this point, your next sacrifice is required

>> No.17630180

cope nigger

>> No.17630184
File: 131 KB, 492x1048, JackNme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a drop of yid, rabbi. I am sorry, to disappoint you. I know how tribalistic your type gets.

>> No.17630188

middle eastern is Semitic

>> No.17630191

>middle eastern

You Yanks are rly fkin retarded arent you?

>> No.17630195

watch Rabbi Redbeard here pilpul me saying I'm not a jew to not being a semite. Get a yarmulke on your .2% is showing

>> No.17630196

Then why would you reply to such obvious bait?

>> No.17630200

everything is bait right, nothing is real

>> No.17630213

I'm just percolating in this bread because it is wild for /ck/ levels

>> No.17630215

it if if you take it, if not then it's just a hook

>> No.17630219

>Jack Scalfani

>> No.17630243

sure is that bait as well

>> No.17630289

Tea tastes like shit and makes my throat hoarse. Whiskey and sweet wine are both total crap.

Whiskey is like "oh i'm now going to pay 70 bucks to taste those subtle tones of walnuts". Like nigger eat some of deez walnuts.