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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17572052 No.17572052 [Reply] [Original]

Did your school have choccy milk on their lunch menu?

>> No.17572062
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>> No.17572304

School lunch was fucking disgusting. Every time I see someone talk about how "comfy" it was I cringe out of my skin.

>> No.17572423
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>blocks ur school lunch

heh nothing personnel poors

>> No.17572432

i live in the second world so we got plain bread and milk

>> No.17572721

we did, and we even had it in bags for like a year for some reason despite not living in canada

>> No.17572812

I have no idea what they served in the school lunch room. Me and my friends used to get lunch money from our parents but we would pool it together and buy and eighth.

>> No.17572999
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They don’t serve healthy home food at schools in america? Why would you want your kids to est trash?

>> No.17573005

>buy and eighth
it shows

>> No.17573006

>left is literal takeout food
>right is non-friday school lunch for yuro kids whose parents can foot the bill

>> No.17573013

>whose parents can foot the bill

Kek the american can’t even imagine that school food is free in europe

>> No.17573015
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>> No.17573017

I'm British. Even when we were in the EU, lunches were dependent on household income.

>> No.17573020

Can't imagine any kid being happy eating that meal on the right, looks boring as fuck.

>> No.17573032

yum. raw uncooked carrots

>> No.17573035

I’m proud of you son

>> No.17573046

Tf is this??? What country is feeding their kids buttered bricks?

>> No.17573050
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Sorry, forgot pic.

>> No.17573054

looks like some scandinavian country
crispbread and fish

>> No.17573060
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they did and if you didn't drink it and threw it out the janitor would go in the trash for and put in back in the milk case for the next group of kids

>> No.17573071

the ethnic kids won't drink white milk

>> No.17573080

Good food should be the number one priority for school children next to books and accessible learning needs being met. I can't respect the opinions and lifestyle choices of anyone who exclusively drank or prioritized choccy milk in high school.

>> No.17573153

Do americans really give their toddlers fast food for lunch at school? You would be arrested if you did that to your kid in the UK

>> No.17573203

no, we give them inedible crap they throw away instead

>> No.17573231

You would be arrested in the UK for not having a tv license so your point is kinda worthless

>> No.17573247

i bet you were the fat kid in school huh

>> No.17573254


rye crispbread with butter

>> No.17573269

yes but not because they served it in the cafeteria. i had parents that actually loved me and made a complete, healthy, well-balanced lunch everyday

>> No.17573306

at some schools they do

>> No.17573394

You even need a loisence for certain types of food?

>> No.17573401

>school food is free in europe

No such thing as a free lunch. Why should a taxpayer like me be on the hook to feed someone else's kid?

>> No.17573532

The school district I student taught at gave the faculty free school lunch if they wanted it, so it was the only time I got to enjoy it since being in school, was pretty cool. Never got a chance to get the square pizza.

>> No.17573563
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>> No.17573774

The meal on the left will build a strong kid with meat on his bones
That collection of various ingredients on the right will make a scrawny kid that passes out easily

>> No.17573782

I never liked chocolate milk and always picked plain over it.
I would go for strawberry in the rare instances that we had it.

Life really changed right around when I got to high school and the cafeteria constantly had Cookies'n'Cream milk on hand.
Good lord, that shit was good.

>> No.17573853

>Why should a taxpayer like me be on the hook to feed someone else's kid?
Because you legally mandated that the kid be there?
Going to school isn't like going to work.
The kid isn't making money by going to school. He's avoiding getting his parents sent to jail.
Even jail has free food.

If you don't want to pay for a kid's lunch, then don't force them to be there in the first place. Simple as.

>> No.17573909

Based rational poster dabbing on the worthless lolbert

>> No.17573926

how do private schools legally exist then? honest question

>> No.17574047

Oh fuck off. Parents should be responsible for feeding their own kids, it is pretty much one of the core requirements of being a parent.

>> No.17574145

>Parents should be responsible for feeding their own kids, it is pretty much one of the core requirements of being a parent.
Parents should be responsible for teaching their kids. You stole that from them by forcing them to teach by your standards.

>> No.17574150

>honest question
Because they meet standards with mandatory testing.

>> No.17574166

>on the worthless lolbert
You seem to be confused.
lolberts aren't the ones demanding mandated standardized public education in the first place.

>> No.17574395

We had the choice between regular and chocolate, occasionally they had strawberry and banana to pick from too. During high school you got two milks and could pick which kinds you wanted. The lactose intolerant kids got apple juice.

>> No.17574452

The laws just require that children be sent to schools. Due to the requirement they provide public schools, paid for by regular tax money and depending on your state paid for by the taxes on the lottery, but that doesn't prevent private institutions from opening as long as they can meet state standards and in some areas you also have charter schools which are the bastard half way version between the two where they get government money but get to be halfway free of the public school requirements like a private school.

>> No.17574526

Remember, america spends most per student then any other country in the world. (I am not counting Luxembourg, it’s a fake micro nation)
Any one bitching about the quality of the food, must instead be asking
>what are the schools doing with this money
America is a country where mobs and unions were one and the same, and the teachers union is Legitimately the largest American union.
I hope you guys can put the 2 together.
Source on spending https://www.statista.com/statistics/238733/expenditure-on-education-by-country/

>> No.17574540

They have to rely on private funding in the US? In Australia private schools get tax subsidisation in addition to rich person fees because our right wing parties are economically responsible.

>> No.17574552

Mine did, and because one of the janitors who worked the cafeteria during lunch was an old biker buddy of my dads, he always snagged me a couple extras I so I could take them back to class

>> No.17574562

Real janny here, would spray the carton with our disinfectant then drink the chocolate milk.

>> No.17574648

mcdicks is healthy, nice trips tho man

>> No.17574680

>hits different
i want to kill anyone who's ever said this

>> No.17574681


>> No.17574686

Maybe I’m in the minority, but I always loved most of my school lunches. Had a lot of options, and even sometimes had basic items from places like like Subway, Round Table Pizza, and even Chick-Fil-A (though that last one only when I was in middle school).

>> No.17574699

Because spending money on education (and youth in general) is easily one of the best investments any country can do. And part of that is making sure that everyone in school gets a healthy lunch so they can concentrate during the afternoon.

>> No.17574703

I think Bush 2 ran partly on the platform of taking money from public schools to give to private schools back in the day. But the thing about private schools is supposed to be that they are free from a lot of the regulations that public schools have to deal with, which is why religions set them up sometimes. Though some public schools still let kids go off to Mormon shit in my area and give them high school credits toward graduation for it.

>> No.17574704

>it's paid for by taxes so it's free
why are communists so fucking retarded bros

>> No.17574709

>the teachers union is Legitimately the largest American union.
How does teacher salary compare to other people with (useful) master's degrees?

>> No.17574829

I went to school in the 80s and 90s, back when nobody gave a fuck about nutrition.

>> No.17574831

Most American schools can't afford to pay for people who are actually capable of cooking. Food at US schools is all packaged processed and simply reheated for service.

>> No.17574840

There's more money in raising obese kids and treating their diabetes. Gotta get them addicted to junkfood as soon as possible.

>> No.17574863

same generation that is now dying from a flu

>> No.17574871

I had to repeat a year after 88 mainly because an influential teacher didn't like the food pyramid paper I turned in.

>> No.17574920

It loses to average bachelor's degree jobs

>> No.17574924

Wow. Powerful union for sure

>> No.17574929

Until Jamie Oliver came along and then all they could serve was water and sports drinks. Dickhead. Being able to get chicken nuggets and a cookie at lunch was the high point of the schoolday.

>> No.17574945

They're large, but not the strongest for sure. They have shit pay but they get good benefits and they are hard to fire when they're bad at their jobs which contributes to the low quality schooling in many areas. A lot of spending goes toward buildings, the large number of schools in general, non-teacher staffing, basic equipment, furniture, utility bills, and legal costs.

>> No.17575152
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>> No.17575162 [DELETED] 

its nigger speak, derived, of course, from drug habits.

>> No.17575564

I hate americans so goddamn much, like holy shit

>> No.17575635

Fast food is haute cuisine compared to school lunches.

>> No.17575673

Motherfucker what? The people dying are WAY older than I am. I'm only in my late 30s, the dying folks are 60+. They went to school in the 50s-70s.

>> No.17575814

We only had lunch in elementary/middle school (we had them in the same building) although it was absolutely disgusting so I just had my mum make me sandwiches. They did serve chocolate milk (and strawberry one too) duting the "tea break" (basically you could get a cup of tea during the first break in the morning) for some time though.

In high school we didn't even have lunch as far I know. We had a snack shop but I never used it, the lines were too long, so I also just brought in sandwiches which my mum made for me. The only food I would buy in HS was coffee from one the machines.

>> No.17576051

My school served the same kind of stuff as fast food places, and at the same price, but it was of lower quality. Think supermarket-tier frozen pizzas and frozen fries. It was a rip-off and most kids either brought their own lunches or left school to go to real fast food restaurants. I graduates high school in the early 2000's, I don't know if things have changed since then.

>> No.17576179

so yes then

>> No.17576752
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yuropoo school dishes (especially the nordic variety) is always made out of the cheapest possible dogshit ingredients and prepared so the taste and nutritional value is pretty much at zero. i am ashamed of the state of our school lunch (also i have heard that the military food is in a disgraceful state as well). not that americans aren't doing the same thing anyways, but at least they are more honest about the nature of their food and gives kids what they want instead of trying to cram "healthy" shit down their throats.

>> No.17576788

>also i have heard that the military food is in a disgraceful state as well
The rations are pretty bad, but the food you get from mess and field kitchens is actually pretty good. Or at least was in '09.

>> No.17576799

as a c-pambers i can't say a lot on that, but i do think that soldiers must be well fed. a soldier will not work without proper nutrition and if the soldier does not work neither will the war machine that they are running. it is paramount for the national security that each soldier is kept in a high calorie and high protein diet to keep them running in the woods.

>> No.17577000

Nope. High carbs > high protein. That's the reality. Sorry if it isn't noble savage enough for you.

>> No.17577033

It's more like the cheap stuff a poor parent working long shifts would make for their kids. Cheap beef patties, cheap chicken, low quality french fries, low quality bread, some lettuce cleverly disguised as a salad bar, prepackaged sandwiches, frozen pizza, frozen vegetables, instant mashed potatoes with frozen gravy, fruit cups, boxed lasagna, and the like in poor urban areas. Rural areas will tend to have one or two things that are actually fresh or of decent quality alongside some of the same things poor urban areas get. Higher income urban areas get things that are fancy-ish but still a bit cheap, though of undeniably higher quality than poor urban areas, and often have a lot of choice including the ability to just buy packaged things from a school ran store or vending machines with the occasional private business allowed to sell things on campus as well. The middle income areas, often with some level of rural and of urban to them, get a mix of everything. My high school (graduated in 2010) for example had the cheap food prepaid by the cafeteria staff that cost about $20 a month for one student who didn't quality for the discounted or free lunch programs, had a school store with mid to low quality products, had vending machines for sodas, milk, water, juice, and cheese, had a hotdog/knockoff Asian/knockoff Mexican food cart, and once a week had a Domino's Pizza set up selling small pepperoni pizzas and bread sticks, though if you had a car and driver's license you could go out to get something and if you were Mormon you could use your seminary class period to stop along the way and get whatever trash Mormons eat.

>> No.17577167
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I used to drink four chocolate milks and eat two large sloppy joes for lunch every day at school and my name is Jeff and people would call me ‘sloppy Jeff’

>> No.17577589

I remember regular milk came with your school lunch, but it was 50 cents extra for chocolate milk or orange juice.

They made every 5th grade student do lunch duty and I had to guard the crates full of chocolate milk and orange juice one time. I basically had to tell kids to cough up money for that shit.

>> No.17577654

better than dirty andy

>> No.17577659

To be honest, the food of your country isn't very good

>> No.17577668

I thought school lunch was just an American thing, but looks like European countries do it too? Is Canada alone in the west in making parents pack their kids' lunches?

>> No.17577717


>> No.17578231


All the pay goes to "administrators" inside the school district. In many cases there are as many "admins" as actual teachers in a district. They do nothing and often collect up to six figures and million dollar pensions, while actual teachers get shafted.

But you see the teachers don't protest all that much. A few years of hell teaching and either they get burned out and quit or become one of the "admins" themselves, usually through networking/nepotism. Its all a big racket, and virtually every school district in America works this way.

>> No.17578251

that shit on the right is literally wasa crispbread
no child in their right mind is going to eat that

>> No.17578410
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in canada we had tiny bags of chocolate milk

>> No.17578417

That was an American thing, though. The hands are a dead giveaway.

>> No.17578582

In hike school we had soda machines in every building.

>> No.17578599
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I live in western Canada and thankfully we never had any of this milk-in-bags shit. It was either glass bottles, waxed cardboard cartons, or plastic jugs

>> No.17578618

best lunch was mashed potatoes w/ gravy, a yeast roll, and chicken nuggets. the fries were always barely cooked and sucked so bad.

special mention for chili crispito

>> No.17578630

What's wrong with bagged milk? Have yet to see an argument against it.
You get a little plastic holder that costs $2 and lasts you for life. Then when you buy a gallon of milk it comes in 3 separate bags, so it stays fresh vs. a gallon plastic jug which is exposed to air upon opening.
Seems like a better system. The bottles and cardboard cartons are available too if you don't go through as much milk.

>> No.17578650

>full metal cutlery on the right

There's no way Euros are giving kids shit that even adults have trouble buying

>> No.17578653

Thats only in bongistan

>> No.17578665

aww childhood good times

>> No.17578669

shit's fucked if true breh
so gay that a faggot person can single you out like that and ruin your life i mean not really but still it's not a minor thing a year of your life wasted because of one petty cunt i wish i was a motherfucking dog or something so i wouldn't have to deal with fucking awful people

>> No.17578682

My family has a vacation home in Canada and the milk bag in a pitcher system is no more retarded than having an entire gallon of milk in a jug like here. If anything it makes for slightly fresher milk.

>> No.17578691

Yeah, that's what I'm saying. You open bag one and have 1.3L of clean milk. Go through that one over a day or two and open the next one: boom, another 1.3L of fresh milk.
It's not like the milk in the jug is going to kill you, but it's definitely going to be a little stale by the time you're down to the last quarter and it's been exposed to a week's worth of air.

>> No.17578694

I remember seeing Obama's innauguration in my 3rd grade classroom, and by may they had replaced all the whole milk with reduced fat dogshit.

>> No.17578718

>Obama's innauguration in my 3rd grade classroom
God I'm getting old.

>> No.17578727

>I remember seeing Obama's innauguration in my 3rd grade classroom
I remember watching it in my 12th grade classroom. Where has the time gone?

>> No.17578732

I remember new year's eve 1999

>> No.17578748

I played runescape the first year and didn't get a phat because I wanted to spend christmas with family

>> No.17578751

I'm sorry oldanons... I just meant to illustrate how sudden and traumatic losing my main source of quality chocolate milk was, and that I know the culprit.
There was also a vending machine where you could get a big bottle of it for a buck and it got old yellered around that time too.

>> No.17578778

I can't believe we banned whole milk in schools but let kids drink liquid sugar

>> No.17578883

Not only did they serve chocolate milk, I saved it and used it to make mud on the playground during recess afterwards

>> No.17578924

my parents weren't poor, and they refused to live around other poor people, so there were no school lunches. We brought our own except my elementary and junior high schools would do bi-weekly "order from local restaurant" hot lunches. Usually one would be pizza or burgers, the next would be something interesting, then back to the pizza and burgers, etc.

>> No.17579094

How the fuck are you supposed to eat this with a crayon knife and fork?

>> No.17579274

Not DURING lunch, but the school would give milk during one of the morning period. We didn't have chocolate milk every single day, but very often.

>> No.17579279


>> No.17579296

>burger, fries, chocolate milk
Is this really what they still serve to children in the USA? I know it was pretty standard a decade or two ago but most corners of society seem to be making more of an effort these days with regards to nutrition,i would have thought they improved the menu by now.

>> No.17579306
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>this thread

>> No.17579307

Why poison the well with your shitty troll post? It's true kids in the west and especially America need to eat better at school but that doesn't have to mean shitty unseasoned rabbit food like in your picture.

>> No.17579313

You can either pay to educate them and keep them healthy for 12 years or you can pay to incarcerate them for the rest of their lives, which do you think is cheaper?

>> No.17579338

chocolate milk causes stomach discomfort

>> No.17579431

because they're all jobless neet losers who treat being a retard on the internet as a job instead, when they finally grow up at 40 or 50 they will realize what taxes are

>> No.17579434
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>> No.17579435

>Wow. Powerful union for sure
When you realize they are getting that money for doing basically nothing, are impossible to fire, and have huge benefits programs, yeah they fucking are.

Most American teachers don't do shit, and the best part is EVERYONE KNOWS THIS IS TRUE, because they fucking went to school for 12 years.

>> No.17579467

The only thing that truly disgusts me about this is, that you're supposed to eat from the tray like an animal.

>> No.17579470


>> No.17579513
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ahhhhh choccy milk

>> No.17579535

Isn't this basically the big problem with hospital systems? Americans just love middle-man leeches.

>> No.17579539

what the fuck that's a school lunch menu? suddenly I feel better about our shitty eastern european cafeterias at school

>> No.17579541

I live in slav land and it was a recession back then so it was pastery beans cabbage soups mashed potato sometimes meat or sardines and a glass of local milk or local juice for dessert it was either pudding in a plastic cup a banan a apple or an orange.

>> No.17579567

It's not free, parents contribute one way or another. But it certainly is more healthy. Cheeseburgers here are completely unthinkable.

>> No.17579592

why do you say this and then type your post like a teenage valley girl

>> No.17579601


Yes, you could get chocolate milk for an additional cost.

>> No.17579620

You can't even begin to understand how cucked Americans are, they think some little kid working a job to pay off his lunch debt is a wholesome feel-good story

>> No.17579644
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American soft power wins again

>> No.17579724

Why would you even have buildings in Hike School?
Get outside and start walking you fat shit!

>> No.17579897

Because it's cheaper to prevent malnutrition in kids than to deal with the resulting impact on their psyche. Low-IQ, malnourished or obese adults cost more through the legal/prison, social security and healthcare systems, are less productive and pay less in taxes. It is in your best interest to pay for better education and healthier school lunches.

>> No.17580062

Unironically better than being served ersatz burger and fries. At least you know that stuff is made fresh with actual produce instead of made in a factory and frozen.

>> No.17580653

You mean English. Scots get free school meals regardless of income.

Amazing what you can do with English tax surplus

>> No.17580740

Americans get free school lunches if the kid's family falls below a certain income threshold. Any stories you see about 'lunch debt' are about families that make enough money to pay for their kid's lunch, but they choose not to. Then those fucking deadbeats go on social media and cry about getting a bill for the food their kid ate.

It's all pretty fucking stupid. If those families were actually poor, then their kid would get free food. But they aren't poor, they just don't want to spend money feeding their kid. Pathetic.

>> No.17580746

I'm glad my elementary school had a salad bar, this shit looks like it'd give me a tummy ache at any age

>> No.17580760

Chocolate milk in schools is part of the reason childhood obesity is such a problem

>> No.17580822

adolescent metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes linked up?
need it or keep it

>> No.17580829

Cause we actually get some sun. Go die of skin cancer

>> No.17581025

I live in one of the richest countries(Norway) and school lunches have never been free

>> No.17581039

Fucking poverty tier shit on the right

>> No.17581089

i didnt eat school dinners because im not some mouthbreathing goblin and my mother cared enough about me to make sandwiches the night before