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File: 479 KB, 1536x2048, crane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17608158 No.17608158 [Reply] [Original]

Flying restaurant in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Would you try this?

>> No.17608173

If it was in a real country

>> No.17608177

Its suspended from a crane, not flying. If I'm going to waste my money on a gimmick it had better be a good one and this ain't it

>> No.17608178

nah, i ate in that needle thing in toronto one time and it made me nauseous

>> No.17608235
File: 944 KB, 2500x3236, 5c232531ab59e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They did this in Vancouver a couple years ago. I looked into it and it was something like upwards of $300 a head. They were only able to keep it running for a year, so I imagine it kinda flopped.

>> No.17608261


>> No.17608271

>GF invites me to flying restaurant
>says she has a surprise for me
>"fasten seatbelts please!"
>"anon i'm so happy! and guess what? i'm pregant!"
>no fucking way
>decide to end it there and then
>stuck 20ft high
>GF sobbing, other guest starting to feel uncomfortable
>hit on waitress to ease the tension
>it fails
>try to use my spagetti to rappel down
>it fails
>stay stuck up there an other 2 hours
all in all the food was ok, 3/5

>> No.17608288

Go back.

>> No.17608290

terrible story, you're a shit storyteller

>> No.17608293

Hearty kek l, have a (you)

>> No.17608341


>> No.17608393

I had a friend who tried one of these flying gimmicks in Russia. They led a Putin to the top of some flighty ideas. Putins can climb up ideas, but are unable to climb back down. Usually takes Ukraine to get it out.

>> No.17608402

Sounds like Reddit

>> No.17608547

we had it in Finland for a summer before it died out

>> No.17608567

>that menu

canada was a mistake

>> No.17608574

I would feel so dumb while it was being lifted up after getting on

>> No.17608576

Looks bad, not just stupid and fun but stupid and boring. Should be called a suspended-by-a-crane restaurant.

>> No.17608582

>Milk Chocolate & Sea 'Weed' Brownie

>> No.17608629

>sea weed brownie

>> No.17608695

I think actual seaweed would probably make for a very moist brownie without adversely affecting the taste, but the quotation marks make me think it was dudeweed.

>> No.17608747

I wouldn't go just to be lifted in a crane whilst eating opor ayam or some shit.
If it's something different or new to me, I'd consider it, but not for, like, everyday fucking food, no. What do they serve?

>> No.17608787

It's probably just a normal chocolate brownie with a dried seaweed packet (Nori) sprinkled in the batter and on top as a garnish. And it's probably shit.

>> No.17608794

what if someone needed to take a piss?

>> No.17608812


>> No.17608877

It's an Indonesian crane, so there's the imminent threat of collapse to make the food taste better.

>> No.17608883

>OH N-
How hard would they splat?

>> No.17609227

Just let it rip

>> No.17609763

Typical bullshit Vancouver fare

>> No.17609838

>Unsure if there's sway
>No toilet
>No bar
>Potential death
>Have to wait for a certain time to leave
Literally nothing about this is why I'd go to a restaurant.

>> No.17609863

>trusting engineering in a 3rd world shithole
Lmao no

>> No.17609892
File: 80 KB, 750x733, 1625333979058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I hear they have good food in Indonesia and I would rather spend time at good restaurants rather than gimmick ones.

>> No.17609901

>you have to eat ALL the ikra

>> No.17610046
File: 274 KB, 935x935, 1640299047046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to local mountain theme park with daughter's class
>Park is split between bottom and top of mountain
>Can take lift up, van, or train.
>Terrified of heights if unsupported, but lift is quick.
>problem is this is janky lift
>Seat are 2 planks of wood, and even my manlet ass is slipping off slightly
>Safety bar is hollow AL bar
>Too late to bail, so up we go.
>Way up is craggy and rocky so while it's only you go between 25-175 feet above rock
>Mountains are gusty and lol 45MPH gusts are shaking the lift like crazy
>Asshole is fused together but holding it together
>About halfway up, slowly groaning metallic sound and lift starts stuttering into braking and jerking with the gusts.
>Dead fucking stop with cables groaning due to wind
>Fucking loosing it, slipping downward on lift, and wind is making it worse
>Daughter asks why do I look like a ghost?
>Dad, we could have taken the van, I know you hate heights
>Lift starts back 2 minutes later,.almost fell through on one gust because jank ass safety.
>Get to top, ask why did it stop ?
>Oh honey, it does that on windy days.

Like that chonk black kid that flew through that drop ride recently because lol maintenance costs.

Thanks for reading my blog Redd*t.

>> No.17610052

Does indonesia even have alcohol? I thought it was a muslim country.

>> No.17610069

It's surprisingly open; beer and wine are sold in common grocery stores in Bali. It's a lot like Qatar where you can certainly buy booze buy you don't parade it around in public.

>> No.17610091

The majority is muslim but it's not a muslim country. You can sell alcohol as long as you have the license and pay the tax

>> No.17610100

>l as long as you have the license and pay the tax
or else what? it's my GOD GIVEN RIGHTS

>> No.17610110

you finna be flyin to yo death fr

>> No.17610119

It's actually rather interesting. Despite over 85% of the population being Muslim (almost exclusively Sunni), and the most populous regions such as Java are over 95% Muslim, the nation itself remains a secular state with religious freedom.

>> No.17610136

Nah i eould be to busy killing Indonesians

>> No.17610141

Ah, a crane operator?

>> No.17610145


>> No.17610240

I’m Episcopalian.

>> No.17610242

Where's the bathroom?

>> No.17610247

Over the side, duh

>> No.17610253

Waiter send this back, it's still blue.

>> No.17610293

But Indonesia is a real country go look it up

>> No.17610300

Your mom is a real country.

>> No.17610319
File: 537 KB, 1230x922, mamas-favourite-pouring-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wanted to get high and eat Indonesian food I'd go to Amsterdam and do a Rijsttafel.

>> No.17610331

What's the point? Indonesia has some of the best food in the world, I'm sure the experience of this is frivolous at best.

>> No.17610375

the thing is, we thought westerners eat expensively like this.
it's always about the feel of prestige from 1st world country

>> No.17610629

>kale pesto
>miso outside of jap food

>> No.17610838

>try to use my spaghetti to rappel down
Only funny line

>> No.17610844

>Paying $300 so you can eat a meal while strapped to a chair like a fucking toddler

>> No.17610878

You thought westerners eat while strapped to tables that are elevated by a crane several stories into the air?

>> No.17611441

>Dad, we could have taken the van, I know you hate heights
good kid
shell remember you took the lift for her though

>> No.17611484

I love you esl poster

>> No.17612108
File: 55 KB, 540x415, Autism-Speaks-logo-540x415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17612320

What, in your mind, is the definition of autism?

>> No.17612336

Do you just shit you pants if you need to go to the bathroom? I pee 2 times a meal and poop at least once

>> No.17612344

How to the waiters bring thr food to you? Jetpacks??

>> No.17612406

jew detected

>> No.17612429

>lobster tacos
Canada is only 2% spic, why would they eat this shit?

>> No.17612456

Fuck no, I'm afraid of heights

>> No.17612526

>spots oblique excuse to use the word "spic"

>> No.17612542

It's a fusion dish, in case you couldn't tell by the garbage mix of random ingredients. There's no law that says you can't eat shit from other countries.
>nnnnnoooooo, you can't heckin eat that! you're not brown enough!!!!

>> No.17612555

If it's urgent, it takes under a minute to lower the table back to the ground. The problem is you have to weigh less than 300lbs to ride in the first place, and I imagine that would be a problem for you.