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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17616597 No.17616597 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17616601

milk bread is better

>> No.17616604

It’s sweet

>> No.17616605

fuck yes
tiger loaf is a close second

>> No.17616610

No, it's just sweet. Just eat croissants at this point.

>> No.17616635 [DELETED] 

Violence against women is redpilled.

>> No.17616684


>> No.17616691

No, whole weat sourdough is

>> No.17616753
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No. Hawaiian rolls are the king.

>> No.17616772

I like more chewiness and gluten formation in my bread. Just put butter on a crusty baguette or ciabatta, no need to have that much fat mix into the dough unless you want it really soft for a burger

>> No.17616825

What is the best sandwich bread readily available at most grocery stores? I grew up on cheap storebrand shit but I've come to realize a good sandwich NEEDS good bread.

>> No.17616839

came here to post this

>> No.17616854

This question can't be answered because we don't know where you are.

>> No.17616856

Most grocery stores have their own bakery. See what's available there.

>> No.17616864

And it will probably be called: sandwich bread.

>> No.17616872

Grocery stores have cheap fresh baked bread usually, you can also make bread yourself on weekends and freeze it and eat it throughout the week, learning to bake is hard though

>> No.17616885

>learning to bake is hard though
It can be as simple or as complex as you want it to be. Sandwich bread is pretty easy to get the hang of.

>> No.17616896

>it's just sweet
what are you even talking about? also you think croissants are sweet? what is wrong with your brain

>> No.17616899

It's Sauerteigbrot and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

>> No.17616956

>croissants are sweet?

>> No.17616971

Fuck tiger loaf. It's good for like one day tops. Then it becomes so hard you could rob a bank with it

>> No.17616976

Of course croissants are sweat. Have you numbed your tastebuds?

>> No.17617149


>> No.17617152

thats why you puddit in the fwije

>> No.17617156

American croissants can definitely be a typical pastry, and pretty sweet, but most I've tried, are less sweet than brioche.

>> No.17617525

I'm trynna make my own hawaiian rolls/bricohe dough

eggs, butter, 2/3 bread flour, 1/3 buckhweat flour

its slow rising in my fridge i will shape and back it tomorrow

i added a generous amount of honey and freeze dried pineapple powder for that hawaiian taste

>> No.17617544
File: 193 KB, 1200x1600, Challah-bread-blog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews make a good bread.

>> No.17617549

Muhfuggin potato bread nigguh

>> No.17617708
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No its pic related.

>> No.17617714

fuck jews but Challah is great

>> No.17617738

I'm Jewish and I am offended by this comment!

>make ur own brioche
>add a bit less sugar and butter than the recipe calls for

wa la

>> No.17617799

>being offended by people liking Challah

Pretty anti-Semitic of you.

>> No.17617809
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Rate my sweet ‘che bread.

>> No.17617814
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>a Jew is offended

>> No.17617815
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I also make these sweet bois

>> No.17617819
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x3024, 17354E37-B554-4910-A78B-09D87EF868AF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are mad comfy to eat for breakfast desu

>> No.17617826

get that brown bread that has an italian/spanish name

>> No.17617829

american croissants are buttery and salty

wtf are europeans eating?

>> No.17617832


>> No.17617855

We have both salted and sweet brioches, bread or croissant style like >>17617815

>> No.17617872
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*Bloquea tu camino*

>> No.17618025


>> No.17618036

c h a l l a h

>> No.17618059

>candy "bread"

get out child and wait for the pannetone threads in december

>> No.17618069
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Brioche is based, it’s also a close cousin of Panettone.

>t. Professional panettone spammer on /ck/

>> No.17618290


>> No.17618630

I'm sure it will turn out just lovely. Never dried pineapples and added the powder before, but I've certainly added a bit of pineapple juice to it, as well as to pineapple upside down cake.

>> No.17618646

Is that what you're calling a croissant? Because it's a little bit more involved than that. And it requires more butter typically than most brioche.

>> No.17618687

I used freeze-dried pineapple powder because it adds flavor without contributing moisture and with cakes you can only add so much before it won't bake properly.

No, I realize a croissant means you have a separate butter disk and flour disk and fold them together 4-6 times. I got lazy and made "brioche" by making a normal-ish dough but adding 3 eggs, 2 egg yolks, and slowly incorporating about 5-6 tbsp of butter at the end.

I want sandwich rolls. Chicken salad is typically served on a croissant but I'm too sore to make that.

>> No.17618718

I see. And just so you know, with a typical bread recipe of somewhere in the 2-3 cups of flour range, I've made great rolls with over half that amount of eggs, and half of the butter. So you have room to experiment if it's not quite to your liking. I also used milk.

>> No.17618757

I used about 4.5 cups of flour because I wanted to get a good amount of rolls (8?) out of it.

Maybe 1 1/4 cup of buckwheat flour - the rest bread flour.

The best part of egg-bread is eggs. I didn't even add the whole stick of softened butter I had!

>> No.17618768

those are great but I don't really consider them bread.

>> No.17618882

Oh yeah. They'll be decent enough for you, I'm sure.

>> No.17619072

I agree it might work with a bit less butter - I will see how this turns out.

>> No.17619121

>king of breads
>no pan rollo
you are not gonna make it

>> No.17619631

my Kang
For me it's ciabattta, but fried over butter with cajeta or lechera filling

>> No.17619724

anon, it is a cake

>> No.17619791
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For me, it's the costco cheese bread
I love these little niggas like you wouldn't believe

>> No.17620207
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Kneel to the perfect mix of rye's flavour and wheat's mildness. Tastes well with really anything you put on it.

>> No.17620216

I take it this is similar to what they call "miche" at the local bakery? I happen to have rye flour - what ratio can I get away with mixing it into bread flour at without ruining having any chance at an airy bread?

>> No.17620270

With the right techniques and ingredients you can probably go up to 3/4 rye. Mostly it's more likly 60%.

>> No.17620278

any tips on what those right techniques and ingredients involve?


i would be scared to use more than 20-30% but maybe I will try a bit more than that

also was thinking of making it into sort of like a thicc cracker like a scandi "crisp bread"

>> No.17621092

They are, by definition, bread. Wiki it, it's a kind of flatbread similar to naan. Of course it's bread!

>> No.17621102

spbp. why anyone would make a burger with it is beyond me(at)

>> No.17621173
File: 1.93 MB, 3264x2448, 50C768FF-D036-40EA-AB80-7357FD6F2BF3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he never tried panettone melt

Oh boy…

>> No.17621198

sweet bread is a sweet and not a bread

>> No.17621659

Sry i don't know how to make it. I just buy bread at bakeries because i'm lazy.

>> No.17623035

it's not bread, it's a pastry

>> No.17623041

Today is the day I bake my buckwheat brioche! Should I post pictures?

>> No.17624188

yeah bro post em

>> No.17624201


>> No.17624208

But if you chew any bread long enough, it becomes a sweet

>> No.17624247

I tried making baguettes but the yeast was dead as fuck so they looked retarded, and I couldn't score it for some reason. It sucks because the instant yeast pack was brand new...

>> No.17624278

They are finishing their final rise now - puffy bois! - but I have cherry tomatoes roasting in a low oven so I haven't put them in yet.

I will brush the tops with egg white mixed with water.

They look like poop because of the buckwheat flour but they might taste delicious!

active dry yeast - don't trust instant yeast!

110F water

1-2 tsp honey

1-2 tsp active dry yeast

>> No.17624311

no wait, it was active dry yeast
had to mix it in with 105 degree water or whatever first, but it didn't bubble

>> No.17624354

did you add some sugar or honey? I find honey works great

if your yeast doesn't proof, throw it away and try it again

just put first batch in the oven

>> No.17624423

Yeah I added a pinch of sugar. Maybe I'll try honey next time.
I had tried the previous day and it didn't proof that time, and after another day and a fresh pack of yeast I just went ahead with making the baguettes anyways. It still tasted pretty good, but it clearly did not rise as much as it should have.

>> No.17624472
File: 247 KB, 1080x813, buckwheatbrioche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try adding a bit more sugar than a pinch as well.

Here are my buckwheat brioche rolls.

I am going to fill them with chicken salad - roasted chicken, diced honeycripp apple, honey glazed walnuts, homemade mayo (not too much), oven roasted tomatoes, and shredded romaine lettuce hearts.

>> No.17624536


>> No.17624567
File: 645 KB, 2100x1200, 126.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I want sweet bread I'll go with this.

>> No.17624574

I included a bit of honey and some freeze dried pineapple powder in my brioche buns shown above.

>> No.17624709


>> No.17625114

Your taste buds are so blown out by artificial sweeteners that croissants are not sweet to you

>> No.17625123

I make frenched toast using briocean bread from trader jo. It's okay.

>> No.17625154
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Picture related. I made this last night.

>> No.17625161

it's the marquis of cakes

>> No.17625270

Only for boorgirs

>> No.17625600

nice looking cross-section anon, good job

>> No.17626032

Thanks senpai