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File: 112 KB, 1600x1167, depositphotos_160304030-stock-photo-raw-suckling-pig-on-a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17571490 No.17571490 [Reply] [Original]

How best to prepare a suckling pig at home?

>> No.17571492

Have you killed it yet?

>> No.17571495

Just sleeping.

>> No.17571505

Make a turducken then put in inside then. Then shove the whole thing up your ass bitch

>> No.17571507

Are pigs people?

>> No.17571526

Depends on your home. What gear do you have?

Do you have access to a big bbq in which you could spit roast the piglet?
If so, I would go with this. (Cooking temperature should be lowish and slowish (but not hipster level, armpit temperature for three weeks) and cooking time depends on weight - you can look this up quickly online. Make sure you have a steak thermometer or similar.

I am very partial to sweetish and mustardy bbq sauces and glazes. A simple seasoning rub inside and out after singeing off excess hairs (should be quick) should be enough other than the sauce and glaze.

I like to serve with vinegrette and capers style potato salad (some people call it german style, others call it french), butter basted green peas, some more bbq sauce or apple sauce (my choice), and lager.

If you don't have a large aetup, it might get hard to cook piglets "to perfection." You could try in the oven depending on your pgilet's size and your oven's size, but ideally this tends not to work well. My friend tried it once, but he is also not very comfy with cooking meat in general so maybe it was his bad. Not sure.

Good luck, and please post a follow up on how things turned out!

>> No.17571539

I'm not gonna cook it anytime soon chief, I've just got an idea for this year's Christmas. Suckling pigs cost a lot where I'm at.

I've got a decent sized fire pit in the yard, so I guess I could cook it over that, rotating it and what not.

>> No.17572804

sounds like fat people food. try oregano and butter. fattie

>> No.17572873

Sleep tight pigger

>> No.17572883

You probably need nipple cream i heard can get chapped breast feeding.

I don't know how long you'd need to breast feed a pig for.

>> No.17572888

Rub the piglet liberally with Olive oil then place it in a Pan, then fuck the shit out of it.

>> No.17572922

Fingerbang or jerk it off before you kill it. The endorphins it releases will make a noticeable difference

>> No.17573298


>> No.17573304

Kill yourself

>> No.17573491


>> No.17574784


>> No.17574790
File: 26 KB, 481x370, depardieu consuming the pork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just roast it, no need for fancy extras

>> No.17574959

Barrel smoker and an iron spit. That's how I've seen it done. Never done it myself.

>> No.17574973

THAT'S what suckling pig is?! I've never eaten it, but god damn, just call it a piglet you unscrupulous veal-mongers

>> No.17574990

Start by KYS

>> No.17575158

It's not just a piglet, it's a piglet that has not yet gone on to solids and get's all its nutrition from its mother's milk, hence the term "suckling" pig.