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17608711 No.17608711 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best type of chili style??

>> No.17608727

The kind that is made from leftover meats, spices and BEANS left slow cooking to perfection.

>> No.17608730

Boston-style chili is the most authentic, with Boston baked beans, of course.

>> No.17608750

these niggas eatin beans

>> No.17608902
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Any type that has no beans is good with me

>> No.17609011
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Pomer Grimpson

>> No.17609030
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>> No.17609047
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>Boston-style chili is the most authentic

>> No.17609056

the kind with beans

>> No.17609082

I'm hopeful you're all just being contrarian trolls looking to bait Texans rather than actually having taste this bad.

>> No.17609130

that's a spicy meat stew

>> No.17609139

That's chili con carne, as opposed to retarded bean soup.

>> No.17609146

Gonna blow your mind OP: Pumpkin chili

(that's just one of a dozen recipes out there)

>Basically make your normal chili (from scratch).
>Add a can of pumpkin
>Add a little more chili powder than normal
>Add a dash of pumpkin pie mix
>Stir while it cooks

If you wanna go really crazy, use ground turkey rather than ground beef

>> No.17609158

moar like chili con cope

>> No.17609174



>> No.17609178

texas, fuck beans

>> No.17609185

Beans are literally a poverty coping filler ingredient.
>During the last days of meat rationing in 1945-1946, the term Trumanburger was coined. This dish, named after President Harry Truman, consisted of a patty of mashed baked beans! [8: 12]

>> No.17609237

honey, i am a texan, and beans go in my chili

>> No.17609297

Obviously we don't have a law against faggots living here or else the entire city of Austin wouldn't exist. Pretty sure he was just talking about non-faggot Texans who don't ruin chili with beans.

>> No.17609306

>it's cheap therefor it's bad

>> No.17609430

If beans or a mix of beans and meat were actually equal in quality or better than meat alone then every restaurant would be using the cheaper option of beans for all their meat dishes and pocketing the savings.
Really though the main reason why beans are a bad sign for a given bowl of chili's quality is that the entire point of chili is to create an over the top strong flavor. And that means either the person who used beans made their chili weak enough for you to taste those beans or else made it strong enough to where their use of beans was pointless filler.
Also beans take longer to cook than the chili con carne you're planning on ruining with them. So either the bean user is cooking the beans separately (again defeating the purpose of chili by not even bothering to cook one of your main ingredients with the chili), or they're overcooking the chili to get the beans completely cooked, or they're undercooking the beans to keep the rest of the chili from getting overcooked.

>> No.17609451
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>> No.17609465
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>> No.17609471

>bean eating retard posts a self-portrait

>> No.17609534
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I prefer a traditional bowl. No amateur homestyle fillers like beans.

>> No.17609567

Texans are such gigantic fags that can't cook for shit.

>> No.17609588

This is easily the best and most accurate post I've ever seen on this board, well done

>> No.17610131

Whoa, you've convinced me.

>> No.17611074 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up

>> No.17611093
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any chili where the only peppers that touch the pot is a tablespoon of "chili powder" and the rest of the sauce being tomato water can fuck off. if you're not starting with a variety of peppers both dry and fresh kill yourself

>> No.17611322

I like wearing jalapeños as earrings

>> No.17611328

>Non-faggot texan
Tough find

>> No.17612226
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I’m about to try kansas style.

>> No.17612235
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With beans and noodles

>> No.17612282

beans have great macros. cook time doesnt matter because you dont have to start cooking them at the same time

>> No.17612288

>cooking them separately
That was already addressed as one of the possibilities.

>> No.17612295

yeah i read the rest of your spergout after. does it really defeat the purpose of throwing meat and spices into a pot if you throw some beans and water into the same pot beforehand? its a retarded premise

>> No.17612308

>does it really defeat the purpose of throwing meat and spices into a pot if you throw some beans and water into the same pot beforehand?
It's fine if you don't care about chili I guess.

>> No.17612311

where did the beans touch you?

>> No.17612323


>> No.17612324

Beans aren't sexual predators. They're just a red flag filler ingredient that helps clue you in that the person using them isn't making good chili.

>> No.17612335

>beans have great macros
Is there something specific about the macronutrient ratio of beans that you find preferable to the macronutrient ratio of beef?

>> No.17612381

the fiber is a great compliment to the beef, and it has complex carbs in addition to the protein it contains

black beans also have high levels of anthocyanins

>> No.17612498

Haha you think beans are a filler yet you mix filthy tomatoes with cheap shitty mince. Only faggots eat anything other than meat, anything else is a massive cope and like you said yourself, retarded because things have a different cooking times and having to consider cooking vegetables differently is a waste of time.

>> No.17612530

>yet you mix filthy tomatoes
Where did you get that from? And how would people doing other things wrong make adding beans stop being wrong?
I notice beanfags do this a lot, bringing up other mistakes and arguing they're even worse than beans. Makes me think deep down in your hearts you know you're doing something wrong.

>> No.17613008

Work carrots, beans and corns

>> No.17613041
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>> No.17613078
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chili with beans and tomato

>> No.17613096

chili is literally poverty tier so it makes sense to use beans.

>> No.17613111
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For me its green chili

>> No.17613181

why even make chili at that point? Just braise some beef and make up some pepper sauce to drizzle over it?

>> No.17613202
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Seconded, Cincinnati-style is based

>> No.17613209
File: 773 KB, 740x592, Screenshot 2022-03-27 at 16-08-38 hot sauce on steak - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>put hot sauce on steak
literally Texas chili con carne by definition

>> No.17613365

Honestly any kind as long as it doesnt have a massive amount of sour cream/cheese on it, if it does its probably not good and just using condiments to make up for no flavor

>> No.17613383

>only one flavor allowed
>that flavor must also be capsicum
maybe you just don't know how to eat it and you're taking giant spoonfuls of only sour cream/cheese and wonder why it's not ideal tasting

>> No.17613435

It's not unless you cook the meat in that hot sauce. You're doing the equivalent to calling cheese stuffed bread with tomato dipping sauce a pizza.

>> No.17613455
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oh so you must slurp down a entire bowl of hot sauce to eat you your steak.
Teaxsfags are the trifecta of memebois

>> No.17613482

>you must slurp down a entire bowl of hot sauce
Why are you in this thread if you hate chili?

>> No.17613497

I don't get the bean hate. As long as the chili isn't 40%+ beans it is fine

>> No.17613531

i love chili i just disagree the chili should only be steak in pepper broth. Texas chili con carne is not even authentic to OG trail chili and if you were to go to town back in the day you would find every house made their chili differently and threw what ever they had in the pot.
This whole gate keeping chili by Texans is absolute autism

>> No.17613599

Haha lmao beans and chili lmao xD pineapple on the pizza hahah

>> No.17613615

It's just a disappointing waste to take perfectly good chili and water it down with filler ingredients.
Chili making is basically the art of getting a really strong flavored pepper and meat combination, and beans shit on that ideal by being weak flavored, needing to be cooked separately outside of the chili (or else getting cooked wrong inside the chili), and wasting meat space.
Conversely there isn't much reason in favor of including them. If you made the chili right you won't be able to taste weak bean flavor anyway. And the meat already provides your solid chewing texture and protein nutrition.
At best so far I've seen an argument that beans provide fiber and carbohydrates. Which isn't much of a reason in my opinion.
>not even authentic
It's OK if you're not perfect. But adding beans means you're not even trying to approximate what chili is. Maybe some people like the idea of making pizza out of potato pancakes with barbecue sauce and nacho cheese. But you can get how it'd be a bit off the reservation from an actual pizza at that point.

>> No.17613616

>pineapple on the pizza
ham and pineapple pizza is fine, not the best but very edible.
I feel like the people that perpetuate this meme just don't like pineapple in the first place

>> No.17613653

TL:DR if you don't like beans or corn in general that's fine just leave them out of your chili but that doesn't mean they don't belong.

OG chili had masa in it which is....corn which is also frowned upon now, the only reason they were originally using masa was not because they wanted to thicken the chili but that's just how they stored their dried corn and yes it's filler just like beans but that's the entire point of making a soup,stew,chili to make a large batch of something that goes far.
Most of what they had was dried beef, dried corn, dried peppers and dried beans. It is absurd to think they weren't throwing them all in a pot to reconstitute together