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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17585953 No.17585953 [Reply] [Original]

Am actual fucking cooking thread. What the fuck are you cooking? Post pics or don't, I don't care.

Got a pot of chili simmering on the stove and my wife is making some jalapeno cornbread to go with it.

>> No.17586084

What’s he wearing?

>> No.17586122

Is the standard chili recipe call for using meat chunks like brisket, or is it ground beef? Always thought the former would be better.

>> No.17586139

The gf wanted to have dinner and drinks, so we went out, but I've got a bunch of peppers on the smoker - some will be used for some tweaked out porkolt or paprikas sometime this week.

>> No.17586152

Looks like diarea

>> No.17586185

proper chili uses dried beef cut into chunks, and dried peppers and cumin that have been toasted then soaked in hot water for 10min, drained then blended up for the sauce and some salt
THAT'S IT! so when you hear these texasfags saying bean don't belong in chili tell them to stfu because they're not even close to authentic chili and their chili with ground beef but no beans is just sloppy joe

>> No.17586196

I've been making a fuckton of venison chili, japanese beef curry using S&B Oriental Curry Powder
, and ham and beans.

Next up: https://www.kingarthurbaking.com/recipes/filled-wool-roll-recipe
Cooking Tree on youtube is in general a great source for pastries.

>> No.17586207

There's no real standard, as as >>17586185
sort of mentions there are a lot of strong feelings about the idea of what 'chili' is.

>> No.17586213

What is dried beef cut into chunks? The only dried beef I use is a deli meat for pickle wraps

>> No.17586230
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no. fresh meat was used when available and the reccomended is chuck roast
sorry you have autism and can't make chili

>> No.17586264

I've been fermenting a lot this past month. Do you guys have any ferments you really like that I could possibly try in the future? Ferments I've done are sauerkraut, lemon, clementine, radish & carrots, red onions, salsa, cubanelle peppers, a hot sauce I'm doing with serrano onion and jalapeno, and doing two vinegars mango & strawberry. So far all good, some still going on. Would love to hear what you guys like to ferment.

>> No.17586283
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I made this on the weekend, following >>/ck/thread/S17556643#p17557239
Too sweet. I ended up washing most of the sauce off to eat the apple slicea.

>> No.17586293

>What the fuck are you cooking?
Poonis pot pie.

>> No.17586294

like >>17586230 said chuck roast or round, but don't use dried beef you're planing on prepping for the end of the world

>> No.17586313
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if it's Texas chili con carne use chunks
If you're making chili with tomato, fresh bell peppers, onions, beans, etc. use ground beef.
Also use picrel

>> No.17586316
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i just got done braising corned beef in broth and herbs
fuck the irish and their flavorless unspiced boiled meat. i refuse to do it as it goes against all my knowledge and of course i seared the fat and meat before putting it on the pot. tastes good with mash and veggy medley

>> No.17586332

>no beans
not chili that is a meat stew

>> No.17586337

>tranime poster
Join the 50% faggot.

>> No.17586369
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The last serious thing I baked was this cheesecake with cherry “sauce”. The cherries I used weren’t very flavorful honestly, and the sauce was alright, but not very saucy. Next time I’ll use a different variety of cherries and crush them a bit when making the sauce. Ideally when it’s cherry season. The cheesecake was great though.

>> No.17586395

canned or frozen cherries when out of season friend

>> No.17586406

Joke's on you faggot, I add the beans toward the end. I honestly prefer it without but I don't mind them and the wife likes them so usually they go in.

The standard is whatever you want, your chili should be what you l like. I make it both ways but I prefer to use whole chuck when I have it.

>> No.17586417

greg easter's russian bbq chicken in the oven right now
the sauce / rub tasted amazing so i have high hopes for the final product

i've always been skeptical about the canned ones but i can confirm that frozen cherries are real good shit

>> No.17586427

This guy fucks

>> No.17586435
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Skyr with my homemade blueberry-gooseberry jam & chia seeds

>> No.17587492

Did you make the skyr?

>> No.17587804

what's that then

>> No.17587856
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pat my bum tell me I did a good job and I will read your future

>> No.17587872

that steak was not cooked properly

>> No.17587876

that's liver

>> No.17587908

I'm not big on liver but it still looks a tad under based on the white streaks, did you let it rest before searing or did it go straight from the fridge?

>> No.17587911

its not really liver. you've been had

>> No.17588149
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Chopped lamb's heart seared like a steak and drizzled with pickled walnut sauce. I didn't have much else in the fridge so I mashed some carrots with leeks and fried some mushrooms and an egg. I also drank the wine I was supposed to cook with.
The heart was delicious and so fucking cheap.

>> No.17588196
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made some bread

>> No.17588308

gonna make me some corned beef. how long can you leave in the salt water before roasting it?

>> No.17588312

don you add rye into your bread?

>> No.17588437

Recently I have been roasting chicken legs then pulling the meat off the bones put in some tupperwRe mix in the drippings and have pulled chicken for a few days. I throw away the bones but I might save them for stock when I have enough from now on. I am getting some legs today but I will drybrine overnight to see if there's a difference.

>> No.17588442

> sloppa for dinner again

>> No.17588443
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Last time >>17588437

>> No.17588530

Yesterday I made a roasted pork tenderloin with a fig balsamic sauce, with roasted brussels sprouts and carrots. Shit was very good. I'm making pork tacos today.

>> No.17588565

I made some bread with rye

>> No.17588674
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Dry brine will vastly improve the taste and texture. It's my #1 most essential step.

>> No.17588716
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I made Alton Brown's beef stew the other night. Made it a few times previously and again it came out great.

>> No.17589078

Bro throw some scallions in there or something, it's so brown!

>> No.17589154

Hard to see since they were sliced real thin, but there's a big yellow onion in there.

>> No.17589186

my only issue is his doesn't have carrots, baby carrots work best for me because consistent thickness and not too thick that it won't cook all the way through

>> No.17589247

It was damned good sloppa

>> No.17589251

Gonna echo others' sentiment that carrots are a must.

I'm also partial to leaving the potatoes out of the stew itself and instead serving it over mashed potatoes personally.

>> No.17589267

On mashed potatoes is so good, maybe too good. It feels overindulgent. Potatoes added directly are clearly meant as filler.

>> No.17589276

You may be right but I honestly don't make it that often so I don't feel bad about indulging when I do.

I tend to make chicken stew a lot more often just because it's both cheaper and I can be lazier with my prep work. Don't have to cut up the meat, just throw some leg quarters into the Dutch oven and get them started to render the fat, then add them back in once everything is ready to simmer and pull the bones out when it's done. Of course that gets served with biscuits though.

>> No.17590798


>> No.17590813

I made this over the weekend

It was fucking good. I threw mushrooms into mine and cut the meat into smaller pieces to cook faster.

>> No.17590834

that's beef stew but looks good
looks tasty
looks like a creamy slice
that looks good
your steak and veggies both look good. what will the state of my life be like by the end of this year?
great but clean your fucking table
standard bread
looks good to me
id expect it to be more liquidy but its good

>> No.17590979

>great but clean your fucking table
No. How dare you.

>> No.17591098
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I posted before.
Only interesting thing I made recently. Obviously overcooked used turkey bacon.
Dunno what to make. Might try porked tender lion.

>> No.17591125
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scrambled egg pasta

i made fried chicken sandwiches the other day. making pork belly bahn mi right now, i'll post it if it turns out well

>> No.17591286

Must've left it on the heat when you added the eggs? Next time take it off the flame when you toss the pasta. Will come out real nice.

>> No.17591595

>that's beef stew
How do you figure? It's beef, onions, chilis, spices, and beer. Not pictured were the pinto beans added toward the end. Chili is quite literally meat (typically beef) stewed with chilis, anything else is just personal variation but at its core yeah chili is a stew.

>> No.17592205
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just cast iron pan fried a chorizo in cow fat and added clinatro and lime juice, eating with rice & beans

>> No.17592227
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i don't have any tortillas but i have this indian bread thing

>> No.17592324

chili is supposed to be ground up meat not big chunks of meat. i dont know anyone who would consider what you made to be chili

>> No.17592340

damn that chicken sandwich looks good, id yank that plate from your tranny hands. but pickles are not a good addition in my opinion, they're better as a side item but i can see the appeal. really fantastic looking.

>> No.17592362

Don't have any pictures because I ate it and it was yesterday, but I made a coconut massman fish curry. Was so good. Had a piece of white fish and a bunch of smoked cod, cut each fish into 3 or 4 slices, put into the coconut cream with a half-jar of some leftover curry paste. added some onions because why not.

>> No.17592386

yesterday I made chili-and-brown-sugar-encrusted pork on a bed of rice vermicelli, with cornlets and split-snowpeas, and a sesame-coconut sauce

tonight, I might fry up some veal-liver and serve that with oven roasted sweet-potato, white onion & bell pepper (with some kind of sweet balsamic fluid to coat them) and a heel of white bread

>> No.17592405

looks like some real shit
dark as a coonskin nigger
unwashed unwiped ass

>> No.17592433

No it isn't.

>> No.17592439

I didn't cook anything today beyond frying some bacon for homemade pimento cheese, the sandwiches turned out good.

>> No.17592445

It'll be your liver on a plate if you don't shut your mouth.

>> No.17592464

Made some batter fried chicken of the forest
Ate it all, forgot to take pics...

>> No.17592466


>> No.17592623

Can I buy you a plate, pal?

>> No.17592954

Do smoked peppers have to be fresh, or can I smoke ones that I dried last year?

>> No.17593093
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I was craving some Italian beef sandwiches but I don’t know how to make Italian beef. I threw some beef roast in the crockpot with some peperoncinis, onion, and a couple scoops of giardiniera. Also a bunch of Italian spices and beef broth. Currently it looks beef sitting in stomach bile but hopefully that’ll change when it’s done cooking.

>> No.17593119

I'm cooking up stinky braps in my belly from the chicken salad I ate.

>> No.17593165

You know, it would have taken less effort and time to search up a recipe on the interwebs for italian beef than it would have for the time it took you to write a post about how you didnt know how to make italian beef so you threw a bunch of random shit together. A cow died for this.

>> No.17593173

Bait and/or retard

>> No.17593194

You fags make some good looking sloppa, keep it up.

>> No.17593251

Jesus fucking christ the horror

>> No.17593271
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that looks absolutely decadent. it just needs some serious contrast. carrots are an excellent choice as many have suggested as well as some chopped parsley

picrel is a chicken stew that im definitely making again this week

>> No.17593274
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wrong on both fronts

the bahn mi turned out p good. i just made chashu because it always turns out good, but i didn't want to let it rest so it didn't slice cleanly. my bf wouldn't eat it because he thinks pate is gross though, moron

>> No.17593275

Damn that looks good, except for the nasty carrots.

>> No.17593358

>Sucks dick but won't eat pate

Your bf sounds like a fag

>> No.17593562

1 cup of sugar seems like a lot, but it depends on the kind of apples you used. The recipe might be expecting you to use crab apples or something else similarly tart. Did you use actual cooking apples?

>> No.17593565

I gotta start eating beef heart while it's still cheap.

>> No.17593568
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Rate my dinner /CK/

>> No.17593586

Granny smith

>> No.17593591
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Pan searing them breasts before I pop em in the oven.

>> No.17593638
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Sauteed canned white beans and frozen broc in olive oil/harissa/garlic/shallots. Cottage cheese with za'atar. Drizzled more olive oil top.

>> No.17593648

That looks like a genuine horror show with all those baby corn.

>> No.17593693

They are just all in the middle and on the top.

>> No.17593823

Those don't seem large enough to warrant finishing in the oven, you could just keep them in the pan a bit longer and get an actually decent sear on them

>> No.17593859

>What the fuck are you cooking?
Last night I made pork tenderloin roast, ove a bed of egg noodles with Alfredo sauce and roast garlic, with asparagus on the side.

I used up all the butter I had, so today's lunch (corn on the cob) I had to use olive oil instead.
Not bad.

>> No.17593928

Next time use one of these recipe

>> No.17593953
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I made passover style brisket

>> No.17593975

Made some random slop for a burrito.

>boneless chickensteaks cut up
>8 big jalapenos
>3 small onions
>3 small tomatoes
>1 green bell pepper
>half a whole garlic
>good amount of spinach
>Let it cook down
>add a lot of pinto beans when there's room
>cook out most of the liquid
>fold in some shredded extra sharp vermont cheddar cheese
>toast up a big tortilla
>put mush into tortilla and squirt some fresh lime juice on it
>fold into burrito

Not bad

>> No.17594017

>passover style brisket
I thought yids were supposed to fast for passover

>> No.17594023

I let them sear a bit more on both sides before probing them. If they aren't done, they go right in the oven to finish them off before my smoke alarm goes off.

>> No.17594028

They feast before the fast

>> No.17594508

They take smoke better when they're fresh, but smoke's a powerful aroma - just leave them on the cold side/level of the smoker until everything burns out. Nobody will ever know.

>> No.17594599

desu, I made some chicken salad today

>> No.17594618

Looks like literal shit, back to the kitchen.

>> No.17594624

Eat more soluble fibre.

>> No.17594630

Thanks anon I will try that.

>> No.17594640

Looks buriful. I want to learn to make brisket someday.

Make Rigatoni with mince but dolmio sauce, I did make it with original homemade sauce the other day, different tastes but both nice. I made some lamb which might have made me sick.