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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17612588 No.17612588 [Reply] [Original]

Seeing as potato’s just sprout naturally after a while anyway with no taking care of it does that mean you can just randomly plop one into the ground and it’ll grow nice potatoes with no upkeep?

>> No.17612594

Well, have you ever seen a potato seed?

>> No.17612595

Beans are the same

>> No.17612596

yeah pretty much

>> No.17612603

Basically. When planting for potatoes you can just cut them into chunks and have the kids go and stomp them into the mud. It's a fun thing to do after a rainy day.

>> No.17612610

Then why do people with homes still buy potatoes? Just laziness?

>> No.17612633


>> No.17612634
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Yes. I do that every year.
You don't even have to plop the whole spud in there either. If it's still firm and edible you can just cut off a sliver of it with the sprout on and stick that in the dirt.
Cut like pic related works fine.
Not exactly the hardest crop in the world to grow.
If you don't have a kitchen garden you can just fill some cheap buckets with potting soil and grow your potatoes in those.

>> No.17612647

Potatoes are easy to plant but they're a colossal pain to harvest

>> No.17612650

I mean, the plants don't just grow overnight and you do need to reserve a fair amount of space if you want enough to feed a family (those meme-tier boxes and bag planters have crap yields for potatoes). Gardening is a fairly intensive hobby if you're actually doing it for subsistence.

>> No.17612660

hard pass

>> No.17612664

They're really not, man.
You just dig up the whole plant and shake off the dirt.

>> No.17612714

consider the following

>> No.17612721

>Gardening is a fairly intensive hobby if you're actually doing it for subsistence.

Probably because you're farming at that stage and not simply gardening.

>> No.17612733
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Not that just digging them up is that much more of a hassle anyway, though.

Another thing to consider is that it's very therapeutic to grow your own crops. Caring for something living helps your soup.

>> No.17612744

I meant soul, but potatoes do also work nicely in soups.

>> No.17612827

Yes. Done it multiple times in the past myself

>> No.17612928

Potatoes can just be popped into the ground and will grow, you can cut one potato up into chunks and grow multiple potato plants from that one potato.
People buy them because they take a while to grow, you have to care for the plants, and harvesting takes time.

If you decide to grow some potatoes make sure you understand the difference between determinate potatoes and indeterminate potatoes.
Determinate have all of the potatoes grow at one time.
Indeterminate take longer to grow but the plant just contentiously produces potatoes along the whole root system and is the type you see in articles / videos where they grow 100lbs in a tall box or bag.

Either way home grown potatoes taste better than store bought and gives you the chance to harvest the small tender cream potatoes.

>> No.17612937

>5 gallon bucket
>fill with dirt
>stuff potato in dirt
walah hu ackbar

>> No.17612969

city kids man...

>> No.17613024

Yes with the power of GOD, JESUS CHRIST and the HOLY SPIRIT, AMEN.

>> No.17613916

>Then why do people with homes still buy potatoes? Just laziness?
you have to take a bit of care of them, plus the ones from the store that cost almost nothing have already been washed and separated.
That said, I remember as a kid we'd have stuff like potatoes and rhubarb and whatever just planted in random spots around the yard,

>> No.17613941

doesn't growing off the same potato and not sneeds increase the risk of disease and blight wiping your entire crop?

>> No.17613955

It's pretty nice to have ingredients you can just plant and get more of them.
95% of fruits you can't do that because they're grafted

>> No.17613985

>Potato seeds

>> No.17614007

as kids we were told to always spit out the seeds, or else a potato plant would grow in our stomach.

>> No.17614023
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It reduces genetic diversity, but the risk isn't extreme. It's easier and more reliable than waiting for the flowers to bear fruit.


>> No.17614036

all you need to do to defeat that is to plant a few different types

>> No.17614040
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When you grow them from the potato, it's basically the same plant regenerating itself.

>> No.17614055

oh come on man, everyone knows potatoes and tomatoes and closely related, and you can grow fruit if you pollinate it, and you can collect the seeds, but nobody does that outside of middle school science fairs.
The possibility of bad traits is so high you essentially have to have specialty hybrids created just to be able to use them. Nobody realistically does this.

>> No.17614078

Did you know that harvesting potatoes from the ground is called grabbling?

And that a potato harvester is called a grabbler?

>> No.17614086

Animals always dig them up.

>> No.17614429

Yes, you can actually cut them up into chunks since each sprouted eye can be a new plant.

>> No.17614446

I'm going to tell me wife about these findings, she'll love it

>> No.17614459

Growing stuff in the backyard is a great way to justify going to war against your area's rodents and critters. I suggest using your coffee grounds mixed with epsom salt and spraying some peppermint oil as a starting salvo.

>> No.17614478
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idk but now i wanna plant one potato in my kitchen next to basil and thyme

>> No.17614513

when I was kid I opened the cabinet where my parents kept the potatoes, and one of them was growing those long tendrils and it scared the shit out of me for some reason. Classic!

>> No.17614514
File: 742 KB, 2908x1835, potato-07 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Potato do no care too hot. Potato do no care too cold. Potato no get much water? Please, it no need much water. Potato get too much water? Is time for BIG potato. Potato do no have need of anything no even gravity. In space, scientist of russia have grow potato. They eat the space potato, it taste like ground potato. Potato survive anywhere. Potato survive everywhere. Tomato is squishy, it get bruise from walk in crate to car of farm. Not potato. Potato no care if you deliver to supermarket with bat of the baseball. You hit onion? You now have squash onion. You hit potato? Now you have many piece of potato. Can eat raw. Can boil. Can fry. You can throw in fire and eat like bear, potato? Still good. Cut up and use as stamp. With knife, chop to correct size, can use to fill hole in boat. You can turn potato into vodka, for drink or maybe even use run car engine.

>> No.17614525

Epsom salt is fucking amazing.

>> No.17614715

So easy even the Irish can do it.

>> No.17614737

Same, cleaning the pantry was like a scene from Creepshow.

>> No.17614741

growing potatoes can ruin soil for at least 1-2 seasons after harvest as they suck out all the nutrients. you pretty much have to have dedicated gardening space to grow them yearly

>> No.17614800

I've grown potatoes and seen the fruits they produce

>> No.17614867

What is crop rotation?

>> No.17615698

>suck out all the nutrients
people still believe this shit?
all plants need the same things

>> No.17615731
File: 100 KB, 540x748, Potato pototo(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17615732

Potatoes are cheap as fuck. The space you use for planting potatoes is space you could've used to plant fruit trees, berries or vegetables like tomatoes/peppers that actually benefit from being home-grown.

>> No.17615986

I wish I lived in a country where potatoes are cheap

>> No.17615998

1800s Ireland BTFO

>> No.17616484

I used to grow potatoes but then I realized I was wasting a ton of effort on something you can buy for $4 for 10 lbs
I mostly grow tomatoes now because store bought tomatoes taste like water

>> No.17616531

lol tubers

>> No.17616536

Where do you live that even potatoes aren't cheap. They're literally grown everywhere

>> No.17616550

>hmm these store-bought vegetables taste like they contain nothing but fiber and water
>i'm sure these store-bought potatoes are much healthier!
The fact that people still buy food at supermarkets confounds me.

>> No.17616560

I have a limited space to grow things and store bought potatoes taste the same to me. I also buy vegetables at the farmers market about a mile from my house the 6 months a year that its open.

>> No.17616565

>I have a limited space to grow things
Allow me to modify my previous statement
>The fact that people without access to land to grow things still buy food at supermarkets confounds me.

>> No.17616914


>> No.17617381

Does the grabbler look very greasy and have a large shnozz? Has a penchant for currency?

>> No.17617472

Don't the potatoes at stores spray them so they don't do this?

>> No.17617492


I assume they need alot of fresh fertile soil, which isn't cheap now

>> No.17617563
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>all I had to do was prepare a massive growing bed, use an expensive lawnmower to remove grass, dig up all the grass & dirt, on our large million dollar farm property, a bunch of old potatoes, a huge stack of costly hay, a bunch of manual labour, and then fuck about with it for months, adding mulch and hoping they don't get eaten by other animals and a shitload of manual labour
>then after waiting a year we got $140 worth of potatoes for free!

>> No.17617611

lol go look at the video of all the shit he has to go through to actually store them without them going rancid.
it's fucking hilarious for the equivalent of $2 of potatoes a week.

>> No.17617664

fun things are fun, you prancing lala homofruit

>> No.17617667

this creates mustard gas and rotten mice corpses

>> No.17617699

except he's not doing it for 'fun'. it's doing it because he's a "homesteader".
Except that spending thousands on wood, materials and then losing half your crop anyway because it's sprouted since you can't store potatoes for a year without canning them is a huge waste of money.

>> No.17617777

Based potatomancer

>> No.17618362

How do you reckon people grew crops before the invention of super markets?

>> No.17618436

God, I love potatoes. Baked potatoes are one of the greatest foods of all time.

>> No.17618749

if only times had changed anon.

>> No.17618938

>dodges the question
About what I expected

>> No.17618961

>asks retarded question that has nothing to do with the topic
>gets mocked
>I was only pretending to be retarded, I win!

>> No.17618989

Potato plants are massive in comparison, so don't. You need a really big pot.

>> No.17619077

>you can use pine, cedar, of redwood
Fuck you and fuck your list you can’t tell me what wood I am or am not allowed to use I can make it out or Japanese cypress, cocobolo, or illegally-harvested teak if I damn well please you’re not the fucking wood police

>> No.17619160

>projecting this hard

>> No.17619208

>coping this much

>> No.17619340

>seething this obviously

>> No.17619449
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exciting wonder what'll happen

>> No.17619998

theyre all fucking dead dipshit, we're not

>> No.17620024

you should probably do this in a 5 gallon bucket at least

>> No.17620029

I planted a sweet potato in an empty planter one year and it grew into a very attractive plant that more or less filled out the planter

>> No.17620037

Potatoes arent super flavorful and are usually eaten with sauces and spices. Tomatoes are often the base of a sauce and the star of the show, so it's more critical they have a good flavor.