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File: 42 KB, 800x533, ComfyTeaFor1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17576706 No.17576706 [Reply] [Original]

Comfy Brewing Station Edition
This thread is for discussing teas, tissanes, and other herbal infusions.
info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea
Previous thread:>>17555651

>> No.17576726

Started growing and drying my own mint, adding my own stevia for taste.

>> No.17576733

Nice, i have one tea bush i planted last spring, if it survives the winter im going to plant 2 or 3 more
Mint is so easy to grow, if anything it's hard to stop once it starts spreading, great choice for something easy

>> No.17576735

Anybody here tried Honeybush? It's really good.
Similar to Redbush/Rooibos, but with a sweeter taste.

>> No.17576746
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Drinking 2021 YS Cozy Ripe

>> No.17576773
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speaking of teware last thread i think it's nice to have different tools for different types of tea and different styles of brewing.
Here is my modest collection.
The ones i use the most are the small clay and porcelain 100ml teapots, the small 100ml gaiwan and the small stainless steel mesh brewer, which i mostly use for herbal teas.
The larget gaiwan holds 125 or 150 ml and i only use it when im brewing for multiple people.
The 2 cup chatsford teapot is great for western style brewing for one or two people.
Realistically all i need is the 100ml gaiwan and the mesh brew basket but the rest of the stuff is fun.

>> No.17576779

How is the funk level? Is it woody or chocolaty? Any bitterness?

>> No.17576793
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Drinking the Daily Darjeeling.
So far, the dry and wet leaves smell amazing. A kind of warm, sweet, raisiny smell, dried fruits and stuff. Liquor has a very very faint, slightly sweet smell.

Absolutely zero bitterness, is the first thing that sticks out to me. If this is something desireable for this type of tea, both this and the muscatel have been excellent in this category. This tea is very mild overall though. Not a whole lot of body, pretty heavy sweetness. I'd almost say the dominant flavor is the sweetness. Really not getting a lot at all, nothing I'd call floral or fruity, or even grassy or citrus. It's a very mild tea. Not enough of a floral notes for it to be honeylike, but it has kind of a beeswaxy vibe to it. No real mouthfeel, but it has a nice, very faint tingle on the throat. Fine, I would say. I don't have much to say about this. It didn't come with tasting notes, either. If this is what people like in their Darjeeling, I would think it accomplishes it pretty well.

>> No.17576794

Has anyone tried a 2022 first flush Darjeeling?

>> No.17576802

We're still a little early, I think. Late March / early April is around when it's picked. Maybe in two weeks or so it'll start arriving.

>> No.17576834

Are the lil teapots for specific tea?

>> No.17576882

Not really funky
Mildly Bitter

>> No.17576893

I've got the same one in a box on the floor might drink some later cheers fren

>> No.17576900

I use the clay pot for roasted oolongs, raw puer, any kind of clean hei cha. I use the porcelain pot for just about anything, ripes, green oolongs green tea. Anything i don't wan5 to change the flavor of with clay or anything that would make the clay pot skanky like ripe puer

>> No.17576912

Someone here has to have gone extremely overboard on your tea storage and gear. Post pics.

>> No.17576961
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I've got cakes separated in jute bags inside an 18L cambro with big bovedas. Anything smaller than ~200g, I'll cut down the package for more airflow and shove it in the remaining spaces. There is no organization other than big cakes go at the bottom otherwise it won't all fit.

>> No.17576976
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Here is my cooler full of puer, i only have 3-4 kilos right now so i am far from the biggest stash on /tea/

>> No.17577062

Y'all got any leads on custom whistles for kettles?

>> No.17577095
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I'm addicted to pic related. How can I wean myself off of it? Preferably by being able to brew it at home, then slowly reduce the amount of honey/sugar in it. Or using a sugar substitute that isn't bad for me. Don't care about the ginseng. Tried Lipton Green Tea but it wasn't quite the same.

>> No.17577098

>How can I wean myself off of it?
Just stop drinking it, jesus christ. It's not meth.

>> No.17577121

Drink a tea with honey-like sweetness like a white or a Yunnan black tea.
>34g of sugar in one pint
Jesus fuck.

>> No.17577142
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Alright /tea/, I need some help identifying some class of teaware. I went to this neat Chinese teahouse recently and they had kettles sitting on small (what I assume were gas-based) burners, like a teapot over a tealight candle but it was a much larger flame. They weren't metal cannisters of gas like a camping stove or anything, they were just white pucks with a thick flame coming out of the center. Any idea what these are and where I could get them? I tried asking the store after I got home but no response.

Pic is of the kettle on its burner.

>> No.17577147

>white pucks with a thick flame coming out of the center
Probably the same compressed fuel tablets used for camping or issued in some military rations

>> No.17577157

Solid fuel?

>> No.17577162

You've helpfully not actually taken a picture of the burner, I'd assume it's alcohol though. If it isn't alcohol, it should be, so just get (or make) an alcohol burner.

>> No.17577595
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Oh it seemed forever stopped today
All the lonely hearts in London
Caught a plane and flew away
And all the best women are married
All the handsome men are gay
You feel deprived

Yeah are you questioning your size?
Is there a tumour in your humour,
Are there bags under your eyes?
Do you leave dents where you sit,
Are you getting on a bit?
Will you survive
You must survive

>> No.17578543

I usually drink tea grandpa-style or in my gaiwan, but sometimes I get a hankering for a strong, British-style cup of tea. Anyone have any suggestions for a bracing morning tea? Preferably one that can stand on its own without milk and sugar, but would pair fine with them.

>> No.17578544

get a blood test, your blood sugar is probably pre-diabetic if you drinks those more than once a day

>> No.17578575

anyone else a massive tea addict?

>> No.17578610

I drink a lot of tea

>> No.17578629

Last thread an anon reviewed a bunch of teas in that category you might find something good from reading through those.
Last thread is linked in the OP
Or maybe try this

>> No.17578651
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>> No.17578681

just ordered some. apparently its supposed to be kinda smoky. looking foward to it

>> No.17578698

river shannon blend from upton is best inexpensvie breakfast blend

>> No.17578759

I have some, its very good, the name honeybush is accurate to how the tea tastes
I would suggest trying a very short brew out to see how it tastes, with the batch i have i thought it tasted best when brewed for 60-90 seconds only. And i thought it got bitter after that. But try both ways and see what tastes better to you

>> No.17578853
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>> No.17578869
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Very strong malt flavor. Know no other way to describe it. Brewing with ~85°. Gets very unpleasantly astringent at anything above that temperature.
Overall very interesting tea, but not something I could drink every day. Hence it has lasted me from last summer until now.

>> No.17578890

This strong astringency is headache inducing but the sweet, malty aftertaste is superb

>> No.17578899
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Forgot picture of wet leaves lol

>> No.17578921

Interesting tea anon
I looked up the listing for it, ive never tried a compressed oolong.
That shop is one of the only ones with small porcelain teapots, i almost bought one last year

>> No.17578990
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Now drinking some cheap white tea

>> No.17579021

What does why tea taste like?
Ive only tried it once as a sample, i didn't like it but it was a really cheap tea i brewed grampa style.
Is white tea easy on the stomach? Or is it more like green tea that you need to drink with food?

>> No.17579040

Imagine the smell

>> No.17579063

Any recommendations for Long jing tea?

>> No.17579139
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Any fellow cucknadian around here?
Where the fuck do you guys buy your teaware?
I've yet to find a good place without massively inflated price.

>> No.17579152

You should wait for spring harvest, i really liked mid grade stuff from king tea mall
He also gets the authentic stuff grown in the designated region but its pretty pricey, and its not really expensive because its amazingly good. It's a popular tea for gifting.

>> No.17579153

Find a 100ml white porcelain gaiwan, there are nice cups on there too, there is also an etsy store linked in the pastebin that ships from china and has nice teacups.

>> No.17579156
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Odds clay, evens porcelain

>> No.17579197

White tea is usually slightly floral, very sweet, light in taste (as compared to how black tea can be "dark" or puerh can be "earthy"), and I find it's easy to drink on an empty stomach. Honestly I think it's underrated, a 7 years-aged compressed white cake can be bought for cheap and is quite good any time of day.

>> No.17579250

Good tea, I'm digging 2016 moderate storage raws. I might grab some more. Just enough time to take the edge off but still has some young tea flavors

>> No.17579252

What's the name of those fancy big mugs with a separate tea container?
i always drink tea with a mug instead of a cup, i just guzzle it like water everyday at least half a liter a day.

>> No.17579392
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I usually find them under mugs with filters, tea brewing mugs
The related items on these listings should have some more

>> No.17579568

my rap name is Yung Sheng

>> No.17579627

What does hojicha taste like?
I mostly drink black and oolong teas, I tried sencha and it was disgusting no matter how I prepared it.
What are flavor similarities and differences between hojicha and sencha?

>> No.17579635

You were preparing the sencha correctly. It's supposed to be disgusting.

>> No.17579652

tastelet cope

>> No.17579921

Hojicha should taste like roast. It's a cheap tea made from stems and low quality leaves that you roast the shit out of until it tastes like roast. Sencha can vary dramatically based on quality but it would have a sort of seaweed, salty taste to it. If you push the brew parameters you can get a spinachy taste similar to gyokuro, although less complex.

What temp water did you try with sencha?

>> No.17580245
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>I'm getting top notes of grass, a secondary aroma of grass, and a strong base of grass

>> No.17580452

Yes and its wonderful

>> No.17580493

Are those just standard plastic bags? Im thinking of doing something similar but unsure if i should buy mylar ones instead. Also do you do anything with the humidity or temperature?

>> No.17580763

You're supposed to be paying $1 a gram for gyokuro that tastes like old bamboo steamers,dried mackerel, and river water.

>> No.17581060

seething tasteloids

>> No.17581099

Maybe theres not enough iron in my tenmoku glaze? Can you recommend one off amazon?

>> No.17581330

60, 70, 80, 90 and 100.
Both western and gong-fu.
I ended up experimenting with pretty much every variable since I had this bag of sencha around. But I never managed to get a decent cup.
I also tried bancha, but it was such a small sample (5g or 7g, don't remember) that I couldn't experiment with it too much.
Normies who enjoy japanese greens that I talked to have a tendency to say
>You just didn't make it right
>You have inferior tastebuds, that simple
so at this point it's hard for me to take them seriously.
Hojicha looks different enough that I want to try it, but I don't have access to small sample sizes, and I'm hesitant to buy a lot of it, in the possibility that it might taste like death.

>> No.17581366

you're supposed to go with a wood-fired tetsubin that has been allowed to properly ~age~ so you get notes of rust with your grass. Gaijin wouldn't understand cha.

>> No.17581410

I just like the shiny cups that facebook keeps putting in my feed. I'm going to order a kimono off wish next so I can fold my meat and kneel to sip 茶.

>> No.17581438

Maybe you just had bad sencha, or maybe your genetic predisposition to bitterness is different to most people (not saying you have "inferior tastebuds," it's just a fact of tea drinking that we all can perceive things differently). There's no need to force it though, if you don't like sencha after that much experimentation then no need to keep drinking it.

The only hoji I've tried is from upton:

It is pretty "meh," it's basically hot water with roast flavor. For the low caffeine content it makes a decent nighttime drink, but I won't oversell it.

>> No.17581448

Hojicha won't taste like death. It may seem bland, though.

>> No.17581478
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What do you think?

>> No.17581533

>Are those just standard plastic bags?
Yeah i just use those to keep the tea crumbs from getting everywhere, they don't even need to be sealed i just do that because again it keeps are the tea in one place, these old wrappers cruble and rip.
>Also do you do anything with the humidity or temperature?
Nothing with temperature, i guess i keep it in one of the warmer roooms of my house. For humidity i keep a bunch of 55% humidity boveda bags in there, the big ones not the little 1g pouches. I also have a cheap thermometer/hygrometer combo tossed in to keep track of humidity.
Is pretty low maintenance, just buy a couple new boveda bags in the fall when it starts to get cold and replace the old ones.
I try and keep it around 55% humidity

>> No.17581544

Sounds good, whwn ordering samples i suggest getting 100g packet of something just so you don't run out of tea right away.

>> No.17581567

You guys ever make carroway tea? Just had some leftover corned beef from the other day and the carroway flavor is really sticking with me, think I'm going to steep a batch and see how it turns out. Thinking I'll gently toast a few tablespoons of seeds, grind them up in a mortar, then steep for 10 minutes in simmering water.

>> No.17581592

where are those XG boxes on top from? i have never seen that production before.

>> No.17581656

>where are those XG boxes on top from?
YS used to have them, as usual xiaguan was copying some 70-100g boxes that dayi put out the year before

>> No.17581696
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2016 "Pin Ge" ripe and raw. They're good but nothing special. Definition of "drinkable".

>> No.17581729

It's funny when the big brands try to make packaging that will convince Young Chinese women to drink puer

>> No.17581752
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I think I bought them to kick me up to another tier of free shit on my ys order. I could see buying a sleeve of something similar to give out as stocking stuffers. Most people would rather receive an easy to handle chocobar vs a thick and gnarled dick shaped tuo.

>> No.17581794
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thanks for the info, i window shop enough that i find it interesting when i see something new. the packaging is a bit different, its rather austere looking compared to many of XG's productions. it looks ok, however i still prefer their classic look (see picrel for example).

>> No.17581909

I got one of these pro-bono with an expensive cake from YS. Tasteless on a good day. I can see why they were trying to get rid of them.

>> No.17581922
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Just trying something out:

>what your preferred tea category is

>what your preferred alcoholic drink of choice is

>what alcoholic drink you would recommend to people that enjoy your preferred tea category

>> No.17581963

I'm back to report that it's pretty good. Not incredible, but not bad. Ended up adding a little honey and milk to the final product. It's very earthy and not as minty/anisey/peppery as I would have expected. 6/10 on its own, 7/10 with milk and honey.

>> No.17581968

When I say good, I just mean I've paid more for worse tea. I'd take a scant amount of tolerable flavor over fish scales and gagnes river runoff any day.

>> No.17582057

>what your preferred tea category is
>what your preferred alcoholic drink of choice is
>what alcoholic drink you would recommend to people that enjoy your preferred tea category
Buffalo Trace single barrel or maybe Monkeys Shoulder poured over an icecube
Also i have never mixed hot tea with booze and had it not be disgusting

>> No.17582063

Interesting experiment anon.
Did you use whole seeds or were they ground.

>> No.17582108

>the pastebin hasn't been updated in 2 years
>no Japanese brewing instructions
>teavana still listed

>> No.17582606

Feel free to write up some Japanese brewing instructions

>> No.17582755

I added times temps and weight ratio chart for japanese tea. Im not removing the thing about teavana just because it makes you feel bad about living in flyover country
>the pastebin hasn't been updated in 2 years
it gets edited all the time, i just dont make a new paste every time. you can make a pastebin account and then edit a paste so you don't have to make a new one with a new URL every time you change something.

>> No.17582765

I still need to add Japanese specific brewing directions and fix the other times and temps chart because it's bad

>> No.17582850

>Also i have never mixed hot tea with booze and had it not be disgusting

ok yeah i figured you wouldn't be able to make a toddy work given the way you answered the last two questions

>> No.17582928

Ive had em a few times when i was sick using that old Scottish whiskey YouTubers recipe but those are supposed to be drank in two gulps not sipped.
But whenever i mix whisky with hot tea i end up with a big cup of hot whisky that isint very fun to drink.

>> No.17583318

>go to pry apart puerh cake for the first time in a few months
>it's significantly more pliable and easy to separate than I remember
>drinking it makes my throat start to feel irritated
>develop a lump in my throat soon after
Did I drink mold/poison?

>> No.17583320

Traditional toddy doesn't call for tea just hot water

>> No.17583598

I don't know if my addiction is to the sensory experience or to some compounds on tea.

>> No.17583600

good spicy teas?

>> No.17583649

Damn, that 2018 jingmai lao cha tou from CLT is perfect to my taste. Reminds me of crème renversée from childhood (caramel and dairy). A bit thin maybe, but great endurance. At first I thought I didn't like it because I brewed it too strong, tasted unnatural.

>> No.17583675

I'll always be a Tetley man

>> No.17583734

If a tea cake gets moldy its quite visible. You will see large tufts of fresh mold
It's softened up because its picked up some moisture in your storage.

>> No.17583737


>> No.17583743
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er, i mean hot spicy

>> No.17583764

I did, but it left a few floaters. Had to go for the second flush. I hope Margaret doesn't mind.

>> No.17583766

For me, it's that sense of relief after gobbling an entire cupper of hot tea. something about it is cathartic.

>> No.17583773

Hommade ginger tea is pretty spicy
If that's not enough you can add honey and a sprinkle of cayenne powder. It's supposed to be good for colds

>> No.17583797

Sipping last year's autumn harvest "Imperial AAA TGY" from YS and it's as good as it was a few months ago. Intensely green, fruity, and about as vegetal a Chinese tea as I've ever tasted. I'd recommend this to pretty much anyone.

>Scotch I guess

>> No.17584033

funny, the reason i was interested in a spicy tea was because i was drinking a puerh blended with ginger and other spices. it was pretty mild though.

>> No.17584051

I find that ginger teabags are pretty mild but if you actually peel and slice some ginger and simmer it on the stove it gets a real kick to it.

>> No.17584189

Is there a trick to brewing tea so it will taste good mixed with steamed milk like a latte? Black tea, no matcha or chai lattes.

>> No.17584220

Yeah brew the tea strong, but brew it strong by using more tea leaves or teabags, don't make it strong by brewing for a longer amount of time

>> No.17584508

Is that bad or is that normal? The humidity was fucked a while ago going up past 65% and mold was growing in my bedroom and it took the bitch landlord a month to get me a dehumidifier to bring it back down to 40%. Do you think that caused the cake to soften by so much?

>> No.17584546

>If a tea cake gets moldy its quite visible.
I've been meaning to take a few pictures. Light white frost is still based right?

>> No.17584610
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>Light white frost is still based right?
it depends on what storage you are looking for and whether or not the "frost" is mold or just some salt/mineral leaching out due to prolong high humidity exposure. if you buy some well aged wet HK puerh a bit of old "frost" is fine and just a sign of the storage (albeit non moldy examples of the same tea are generally worth more) but i would be wary if you start growing any mold in you own pumidor. generally speaking you should never be getting that humid in a pumidor unless you are intentionally experimenting with trying to replicate very wet storage and are aware of the risks. remember too that musty wet storage will introduce moldy flavors that may take years of relatively drier aging to mellow out. i don't think super wet storage makes good teas in the short term, if its going to be done right it should be part of a long term aging plan. for example traditional HK cellar storage is typically followed by a second drier aging step.

>> No.17584668

It kind of depends on temperature
The cake getting humid is fine, the problem is if ita humid and then gets cold enough to go below the dewpoint and gets a bunch of condensation on it.
Like i said mold should be pretty visible.
One trick i learned back when i smoked weed was you could hold a chunk up to the light and snap it in half, if you see a big puff of fine dust come off of it thats probably some sort of mold.

>> No.17584762
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Someone wanted to know about my budget 2016 shou mei from ktm
The material is really rough, its got plenty of twigs and big leaf
Its got that creamy white filling mouthfeel and tastes like a younger gong mei i have with added notes of old books
Its p good ngl

>> No.17584792

What does old aged sheng puer taste like?

>> No.17584839
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>dented kettle

>> No.17584844

Its incredibly hard to photograph which is why I waited to ask here for a few months after seeing it. Uploaded to imgur so it doesn't get too compressed. First two are the same piece of the 2018 xg tibet brick which was at the top of the pumi, second pic is 2012 Zhong Cha '7581'(CNNP?) from purple cloud. On the bottom of the pumi. I got some 2012 lao cha tou(Malaysia Stored) in that same purple cloud order that had white on a few nuggets but I pulled and drank those immediately. 67% boveda for the first 6 months(starting Jan 2021) as I wanted moisture in there quickly and then I dropped it to 65% and have not had to change it since. I'm a cigar guy too so I'm fairly on top of my "spoiling the whole batch thru negligence" game.

>> No.17584855

When trying to share the experience I was told 'it tastes like an overbrewed black tea'

>> No.17584940

It's clay, it's just a design detail

>> No.17584959

I can see that from someone that doesn't drink a lot of tea. It does hqve that dark aspect too it.

>> No.17584968

Ah, tea! The solution to the gastric problems coffee gives you.

>> No.17584971

>You just didn't make it right
>You have inferior tastebuds, that simple
Nah anon, those aren’t normies. They’re just faux-snobbery faggots who unfortunately are found in any interest/hobby, especially food related ones, and even moreso when we’re talking tea, coffee, or alcohol.

Sencha is the general daily-drinker in Japan, and flavor can vary a lot between grades, growing locations, harvesting times, processing, and brands.
Consider it a bit of a red flag if someone is overly anal about temp/time suggestions for brewing it; Japanese will just brew it to their personal taste.

If still it tasted awful despite all your experimentation, it could have been bad, or old (generally, fresher = better) , or just a specific one that doesn’t happen to be to your taste.
Or, sencha in general just might not appeal to you. There’s plenty of people who don’t like green tea, or only like it when it’s so sweetened that it’s practically candy.

Hojicha is basically “dark roast” sencha. It’s a bit of a misnomer to call it poor quality. It’s made with the final harvest of the season, so it would be considered poor if drank as sencha, but turning it into hojicha makes it as incomparably different as night/day.
Kinda like how stale bread might be shitty as bread, but can make a fantastic bread pudding.

It’s hard to describe hojicha’s flavor in a more specific way than “roasted”. It is it’s own unique flavor and can’t be compared to sencha at all.
I love both sencha and hojicha, hot and chilled. I actually prefer hojicha chilled.
My wife is Japanese and loves sencha, but absolutely hates hojicha.

Do you live within reasonable distance to any sort of Asian stores/grocers? Hojicha (and plenty of senchas that aren’t top-grade) should be rather cheap at such places.
Hojicha in particular shouldn’t ever really be “expensive”, even online, unless it’s from a famous/luxury brand.

>> No.17584985

>be potmaker apprentice
>make clay pot
>accidentally hit/drop it while still “wet”
>throw it in kiln anyway and call it a design
Still unacceptable.

Nah, it really is a lovely pot. I’m just boredposting.

>> No.17585009

To Japanese tea anons: what would you suggest on how to get into Japanese tea as someone already deep into Chinese tea? Like in particular I'm wondering what teaware I should get or if my gaiwan and stuff will suffice, taking into consideration I want to try both fukamushi, other sencha, and gyokuro.

>> No.17585071

I have a shiboridashi for gyokuro that only holds 1/4 cup water so your gaiwan will be fine for that even if it's small. You'll probably need a strainer because Japanese tea is all so broken it'll slip out from under the lid.
Might want a larger brewing vessel for sencha since it tastes bad and has to be dilute. I just brew it in a double-walled mug, pour it through a strainer into another mug. Avoid those cast iron tetsubin things, they're a scam.

>> No.17585108
File: 1.44 MB, 1240x1653, 1647890504497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019 "still love you" from puershop
Bought this sample years ago and every time i brewed some it had wayy to much fermentation funk. Now it's finally aired out some and it's a somewhat interesting ripe, strong aroma or roased nuts, tastes like the burnt edges of a Belgian waffle. Still kind of funky, I wouldn't recommend it.
It's too bad it seems like there is some really interesting flavorful tea in here but it either wasn't fermented correctly or wasn't aird out properly. I bet a cake that's been in hk storage since 2019 is probably halfway to being a nice tea right now.

>> No.17585303

>Im not removing the thing about teavana just because it makes you feel bad about living in flyover country
Teavana doesn't even exist anymore, right?
It's closed, it's over, it's finished, kaputt. Unless I'm missing something.

>> No.17585316
File: 1.03 MB, 1578x882, teevana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17585323

Teavana is the perfect shorthand for a shop that mostly sells flavored tea with pretty flowers in it.
They used to be in every mall so most murricans can picture what they were like.
Thats been in there since back when the thread was on /jp/
No need to get worked up over it

>> No.17585349

But they have no retail locations, you simply cannot go to a Teavana even if you wanted to. I guess we'll see if they relaunch the site or something, but right now, the mistake of purchasing from Teavana isn't one you could make even if you wanted to.

Why not just say supermarket tea? It's more realistic at this point, it's what people should actually be avoiding. You cannot "avoid" Teavana because you cannot go to Teavana.
>Thats been in there since back when the thread was on /jp/
And I imagine Teavana was still in business then. Tazo has arguably replaced Teavana completely in the public consciousness.

>> No.17585381

I just got diagnosed wirh IBS. This might be the end if comfy tea for me...

>> No.17585421

How long have we been off /jp/? At least 4 years right? More?
Crazy to me we came from the Japanese culture board but the Japanese parts of the pastebin are the least developed

>> No.17585426
File: 145 KB, 600x631, 1641594620455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best part of the pastbin is the puer section because it's the strongest.

>> No.17585428

How many retail locations does starbucks have? I haven't stepped foot inside one in years but I'm going to guess they've got some fucking teavana tea up front.

>> No.17585431

Don't worry about it is a silly throwaway joke.
Did you look at the time and temp chart i added for japanese tea? Does it look good?
I think i should include written instructions too, i should be able to do thatlater tonight.
All the old Japanese tea posters got scared off by the puer lesbians and stopped posting.

>> No.17585460

>Did you look at the time and temp chart i added for japanese tea? Does it look good?
Not that anon, but it looks fine. I would change the units under weight to only g/mL, I never want to see or think about liquid ounces. I'd keep the brew times either in minutes or seconds, change the center column to 1/2, or the sides to 90 seconds.

>> No.17585470

2022 year of /tea/ Renaissance.
We reclaiming the thread from endless pu ar snobbery

>> No.17585508

It'd be nice to have a recommended starting point before the 2022 harvest. I'm comfortable finding and ordering tea myself, but if there are people here who drink sencha a lot, a starting point would be nice.

>> No.17585514

Make the next thread Japanese tea buying advice, it's about that time

>> No.17585522

TFW i only drink puer because i can't afford oolong
Cirno Fish .jpg

>> No.17585586

These threads last about a week each, we're still like 3 weeks off from any sensible harvest

>> No.17585625

Japanese tea buying advice: ONLY BUY GYOKURO

>> No.17585639

Thats terrible advice

>> No.17585663

Nah you should only buy Karigane and fermented bancha
Everything else is a meme

>> No.17585678

Should I buy green tea now I it's better to wait?
I wanted to try dragonwell

>> No.17585688

Wait, new tea will be available shortly

>> No.17585754
File: 1.09 MB, 2826x1908, 20220321_144721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lads. It's here.

>> No.17585813

Lead and arsenic arrive

>> No.17585836
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>> No.17585838
File: 1.14 MB, 2802x1908, 20220321_145007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went through my long-awaited Chawangshop package, smelled and checked through almost everything except the leaf of my brick shou. This is all going to be a wild ride. Everything looks and smells lovely. I'll post some pictures I took as I opened it up as a fun thread unboxing, and then close-ups of my new gaiwan.

>> No.17585852
File: 1.36 MB, 1908x3255, 20220321_145028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opened up, immediately greeted with the 2022 New Year block copy thing they mentioned making for customers on their Instagram page. I wasn't sure if I'd get one, so it's fun to see that I did. Written at the bottom is the text:
>"Happy New Year 2022!"

>> No.17585856

Im glad your box came in good shape, the last box i got from china got drop kicked at some point. Luckily the teaware inside was still fine, i was sure it would be smashed.

>> No.17585881
File: 1.29 MB, 1908x2622, 20220321_145115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With the fun slip moved away, we can see hints of my shou pu'er brick through the bubble wrap. Then...more padding below? I wonder what could need so much thick padding.

>> No.17585900
File: 2.25 MB, 4032x1908, 20220321_145134(0).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So much padding, lads. Did a young farmer girl leave her bra slip-ins in here? I see no elongated strands of destiny hair, so that mustn't be it.

>> No.17585917
File: 2.13 MB, 4032x1908, 20220321_145305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite the nice haul, I'd say. I'll have to post two separate opened pictures to manage everything clearly on my table. However, my highlight of the haul...

>> No.17585923
File: 1.15 MB, 3317x1908, 20220321_145521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Without a doubt...

>> No.17585934
File: 936 KB, 2160x1908, 20220321_145752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so good, lads. It's difficult to catch on camera, but it has so many details, wild and subtle. It pairs excellently with the cup I purchased off of Etsy, too.

>> No.17585951
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Another picture of the top.

>> No.17585958
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Cool lid stamp.

>> No.17585967
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Inside of the gaiwan.

>> No.17585973
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Bottom side. Also has the same stamp as the lid, nice touch.

>> No.17585983
File: 1.08 MB, 2884x1908, 20220321_150024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Side shot of the gaiwan. I'd usually avoid dumping so many pics at once of something, but I wanted to share as many of the details of this piece as I could for all the fellow tea pottery appreciators here.

>> No.17585995
File: 875 KB, 2090x1908, 20220321_152157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First half of order, showing my heicha/pu'er.

>> No.17586007

Nice gaiwan, i like the pour lip on it

>> No.17586016
File: 778 KB, 1798x1908, 20220321_152308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second half, showing my white, red, and oolong tea, alongside the gaiwan and cool block copy slip. Thanks for joining me in opening this package. Now I have to figure out how to decide which to drink first.
I'm very pleased with how well it was packaged. Shipping is no doubt very steep, but at least the guys at Chawangshop did a very respectable job with packing it all.

>> No.17586037

Very colorful

>> No.17586102

Make the red tea now

>> No.17586191

the gaiwan looks fantastic, love the glaze. i kind of want one now. also i cant wait to hear your tasting notes on the teas. glad your package finally arrived, i hope my recent fullchea order is worth the wait. it just needs a plane...

>> No.17586234

Guese you lost the race.
You got that ripe brick too right?

>> No.17586252

I'll make it and journal on it shortly. My milligram scale may need some maintenance to work first, and if it doesn't work, my gram scale will have to make due.
It looks lovely and feels excellent to hold. Chawangshop's prices in shipping may be rough, but their product quality (on first impressions) and packaging seem to be quite respectable so far. I will be making the 2021 BaDa Manle red tea with it shortly, so I'll post another pic or two with my small setup in around an hour or so. I rarely drink red tea, so this will be a very welcome change of pace.

>> No.17586476

>You got that ripe brick too right?
no i got some TianJian and XG sheng coming.

>> No.17586484
File: 3.93 MB, 3558x5864, Puerh_Its_For_Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move over lesbians its time for the men to drink tea now.

>> No.17586506

That's the liquidproust trust #6. Really fucking you with the gweilo tax.

>> No.17586527
File: 1.92 MB, 4032x1908, 20220321_174758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't typically drink reds often, and an anon suggested I start with my red, so here are my journal notes on the 2021 BaDa Manle red tea from Chawangshop:

Dry leaf smells of tangy, ripe berries, with a faint and smooth, roasted background. Wet leaf smells more deeply of roasted ripe berries with a new, very warm "fried bread" note. There is a light honey-like sweetness in the gong dao bei.

Medium thickness, low astringency, practically no bitterness. The fruity notes described in the leaf aroma are comfortably noticeable on the palate, both while sipping and in the aftertaste, where a hint of florality comes through. A stronger infusion of 205F/15s yields a brew with greater emphasis on the floral quality. It is not a pungent and far-vegetal floral note, but a gentle, sweet one. As with the previous infusion, it seems to linger in the mouth for a fair while after sipping.
Further infusions yield a more lightly sweet floral tea, but still a grounded, warming one. Feels suitably quenching on the throat, and persists admirably. The fruitiness doesn't hold in the palate for many infusions (for perhaps three), but the sweetness in the light floral quality does.

This tea may have one of my favourite leaf aromas I've experienced, with the unique "fried berries" quality that captures my full attention. It's a very pleasant sipper, and seems easy to infuse and work with. Lovely.
Regarding my gaiwan, it pours well, though I'm still getting used to using the small spout lip. It feels like I need to start the pour slowly and then speed up, but I think I just need to adjust to it or not fill up as high. Comfortable to use either way, and fits the capacity of my cup well.

>> No.17586571

Is jap tea supposed to have this weird rubbery taste? I don't know how to describe it. Hojicha seems less nasty, but it still has this subtle unpleasant flavor.

>> No.17586585

That sounds frikkin excellent. You've been sleeping on reds.

>> No.17586644


>> No.17586656

Sounds good, that guy doesn't sell many reds so im guessing the ones he decides to stock are pretty nice

>> No.17586670
File: 222 KB, 960x957, 1647914103501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see tasting something in that range.

>> No.17586716

It seems I have. Originally when I got into tea, I was interested in pu'er (mostly shou) and whites because I thought their flavour profiles would be suitably complex or deep without being as harsh as some shengs or greens (which I had some unfortunate first impressions of). I wanted stuff I could get a good amount of for little investment, and not have to worry about drinking it immediately for ideal freshness. So, I've mostly slept on reds, greens, and to a lesser extent, oolongs. I'm still fortunate to have the opportunities to try all that I have, though I wonder what the ning'er everyone in the thread keeps mentioning is like, and so on.
I think he has a big Chawangpu house brand red cake that looked good, but I wanted to diversify my selections as much as possible and keep within a certain price/weight range. This bodes really well for the other items, though. I honestly might have to go all out and journal on another tea in a few hours. Might do the BaDa white or the one oolong I bought if I do.

>> No.17586766

>8. Oceanic

>Some teas, particularly Japanese green teas, have oceanic notes. They may remind you of a sea breeze, seaweed, or shellfish, and have a distinct umami flavor.

Ok that explains everything. Roasted seems to remove a lot of the weird ass flavors, but damn, jap tea is just not my, cup of tea.

>> No.17586777

Should have tried deep steamed tea

>> No.17586798

Yeah that's it, it's got that savory seaweed flavor.

>> No.17586806

>Im not removing the thing about teavana just because it makes you feel bad about living in flyover country
>Teavana is the perfect shorthand for a shop that mostly sells flavored tea with pretty flowers in it.
>They used to be in every mall so most murricans can picture what they were

Some of the most retardedly hipster ramblings I’ve seen for a while in these threads. Hating on those stores that used to exist is a ridiculous meme in itself.
Yeah they sold flavored/fruit/floral teas. They also sold some really good gyokuro, golden monkey, keemun, and other “real” teas.
I have zero problem with what those stores sold in terms of loose tea.
>inb4 flyover
Born on US west coast, and have lived a few years in both Shanghai and Osaka.

>> No.17586825

when will ordering from china not be shit

>> No.17586828

I always choose DHL when available and my shit gets delivered expediently with no hassle.

>> No.17586975

Ordering from china has been fine for over a year at this point, i get everything in the standard 2-3 weeks.

>> No.17586988

This is good advice.
Anything I order from China or Japan, tea or otherwise, has zero issue if DHL is handling the shipping.

>> No.17586997

It just seems like you are mad that it's there because you used to buy tea there and saying to avoid it wounds your pride or something.
If im looking at a tea website and they sell a handful of types of regular tea and 20 different flavored teas with pieces of fruit in them im not going to buy from there. Usually because the people running it are appealing to a different kind of customer than me and i expect that their normal teas will be subpar, old, bought from the same distributor that they get their flavored tea from etc. It's a pretty good indication that they arent sourcing anything themselves.

>> No.17587088

92% of the west coast is a flyover shithole pal. Noone is going to Murietta by choice. Or fucking Eugene.

>> No.17587123

I'm the one that lost the race. Package seems stuck in some GD airport. Free GD storage. I've had three other packages arrive from China in the meantime.

Love the notes on red, these hongchas made from puerh material are always interesting and and durable.
Do the huangpian ripe next.

>> No.17587162

>it wounds your pride or something
Nah friend; I don’t get emotionally invested in shopping at a chain store any more than I get emotionally invested in *not* shopping at a chain store.
It was what it was, there was nothing inherently bad about it, and hating it is a silly meme.

100% of the west coast is shithole according to people.
Say you grew up in SanFran or LA and you’ll get the same “shithole” comments. I grew up in the former and was spoiled for choice with tea shops.

>> No.17587728

>I grew up in the former
No wonder you have shitty taste.

>> No.17588000

Does tea make you gay? One of my favorite things to do while sipping tea is watching trans porn. It's almost a ritual at this point

>> No.17588494

In the asian stores nearby I can only find very astringent blends of ctc black tea.
I usually buy tea from a western loose leaf tea shop in my city, it has a little bit of everything (black, green, puer, oolong, indian, chinese, weeaboo, etc)
I bought the Hojicha yesterday and I tried a no nonsense cup at boiling temp and I actually enjoyed it. I'll experiment with it a little bit (it's 50g) but it doesn't look like it was a waste to buy.

>> No.17588992

tea is a cult, i cringe when i see these ""people"" swishing it around their mouths then spitting it out and going on to explain the "notes" of flavors it has

>> No.17589007

People do this with coffee as well.

>> No.17589010

Your mom does this with my cummies as well.

>> No.17589017

All obsessions are like this. Who fucking cares? Consume or fuck off.

>> No.17589063

pretty sure thats wine, there's no point not swallowing something that isnt alcoholic

>> No.17589632
File: 720 KB, 1093x1076, 2470A534-0DBC-4566-B5B0-38D9DFE99CB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys would it be gay if…?

>> No.17589707
File: 67 KB, 548x382, 1646546810451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking CHINA POST
fuck EMS and fuck government couriers

>> No.17589718

my national carrier shows label as:
>Status: Origin Post is Preparing Shipment

has anyone tried any of the Spring 2022 harvests? any good picks so far?

>> No.17590608
File: 1.75 MB, 4032x1908, 20220322_155127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasted and journaled on the 2019 Fujian Hong Mu Dan oolong from Chawangshop earlier. Was pleasant, even if not especially complex. Here are my personal notes:

Dry leaves have a smooth, smoky-sweet syrup aroma. Wet leaves smell similarly, but soured very slightly, and perhaps more toasted and just short of being fruity on the near edge of a whiff.

Low thickness, medium astringency, and low bitterness. The light sweet smokiness of the aroma translates closely to the liquor, coating my palate and nose well, and balling up slightly in the mouth. Raising the parameters to 205F/20s dramatically elevates the saturation of the aromatics. The same occurs at 212F/25s. After the 4th or 5th infusion, it starts to lose intensity of smokiness, diverting attention towards the modest roasty sweetness more and more.

Very warming and energizing. Initially has a nice impact of flavour and aroma, and respectable aftertaste, but loses intensity after a handful of infusions. Still pleasant regardless.
Image is of around 5 or so infusions in. Still drinking it now, finishing soon enough. Will probably try and journal on the 2021 BaDa white later.
Nothing wrong with that. People who frequently drink tea should consider investing in nice teaware. It does impact the pleasure of making and drinking tea if you interact with something pleasing to the eye. I wouldn't have invested in my cup and gaiwan if they didn't contribute to a better overall experience for me.

>> No.17590618

Cheers, i like the cup too, dunno if you have posted it before

>> No.17590629

I don't think it tastes smokey at all, but I've only ever tried one brand.

>> No.17590718

I've posted pictures of the cup a few times. It's a handmade one from this artisan on Etsy:
I bought it from her, and it has been excellent. Another anon bought a nice tea set from her when first getting into tea after seeing mine, and seemed to be quite pleased with it. Nearly every item seems to be 1/1, so that's a charming aspect with each piece. As for the gaiwan, it's one of these from Chawangshop:
Random selection of similar handmade pieces. Had no concrete idea of what it would end up like, but it turned out to be a worthy investment. The only thing I'd like is if it had a saucer, but I can live without one.

>> No.17590771

>sencha since it tastes bad and has to be dilute

>> No.17590780

>The plane entered the port
Found your problem m8 it's in the ocean
Must've been that Chinese flight that went down a few days ago.

>> No.17590849

Oh yeah now i remember. Good combo

>> No.17590955

went to one of those trashy herbalist tea shops with everything packaged in soulless little plastic pouches and I bought a formosa oolong. It's not bad

>> No.17590974

I used to have one of those, they made their own herbal tea blends that weren't bad but their tea tea wasn't very exciting, i made the mistake of getting mini puer nests from them and they were fishy.

>> No.17590976

Was it full of grils?

>> No.17591027

The girl who ran my local overpriced tea shop had a mental breakdown and stripped naked in the store then went streaking down the block. She used to come into my brothers bar (across the street) and he'd feed her fireball shots for lunch in exchange for free random loose leaf I was using for kombucha.

>> No.17591101

Damn i was hoping there would be a picture of her on the website
My local tea shop has a sign on the cash register asking customers not to assume the employees genders. It's next to a bakery owned by a lesbian that only hires teenage girls

>> No.17591430
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Any tips? What else should I add?

>> No.17591530

And 50g of this

>> No.17591623

$60 for a shotglass?
I'd rather have more tea

>> No.17591733
File: 437 KB, 799x796, kittycup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but it has a little cat on it

>> No.17591781

Very worth. I will weep on the day you post a picture of it with a chipped rim.

>> No.17591819

you can repair chips and cracks, and they won't happen in the first place if you're careful.

>> No.17591838

Famous last words.

>> No.17591872

Why (2)pc of the gaiwan? You only need one if you're just making one tea at a time. I'd recommend just getting one and spending the money saved on tea.
>t. Anon who bought two cheap ones early on into tea discovery and now has three.
Try to diversify so you can learn more about your personal tastes.

>> No.17591927
File: 195 KB, 1152x1230, cart2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why (2)pc of the gaiwan?
I added it to my cart twice on accident. This is what it's looking like now. Do you think this is adequate for a first try?

>> No.17591952

i was wondering this too

>> No.17591968

That looks pretty good, only think you need is a cheap serving pitcher,
You pout the whole gaiwan into the pitcher, then use that to pour into the smaller cups, you dont want to try to pour a gaiwan directly into little cups its a nightmare.
Anyway like i said whatever is cheapest that you wont mind looking at.
I like this one myself just because people say the spout pours really nicely

>> No.17591987

I don't know if it makes you gay, but we have discovered that some kinds of tea cause lesbians (female) to become violent.
One of /tea/s missions is to educate lesbians about the dangers of puer

>> No.17591994

>One of /tea/s missions is to educate lesbians about the dangers of puer
What? I thought we were educating chaste well-meaning tea-drinkers about the signs of domestic abuse

>> No.17592002
File: 755 KB, 743x857, tea set.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think about this portable tea set?

>> No.17592019

Thr gaiwan is too big.
You want 100ml to 120ml max
Trust me

>> No.17592037

They seem like respectable picks. I don't usually drink greens or many oolongs, nor do I shop at YS, so I can't comment on those specific teas. The teas the other anon recommended earlier look like solid choices. Some seem kind of expensive in price/g to me, and I'd personally prefer to swap in cheap white cake with an item, but that's just me and my preferences.

Teaware is more of a personal choice (buy whatever pleases your eyes), but I do agree with the other anon's opinion about getting a small pitcher. Just a cheap glass one will do, and will arguably be the best anyway since you can easily observe the tea liquor and smell the vapours afterwards. I also agree that a ~100ml gaiwan is best for most people. In the end, whatever enthuses you or seems personally interesting to you is the best choice. Same for the tea selections themselves, frankly. Don't try to min-max too much or you'll just stress out over Asian leaves and clay.

>> No.17592054
File: 1.82 MB, 4032x1908, 20220322_214541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Journaled on the 2021 BaDa organic white tea from Chawangshop earlier. Outright, a delightful tea just like its red counterpart I had last night. Here are my writings:

Dry leaves smell of brisk sugar, with a ticklish minty quality to it. Brewed leaf shifts more 'roasted' floral-green, which presents as very soft and sweet, especially as they cool down. Light spinach note on the gaiwan lid.

Medium thickness, low astringency and bitterness. Reserved low-floral sweetness, then a nut milk sweetness that returns to the initial floral character in the mouth. Lingers as gently as it comes, offering delicate sweetness for a fair time. Stronger infusions yield a buzzy, more milky texture, centering the flavours well. In this case, bitterness may only present as a very faint, well-received herbal "bass note" to this ensemble.

Quite possibly one of the most 'delicate' teas I've had with regards to its overall presentation. Very light liquor (practically clear on the first infusion), being at most sparkling yellow if infused more strongly, which I find to be quite pretty. The flavours and aromas, while possessing notable depth and complexity, aren't outwardly pungent, but rather composed and quietly charming. Lovely.

>> No.17592070

Gotcha, thanks. I swapped in a 100ml gaiwan and I think I'm good to go now. Does cup size matter at all (lol)? I could go for either 50ml or 100ml.

>> No.17592106

>Does cup size matter at all (lol)?
The only cup sizes that matter are of the ones you love.
>I could go for either 50ml or 100ml.
More personal preference, not as important as the gaiwan itself. I gravitated to using a bigger cup to pour each full infusion's worth of liquid into, and I find that to be comfortable for my personal rhythm, but I used very tiny cups for well over a year without issue. If it means anything to you, you don't have to fill them up all the way if they're larger.

>> No.17592133

Deciding to drink soursop tea every day. This way, even though my physical body is lodged firmly in America, my ethereal body will reside in Jamaica.

>> No.17592139

I haven't had the pleasure of eating soursop before, but after reading about its flavour online, it seems quite nice. How is it as a tisane, and why are you going to drink it every day besides attaining Jamaicanhood?

>> No.17592171

I have never eaten a soursop, but I have eaten pawpaw before which is related to it. It tasted creamy and sweet like a cupcake almost. Soursop leaves are nice tasting and really make me happy on another level. Chamomile used to be this, but I drink chamomile like people breath air now so soursop has quickly become chamomile 2. The flavor is nostalgic, not as much as eucalyptus, but possibly based in real memory.

>> No.17592210

It is not nostalgia, I've pinned down the smell as being similar to green tea. I guess I did enjoy green when I was still caffeinated.

>> No.17592274

Can somebody give me a quick rundown on the honey in chamomile tea bags? I am afraid that it could be artificial sweetener. Would they do that? How is there honey in the bag?

>> No.17592275

Are you the anon who superdoses on chamomile? It must be pretty nice if it is going to take time from your chamomile habit if so. I don't drink tisanes often besides sometimes ginger, but something I'd like to do is find things that go well with my cheaper, blander leaves to yield a more 'wholesome' flavour. I've been thinking of cultivating some herbs lately, and I might like to do something unusual. Maybe some edible flowers could be fun. I think experimenting with our teas is one of the best ways to appreciate them outside of journaling.

>> No.17592285

It has not replaced chamomile, but it has displaced mango leaves from my daily infusion, which was originally added mainly to keep all the chamomile touching the water. So funny that I'm recognizable as the chamomile anon, addictive personality really is a hoe. I've determined through painful trial and error that nothing should encroach on the chamomile.

I've put powdered valerian into cookies and it was great. Ginger is one of the most based tisanes, but the taste isn't for me.

>> No.17593230
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im so bored tea bros, any double pot niggas in the house?

>> No.17593310

what tea is that and how do you brew it?

>> No.17593322

What's the optimal time to order Jap greens if I want a balance of shincha, gyokuro and matcha?

>> No.17593377

Teavana doesn't exist anymore retard. Take it out.

>> No.17593382

Send a PIC of what your spout looks like anon.

>> No.17593394

If you have any of the sencha you hated left over, gently roast that. Its not hard.
I have IBS, don't be a coward.

>> No.17593414

Ning'er "Golden Honey Aroma" Yunnan Black Tea
Jinggu Sun-Dried Silver Needles White Pu-erh Tea Cake
Yunnan Sourcing "Cozy"
Mojun Fu Cha "Fu Shen"
Gao Jia Shan "Wild Fu Zhuan" Hunan Brick Tea

>> No.17593427

i think thats turkish, you brew a very strong black tea in top then dilute it with water from the bottom, russians do something similar but then sometimes add jam and or milk

>> No.17593428

I just tried the Jinggu silver needle and I have to say it's really not worth it even at its current price. It barely tastes like anything, has very little aroma, etc. He's better off getting something with a little more punch like a BMD or a shou mei cake. I blind bought a cake of this and was very satisfied with it:

>> No.17593435

Half mystery iced tea & half blueberry tea in my Arnold Palmer today. I’ve had the mystery iced tea in my fridge since I went out for breakfast Sunday.

>> No.17593438

What’s the tea leaf : water ratio when you brew the concentrate? Been wanting to try Russian style brewing & teas.

>> No.17593486

idk its a blend of black teas that my mother mixes together. as for prep, i slowly brew my loose leaf tea in the top pot over the bottom pot thats full of water. the tea is stronger than most would like but thats what the bottom pot is for, to dilute it a little depending on your tastes

>> No.17593538
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Speaking of Russian tea, has anyone ever used a samovar?

>> No.17593746
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So drinking tea for health benefits is pointless?
I don't care for caffeine and love the taste so I'll keep drinking it, but it's so crazy that you can claim anything about green tea and matcha and get away with it. i'm a bit let down there were no benefits after all.

>> No.17593757

>i'm a bit let down there were no benefits after all.
You can make the claim that mood has a significant (statistically, I mean) impact on health, and that if tea improves your mood, that is a tangible, scientifically provable health benefit. As far as any actual compounds in tea doing anything tangible, no.

>> No.17593765

I'll take it, thanks anon.

>> No.17593772

Don’t read Wikipedia, for one. Go to Google scholar and read specific studies

>> No.17593874

i switched from energy drinks to tea so yes of me at least its healthier but no it isnt magic

>> No.17594159

Diagnosed with cancer today
What tea should I drink?

>> No.17594216

Anxi hairy crab
(sorry to hear that, btw)

>> No.17594225

>the chamomile decoction is watery
Going to dump it out over myself the next time I break into hives.
Soursop. I drink it because the world is cancer, sorry to hear its made its way inside of you. Best of luck, read what people have to say about soursop for cancer and the perspective of big cancer on it. It really does choke cancer cells, depriving them of ATP and killing them.

>> No.17594241

Fu brick

>> No.17594258

I have a puerh disc in my pantry that I broke into a while ago and used about half, and the other half has been sitting in there since, in half-assed storage. Is it still good to drink so long after it's been tapped into?

>> No.17594270

I love drinking soups and broths to the extent that I wish, particularly during winter, I'd be able to buy a cup of ramen or pho broth to sip in the morning. Is there any way I can replicate this via tea? I've never had a tea that I've enjoyed but I always felt envious watching people enjoy tea.

I could never enjoy any sweet tea. Even the very smell of chocolate makes me nauseous, and from what I've heard no one on my father's side of the family has enjoyed sweets in at least four generations so I clearly have some sort of autistic genetic aversion to sugar. Even as a child candy made me retch so I certainly couldn't have any tea based on sweeteners.

Is there some kind of salty or savoury tea I could try, reminiscent of broth? I'd really like to be able to casually pour some boiling water into a savoury or salty cup and sip it like tea.

>> No.17594276

Sure, as long as it doesn't smell like kitchen oder the worst that can happened is it drys out some and looses some of the fruity green tea notes. People in many parts of china just store their tea cakes loose in a cabinet or on a shelf

>> No.17594278

Ripe puerh is the closest, IMO. It's very cozy to drink in the winter and has a sorta salty savory taste to it. Reminds me of fish stock a bit.

>> No.17594279

hopefully the mold will kill the cancer!

>> No.17594295
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Japanese green tea is very much a savory sort of seaweed broth flavor. You will probably like it quite a lot. Wait a few weeks for the 2022 spring tea to get into stock and look for a shop in your region in the pastebin in the op that specializes in Japanese tea. Or just order from one of the shops in japan, shipping should be down to $10-$13 again for some bags of tea.
The only other thing you need is a big mesh brew basket like the ones from finum or a stainless one from the brand For Life. Pic related
Then you can brew any kind of looseleaf right in a mug, brewing directions are in the pastebin or on most of the tea dealers websites.
If you ask for some suggestions for specif teas some other anons can probably help.

>> No.17594338

>look for a shop in your region in the pastebin in the op
Unfortunately I'm Australian and there's nothing in the pastebin for that, but given how close we are with Japan I'm sure I can find a local store with recommended stocks.

Dumb question, what do you mean by looseleaf? Is that tea brewed without a teabag?

>> No.17594352

>what do you mean by looseleaf? Is that tea brewed without a teabag?
Yeah, you actually can get decent Japanese tea in teabags, but really only from Japanese tea shops.
See if you can quickly check the shipping costs from these guys it Japan
It might be cheaper than you think

>> No.17594399

Annoyingly I just realized that a new Asian tea place opened up in my apartment complex and I was excited to ask for your recommendations. Then I actually looked at their website and they seemingly only advertise food on their website:

I'd have to go outside and photograph their sign for a tea menu. I may do just that, as I assume these threads at least last a few days.

>> No.17594400

Is 9g of matcha enough for 350ml of milked matcha + 50ml or so of milk foam? Found matcha today on manager's special. Never used the stuff before. Wanna putz about with it in the morning.

Plan is to use a cocktail shaker and my barbecue gloves to shake 9g matcha with 100ml just-under-boiling water, pour it into my cup, top with warm milk and warm milk foam. Thoughts? Do I belong in tea hell?

>> No.17594432

Yeah they last a few days. You probably want to start out with sencha and if you get into it you can explore some other types. I guess a lightly steamed sencha if you have the choice but you probably won't unless you find a speciality shop. Maybe Gyokuro if you see it,
INB4 the tea shop only has bubble tea

>> No.17594444

Grocery store matcha isn't usually very exciting, but a drink like that is exactly what i would use it for. I think 9 g seems reasonable.
Let us know how it turns out

>> No.17594476

Will do, amigo.

>> No.17594483

Should I buy chinese green tea now or it's better to wait?

>> No.17594525
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China market drop, lazy crop edition.
Bored waiting for shipping so I went to the local /tea/ isle to waste some money. Grabbed the only two loose teas they had, but they also had 100g jars of chrysanthemum and shit so I might go snag those later. No smell at all on the "bestleaf". The taiwanese green was vaccumed in foil and smells like this.
The two most floral teas I've ever smelled. Its like sticking your nose in a strawberry patch. I think its going to be delicious. You guys might remember the tgy I posted a long time ago from the same brand, that was also pretty good. $1.99 for 100g of the shitleaf, $16.99 for 200g of the high mountain. I'll brew up a little later, kind of feel like an espresso tonic atm.

>> No.17594565

wish you well anon, i hope you have a good prognosis and get better. drink whatever tea makes you happy.

it does not really have great evidence supporting it for cancer at this point in time though research is ongoing. if anything it has as much preliminary evidence tying it to causing parkinsonism as it does to treating cancer. the custard apple family does taste good though. wish they were easier to find fresh in stores.

looks like they have their tea on a different website (which they link to).
my recommendation would probably try some of their teas in store. they seem a bit pricey but some of the teas may be ok. it looks like the owner is actually from Yunnan china which is a good sign at least.

this is kind of expensive but it looks interesting:
the picture makes it seem like it has some black yabao mixed in in it which is kind of unusual.

>> No.17594593
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has anyone had the "Book Cover Green" from w2T before?

>> No.17594605

it's alright, nothing special

I did really enjoy the cloudmist green last year

and if you're willing to get scammed you could also spend $1/1g on green tea kek

>> No.17594612

>it's alright, nothing special
then i will probably pass on it this year then. i already bought tea this month so i don't want to put in another order unless a really good deal pops up. thanks

>> No.17594644

How do you all feel about oversteeping tea? I usually leave my leaves in the pot until I've finished it. It's mostly due to laziness but I do like the last cup a lot, depending on what I'm drinking.

>> No.17594651

There isn't any correct way to drink tea, it's just highly suggested that you try the way that a majority of people think is the best first. Granpa style is essentially what you're talking about, millions of people drink various kinds of tea that way. Even if I cared, what you're taking about would be a mild tea infraction compared to the tea war criminal here >>17594400

>> No.17594652
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>I did really enjoy the cloudmist green last year
Fuck it was so good. Just finished the last of mine. I'd say 85% off peak after a year, but it lived in the pumi the whole time so that had to do something.

>> No.17594659

There are actually three bubble tea shops in my building and two across the road. I know Australia is being bought by China in general but I have no idea how all these bubble tea places exist in tandem. Are other countries being spammed by bubble tea as well?

>> No.17594672

>my recommendation would probably try some of their teas in store
They do advertise a tasting menu via chalk boards around the block, I just know that sweet flavours make me feel so sick I'll end up offending them

>> No.17594685

>Anons think those are crimes.
>They don't realize I'm drinking deeply-infused cold brew tea mixed with some diet P*psi cream soda.
>Tfw it is actually good because it cuts down on the gross sweetness of the P*psi and adds a layer of complexity to the tea.
Send the cops, I don't give a fuck! AAAAAAAAAAAA!

>> No.17594693
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Ah, yeah. bepis

>> No.17594793

Nice, those are some interesting pickups fron the asain market. I'm going to mine tomorrow hopefully i can find something fun. Even if its just a low grade Taiwan oolong is a pretty sweet find.

>> No.17594812

Based on what i see on their website i would suggest getting a cup of longjing
It's a green tea that has some savory flavor and also a sort of roasted nuts type taste going on. It's probably the closest they have to what it sounds like you are looking for.

>> No.17594829

Bubble tea is everywhere. It's trendy with young Asians and white girls also love it, so they have been popping up all over the place.

>> No.17595037

That's rough buddy.
Simmer some chaga, it's not quite a tea but it's one of the only options with actual science behind it.

I got some last year and it was solid; not quite as good as the Ganlu they had, or. the Cloud Mist, but worth the price.

>> No.17595564

Weather is giving me a massive headache so I might not get around to brewing those tonight. How much should I use for ~600ml of overnight cold steep on that green?

>> No.17595613

About 5-6 grams

>> No.17595908
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How much caffeine is taken out on the first steep of black tea? Steep time of two minutes. I'm wondering if I make a cup in the morning and then do a second or even second and third cup at night if I'll be getting much caffeine.

>> No.17595924

You'll be fine. If you're drinking a cup at 9pm or something, you might have some trouble sleeping, but there isn't that much caffeine in tea. I drink ~10 cups a day and I don't have any issues.

>> No.17595958

>How much caffeine is taken out on the first steep of black tea? Steep time of two minutes
Its take about 30 minutes in water, starting from boiling and then cooling to room temperature over time for all the caffeine to leave the tea leaves. However it's not linear, most of the caffeine leave the leaves in the first few minutes and you extract less and less caffeine wuth each subsequent minute.
Number pulled out of my ass but i think after two minutes you have 40-60% of the total caffeine maybe more.

>> No.17595963

I'm not sure how it works for tea but for coffee 2/3rd of caffeine is extracted in 30 seconds. The gongfu people rinse the leaves, possibly because it's harsh in short infusions to have all the bitter stuff in the first one. Whole leaf won't extract as fast as fannings. I doubt extra steeps would keep you up either way.

>> No.17595964

Purely based on how I feel (which is not quantitative at all) I would say that when doing gong fu with loose leaf tea, roughly half of the caffeine is released within the first couple steeps. If you steep with boiling water for 2 minutes in the morning there's probably going to be a lot left in the leaves for subsequent steeps, but even if you cut it down by 1/3 or 1/2 in the morning it shouldn't be that stimulating come nighttime unless you are using a lot of leaf.

>> No.17595981

>Tfw the new liubao in your order hits and you just have to stop the session to soak in the wave of comfort.
I'm feelin' it now lads, are you feelin' it now, lads? So far, my Chawangshop order has been very solid. I will post journal notes shortly, coasting.

>> No.17595994


>> No.17596014
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How do you store your tea? I was thinking about buying some tins off of amazon to store them in

>> No.17596263
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Journal notes on 2010 Wuzhou TF Large Leaves '03507' liubao from Chawangshop:

Dry leaf smells of fresh, light, damp soil. Brewed leaf has an aroma of deep, earthy syrup.

Medium thickness, low astringency and bitterness. It arrives with a slick, juicy texture and soil sweetness. As I like to raise parameters slowly with heicha, I increased the second infusion to 205F/15s, which yielded a sweeter, somewhat more woodsy liquor without a huge blast of earthiness. Surprisingly mellow, yet grounding flavour and aroma. No harshness at all, even when infused for over a minute at 212F.

Aftertaste isn't long-lasting or especially potent. Still, the sweetness, though mild, maintains itself well through each infusion. A straight-forward, easy sipper that offers many infusions.

A side note: the bag it arrived in is labeled as "2010 Three Cranes '05307' LiuBao", but the original listing notes it as "2010 Wuzhou TF Large Leaves '05307' Liubao", and makes no mention of it being from Three Cranes, but of Wuzhou Tea Factory. May be an error owing to the Three Cranes sample in my package. It did appear to have some eurotium cristatum as advertised, so it seems to be the right product.

>> No.17596891

some chinese oolongs are very savoury though it might be a bit hard to find specific ones, maybe some from Guandong. stay away from taiwan oolongs becasue they are ridiculously sweet, nothing wrong with them though.

>> No.17597053

For teabags why is it recommended to not squeeze the bag? If I'm adding milk I literally can't taste the tea unless I give it a couple strong squeezes

>> No.17597090

this shits just leaf water. not that deep

>> No.17597173

it's as deep as you want it to be

>> No.17597361

If I was drinking it plain I'd want it a bit more dilute but I always squeeze when I add milk. As long as dust doesn't escape, the juice inside is the good stuff.

>> No.17597497

Made it. 9g is too much, I think. Quite bitter. No sweet notes at all. Tastes like oversteeped green tea. Gonna try again tomorrow with 4g then again the day after with 2g if tomorrow's batch is also unpleasant. Then, at risk of angering the gods of tea, I'll add sugar to the batch after that if 2g's still not, to put it douche-ly, my cup of tea.

>> No.17597508

I personally just put tea into ceramic hermetic jars and stash them in the cabinet but I know people who use those double lidded metal tea can/jar things who swear undying fealty to that method only.

>> No.17597684

>and makes no mention of it being from Three Cranes, but of Wuzhou Tea Factory.
my understanding is that Wuzhou Tea Factory is to Three Cranes as Menghai Tea Factory is to Dayi (that is to say they are both different names for the same company). just be careful because there are multiple tea producers in both of those city's (e.g. not all liubao from Wuzhou city is from Wuzhou TF).

>> No.17597692

>How do you store your tea?
zip-lock mylar bags and amber mason jars are what i use and recommend.

>> No.17597806

I use those for my coffee lol.

>> No.17597858

Yeah like the other anon said three cranes is Wuzhou TF.
Sounds nice, most of my favorite liubao productions have been from 3 cranes so far

>> No.17597902

I saw a couple of tins of oolong like this at my local asain market, i was going to get some but the high altitude oolong didn't say it was from tawiwan and i couldn't tell if it was dancong or something else.

>> No.17597915
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I have wanted to get a tin of this smoked lapsang from my local market for a while but i thought it was some noname brand
Today i noticed that its made by cofco / cnnp butterfly brand so i grabbed a tin. I'm not sure if it is new tins or if i just didn't notice before.
Brewing a mug now but this is some damn smokey tea. If it's any good i might hoard a few tins because i don't think pine smoked lapsang is really made anymore.

>> No.17597922

>if anything it has as much preliminary evidence tying it to causing parkinsonism as it does to treating cancer
Both can be true, but big pharma dictates what comes out of such studies. They won't even make up a diagnosis for what happens when people drink coffee for years, but everybody knows that something changes up there. Soursop tea tastes like a subdued green tea, very swampy. Makes me so tranquil that it takes lots of effort to even move my face. There is no free lunch, but be damned if I won't eat.

>> No.17597933

I lije smokey tea but this stuff is intense, i might have to blend it with my unsmoked lapsang in a ratio of something like 25% smoked 75% not smoked.
Im not totally sure if this is pine smoked either or just wood smoked. I wish i grabbed one of the older tins of this a few years ago.

>> No.17597945 [DELETED] 
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Okay looked around online and this is definitely new tins, i guess the older ones were still by butterfly tea but they didn't have the cofco logo on them. Pic related

>> No.17597987

New thread on the way

>> No.17597996


>> No.17598018

new thread