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17578733 No.17578733 [Reply] [Original]

For the price is there a better brand of bourbon?

>> No.17578764


>> No.17578774


>> No.17578775


>> No.17578788
File: 140 KB, 960x1280, cq5dam.web.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's Woodford Reserve or Blanton's. Both d'licious, same price range.

>> No.17578800

Old Grand-Dad 114

>> No.17578857

Old Grand-Dad's pee pee

>> No.17580043

Wild Turkey 101 is best bang for buck bourbon

>> No.17580051


>> No.17580753

Elijah Craig does the job.

>> No.17580772

>Both d'licious, same price range
Where the hell are you that they're both the same price?

Blanton's is $60 for 750ml here
Woodford is $35 for 750ml

>> No.17580915

>d'licious, same price range.
where on earth?

>> No.17581092

one of my favs for manhattans and man o wars

>> No.17581100

From a certain point of view

>> No.17581124

If you categorize it as "under $100" sure I guess, but considering 99% of people are drinking sub $40 bottles it's a bit absurd to consider $35 and $60 in the same range.

>> No.17581133

>for the price
its basically the most expensive whiskey in the store before you get to aged scotch or specialty bourbons. So to your point, no, you can get something just as good or better depending on your preference for about 20 dollars less.

>> No.17581159

Their rye is fucking fantastic

>> No.17581174

that's bullshit, there are a TON of options in the $40-80 range at my local store.

Sure, it's on the upper scale for "normal" everyday bourbon, but there are still plenty of fairly normal bourbons that cost more.

Woodford is what I keep in my liquor cabinet for the best price/taste ratio.

>> No.17581181


>> No.17581192
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The Rye and the Wheat are both great.

>> No.17581640
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Of course. First, there's every single fucking bourbon on the whiskey value chart. And I'm sure a lot more before you get to the crap you posted, OP.

>> No.17581668

Woodford is a much easier drinking bourbon than the rare breed or longbranch. All 3 are great bourbon, but for every day sipping i'd take the woodford.

>> No.17581743

Worst chart ever.

>> No.17582849

I'm pretty sure OP asked for best bourbon price, not easy drinking.

>Worst chart ever.
Except for this thread, where its perfect.

>> No.17582861

> not easy drinking.
If your goal is to have the best bourbon to drink in an under $40 price range, woodford is probably the best choice.

If you're looking for bourbon snob harsher bourbon that wont be liked by the average drinker, then sure there are other options (like the Rare breed and longbranch) but I don't think OP is a bourbon snob, so why should he give a fuck about the harsher to drink "better" bourbon that only bourbon snobs actually enjoy?

>> No.17582958

Knob creek 9 year old.

>> No.17582973

Wait, I take this back. I didn't open the image and didn't realize it's an edit of the original, which really was the worst chart ever.
This edit is actually decent.

>> No.17583014

>$80 a bottle
Basically everything is better

>> No.17583246

I've found that Woodford gives a much more mild hangover than Knob Creek. This doesn't matter if you're sub 30, but as you get older, smoother booze is worth the cost. I find Knob Creek is harsher thanks to that 100 proof as well.

>> No.17583302

Well whenever I've bought them in Australia they've both been in the $70-$80 range

>> No.17583656
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I bought the nicer Blanton's for $70AUD last time.
It's been a couple years since the US shortage started, but I'm pretty sure that's still cheaper then they can get it now.
That said, looks like it's all gone bro.

>> No.17583707
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yeah I haven't seen Blanton's in stock for awhile. Occasionally you can find Woodford easy enough.

The last couple bottles of bourb/whiskey I've gotten were George Dickel (which really was pretty good) and Gentleman Jack which really was garbage. Tastes like a monkey's taint mixed with brake fluid.

>> No.17584038
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I dont dislike Knob creek 9, but I find 4 Roses Single barrel cheaper and tastier

>> No.17584275

Do you mix this with anything? Looking for a bourbon that’s good for cocktails

>> No.17584286

I usually drink it neat, but it holds up very well in cocktails

>> No.17584298
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Based Dickel poster. The sour mash is one of my favorites. They have a 12 year too that I've only seen once, but it has a black label, and still affordable too. worth it all around.

>> No.17584384

Sounds good, I had my eye on woodford but it’s quite a bit more pricey than four roses where I live

>> No.17584813

The single barrel he posted is more expensive than woodford (at least for me).

Woodford is $35, four roses single barrel is $45.

The standard four roses is cheaper, but that isn't what anon posted.

>> No.17584859

In my place they're an euro apart from eachother

>> No.17584868

Fair enough, I can only speak to US prices in my part of the country.

>> No.17584869


Who is so poor that they only buy cheap bourbon? I don't touch anything unless its $30+.

>Colonel Taylor
>Knobb Creek 9 Yr
>Eagle Rare
>Basil Hayden Toast
>TX Barrell Proof
>Kentucky Owl

All absolutely worth the price of admission. Woodford is too popular and like most things; their quality is starting to go down so they can sell more as it's mass produced. This isn't me being a bourbon snob or trying to sound like I don't like popular things, but their taste is going downhill; this is also what happenned to Panera bread by the way, prices stayed the same or increased and quality went down, which is why no on eats there anymore.

>> No.17584875
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Im (eastern) Yurpoor so good or cheap bourbon aint that easy to find here, the cheapest and most popular is Jim Beam and thats garbage, but I love bourbon and my go to is either Maker's Mark or pic related. A bit overpriced here, but its def better than Jim Beam or Jack Daniels(which is actually also really overpriced here, while being dogshit)

Oh and Four Roses, that one is pretty decent too

Ive noticed that my nearby supermarket started selling Buffalo Trace recently, I should give it a try

>> No.17584876

Woodford is aged for 7 years so do you think 7 years ago woodford went, this shit is so popular we should start making it cheaper and sell more of it, they'll never suspect a thing in 7 years!

Woodford tastes just as it did a decade ago.

>> No.17584907

>Buffalo Trace
Def worth the try if it's decently priced

>> No.17584909


>> No.17584917

More likely you're just so mentally ill that in your mind anything that becomes too popular starts getting worse, even if the product itself remains unchanged.

You're just THAT mentally ill that your mind tells you it's worse.

>> No.17584932

>this is also what happenned to Panera bread
panera only had two good things ever on their menu, the cuban, and the chipotle chicken panini. once they got rid of those and then fucked up the chipotle by throwing garbage like avocado on it they were truly lost.

>> No.17584969

its like 15-20 euros for 700ml iirc, not much more expensive than Bulleit

>> No.17585420

>Who is so poor that they only buy cheap bourbon? I don't touch anything unless its $30+.
Anything over $30USD + tax loses to scotch. I've not had all of your list but Bookers, Eagle Rare, Basil Hayden all get crushed by similarly priced scotch.

Look out for abv reductions; Bulleit, Jim Beam, Jack Daniel's, Maker's Mark and Buffalo Trace all do it on at least some of their products.

>> No.17585673

>abv reductions
quick rundown?

>> No.17585723

Distillers cask age shit at a high abv, like 80% or more. Otherwise it'd take up twice as much space. They then water it down to bottle and sell. Purists insist their undrinkable fire water doesn't taste right unless it is upwards of 45% abv. Many producers decide to release bottlings at 40% abv and this was considered normal until relatively recently when 37.5% and 37% started to become more common. Some say it is because it allows their bottles to sit at a better price point in countries that tax based on alcohol content. Others it allows the spirit to appeal to health conscious drinkers looking to reduce their alcohol intake. Others that is allows the producers to get more product out and thus increase output and profit. Others that it makes the spirit a little 'easier' to drink and thus people consider it 'smoother' or something. Maybe all of these things, but generally spirits do drink easier at a slightly lower abv, but ... it isn't what it used to be right?

>> No.17585802

>Distillers cask age shit at a high abv, like 80% or more.
It literally can’t enter the barrel higher than 62.5% abv as a whiskey.
And has to be at least 40% abv when bottled, don’t care that some Jews water down your “whiskey” lower than 40% in your 3rd world country, no one lives there.

>> No.17585824

Oh, I see.
Nah, pretty much all the "common" whiskey here, both bourbon or scotch/irish is 40%. The only "hard" alcohol ive seen at 37% is vodka, now counting liqueurs and shit, of course
Actually, Ive seen some whiskey at 37, but that was one of those meme flavored whiskeys, like Jack Daniels with honey and etc

>> No.17585854

>like Jack Daniels with honey
It’s called whiskey liquor, but there are some countries in the world who have no legal definitions of whiskey and that is why there is an autist that thinks whiskey is barreled at 80% abv and bottled at 35% abv despite that being illegal in U.S., Canada, Ireland, and Scotland.

>> No.17585932

I dont know shit about bourbon but It looks classy.

>> No.17586094

I see
So basically, if I see any bourbon bellow 40%, its not a """real""" whiskey, then?

>> No.17586098


>> No.17586148

I'm so sorry but you're being completely ripped off. Blanton's has always been horrendously overpriced even here, but you shouldn't be paying that much for most Woodford Reserve.

On that note, I've never seen Australian made whiskey, though I feel like your country should be able to. Is it just not exported much or what?

>> No.17586155

Please be cautious, bourbon whiskey is becoming an 'it' thing too much these days and is therefore falling to all the marketing tricks and pressures as a result.

>> No.17586158

Half the price for Blanton's is the collectable horsey.

>> No.17586160

Maker's Mark is the standard for mixing, Bulliet wouldn't be a bad choice either.

>> No.17586175
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Dickel and Gentleman Jack were the last two I got as well. This is some brother from another mother shit.

Also, I agree with you. The GD is pretty great. Everyone needs to take the Dick(el) pill. I want to try the bottled in bond version if I find it near me

>> No.17586181

>On that note, I've never seen Australian made whiskey
Starward, it’s good, just like scotch.

>> No.17586218

>amerimutt delusions

>> No.17587018

I have no proof but I am certain Redditors are behind this

>> No.17587482

blantons is a meme

>> No.17587488

theres only like 3 good bourbon cocktails, stick to gin and rum.

>> No.17587542

Is Woodford a good example of an American bourbon? I had a 375ml bottle and it was okay but I have no idea where it sits in the bourbon world.

>> No.17587550

It’s a good example of low proof bourbon, you need some 100 proof and higher to get a better representation.

>> No.17587554

It's a very good sipping bourbon for it's price.

There are some better bourbons if you're looking to experience the entire spectrum of what's possible, but they're usually harsher cask strength or similar shit.

>> No.17587614
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>another mother
a-are you sure

YOU'RE a meme

>> No.17587659

I find it pretty fucked up that america, the country that has almost no legal protection for food definitions and naming, manufacturing technique and geographical origin gets butthurt about what can legally be called bourbon.

>> No.17587676

I agree. There should be more food origin protections in America. Coney Island hot dogs should only be allowed from Coney Island

>> No.17587682

Maybe if you didn’t get your knowledge of America off of memes you’d know we have had laws on whiskey since 1897 before the food and drug act of 1906.

>> No.17587685

Bullet is a safe bet. I'm a cheap fuck so I got something called Point Rider. Anyone had it?

>> No.17587762

Depending on your region:
Bulleit Bourbon 45% -> 40%
Jim Beam White Label 40% -> 37%
Jack Daniel's 1907 ?% -> 37%
Maker's Mark 45% -> 40%
Buffalo Trace 45% -> 40%

>it allows their bottles to sit at a better price point in countries that tax based on alcohol content
The tax is calculable, they're not undercutting by enough. And If I could add $10 to any given bottle and get the CS instead that would be a godsend.
>allows the producers to get more product out and thus increase output and profit
Definitely this.

>It literally can’t enter the barrel higher than 62.5% abv as a whiskey
According to who? There's no such law here, and as you can clearly tell by above, the American laws don't mean jack shit outside of USA. Including in every other first world country. Don't blame us for not regulating your trash into not being bottom shelf and your companies into appearing to care about their product.

>> No.17587766

It's great stuff. Pricey though.

>> No.17587789

Wish I could drink alcohol, but I legit get a headache minutes after drinking it, and my stomach can't keep even just one beer down.
I've tried shotgunning 3 shots of vodka once and my friends said I "aged 20 years in 20 minutes"
I just want to know what it feels like to be drunk without feeling like shit.

>> No.17587793

>Don't blame us
Nah I’m going to keep laming you third world ears, I bet you fucks are still spitting tobacco juice in your “whiskey”

>> No.17587806
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You fucks are drinking shit like this and blaming us because of it.

>> No.17587950

If I piss in a bottle after a night of drinking Taiwanese whisky, that passes my whisky laws, I then export it to you as planned, that passes your whisky laws, you now have to enjoy your "Bourbon" or you're un-American. And it is bourbon.

>> No.17587969

Stop projecting your whiskey laws on us.

>> No.17588044

You haven't read your laws.

>> No.17588061

This, because my local liquor store is being jewish with the WT101 handles (I think they know I spend more money when they're out), I've been trying out other bourbons with a fifth of WT101. And WT101 always beats out every other bottom shelf bourbon.

>> No.17588066

What the hell is up with 'blended' whisky's? Are they bullshit?

>> No.17588091

>Are they bullshit?
Most big brand blends are alright

>> No.17588124

anon there's a whole art and science to blending booze and frankly the goal is to create a more complex, nuanced product that's better than any of the component products on their own. blending wines and whiskies is, in this casual observer's opinion, a state of the art production technique

>> No.17588644
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>> No.17588684
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>> No.17588739

In the US some states or jurisdictions ban anything with a abv% higher than 20% or force it to be sold in liquor stores only. Meanwhile liquor has to be minimum 40% usually to use restricted trade names like "bourbon" etc. This creates a strange no-man's land in the range of 21-39% abv where it's completely unprofitable to sell anything unless its a niche product or imported flavored liqueurs.

>> No.17588914

Consume mixed drinks until you are used to the taste of alcohol and then start tasting spirits
Learn your limits and definitely don’t do dumb shit like down 3 shots just to get drunk. You’ll probably get absolutely pissed at some point like everyone does and figure out that spending the night praying to the porcelain god is the opposite of fun and people will make fun of you behind your back if you constantly drink too much to look cool and yak.
Just learn how to maintain a buzz and say no to people asking you to drink more than you should. People will forget you being lame and rejecting a shot in five minutes but will remember you vomiting in their house forever. Its infinitely cooler to just be the guy who handles their liquor and knows how to have a good time.

>> No.17589829

I haven't seen Blanton's for less than 100 USD in forever. It sells for like 200 online now.

It's good but not that good.