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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17605146 No.17605146 [Reply] [Original]

If not, why not? Either you’re just lazy, or you’re stupid. So which is it?

>buhmuh I dun like eg-
Pasta doesn’t need eggs you retard.

>> No.17605149

>Either you’re just lazy, or you’re stupid.
Rather presumptuous of you to not consider the possibility that I am both of these things and more.

>> No.17605156

Something like 8-12 servings of pasta costs $1.50 at the most, you don't make all your own ingredients from scratch, why start with pasta, which you're gonna slather with spices and not taste it by itself?

>> No.17605162

Too "lazy" to make (again) as I did not feel it was better or cheaper than store bought dried pasta

>> No.17605172

I do fairly often. Most of the time I'm just lazy and use dried. I like to keep at least a few portions of really good chicken noodle soup stored frozen in case I'm sick or just want some nice chicken noodle soup, and I always use home made egg noodles for that. If I'm making ravioli or tortellini I'll almost always make the pasta, but sometimes I'll buy frozen sheets. Again with the lazy.

>> No.17605177

It's a question of effort vs reward. The effort of making your own pasta is astronomical while the reward is minimal.

>> No.17605740

>5 minutes of mixing
>5 minutes of rolling
Wow it’s astronomical!

>> No.17605756

I'm trans by the way.

>> No.17605765

Lazy and stupid

>> No.17605771

you are awfully aggressive for a pasta maker

>> No.17605775
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If you make your own pasta for any reason other than fun you are unironically stupid. The cost of pasta is so low, even if you make minimum wage your time is literally not worth it. Plus that you need special semomema flour and a special machine that take money and space. If you do it for fun thats fine, but you can't pretend like its somehow a smart idea

>> No.17605782

If you think people, even those who do it regularly, are able to make fresh pasta in 10 minutes flat without any additional headache including the equipment prep and subsequent cleanup, you are detached from reality.

>> No.17605808

You have never made pasta in 10 minutes so that’s a fucking lie

>> No.17605861

You must not cook.

>> No.17605870

Satifsying and joyful to make with others, depressing and sunk cost fallacy to make for oneself. Imagine going through all the labor of making pasta from scrafch just for one’s own amusement and not to share…. I’d literally kms.

>> No.17606174

def lazy, I don't want to clean up a shit ton of flour just for some pasta, actually I rarely eat pasta, it's overrated.

>> No.17606215

reward is minimal
holy shit this board

>> No.17606229

i dont have a pasta maker nor any space

>> No.17606236

The improvement is not worth it, I have more important and more enjoyable things to do

>> No.17606240

sorry to be the one to tell you but your pasta is shit

>> No.17606244

The value of my labor far outpaces the cost of pasta, and fresh pasta never has the same texture as dried pasta.

>> No.17606245

do you make your own fucking ketchup too faggot?

>> No.17606248

I spend a lot of effort doing all stupid bread making and baking but making pasta just isn’t worth it for me

>> No.17606252

you don't have a rolling pin?

>> No.17606258

If that's all your complaint, you can get a 5 inch wide, 3 foot long food safe surface for super cheap. Just a bit of lumber, glue, laminate, and fasteners, and you don't really need a pasta roller. A rolling pin would do most of the work.

>> No.17606266

I am lazy fuck >>17605172 fuck here.
Fresh pasta definitely has a nicer texture.

>> No.17606270

I buy my monthly pasta supply in bulk.

>> No.17606435

I only make shapes or varieties I can't buy easily, like tlitli, gnudi and beetroot tagliatelle.

>> No.17606447

without pasta equipment - the automatic roller press and the noodler - it takes so long. using a wine bottle always makes the rolling hard

>> No.17606450

Fresh pasta is good for some dishes. Dry pasta is better for others.

>> No.17606543

I lost my pasta machine
I prefer dried

>> No.17606550

>hello boss I would like to work right now for 8 minutes to offset the cost of pasta I'm buying instead of making it myself

>> No.17606585

Pasta is just basically flour and water. The taste can't literally be hugely different. Only a little. Not worth the effort when I can buy good dry pasta for pennies.

>> No.17606598

>can't literally
You haven't tasted a lot of water before? what in the fuck?

>> No.17606644

Do you make your own flour? If not, why not? Either you’re just lazy, or you’re stupid. So which is it?

>> No.17606664

You can buy fresh pasta, too.

>> No.17606671

Maybe like 100 people on this planet make their own pasta

>> No.17606677

Yeah, I buy frozen stuff from time to time because it's sort of a happy medium between time and result for really good fresh vs dried, but I've yet to find a really nice fresh pasta that comes close to home-made with the ingredients I can get vs the frozen stuff. It's a balancing act and mostly depends on how lazy I'm being. The "fresh grocery store stuff here isn't much different from the dry, but the frozen stuff I can get is closer to the denser texture of what I get when I make a semolina/AP mix, then there's the egg content.

>> No.17607231

Speaking of frozen pasta, the frozen tortellini and ravioli make for a super fast and tasty meal.

>> No.17607753

OP here, Yes I grind my own flour too. I have a nice mill from Blend-Tec.

>> No.17609659

Pasta in general sucks, and fresh pasta is even crappier. It's pretty much the worst food preparation you can do with flour, why would I expend even a second of effort doing it manually?

>> No.17609670

I don't eat pasta almost ever. Never at home.

>> No.17609692

Most of the time I don't want their basic fillings, and for whatever reason, the pasta they use in those has the same texture as all the dried pasta I can get, whereas I can get frozen pasta sheets that have a better texture.

>> No.17609695
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I rarely eat pasta at home. I do like a good bolognese though, and tagliatelle is easy to make.