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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17621535 No.17621535 [Reply] [Original]

>this meal is almost perfect
>now to add essence of dish soap

>> No.17621541

Hey this guy knows what dish soap tastes like! He eats soap fuggin kek

>> No.17621552

People who enjoy cilantro eat a plant that was used as actual laundry detergent

>> No.17621556

Tell us more about your diabetes symptoms fatty.

>> No.17621561
File: 33 KB, 638x566, ryuko smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inferior genetics

>> No.17621563

Does dish soap taste good to you as well? It's the exact same flavor

>> No.17621594

only for you and a few other weaklings out there

>> No.17621597

wyp*pos are literally foodcuck

>> No.17621598

I don't respect people who don't like coriander.

>but nooo I was born this way
don't care

>> No.17621606

>being a literal genelet
kek imagine being this much of a genetic dead end

>> No.17621609

the reason they don't use cilantro in argentina is because their population is too white.

>> No.17621618

I call total BS on the "my geneics means I can be picky" meme when it comes to cilantro. I hated cilantro when I was a kid and thought I was part of the mutant club that couldn't enjoy it, but when I stopped being a picky little shit, I learned to enjoy it.

>> No.17621621

I'm genuinely curious about cilantro-likers. It is the exact same taste to me as dish soap, does that mean dish soap tastes good to you? Is this why people wind up eating tide pods?

>> No.17621630

The Great White People Filter

>> No.17621632

Is this the cilantro appretiation thread?
Opening statement: I LOVE CILANTRO

>> No.17621634

If you don't have the gene, it tastes like soap. If you do have it, it doesn't.

>> No.17621635

Is this some kind of tranny psyops thread? Europeans literally invented cilantro.

>> No.17621636

Are you genetically incapable of answering this question? What does soap taste like to you? Good?

>> No.17621646
File: 98 KB, 702x627, 1305897863627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is the exact same taste to me as dish soap, does that mean dish soap tastes good to you?
no, it means you have inferior genetics, like >>17621561
said. I'dd tell you to abstain from reproducing but you post on 4chan so that point is moot

>> No.17621647

Do you have any level of reading comprehension? Clearly I like the taste of cilantro and not the taste of soap. Is this just low effort trolling? You're just this bored?

>> No.17621653

I'd rather have the genetics that don't have me eating soap but that's just me

>> No.17621670
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>tastes like dish soap
>love it anyway

>> No.17621684

It has a fresh taste, does get a bit soapy if too much is used.
I don't buy/use it anyway because you have to buy a metric fuckton and I never used that amount so I always end up throwing 75% of the cilantro away when it wilts like a dickhead, and it's also a hassle to wash any dry super frilly herbs.

>> No.17621688

>Be schizo
>Thoroughly convinced himself that right arm is constantly itchy
>Cut it off
>People tell you you are retarded and ill
>"I'd rather have the genetics that don't have me be okay with permanent itching in my right arm"
And yet you probably still fail to see the metaphor.

>> No.17621693

Buy it with roots, that way it already lasts a lot longer. Store in a glass or cup with some water and it lasts ages.

>> No.17621694
File: 142 KB, 2034x1476, 1641695523713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>aww sweetie, is the cilantro flavor too strong for my little baby, well mommy won't make you eat any more

>> No.17621702

some kids had to be eating the tide pods, and it was probably the soapeaters

>> No.17621725

People who enjoy steak fat eat a fat that was used as actual body detergent

>> No.17621726

Wow great logic OP.

I guess I'll stop eating Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Blizzards from DQ because mint is used in toothpaste.

Trolling is not allowed outside of /b/. This is 100% a troll post masquerading as a thread about how you think cilantro is bad. The fact of the matter is Cilantro is very good on mexican food and you are wrong. Its okay if you don't like it but just don't fucking ruin it for the rest of us. You're lucky you don't get banned and your thread gets nuked for obviously attempting to bait people. You could post literally any food and make fun of it but ciltantro serves a purpose and tastes good and if you don't like it thats okay but you don't have to bully others.

>> No.17621732

dish soap serves a purpose and tastes bad to some people

>> No.17621738

>>17621535 >>17621541 >>17621552 >>17621556 >>17621561 >>17621563 >>17621594 >>17621597 >>17621598 >>17621606 >>17621609 >>17621618 >>17621621 >>17621630 >>17621632 >>17621634 >>17621635 >>17621636 >>17621646 >>17621647 >>17621653 >>17621670 >>17621684 >>17621688 >>17621693 >>17621694 >>17621702 >>17621725 >>17621726 >>17621732
people with the gene that makes cilantro taste like soap are genetically inferior

>> No.17621739

I cannot comprehend the comparison with dish soap. At all. What? Cilantro... Tastes like... Dish soap? Is this some meme I'm not getting?

>> No.17621742

here is a gay man to explain it to you

>> No.17621766

Olives taste extremely bitter to me despite them tasting salty to most people. Apparently there are a few food items where like 2% of people get a completely different taste. Olives, Coriander, and Cilantro are the ones I know of (the latter two being different parts of the same plant). I have the Olive deficiency but neither of the other two.

>> No.17621938

>eww you eat lemons? literally a cleaning product
>eww you use baking soda? literally a cleaning product
>eww you cook with vinegar? literally a cleaning product
>ew you drink alcohol? literally a cleaning product

>> No.17622107


>> No.17622118

>Trolling is not allowed outside of /b/. This is 100% a troll post masquerading as a thread about how you think cilantro is bad.
I hate "Janny janny! Anon brokena ruuuuule! Anon's in troooouble" posters more than I hate shitposters OR jannies.

>> No.17622152

people who enjoy olive oil eat a food that was used as actual lube for my masturbation

>> No.17622153

I used to hate cilantro for the same reason. Tasted like metallic soap. But my taste changed and now I love it.

>> No.17622177

Cilantro plants produce certain aldehydes that most people are unable to smell, but about 1 in 5 Euros and East Asians are able to detect; being able to detect these chemicals is less common in other ethnic groups, but still occurs. These aldehydes smell similar to odorants commonly used in dish soap, to those able to detect them.

>> No.17622251

reported for complaining about 4chan
>Complaining about 4chan (its policies, moderation, etc) on the imageboards may result in post deletion and a ban.

>> No.17622336

started off strong but ended like a bitch. apply yourself next time anon

>> No.17622340

As an actual answer to your question:

- I like cilantro (sometimes). I have the genetics that enable me to differentiate the flavor of cilantro and the smell of dish soap.

- Cilantro and dish soap (the smell, never tasted dish soap, accidentally tasted a bit of bar soap as a kid) taste/smell different to me. They do not have the same sensory profile. When I smell/taste cilantro, neither soap nor dish soap come to mind at all.

- I can kind-of-sort-of understand where people might get the sense of "soap" from cilantro, since I can faintly detect a very minor amount of floral fragrance in the background of the taste of cilantro, as well as a slightly bitter flavor profile (soap being way, way more bitter), but that's where the likenesses end.

- Instead of soap, when I eat cilantro I taste flavors of mint, mild basil/arugula/dandelion, as well as a slight bitterness and mild floral tones. Soap is just maximum floral and bitter, with nothing else.

I hope that helps the cilantro-soapers understand a bit more.

>> No.17622353

>it’s another “poor gene baby palate faggot whines about an herb” thread

>> No.17622365

Too much of any one herb can have a "soapy" taste, like lavender, parsley and rosemary also taste bad and like a soap or candle if there's too much and it's unbalanced.

>> No.17622459
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embarassing post. imagine outing yourself as a complete faggot when there isn't even an open janny position

>> No.17622851

I enjoy the leaves and seeds, but I just tried the stem and it actually does taste a little like soap. Whereas my friend can enjoy the leaves but not even the seeds. Maybe the flavor is most potent in the stem, followed by the leaves, followed by the seeds.

>> No.17623008

reporting for announcing a report :^)

>> No.17623081

>Whereas my friend can enjoy the leaves but not even the seeds
meant the opposite