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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 388 KB, 753x452, food shortages.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17600558 No.17600558[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

are you ready to eat less and lose some weight? I'm 450lbs, so i'll be okay

>> No.17600563

im fat but fit

>> No.17600567
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 1648174004631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to have to kill and eat you

>> No.17600572

Hope this doesn't happen.

>> No.17600592

Reread this news story, fatass

>> No.17600611

"With regard to food shortage, yes we did talk about food shortages, and it's gonna be real"
"The price of the sanctions is not just imposed upon Russia," he added. "It’s imposed upon an awful lot of countries as well, including European countries and our country as well."

how is that not confirmation that there will be food shortages? dumbass

>> No.17600613

Ya know I actually have been thinking on decreasing my portion sizes. It is going to be very awkward when I have to elaborate on how an economic collapse indirectly caused by deadly war in a foreign country was what encouraged my weight loss.

>> No.17600683

as long as its not imposed on mexico you should be fine

>> No.17600689
File: 40 KB, 750x554, 1638375627289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a garden? I have 1 acre of land ready to go and I am not afraid to use it.

>> No.17601077

Will you be fine with low blood sugar?

>> No.17601121

Just blame it on inflation and people will nod sympathetically

>> No.17601122

i barely eat a meal a day so idc

>> No.17601129

i'm white so i don't have diabetes (or even elevated blood sugar)

>> No.17601138

What are some foods are you guys planning to stock besides the pantry items like water, rice, bean, pasta, and so forth?

Corn Beef Hash

>> No.17601141

Canned fruit like fruit cocktaik, oranges, peaches ect

>> No.17601147

There are some people in my town who wouldn't be horribly missed.

Can't be much different than pork.

>> No.17601151

good idea

>> No.17601153

honey is always good

>> No.17601155

Still waiting for that winter of death.

>> No.17601160

biden should be expecting a bullet in the head

>> No.17601161

Honey, flour, yeast, salt. You'll live, or at least have enough energy to start subjugating people who have other stuff you lack

>> No.17601163

Get canned pineapple if you like them, so fucking good. Also, get all your fruit in 100% juice, not syrup.

>> No.17601167

Turns out voting for Buden was against everyone's best interests

>> No.17601170

Oswald was a glownigger, so was Booth. Biden will get got by an inner cabal soon enough

>> No.17601186

nothing ever happens

>> No.17601189

muh jewkrainian wheat...
Good think I only eat tortillas, rice and potatoes and cut off wh*at a long time ago.

>> No.17601192
File: 397 KB, 2481x2233, Angry Bumpkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every rational person knew this. Biden was so fucking bad the retards here were going to vote against him, or abstain from voting because women think... well they don't. Then during and after the debates a bunch voted for Biden because Trump was being "rude". Yes, because that's just so fucking important, he's offending your sensibilities. Old people and women should not be allowed to vote.

>> No.17601200

I wish Trump was prez again so bad, I miss all the antics. Boring Joe doesn't do jack shit. Maybe in a few months we'll really see him shit himself or something though, then I'd think a bit more highly of him.

>> No.17601203

New demographics poll this week shows the only group of people (besides the overall "registered democrat" group) that approves of Pants Shitting Joe are suburban white women at 52%. After all this they still approve of this senile asswipe. Everyone else is in the 30s and 20s lmao

>> No.17601221

i doubt that white women support biden more than some minority group especially since whites have been the most hostile about biden

>> No.17601224
File: 282 KB, 1200x804, Marijuana-Seeds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This shit never happened and hadn't happened in two fucking years.


Okay. So the world's largest food producer by FAR is going to run out of food all of a sudden. I'm certain there will be a fucking ton of corporate marketing thrown at us to promote this bullshit as well.

I don't fucking care anymore. Whether they are just fucking with us nor not these people are obviously incompetent.

>> No.17601226

Gee the niggers who've voted 98% democrat for 140 years are ahead? Of course dumbass, they aren't counted for a reason it's pointless. The real interesting story is Joe's approval among Hispanics is 41%

>> No.17601228

Yeah good idea, let's bring zion Don back so Israel can force the US to fight their proxy war on ukraine while remaining neutral themselves
Wait that's actually happening
Zion joe?

>> No.17601229

He ruins everything and makes our lives miserable on purpose but that's not entertaining it's just psychopathic, evil, and sad.

>> No.17601230

It’s not happening. Nothingburger.

>> No.17601231

>Yeah but no more mean tweets.jpg

>> No.17601234

The proof is already out there for you to ignore that, for a mandatory medical procedure, it's highly unsafe. The issue isn't that there's a magic alien spore that will kill everyone who ever took it, the issue is that about 10-15% of the population cannot tolerate it for some unresearched reason and are experiencing deadly and life changing side effects which in healthcare terms is a monumentally failing grade in delivering a safe product.

>> No.17601237

>140 years
wrong, youre forgetting blacks used to vote exclusively republican early on after emancipation
i also find the hispanic situation interesting. biden is just so universally hated that he even gets loyal democrat voters to turn on him. im not expecting hispanics to vote the republican ticket more just because of this though

>> No.17601242

Who's lives did Trump make miserable? I for one was doing just fine 2017-2020

>> No.17601244

R came within 3 points of flipping districts down in south Texas that have never elected a republican in the history of their districts existence in 2020 and Pants Shitting Joe certainly hasn't gotten more popular with the Hispanics since 2020

>> No.17601245

America and Canada are going to be fine but prices will go up. There's always government cheese

>> No.17601246

I'm talking about Joe how is that not clear

>> No.17601247


>> No.17601248

*citation needed

>> No.17601251

With how evil these people are I fully expect them to say we should have to live with the bread lines as they ship all our food to Africa and China

>> No.17601252

Hahaha what? He's the only recent president to not invade a country, if not several.

>> No.17601255

Its only been a year. Give it time.

>> No.17601260

Hispanics already flipped.

>> No.17601273

>are you ready to eat less and lose some weight?
Fuck that, I love food and I love being a fatass.

>> No.17601275

I meant Trump. Joe redeployed immediately. And issued executive orders day one for 3 different ways to kill American energy independency, such as signing back into the Paris Agreement and closing keystone pipeline. I forget what the third executive order was.

>> No.17601277

American troops are illegally operating in the ukraine

>> No.17601281

illegal according to whom? putler?

>> No.17601282

Post links. And post how it's illegal.

>> No.17601294

Damn you guys need to retake your civics class

>> No.17601301

>Lefties vehemently defend American imperialism with the zeal of boomers post 9/11 when Diamond Joe is the one doing it
It never ceases to amaze. Decades of watching these people I still don't understand how they can possibly exist day to day without collapsing in on themselves at any given second from the contradictions

>> No.17601302

the president can order soldiers to do stuff without congressional approval as far as i'm concerned

>> No.17601307

American wars haven't been legal since the gulf wars. Iraq war architects are still in charge and have been this whole time.

>> No.17601310

America alone wastes so much food on a daily basis that these shortages could easily be alleviated if people did some basic rationing and stores stopped tossing out perfectly edible food because they're a day past the expiration date or the packaging is slightly dinged.

>> No.17601313

Yeah, next you'll say that we wouldn't have a homeless problem is we just turned all the empty malls into free apartments right

>> No.17601314

I remember friends of mine who were from Berkley getting rubber bullets protesting globalism in Seattle. Hippies in Europe still do. The corporations got to them all. That's what's the craziest. They're constantly embedded with their products. It's right in front of them. The money, the people behind the money.

>> No.17601317

Time to cull the herd

>> No.17601318

No. Fuck the homeless.

>> No.17601320

So your answer is that we should know because international politics is clearly defined in a shitty rules for dummies, not even the college course yet?

>> No.17601452

China can get fertilizer from Russia.

>> No.17601464

There's no contradiction in opposing the war on terror and Iraq while wanting an intervention in Ukraine.

>> No.17601482

is this bait thread? i enjoy bait thread.

>> No.17601490

youshould post the .mp4 OF the recorded archive from that last 00's age forum that operated for so long people were able to share their cooking techniques.

>> No.17601499

I wonder if the announcement is the result of someone telling Biden that the "you can't trade with Russia" sanctions being applied to a huge swathe of the third world would result in this

Sanctioning Brazil alone will nearly eliminate beef from US grocery stores

>> No.17601504
File: 1.54 MB, 2000x1670, 1635686477233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ze could always eat ze bugs maybe?

>> No.17601525

arrrr delete this