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File: 70 KB, 554x612, large-buzzballzstrawberryrumjob187mlcn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17629844 No.17629844 [Reply] [Original]

the humble buzz ball

>> No.17629849

I'll show you some balls, but I'm sick of being banned.

>> No.17629852

they're basically date rape in a bottle for teenagers

>> No.17629855

You don't need to take teens on a date to rape them

>> No.17629946

mm looks spicy

>> No.17630043

Rum jobs were disgusting

>> No.17630147

Perfect for my nightly crams.

>> No.17630209

cramming when half flaccid is a chore

>> No.17630321

>$4 after tax for 6.x ounces
>or $3 after tax for 24 ounces of 14% blue Joose
>or $4 after tax for a carton of cold coffee + $11 after tax for 750 ml 40% vodka
can't wait til i can work again and drink efficiently. at least the vodka and coffee last me a while, i go through other shit too quickly and the stores don't have time to restock

>> No.17631182

how many of these fucking things are you supposed to drink? 50?

>> No.17631496

Why not just get a 4Loko or a Steel Reserve? I have no idea how these things manage to sell themselves, only anorexic twinks could get drunk off of these without breaking the bank.

>> No.17631499 [DELETED] 

Changw mac addresses forever.

>> No.17631533

what did either of them mean by this???

>> No.17631588

55 is technically correct, but 52 is on oxy

>> No.17631628

Because they have a higher alcohol content that malt liquor

>> No.17631676

and I imagine they better suit the taste of women

>> No.17631787

shoved one up my gfs ass

>> No.17631790

>200 ML of 15% ABV


>> No.17631802


>> No.17631820

i hate alcohol culture so much, its unreal

t. alcoholic

>> No.17631844
File: 2.90 MB, 832x468, luh mons shukane.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was 16-17, drinking 6 beers could get me hammered big time, and one of those drinks is like 1.5 beers and theyre probably sweet as hell, i can see some teenager getting fucking plastered off of 4-5 of these

>> No.17632253

That's what they're for.

>> No.17633152

>given one of the chocolate whatever flavor by a friend
>keep it in my fridge
>about to drink it one day
>see women owned company on the label
>straight into the trash
I hate women.

>> No.17633189
File: 54 KB, 521x937, ce1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's for you

>> No.17633196

If I could get buzzed off of 200ml of 15% alcohol holy living fuck I'd save so much goddamn money.

>> No.17633213

anorexic twinks buy them I guess

>> No.17633222

You know if you mix grain alcohol with water it doesn't burn and is virtually tasteless?