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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.25 MB, 2400x1627, 2016-04-19-1461095891-917397-Beef_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17591011 No.17591011[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you started to realize that meat (beef in particular) just isn't that great? I'm trying to choke down some short ribs right now because I hit a plateau on overhead press and I've been force-feeding myself meat every night and this is turning into misery. Isn't meat supposed to be like the most awesome thing ever? Am I not supposed to go HOO-UH and turn into a cave man and start beating up homosexuals and women? Because I don't feel like any of that. I just want a nice greek salad. Maybe a bit of lemon poached sole for protein.

>b-but you just haven't had the GOOD meat
I've had it all, grass fed, dry aged, wet aged, grain fed, grass fed grain finished, raw, blue rare all the way up to burnt ends, in the finest french and korean restaurants as well as flyover state steakhouses. Beef. Is. Overrated. Anyone who says it's their favorite food is just pretending.

Just wanted to get that off my chest, carry on with your carnism.

>> No.17591017

How old were you when you came out to your parents?

>> No.17591024

Weird how OP's post made you think of gay sex.
Does that happen a lot?

>> No.17591029

You sound like you eat too much. Are you fat?

When you're hungry, pretty much anything tastes great.

>> No.17591030


>> No.17591032

You outed yourself. Thread hidden.

>> No.17591041

No, and why is "ur fat" the default response to literally anything on 4chan? Fat people, in my experience, have no standards and will eat literally anything for any reason and for no reason. Only time you'll hear a fat complaining about food is if it's afraid there won't be enough so it starts coming up with weird nitpicks (but they'll eat it anyway, they'll just claim the plate is too cold or something because they're uncomfortable with fine dining and multi course meals)

>> No.17591042

i love meat. i love gutting deer and tossing their stomachs into the woods. i love picking the bones of a fresh trout out of my teeth. yesterday i made some big sloppy hamburgers with breadcrumbs, egg, paprika etc. it was very delicious and it was a top five moment of that day. i thank the cows that go through factory farms so i can eat their succulent flesh. although i miss buying the uninspected beef right from the farmer way back home. if you own land you need to start raising your own livestock now. also if you don't care about flavor and just want pure protein there are more efficient ways to get it

>> No.17591049

>I like mutilating animals and throwing out the parts that I'm too dimwitted to figure out how to make use of
Sounds like you like the idea of meat, or at least, someone's idea of meat, grounded in a fragile sense of masculinity

Tripe >>>>> shitty boring hamboigahs btw

>> No.17591051

You're allowed to just not like a thing.

>> No.17591067

This shitty world only reminds me of things I hate.

>> No.17591068

Nah, fats sound like you. Always trying to justify their choices to other people instead of just doing it.

>> No.17591082

Never change, 4chan

>> No.17591106

hunting is to connect with nature and to get the highest possible quality food. it has nothing to do with masculinity
>field dressing animals is mutilation
fuck off. are you telling me you often hunt your own game and prepare the tripe yourself? that is very impressive if so. otherwise your sense of superiority is unfounded if all you did was go to a store and follow an online recipe. you type like a pseud

>> No.17591160
File: 380 KB, 1812x618, cope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice backpedal there, just goes to show you MUH HUNTING is just cope to make emasculated men feel like providers, especially in an era when female incomes are closing the gap. It's got nothing to do with "connecting with nature" but that's what you'll fall back on when you think women are listening.

Now if you'll excuse me I have to go comb some beard oil into my beard and savor a smoky glass of islay single malt, RRRAWWRRR SO MANLY

>> No.17591176

>it has nothing to do with masculinity

>> No.17591211

I like meat a lot.
If you hate beef, stop eating it. It's not the healthiest, it's not the cheapest, and it's not even the most protein-dense.
>I just want a nice greek salad
Then go for that, nigga, throw in the sole, some feta, some nuts. You'll be gold.

What the fuck is this thread? Who the fuck is this guy?

>> No.17591215

>people who like things i don't like are just pretending to like it
beautiful autistic take on reality

>> No.17591224

I'm too scared to hunt for and eat my own deer because of muh prions.

>> No.17591253

this thread is gay, like OP

>> No.17591255

Nothing is great when you have to force feed it to yourself. What kind of retarded thread is that?

>> No.17591284
File: 117 KB, 998x660, 1968-07-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How old were you when you started to realize that meat (beef in particular) just isn't that great?
never happened from the moment I first tried it I loved it. especially medium rare beef. pork is great too. chicken is meh and fuck fish.

but man I loved meat from as early as I can remember.

pic related is me.

>> No.17591298
File: 58 KB, 870x729, projecting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone who says it's their favorite food is just pretending.

>> No.17591338

Yeah, it's nice as a big chunk of protein, but beef is kinda overrated. I've never once had a piece of normal beef that was as good as a fatty piece of pork belly and crackling, a well roasted peking duck or even just a plain grilled mackerel. You can get shockingly good cuts of beef too of course, but there's definitely a crowd that creams over pretty average steaks.

>> No.17591357

faggot opinion

Meat is ok, offals are just better though

>> No.17591418

I can’t eat liver to save my life no matter how I cook it.

>> No.17591423

Well, OP is an obvious faggot afterall.

>> No.17591458

>force-feeding myself meat every night
I bet you do, gay boy.
Try to change up your diet you fucking nigger.

>> No.17591460

>I've been force-feeding myself meat every night

>> No.17591478
File: 68 KB, 1024x768, 1571108795901m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sounds like you like the idea of meat, or at least, someone's idea of meat, grounded in a fragile sense of masculinity
Nah nigger, I just love meat and I love killing things.
I'd certainly butcher a human and eat human meat if giving the chance.
You're the pussy.

>> No.17591485

Ugly ass baby.

>> No.17591490

>easily 2+ years
>still in diapers
Were you retarded?

>> No.17591505

>he cooks his liver

>> No.17591509

Would it taste better raw? I have some sliced in the freezer.

>> No.17591511

nice larp but you talk like someone who never goes outside

>> No.17591528

>>b-but you just haven't had the GOOD meat
Nah, all meat is good. Cheap cuts, expensive cuts, any commonly raised animal.

>> No.17591559


Meat is great. I do think people suck off beef a ton when all cuts of beef taste...Like beef. Other red meats are way better, but meat is good.

>> No.17591572

For me, liver and heart is the only offal I've ever been able to get into (except for deep fried gizzards, but deep fried shit all tastes the same so that barely counts.

>> No.17591599

I'm gonna say it, wagyu was nasty. Literally tasted like a less salty bologna but dripping in fat.

>> No.17591604

Literally spent $200 per plate and was super disappointed. Nice date though

>> No.17591636

OP likes cockmeat sandwiches

>> No.17591788

I've always enjoyed dairy products more than meat. I get sick of eating meat pretty quickly but can have tons of dairy every day without getting tired of it.

>> No.17591797

>op is obviously a fag
>immediately brings up gay sex
>no way there's two fags in here

>> No.17591805

Funny I actually really like gizzard

>> No.17591845

Op here, my favorite food is actually black penises

>> No.17591866
File: 333 KB, 1280x1046, 1637375930136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've had it all, grass fed, dry aged, wet aged, grain fed, grass fed grain finished, raw, blue rare all the way up to burnt ends, in the finest french and korean restaurants as well as flyover state steakhouses. Beef. Is. Overrated. Anyone who says it's their favorite food is just pretending.

>> No.17591868

An inability to understand that other people have different opinions and tastes is a sign of autism

I don’t care about beef but I do enjoy lamb, yet I understand that some people like beef and dislike lamb, and others might not like either of them. You don’t understand this because you are a retard

>> No.17591891

I was about 8 or 9 when my mother yelled at me for not eating steak my dad had just cooked. At that age, I realised I just don't care for meat, especially not beef, all that much.
I still eat meat to this day, sure, and I enjoy it when I do but I don't lose my shit over a steak or a bit of chicken or barbecued pork ribs or something the way I do more vegetable-forward dishes. Not even something vegetarian, just something where vegetables are the star, like my favourite, simple-ass dish: pasta with peas. It has pancetta in it, but it's a veg-forward dish.

>> No.17591897

OP is always gay. What are you even doing

>> No.17591899
File: 11 KB, 274x182, B2DF412D-DE01-415B-A1CA-E6C27BB0ABD2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How old were you when you started to realize that meat (beef in particular) just isn't that great?
Never... I'm English

>> No.17591905

What the fuck are you talking about? Can you people just be normal? Of course you wont enjoy it any more if you've been force-feeding yourself to try to gain weight.

>> No.17591969

Seeing as how OP is a faggot, yes.

>> No.17592134

Well OP said himself that he's choking down meat every night.

>> No.17592154

Go eat bugs then tranny faggot

>> No.17592254

I've definitely cut down on beef intake, but I'm not going to pretend that acting like beef isn't great makes me look refined.
A good steak is fucking delicious, and turning your nose up to it just makes you look like a tryhard basic bitch.

>> No.17592493

Good thing you'll probably die before me vegancuck

>> No.17592517

I'll take pork over beef any day of the week,but other than that you're a faggot.

>> No.17592520

baffling isn't it? what is it about the autistic condition that leaves them unwilling or unable to accept the existence of subjective taste?

>> No.17592565

>force-feeding myself meat every night
Congratulations, you're a vegan. Now shut your whore hole and keep it to yourself.

>> No.17592567

I agree with that. Pork is way better than beef in basically every way.

>> No.17592603


>> No.17592604


>> No.17592624

I kind of get your point. Beef tastes best in stews, when you allow to let the flavor develop over hours. Steak is overrated, same as hamburger patties.
Chicken or pork tastes better to me, but beef is still the healthier choice, because even if it's factory produced and fed literal shit, it isn't as poisonous as some equally raised chicken or pig.

>> No.17592625

Meat is good, but for me, it's about the combination of flavors, spices and veggies that go with it. I am what one might call a mixture man. Perfect for examples could be different laab-style southeast asian salads, that have animal products with herbs and veggies in a powerful sauce filled with chilies and umami components. I also love soups.

For me, plainly grilled or seared meat is definitely overrated. It's just one-dimensional. People compensate their lack of skills in the kitchen with dishes that have a shitton of meat. An average home cook wouldn't know where to start if the use of ground beef, fillets (including chicken), and steaks would be off the limits. They would probably just do shitty roasted veggies, or some equally shitty tomato-based pasta.