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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 657 KB, 761x545, cilantro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17580456 No.17580456 [Reply] [Original]

>cooking vids make it out to be a delicious
>Not native where I live
>Finally cave and give it a try on some salad or pasta
>It's absolutely disgusting, not to mention that god awful smell.

How can this thing be in the same family as celery? What """herbs""" did you get memed into trying /ck/?

>> No.17580469

Basic bitch

>> No.17580474

how many times do we need this thread? you're probably a genetic 20%er who hates it fuck off

>> No.17580490

No. And greetings from /tv/

t. /ck/ tourist

>> No.17581189

Not our fault you are a genetic dead end and biological freak that will never ever get to taste how cilantro actually tastes.

>> No.17581761

Cilantro really needs to be used in the right foods. Stuff from places like Mexico, the Middle East, or India. Make yourself some falafel or fesh pico loaded up with diced cilantro and you'll get it

>> No.17581788

I honestly feel bad for tastelets who are genetically unable to appreciate cilantro. It would be like not being able to appreciate black pepper. Sounds terrible

>> No.17581789

>will never ever get to taste how cilantro actually tastes
You got it backwards. """People""" who believe cilantro tastes good are the ones that can't perceive its true awfulness.

>> No.17581796

Why even use cilantro when you can use parsley instead

>> No.17581800

I wish cilantro wasn't so polarizing. I enjoy it. To my wife it tastes like soap. Some recipes it's essential, so I try to make hers separate. It's difficult sometimes though and the times I don't add it, it feels like its missing

>> No.17581813

Your genetics are shit tier anon, it tastes amazing for some of us

>> No.17581827 [DELETED] 

I want really bad to like parsley, but I'm thinking I just can't
coriander seeds smell amazing, I haven't had the opportunity to try it fresh

>> No.17581852
File: 30 KB, 300x276, c36f45ad5950d363cfeb30f801e170126863f9dced27ea90566e8442438be451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

86-96% of the population get to enjoy a great tasting widely beloved and cheap herb that adds freshness and flavor to a variety of savory dishes,
4-14% are degenerates that have fucked tastebuds as punishment because god hates them.
Surely it's those 4-14% that are right and don't have a disorder, not the majority enjoying life because their creator didn't despise the concept of them being happy.
You will never get to experience it and to cope you convinced yourself that your genetic shortcomings are actually reality and totally normal

>> No.17581864

You just get over the smell eventually anon
Smells and tastes like crushed stink bugs but after you shovel it into your mouth, chew and swallow mindlessly for a few years the flavour becomes nice

>> No.17581888

fancy new supermarket opened and they had all kinds of produce. decided to try it, see what the all the fuss is about. big mistake. should have gotten some parsley too in hindsight.

>> No.17583315

Idk how you could fuck up cilantro but try it with mexican dishes might change ur opinión

>> No.17583322

coriander is like (mildly) spicy coriander. parsley just isn't the same.

>> No.17584904

mexifaggot here
cilantro is so overpower it's not even fun
display #1:
>freshly diced onion and tomato with a squeeze of lemon and olive oil
>get garbage
>enter handful of cilantro
>get a delicious pico de gallo
>throw in cooked nopal
>nopal salad
display #2:
>blend your regular mexican salsa ingredients
>handful of cilantro
it's literally that easy
>great for salads when raw
>great for stews when cooked
like any herb, just don't use too much or it'll overpower all other flavors.
also it literally comes from the ground so wash/disinfect it or it'll taste like dirt.
if none of this works then there is no turning back, you're too far into being a school-shooting white kid and your endgame in burgerland is to gobble on other cultures' watered-down bastardized gastronomy while watching black women twerk live on tv.
captcha: Verification not required.

>> No.17584929

Shit is bomb in mexican street tacos bruh

>> No.17584935

>blend your regular mexican salsa ingredients
I'll give this a try la próxima vez
>great for salads when raw
Tried like a teaspoon, chopped on some salad and the taste and smell is overpowering

>> No.17585039

>getting filtered by something that doesn't even filter mexicans
fucking oof + tastelet

>> No.17585580

It's just a leaf. It taste like a leaf. It's not some mind blowing secret.
You just have to use it wisely. It's good when you want a clean crisp taste that cuts through something oily.

>> No.17585600
File: 23 KB, 473x569, 64f501db467c44445285591ab8ca8512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cilantro tastes like soap to me but I eat it anyway because I enjoy the taste of soap

>> No.17586083

OP is a tastelet.
Also, I found out the other day that when people refer to coriander leaves, it's just cilantro

>> No.17586162

based lifeboy enjoyer

>> No.17586166

You got filtered by god, cilantro is delicious to people who have good genes

>> No.17586168

You're fucking STUPID anon

>> No.17586169

Genetics matter on cilantro, it doesn't taste soapy to most of us.

>> No.17586176

You are also fucking STUPID literally the MOST baste herb in existence

>> No.17586183

>You're fucking STUPID anon
really? that's the best you can do? LMAO

>> No.17586187
File: 518 KB, 630x630, cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What more do I need? Would a STUPID fuck like you even understand if I had more to say?

>> No.17586590
File: 253 KB, 682x1138, 1602221341487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17586604

>What did he mean by this?

>> No.17586615

It depends on what dish its used in. Of course if you use it in cuisines where it's not used, it will taste like ass. Cilantro or Coriander as we call it here, normally is associated with Indian, South American cuisine. It definitely doesn't go well on pasta, it's quite aromatic so it needs to be added where there are several layers of flavours, otherwise it overpowers everything In a simple dish.

>> No.17586784

What the fuck is going on with the cat

>> No.17587608

So you fell for them meme
Fucking jackass
Tell me how does it feel
"". ""
I need a good laugh

>> No.17587813

Did it tastes like soap?
Cuz there's people with a genetic issue that makes cilantro taste like soap.

>> No.17587925

tried just bit of it at first on some oily, tomato based pasta and on its own. I'm aware I'm doing it wrong. It's described as refreshing and cuts through oily / meatiness but when that flavor and aroma hit, its not what I imagined. other anons said it goes with tacos so I might try that.
It didn't taste like soap for me. A tad bitter with an awful smell that I couldn't stand

>> No.17587932

Did you just rip the leaves off/
I find that it's more enjoyable with dicing it into fine pieces rather than whole leaves.

>> No.17587936

I coarsely chopped the leaves before mixing. When that didn't work, tried a whole leaf as well to just to see what's up. Didn't bother finely chopping though.

>> No.17587937

oh no this herb tastes too strong for my poor tonguey-wonguey

>> No.17588916

tastelet cope lol

>> No.17589062

People, who hate cilantro do so, cause they have more receptors in their nose that recognise the two chemicals present in both cilantro and stinkbugs.
They smell MORE of the stuff that's in the leaves, so they have more accurate perception of them.
Liking cilantro is like not being able to smell the stench of shit and thus claiming it is delicious

>> No.17589103
File: 82 KB, 1024x1024, f44d052b1b67a96e11b3478d0c4b4a3170b73893e5f58bee219d58b28b3c0d66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes the rare additional sense that makes me miss out on enjoyment that others can experience is actually great and makes me better, because ... well it just does okay?

>> No.17589323

tastelet cope lol

>> No.17589333

Imagine hating the taste of pure freshness.

>> No.17589339 [DELETED] 

I noticed dirty people like this stuff (hispanics, niggers, etc).

>> No.17590400

trips of truth

>> No.17591322

I love cilantro, what are you talking about?

>> No.17591347

And can you tell the class what an extra 21st chromosome gives you?

>> No.17591352

It doesn't taste like soap at all, but the flavor is awful nonetheless.
Its a terrible herb.

>> No.17591670

Quality over quantity.

>> No.17591689

I’m filtered by cilantro and I’m disgusted by the taste to the point it makes me sick. I finally know what it feels like to be lactose intolerant.

>> No.17592076

Cilantro/coriander tastes like soap to me. It's genetic.

>> No.17592108

redpill me on this genetic tastelet meme

>> No.17592189

That wears off the more you eat it.

>> No.17592226

Imagine being a retarded sheep, part of the herd of drooling morons eating secret soap and then claiming superioroty because others are like you.
God is laughing at you.