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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17624135 No.17624135 [Reply] [Original]

Is high fructose corn syrup actually bad for you or is it a total soccer mom meme. (compared to sugar mind you)

>> No.17624157

It's fine. Same thing as MSG and gluten. Nothing more than placebo effects for faggots. Anyone that disagrees is a new age hippy wine aunt that owns 3 energy pyramids.

>> No.17624181

That woman is a mushroom. :o

>> No.17624189

hfcs puts a heavy toll on the liver since it's the only place where fructose can be processed, you're definitely taking miles off your life eating it

>> No.17624194

New fetish acquired.

>> No.17624229

More than regular ol sugar though? I have a fatty liver and I'm failing hard at eating right

>> No.17624249

>Is high fructose corn syrup actually bad for you or is it a total soccer mom meme
To be evaluated on case-by-case basis, in terms of the soccer mom's BMI, with points deducted for every inch inch of hair shorn above the shoulder.

>> No.17624270 [DELETED] 

if you know you have a fatty liver than you need to drop all carbs altogether until your liver is as healthy as it can get again, only teace carbs from veggies like spinach ir broccoli, no fruit not sweets no bread

learn about becoming metabolically flexible again

>> No.17624503

>Is high fructose corn syrup actually bad for you

>> No.17625252

She's very cute, please don't tell me she is actually a boy

>> No.17625289

I mean, it's certainly not good for you.

>> No.17625296

it's a little bit worse than table sugar
table sugar is 50% fructose, HFCS is 55% fructose

>> No.17625352

>puts a heavy toll on the liver
>because it has to process it, and do what a liver literally is meant to do
Stop being silly, anon. You consume countless things that are processed by your liver.

>> No.17625369 [DELETED] 

you absolutelu will develope fatty liver disease and cirrhosis if you consume hfcs on a daily basis

>> No.17625373

Being afraid of food is retarded. We all die. Imagine avoiding anything unhealthy thinking it means something when you get hit by that semi or the brain tumor says hello.

>> No.17625376 [DELETED] 

or when you become jaundiced

>> No.17625432

>compared to sugar mind you
Regular kitchen sugar, sucrose, is made up of a glucose molecule and fructose molecule connected together by a chemical bond.
They get split up again into those two molecules in your GI tract and it's the fructose that makes sugar harmful.
HFCS contains even more fructose compared to glucose than sugar, so it has more of the harmful thing

>> No.17625706

It's generally a good indicator of a cheap, low quality product that is bad for you as a whole.

>> No.17625782


>> No.17626033

Most people who will tell you about the dangers of X food ingredient (insert high fructose corn syrup, sugar, salt, MSG, "trans-fats", "bad cholesterol", etc.) are obese or on the edge of obese and constantly dieting. Their problem is never actually consuming these things, their problem is consuming 8,000 calories worth of these things on a daily basis.

It's like saying cheese cake is bad for you. It's not bad for you. Eating 6 slices of it in one sitting is bad for you, or eating cheese cake after having eaten a whole large pizza for dinner is bad for you.

>> No.17626048
File: 66 KB, 636x382, 2445EB3500000578-0-image-a-6_1419623690640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soccer moms aren't always wrong. It's just that when they're right, it's uncomfortable to agree with someone like that.

It's got nothing to do with danger, it's just shit food for trash people like you.
>but coca cola isn't bad in moderation
Too bad your definition of "moderation" is broken, fucking hamplanet. Ever heard of vegetables?

>> No.17626059
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1080, 145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why do I feel like shit all the time? must be the trannies and their mask mandates, facebook said so

>> No.17626062

The hamplanets are the people who scarf that shit down and blimp up to 400 pounds and can't control themselves enough to enjoy something in moderation. You sound like a former-fat who subsists on vegetables because if his greedly little pig hooves ever clutched a slice of pizza ever again he'd immediately spiral out of control and become a blob again.


>> No.17626072
File: 61 KB, 612x612, e39e986a-8a8a-476f-8414-a20510e673aa.39a74d1461e866efe1dcb7057073c027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Honey Boo Boo's mom

>> No.17626102

You look utterly retarded and fat saying any of this. AHH I CAN'T CONTROL MYSELF, BETTER NEVER EAT ANYTHING BUT CABBAGE!

kek - the attitude of a terrified fatso who is temporarily thin.

>> No.17626116
File: 20 KB, 450x253, 128489_w_450_253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice meltdown you circus freak. In reality, how many times have you used the phrase "quit soda" in the last 2 years? Be honest with yourself. You can lie to me but it's not my body you have to look after.

>> No.17626120

Death isn't the worst thing a shitty diet makes you experience.

>> No.17626123

kek I don't drink soda you dumb faggot, I don't like it. I'm sure you've "quit soda" though. Probably dozens of times. Can't take another taste or you'll be off the wagon and packing on 100 pounds, right? Pathetic moron.

>> No.17626129

anon, I'm sorry to say but she's an fungus

>> No.17626137
File: 176 KB, 1200x901, RGVBW7KAQVPADVZEEJKAOIDQIY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're way too emotionally invested in this thread, did it strike a nerve? Stomach stapling is a thing for hopeless cases like yourself, I bet your insurance would even cover it.

>> No.17626161

Project more, fatty. You're going to be a whale again, it's just a matter of time.

>NOOOO you can't just eat tasty food in moderation! Y-you must be fat!
>all I can eat is vegetables or I spiral out of control!


>> No.17626255

The ratio of glucose to fructose in it is not that much different from table sugar. Sugar is sugar.

>> No.17626375

The people attributing magic powers to HFCS are retarded, but, and here's the important bit:

regardless of HFCS, NOTHING made with it is good for you. Nothing good for you contains it. If something has HFCS it guarantees it's garbage that you would be better off if you didn't eat.

>> No.17626381

>Sugar is sugar.
brainlet take
sucrose is not fructose is not lactose is not etc. repeat

>> No.17626383

They don't let people get their stomach stapled until they learn how to put down the spoon because if you get fatty surgery and keep eating fat you fuck up your stomach and die

>> No.17626397

this is the thing i don't understand
if they can learn that part why do they need the stomach surgery

>> No.17626649

fucking tummys are a miracle of the world

>> No.17626665

I can hear your greasy fat fingers sliding against one another as you struggle to tape out those angry words

>> No.17626673


>> No.17626684


>> No.17626724

I don't know if it's good or bad, but it's a cheaper ingredient and the company has probably used other cheaper stuff too. You should strive to get the best quality ingredients you can reasonably afford. If you don't care about what goes into your body, who else will?

>> No.17626750

soccer mom meme.

too much sugar in your diet is generally a bad thing, but HFCS isn't inherently worse than any other sugars.

>> No.17626929

Look how disgustingly fucking dirty that phone's screen is, it's actually unbelievable how women never clean their fucking phones and are constantly touching it while shitting and while eating and other gross stuff

>> No.17627351

>Literally insulting fat people.
>You proceed to call him fat.

Man, pot calling the kettle a nigger here.

>> No.17627445

Jewish claws typed this