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17593816 No.17593816 [Reply] [Original]

I got rye bread, some deli turkey and various cheeses including my favorite, white american.

What spices can I add to turkey. Can make it a melt too with a press.

All I know about is dill. Help me zest up a turkey sanwich. Tia.

>> No.17593822


Mayo. Mustard.

>> No.17593830

make a flavored cream cheese with something spicy, something tart, something sweet, and something herbaceous (potentially dill)

jam + hot sauce + softened cream cheese + dill + lemon juice/vinegar

chill the mixture then spread it thusly

>> No.17593833

I got that too but still, kinda basic. Like spices like oregano, dill, paprika all those things. What goes good on turkey?

>> No.17593837

Interesting. Jam like grape and strawberry? I have all those ingredients. Thanks. White power.

>> No.17593839

basil (fresh, chopped)

incorporated into

flavored cream cheese

>> No.17593841


Add some of this shit.

>> No.17593843

I'm jewish actually. I don't keep kosher or anything.

Yeah, jam, or if you wanted to be fancy a bit of fruit puree thiccened with cornstarch + water slurry cooked to at least 180F for 1 minute.

just make sure to add a little vinegar/lemon/acid for balance - the cream cheese is rich and you don't want to overhuwhelm it

>> No.17593844
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>> No.17593850

Well, I got jewish seeded rye.

>> No.17593867

Yeah that's pretty nice. I've been meaning to buy caraway seeds but I need to grind them up because my Dad has a broken crown he won't get fixed cuz the (((dentist))) wants to charge 2k for it.

I bought rye flour so I'm going to play with that soon.

I just put some semolina + 00 (extra-fine) pizza flour - pizza dough I'm making in the fridge to sit overnight.

I'm going to fry eggplant sticks and roast orange bell peppers for the topping.

>> No.17593945

I did some sort of cream cheese / hot sauce / honey / basil mix in a tiny bowl and put it on and it was pretty good. First time ever trying something like that. Didn't have any jams/preserves wrong time of year. All out.

>> No.17593987

Yay! Make sure to restock on preserves! Also you can buy a bag of frozen cranberries and cook those up into a lovely addition to huwhipped cream cheese,

>> No.17594007

I do have frozen strawberries. Could puree it by hand for a little addition. XD

>> No.17594117

No, I mentioned cranberries specifically because they have BONKO amounts of natural pectin within (a lot). Strawberries do not have enough.

For strawberries you would want to HEAT the frozen fruits on medium heat in a saucepan.

To this you would prepare in a small bowl, 2tbsp or so of cornstarch or 3tbsp of flour, mixed with just enough cold water with your fingers until no lumps remain.

Add this slurry to the frozen fruit, and cook over medium heat until it reaches 180F for one minute, or lightly boils for at least a minute to process the starch so when it cools it won't WRECK the texture of your flavored cream cheese.

My slow roasted chicken is almost done. I let it air-dry on a rack in the fridge for a day, coated it all over in butter, stuffed it with lemon halves and quartered onions, and I'm cooking it at 325F, now 300F, until the internal temp gets to 155-160F