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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17610518 No.17610518 [Reply] [Original]

post them

>> No.17610552

combining kitchens and dining and/or living rooms is the worst idea ever. everything smells like food. i will never again move into an apartment that doesn't have the kitchen in a completely seperate room.

>> No.17610555

One that electrocutes anyone that touches something besides myself. I'm fine working in a small space or with a stove that has two broken burners, I don't care. I do care when that FAGGOT mom decides to stir the beef I'm wearing for a stew and fucks up the browning. Just keep walking bitch. I don't need you to stir it.

>> No.17610571

Everything is so far apart.

>> No.17610600
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>> No.17610614

>everything smells like food
I don't see the issue, does the food you make not smell good?

>> No.17610621

You are at fault for living with your parents after 18, you are over 18 arnt you anon?

>> No.17610634

I'm 47.

>> No.17610643

How many good boy points do you have saved up?

>> No.17610644


>> No.17610650

Stop spending them on rimjobs anon, don't you know we are in a financial crisis

>> No.17610653

hwats a rimkob

>> No.17610656

You may call them mommy's chocolate kisses

>> No.17610658

Stop pretending to be me. I have 18,000 good boy points. Saving up for a PS5.

>> No.17610661

>5 ovens and yet they cheaped out on the espresso machine

>> No.17610663

A strong hood with actual air exhaust (not just filtering) can somehow solve this. Closed kitchens are more practical but suck when you are cooking for guests because they'll chat and have fun while you are slaving away in your cuck chamber

>> No.17610664
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>> No.17610665


>> No.17610666

One where the exhaust is actually above my head not in line with my chin

>> No.17610667

Dishwashers are not ovens anon.

>> No.17610670

there's only one dishwasher in that picture, and 5 ovens (a microwave is a type of oven)

>> No.17610673
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Anything secluded, filled with natural light and lots of bench space, preferably opening onto an outdoor area. >>17610552 is correct open plan is a dumb meme

>> No.17610675

>Double oven on the left
>Another double oven combined with the range
>Oven to the right of the fridge

The last one may be a microwave, but it's still a type of oven. Regardless, they have at least 4 ovens and 2 dishwashers but they couldn't spring for a rancilio Silvia or something, disgusting.

>> No.17610688

when i do have guests over, i tend to prep meticulously so i do not have much time to spend in the kitchen. mise en place is my bread and butter.

>> No.17610715

>cold as fuck in winter
>hot as balls in summer
based retard

>> No.17610722

>what is passive design
If you design your home with deciduous trees and correct orientation neither of these things are a problem. Keep living in your shitbox made out of sticks though, I'm sure blasting it with AC all day to cool your 10m long dining/kitchen/living room is highly efficient.

>> No.17610729

>worried about le efficiency of combusting russian gas
u eurocucks are so silly

>> No.17611244
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as long as the main appliance is there i'm good.

>> No.17611291

i've given up on my dreams

>> No.17611300
File: 1.45 MB, 2351x2081, kitchen2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will probably change to stainless sink. the fridge will have a facade to match it to the kitchen.

>> No.17611321

>dream kitchen
>no plancha grill
You fucked up

>> No.17611324

Fridge being so close to the cooktop might get a bit fucky, but I enjoy your vision, anon.

>> No.17611340

As long as it's walled off I'm fine. I'm not recording a cooking show and I can't stand the sight of dirty dishes while I'm eating.

>> No.17611357
File: 307 KB, 1000x545, kitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just bought a house and was sold on the kitchen
it's old fashioned and boomer but you can also tell that it was designed and loved by someone who used it daily
i feel like a lot of modern kitchen design is impractical and more for instagram points than actual use

>> No.17611470

I DREAM of having that much counter space.

>> No.17611478

Clean as you go

>> No.17611510

my frozen tundra canada house has a sunroom that is pleasantly warm even in -30c/-22f weather and can even grow finicky plants like basil

>> No.17611518

it's a really nice kitchen to work in
i want to do a soft reno like maybe add a backsplash, different paint and cabinet pulls but i'm pretty content with it despite how ugly it is

>> No.17612119

that's a bit too large

>> No.17612122

>designed and loved by someone who used it daily
that's a very standard layout though?

>> No.17612149
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I want a nice convection oven or two, a 4 burner stove with a griddle, a nice fridge/freezer with lots of room, a pullout trashcan/recycling bin, a microwave, and an island with a sink directly across from the stove/oven. Granite (black) would be my choice of counter/island material.

>> No.17612244
File: 74 KB, 750x1000, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon... you took the doors off of all the cabinets, you're hanging all of the pots and pans out in the open, you're hanging and cycling through 6 rags instead of buying paper towels, and you built wall-mounted shelving for all of your daily ingredients instead of cramming them away out of sight."

>> No.17613722

simplicity is underrated

>> No.17613741

>simplicity is underrated
then why do they give those fucking retarded faggy nnordic restaurnats five tire company stars?

>> No.17613748

Having a bathroom off the kitchen.

This is both disgusting and retarded

>> No.17613858
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>> No.17613933
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It's called open floor plans, and it's the worst plague to happen to architecture/home design.

Go look up new home designs, plans, etc. Last time I looked I literally could not find a single design that was not an open floor plan (kitchen/dining/living room all together with no divisions). Some of the homes even look like they'd be a traditional 2-story home too, then you look at the floor plans and it's just a big useless open area that doesn't even have a second floor.

And it's not just that everything smells like food, if you try hosting a party or get together, all the loud kitchen noises will disturb people. Then when you're all done eating, you'll have the kitchen mess in sight of everyone unless you want to do the dishes which can also be loud and disrupting. It's just the worst and I don't know how anyone could ever like it so much that they won't stop making this dogshit.

Meanwhile, pic related is an old design from decades ago and it just werks.

>> No.17614079

The ashes of Hitlers dreams

>> No.17614093

>that's a very standard layout though?
That's because it has worked effectively for many decades. If it aint broke, don't fix it.

>> No.17614094

>And it's not just that everything smells like food, if you try hosting a party or get together, all the loud kitchen noises will disturb people. Then when you're all done eating, you'll have the kitchen mess in sight of everyone unless you want to do the dishes which can also be loud and disrupting. It's just the worst and I don't know how anyone could ever like it so much that they won't stop making this dogshit.
You've never experienced any of these issues. In fact, I really doubt you've ever entertained in a home you own or been invited to such an event

>> No.17614111

>I'm a loser therefore so is everyone else
I don't live in a shitty open floor plan house, but even in normal houses the kitchen noise can be loud for the people in the living room with the door closed

>> No.17614128

i've seen second kitchen in a separate room in chinese areas of california

>> No.17614131

this is a terrible design. sink is too far from cooktop. oven is too far from everything.

>> No.17614388

who's Hitler?

>> No.17615553

>only having 1 living room/sitting area
just host your parties in the basement, or the poolhouse, or upstairs?

>> No.17616014

that was my initial thought but i think there's actually a second sink near the windows

>> No.17616019

This, there's some triangular set up between the stove, prep area, and fridge that has been showed to me the most efficient cooking space

>> No.17616594

There's ovens all over the place, you're never more than 3 feet from one

>> No.17617062
File: 289 KB, 1284x1284, el_campo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My grandma used to cook like this when we used to live in the Dominican Republic. SOVL

>> No.17617064

One in my fallout shelter. That I will use when all of you are dead

>> No.17618056

that icombi is insane, good taste

>> No.17618072
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>> No.17618101

is that fucking rebar

>> No.17618106
File: 782 KB, 1556x537, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you keep saying that word. it does not mean what you think it means.
(you mean countertop)

>> No.17618112

explain lab bench

>> No.17618118

The range is a cheap piece of shit that should get upgraded, and that fridge looks very old (and thus inefficient) and worth replacing at some point, too. Aside from the countertop, monstrously old-fashioned fan design and the paint, the rest is good as is. Backsplash can be kept imo, floor is kinda boring, but not bad by any stretch and the cabs are perfectly fine.

>> No.17618120

>gas burners in the middle of the room

>> No.17618127

the incorrect word for kitchen countertops.

>> No.17618133
File: 223 KB, 1000x1251, 51512B6F-7116-43B8-975D-CB13440E9E72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le boomer kitchen made with love
It looks like a standard McMansion kitchen from the mid 90s, the hell are you talking about? Picrel is a boomer kitchen, only thing missing is the avocado green fridge

>> No.17618140

Funfact: precut assembly line houses are still sold, typically for less than half of what a normal new house costs

>> No.17618166
File: 434 KB, 1080x1526, Screenshot_20220328-181143__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe not my dream kitchen, but the one going into my new house build. This is just the mock up of the cabinetry. We have a different faucet, floors, range hood, etc.

>> No.17618447

why not just go with a standard 30" range? save the money for the icombi pro

>> No.17618492

ah the ch*nkoid bugpod life. and you'll be happy.

>> No.17618610

the range should be in it's own room

>> No.17619531

>sink a mile away from the oven
You can keep it. May as well put the fridge in the yard while youre at it

>> No.17620897

boomers renovate, anon

>> No.17620978

Cooking outside is redpilled as long as the setup is comfy and step are taken to reduce bugs

>> No.17621349


>> No.17621780
File: 304 KB, 2000x1500, 358C4838-141B-4D88-8CFF-07637D2082B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like those stainless steel kitchens. Of course they are ugly as fuck but extremely practical.

>> No.17622154

where is the ventilation???

>> No.17622173

this kitchen looks extremely unpractical unless all you eat is cold sandwiches

>> No.17622254
File: 75 KB, 640x817, 9n60wrl5kzl31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like something like this, maybe a bit more counter space. I'm assuming there's a spice drawer and a full pantry. I like the look of dishware on shelves. Would also love a sideboard on the opposite end where I can keep my espresso setup and my kitchenaid, but I can work with whatever and care a lot about aesthetics

>> No.17622272

cramped and dusty and the cluttered microwave section is in the way of everything

>> No.17622429

Cooking outside is all about it being itty, gritty and bugged. So is camping outside. There's not supposed to be any additional luxury for females aka "red pills"

>> No.17622451

You're looking at the cold section brainiac. Why the fuck would you want to ventilate your lettuce?

They're always 10 cm too low, they make my back hurt. Gimme stainless working platforms which I can adjust in height.

>> No.17622478

you don't need that monstrosity for the cold section

>> No.17622506

I just want a butlers pantry man
Looks lovely, at least until it hails.

>> No.17622514
File: 700 KB, 1040x1190, rustic-butlers-pantry-1e5573f9e39040169a6706b717727728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot picture

>> No.17622524

put the cooking range in there so grease can be contained in that room

>> No.17622536

wtf are putting in those dewey decimal drawers?

>> No.17622568
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>he doesn't alphabetize his spices

>> No.17622690

Kinda defeats the purpose. Butlers pantries are staging areas for serving as well as storage for things like garnishes and some spices without competing for space in the kitchen.

>> No.17622726

The cost is actually pretty similar, since 99% of the cost of a new home is paying someone to build it on-site.

>> No.17622737

My in-laws have a kitchen exactly like this. It's miserable.

>> No.17622870
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>> No.17622878

that cheap shitty chinese "stainless" steel is gonna be a neverending struggle with rust spots

>> No.17622882
File: 305 KB, 1224x918, Kitchen 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my kitchen is decently sized but not well optimized, this picture is the only used wall of it. it has it's charm i suppose.

>> No.17622890

i like it
kitchen sink window is a must have

>> No.17622909

then you might find the original sink setup funny, this house is over 115 years old, the kitchen setup you see is not original, maybe 1960s/1970s. the house is old enough to not have indoor electricity or bathroom originally and the sink for the kitchen was in an attached room to the side, said room has a window that leads to the inside of the house and is lined up with another window for light, it has since been converted into a closet that still has a window.

>> No.17622927

nobody is saying cooking outside is just for females, you obssessed faggot. in fact, you make it sound like cooking outside is a fucking punishment.
learn this: cooking in open air with the fire you lit yourself, roasting the meat you hunted while occasionaly killing bugs is the most traditional way of preparing food in a society that's happy to cook in tiny living pods the real estate jews build for them. it's as free-thinking, tradition-respecting, redpilled as it gets. now go lose some sleep over the thought of dominican females being red pilled.

>> No.17622976
File: 1.75 MB, 2200x1650, kitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you guys feel about getting rid of a bulky 4 burner range in favor of an extended counter top, dropping in a 2 burner induction cooktop into it, building shelving underneath it and putting one of those fancy counter top convection ovens there? i'm thinking of doing this since i'm just a single dude in a small deluxe studio apartment

>> No.17622993

fuck this is based, by would be untenable where i live, texas.

>> No.17622999

texas seems idea for something like that

>> No.17623000

>shit smells infest your food

>> No.17623006

its way too hot to cook outside most of the year. fuck it got to 91 on sunday and its not even april. i dont give a fuck if some sun crusted boomers think summer is ideal bbqing season, its not.

>> No.17623030

yeah you can cook something in texas or arizona by tossing it outside

>> No.17623044

oh, i guess i've only been to the southern states in the fall/winter months
where i live it rarely gets above 80

>> No.17623055

My brother was in north carolina when he was in the marines, he left a tray of cookies in his car and bet his juniors 50 pushups they'd be done in time for chow. The good news is they worked off the calories from the cookies.

>> No.17623065

Cookie dough, shoulda said.

>> No.17623136

are you braindead

>> No.17623145

I don't think 50 pushups is enough to work off even one cookie.

>> No.17623183
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>> No.17623189

try 50 pushups.

>> No.17623200

Weight lifting in general doesn't burn calories itself, sustaining that muscle mass will make you burn more calories by just exisiting, but if you want to burn calories now, cardio>>>>}

>> No.17623274

alright then workbench

>> No.17623276

>no dishwasher

>> No.17623299

kys shill

>> No.17623307

I would kms if I hade to use this every day.

>> No.17623309

pushups aren't weight lifting. also ur a fucking idiot. just try to do 50 pushups today.

>> No.17623317
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It might be small but it was made with my designs. There is a dish washer too in the center area.

>> No.17623331

ajajjaja fucking euro kitchens are brilliant LOL

>> No.17623340

why not use that giant empty wall for something other than a stupid giant dangling light?

>> No.17623343

i'm gonna put knife magnet rack, and pot hanging rack there too, as well as a rail for forks/knive/spices/towel paper. Just not finished yet.

>> No.17623444

What makes it bad?

>> No.17623547

where is your vent hood?

>> No.17623560

Not allowed to have vent hoods here with gas ranges in classical buildings.

>> No.17623574

errr, explain the reasoning, so you just let the grease stick to the whole apartment?

>> No.17623595

It's got too much space. You think you like it until you need to bring something from the range to the sink(or the reverse). I prefer a galley kitchen so there's tons of counter space but everything is close at hand myself.

>> No.17623605

it conducts heat, works great for hobo-cooking tbqh

>> No.17623609
File: 25 KB, 640x407, grease net.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That single vent acts as the exhaust not only for air but for possible gas leaks that gather at the ceiling. You are supposed to keep window slightly open to allow air to come in too. If you wanted to have a vent then you'd need a secondary exhaust inside the wall going out, but due to classical building status it wasn't built that way. Anytime the gas people come to check your place every few months, if you have a vent then you're gonna get fined and/or they will shut your gas off.

As far as grease, I always used one of these, and never had any problems with grease going anywhere.

>> No.17623653
File: 62 KB, 1000x900, 1634911321814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w..which country is this??? do you get random urges to kill yourself?

>> No.17623697

literally my grandmas but the counters were salmon pink

>> No.17624121
File: 62 KB, 396x691, 1413356304339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you took the doors off of all the cabinets

Wat? All the other things you listed at least followed some kind of theme or whatever, but why the fuck is removing doors in there?

>> No.17624141

This looks like almost every kitchen I have seen in my life.

>> No.17624205

>Lifting a weight isn't weight lifting
Man I expect dumb shit like this from fit.

>> No.17624437

calisthenics and weight liftining have always been different discplines. now go do 50 pushups son. or try to.

>> No.17624857

that one is malfunctioning

>> No.17626637

I lived in a place with that apparent model of fridge and it was the noisiest fucking fridge I've heard in my life.

>> No.17627814


>> No.17627848

I want an efficient triangle between fridge, sink, range. As few lower cupboards as possible, give me hella drawers. A walk in pantry would be cool, I've never had one. East and southern facing windows

>> No.17629401


>> No.17630342

Barstools are a blight. I don't see why anyone likes them. I'm not sacrificing comfort for whatever style implied points they give.

>> No.17630449

Last year I moved into a single-story house built in 1910 that hasn't been fucked around with or had any original walls knocked out and god fucking damn it is heaven. Every room is defined and self-contained, every room has a door. Smells and noises don't intrude upon other rooms, you can isolate yourself and actually keep a train of thought going without constant ambient distractions. A living room feels so much comfy and relaxing when the door is shut.

I haven't lived in a house designed like this since I was a kid, I'm genuinely shocked they aren't more popular. Open plan can go suck a giant fucking dick.

>> No.17631955

post your chair

>> No.17631970
File: 500 KB, 1242x2208, 2EB3F5F6-EAA1-406E-8A60-C471146ED117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17633411

should at least get a combi oven

>> No.17634822

I like the Philippines approach to their outside kitchens

>> No.17636363

honestly anything that resembles whatever that kitchen is, i need lots of space to work and lots of different machines and tools to assist me in my every day tasks.

>> No.17637817

why 2 gas and 2 induction