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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 727 KB, 2048x1924, ah1e3tcm1p051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17611257 No.17611257 [Reply] [Original]

This is the greatest pizza topping combination and nothing else comes even close.

>> No.17611266

pineapple just tastes bad.

>> No.17611273
File: 317 KB, 1300x1279, anchovy-and-olive-pizza-AY8J87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP being a faggot per usual
No one can ever top the godliness of olive and anchovi pizza

>> No.17611279

>take that pineapple off that pizza, swine! i shall have rotten fish on it instead.
Fucking YUCK. I'd rather have the retardedly sweet fruit on my pizza than a stinky fish.

>> No.17611293

Anchovies aren't fish, they're mammals.

>> No.17611296

You're a child with a sweet tooth. I imagine that any flavours besides sickeningly sweet scare you don't they pussy.

>> No.17611308

You're a guy pretending to like smelly fish because it's "manly" of makes you an adult, or something. In reality you're just eating gross stuff and they make your breath stink (and no ones gonna tell you either faggot)

>> No.17611350

generally don't care for pineapple pizza but adding jalapenos is certainly the way to fix it

>> No.17611352

Wrong, i think it is redundant to eat an idiotically sweet fruit on pizza. It is like like trying to make pizza into something it is not. Anchovies happen to nicely compliment pizza. They are no more "rotting" than any other preserved food item, like the jalapeños you see topping pizza. Garlic aswell makes your breath stink so do you disapprove of it? Or is it that you selectively hate the use of anchovi because you have the soft- palette of a man-child. I am not manly for my diet, i simply comment against the hatred of preserved foods and lament the childlike fondness for nausea inducing sweetness.
Tl;dr gorge yourself on bbq and tendies and when your tongue can endure the acidic, pungeant, and rich nature of good food you can come join the adults

>> No.17611358

fish is pleasant but I might rather have it cooked into the sauce itself

>> No.17611360

>Anchovies happen to nicely compliment pizza
taste bad.

>> No.17611363

Fair enough, i mix a little into the sauce from time to time as the backbone when i use other toppings.

>> No.17611368

That's a lot of words, faggot. You that mad over a fucking FISH?

>> No.17611378

Its a great savory component. Some people don't like olives either. Combine both and you have a. Amazing duo. controversey is a true sign of greatness.

>> No.17611381
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>another Holy Trinity lover
Your eyes are open and you have seen the light
>sweet citrus
>semi-sweet spicy pepper
>semi-spicy salty meat
Absolute pizzafection!

>> No.17611382

Rather write alot over a fish, than argue with tweet length comments over a fruit.

>> No.17611391

I could write a whole essay on why pineapple would be better than anchovies if I wanted to, I'm just not gonna do it >:)

>> No.17611394

How about you suckle my dangling anchovi you maui-nigger loving fruit.

>> No.17611395
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>> No.17611396


>> No.17611397

>mmm crunchy

>> No.17611400

Rejoice with your kind while you burn in hell.

>> No.17611405

slipknot sucks

>> No.17611407

I don't know about the absolute greatest, but I admit it's a pretty damn good one. I hated pineapple on pizza up until that point. It's all about having other flavors that stand up to the pineapple and appropriately contrast with it (mere ham doesn't cut it).

>> No.17611491

More than 140 species are placed in 17 genera; they are found in the Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Oceans, and in the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. Anchovies are usually classified as oily fish.[3]

>> No.17611497

Based take, OP

>> No.17611500

How the fuck do you eat it?

>> No.17611506

You don't it's just for instagram photos.

>> No.17611526

im down for anchovies but with olives sounds fucking gross and you should rethink your choices

>> No.17611533

well except me topping your dad

>> No.17611553

Why is it swimming in liquid then ya dingus?

>> No.17611565

I made a baking tray like that in shop class when I was in 9th grade
btw your toppings are shit

>> No.17611576

Only when dipped in ranch.

>> No.17611585

Pineapples are highly acidic.

>> No.17611668

Agree to dis agree.

>> No.17611676

Make them green or kalamata, and return the pineapple, maybe with some pickled peppers, and I'm all over it.
Who am I kidding? I'd fuck this with my face all day long.

>> No.17611681

Y'all afraid of the CRUNCH?

>> No.17611693
File: 32 KB, 631x300, 5890697203823-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you able to use electronics?

>> No.17611743

Ever since I left the Amish community and traded my horse and buggy for a Mustang, I took right to making and using electronic devices. It makes me wonder what Luddites have against the printing press.

>> No.17611755

I didn't know the Amish ate shellfish shells.

>> No.17611758

Where else would we get our calcium from? Milk? How barbaric!

>> No.17611781
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spinach, colored greens

>> No.17611787

It was a pretty segregated community. We didn't have any colored greens.

>> No.17611791

Amish grow plenty of kale and the like.

>> No.17611802

Those greens weren't exactly colored. Hell, they weren't even urban.

>> No.17611809
File: 211 KB, 331x486, 27436584695879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen dude, you've been found out. You're not Amish. You're a seal.

>> No.17611850

I might try this out

>> No.17611851

You take that back right now!

>> No.17611877

He's colored.

>> No.17611903

Why does the pineapple look like it was thrown on the pizza after it was already cooked? The jalapenos don't look very cooked either honestly. Maybe I'm crazy idk.

>> No.17611917 [DELETED] 

olives just look like chopped up nigger assholes, disgusting

>> No.17612760

Anchovies with either green olives or kalmata olives is my second favorite pizza, after OPs pizza

>> No.17613031

Swap the pepperoni for ham or chicken, add some mushrooms and maybe peppers
Now it's perfect

>> No.17613142

i'd mess with fresh chopped jalapeno on my pizza but i'm never going to entertain the concept that pineapple tastes good on pizza. it tastes good by itself, but i don't mix sweet and salty flavored foods ever due to the fact that i just never enjoy it.

>> No.17613158

Pineapple is more acidic than sweet.

>> No.17613185

this is why banana is the patrician fruit topping
>curry powder
now that's a 'za to die for

>> No.17613201

It's presidential

>> No.17613301

I personally wouldn't go out of my way for that, too much going on. Curry with something sweet can be real good though.

>> No.17613673

A variant of this is minus pepperoni plus bacon, also very good if you have good bacon (you need to par cook it)

>> No.17613698
File: 181 KB, 676x486, CB555528-1416-4A14-9BE3-70B693BB57E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


[For me, it’s charcoal-grilled beef, menta potato, mochi, squid, fluffy egg, sausage, thick-sliced bacon, mascarpone cheese, cheddar cheese, meat sauce, sliced tomato, mushroom, mayonnaise, corn, onion, peppers, parsley]

>> No.17613733

Pepperoni is a placeholder ingredient. Ham or bacon would improve it. But you also need sliced tomato and onion.

>> No.17613777

do the nipponese really?

>> No.17613897
File: 984 KB, 1253x1746, pizza 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some nduja from my local italian grocery
shit is so cash i put it on every pizza i eat

>> No.17613930

>implying that doesn’t sound delicious as fuck

>> No.17613961
File: 92 KB, 922x852, Tumbler_Snapper_rope_tricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black olives
All you need

>> No.17613986

>curry powder
>bacon (and/or smoked gouda)
Swedish banana pizza. Love it.

>> No.17615565

The scandinavian people were a mistake.

>> No.17615611

If the jalapenos are not pickled then it just feels cucked.

>> No.17615648


thats actuall my fav combo other than supreme - mushrooms and added jalapenos

>> No.17615836

I like it

Would still prefer Canadian bacon

But throwing jalapenos or banana peppers on Hawaiian is a good move in my book

>> No.17617203

buffalo chicken is goated
chicken pesto is a close 2
white spinach pizza is a nice 3
tomato sauce is mid
your tastes are basic

>> No.17617257
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>> No.17617452

The good ol' Spicy Hawaiian

>> No.17618184
File: 57 KB, 550x413, rucolaegrana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actual GOAT topping

>> No.17618668
File: 314 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220323-215740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thank you, pineapple

>> No.17618689

prosciutto and arugula really is a strong contender. in the Top 5 pizza styles, easy.

>> No.17618764
File: 762 KB, 700x735, 1640929387267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In places that are famous for barbecuing such as australia, brazil, portugal, america, pineapple is the best sweet fruit to cook alongside meats and savouries. The use of it on a pizza with a meat that could be paired with sweetness such as ham is more appealing to cultures that like the sweet and savoury mix of flavours. T. Australian

>> No.17618827

needs more granular pineapple components

>> No.17619316

Anyone who say they wouldn eat the fuk out this pizza is a fucking liar I’d strait eat th fuk out that pizza and I don’t know what half that shit even is

>> No.17619327
File: 223 KB, 128x120, 1647400728530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple pizza is delicious

>> No.17619383

Swap that red sauce for BBQ and you would be on to something

>> No.17619438

>Mr. Burns

>> No.17619895
File: 48 KB, 450x450, pizzeria-peter-pan[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top tier topping

>> No.17619949

>always wonder who orders this bullshit
>it was /ck/ fags the whole time

>> No.17620582

Fucking awesome.

>> No.17620738

persnickety faggot

>> No.17620753

OP, I'm fine with you liking what you like but at the same time your tastes are very kid-like. I know people like you and you think that no one can possibly like things like wine, vinegar, hot sauce, dark chocolate, beer, fish, etc.
But people do, myself included.

>> No.17620758

Shrimp Alfredo pizza is the best.
It'll probably give you a heart attack.
But it is good.

>> No.17620799

This niggas comparing anchovies to vinegar holy kek

>> No.17621934

I can understand this Anon's problem, I buy sweet and sour chicken and literally never use the sauce. Just ruins the flavor of the meat to me.

>> No.17622043

>It is like like trying to make pizza into something it is not.
The original pizzas were sweet.

>> No.17623951

They look like penisfish and you eat them therefore you are gay

>> No.17625410

I'd toss on some olives, the salt pairs well with the spicy peppers and cuts back on how sweet some pineapple is, fresh isn't bad but I've had some pineapple from chain places that tastes like they stored it in syrup.

>> No.17625425

Diced tomatos, black olives and mushrooms. Optionally spinach. Not even a vegetarian but shits great.

>> No.17625468

remove the pineapple and replace with black olives, then you have something.

>> No.17625740
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>> No.17625759
File: 20 KB, 445x475, E_H-YbhVUAIJ_As.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm normally not a fan of pineapple on pizza at all, but I feel like the jalapenos would round out their flavor pretty nicely, I wanna try this

>> No.17625766

Are you too poor to afford all the toppings you really wanted? I put on all the peppers and onions and mushrooms they have. Super good.

>> No.17625768

It’s a topping on a pizza you austitic freak. Shut the fuck up and stop obsessing over dumb bullshit and maybe /ck/ won’t be the only friend you have. Jesus Christ you’re so sad and weird.

>> No.17625879

finally, some good taste in this thread

>> No.17625892

It’s a shitpost on an image board you austitic freak. Shut the fuck up and stop obsessing over dumb bullshit and maybe /ck/ won’t be the only friend you have. Jesus Christ you’re so sad and weird.

>> No.17626201

Near perfect, I would replace pineapples with beans.

>> No.17626355

Pineapple is my favorite pizza topping but pretending it isn't weird as hell is just retarded.

>> No.17627016
File: 831 KB, 3569x2379, 91279387-58ace7185f9b58a3c9b2818e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but with cream cheese

>> No.17627081

fucking this

>> No.17628445

>everything must be spicy or literally burn my mouth with acid for me to taste it
yeah no thanks

>> No.17629077

my man

>> No.17629374

What is the topping that goes the best with pepperoni?

>> No.17630401

They have tits now?

>> No.17630420

>he doesn't pair his pizza with a nice glass of anchovy milk.

>> No.17630546

stop bumping this shit you retard

>> No.17630565

Throw some black olives and I'm in

>> No.17630759

You have no bones.

>> No.17631050

I have no objection, carry on.

>> No.17631063

This was almost perfect. You were so close to greatness. All it needed was capers.

>> No.17631065

Quatro jappone?

>> No.17631078

>They don't know the first pizza was just dough and nutella, fucking cooklets...

>> No.17631142
File: 64 KB, 680x1020, fairybread40a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mama Mia that's a fine pizza

>> No.17631183
File: 214 KB, 1080x608, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ruccola, parma ham and buffalo mozzarella :D

>> No.17631278

>missing anchovies

>> No.17631302
File: 1.52 MB, 1512x2016, 6C9A5A0A-EFF9-426B-A758-88E9F2247A70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>radicchio, artichoke, and asiago
>squash, zucchini, sweet onion, and garlic-lemon ricotta

>> No.17632810

black olive and anchovies are good together.

>> No.17633029

Kill yourself

>> No.17633260

I actually had one of those the other day. I'd made potato gratin with anchovies the day before and had a few left over. Deenz are nice and all, but anchovies are the good stuff.

>> No.17633509

How does anyone actually like olives? They don’t taste like anything, just filler

>> No.17633529

yep my unironic go-to is bacon, pineapple, jalapeno. it's awesome

>> No.17633638
File: 285 KB, 1072x1440, 21015758_1870417399642646_8385139804215196684_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza with porcini mushrooms and Italian thinly sliced bacon.

Pizza con speck e funghi porcini.

You will never get porcini mushroom or Italian speck outside of Italy really.

>> No.17634048

Swap the pineapple for mushrooms and sure

>> No.17634081

The tomatoes and mozzarella are the sweet part of pizza and are mildly sweet after cooking. To add another fucking sweet item turns the pizza into a fucking pastry.

>> No.17634087

I can go down to my local wood fired pizzaria and get that exact pizza, with porcini and imported italian crudo, except better than the one in your image
I live nearly as far from Italy as it is possible to live
you aren't as special as you think you are

>> No.17634090

Fuck you whore mother, and suck the drip of sweet off my taint. You couldn't tell the differences between foods more than likely because you shovel the shit into your benevolent mouth. Sure it is just a topping, but it is faggots like you why tradition dies.

>> No.17634098

They add a nice, mellow bitterness when green. Black olives add an extra richness and have a slight bitterness

>> No.17634673

Based. I stumbled upon it by accident due to fucking up my shopping list. Another bacon pizza gem, introduced to me by a friend, is: a thin but substantial smear of any pate you like instead of sauce, scant but evenly distributed diced pickled jalapenos, fresh jalapenos, bacon, light smoked gouda, scant parmesan, black pepper. It was absolutely incredible and has been made 5 times since.

Also tried a thing with fresh Hawaii pineapple, speck, and super thin sliced pickled habanero and kind of an Asiago/Manchego crumble direction but was unable to make headway despite initial promising results. I’m not sure the monster can be tamed.

>> No.17634874
