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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17567783 No.17567783 [Reply] [Original]

Big boy edition

>> No.17568517

I just ordered some cod liver. What am I in for?

>> No.17568567

i fell for the meme and got some canned sardines
do i just break bread and eat it with sardines?

>> No.17568592

If they’re breisling or sprats, I like to mix them into pasta or into a mayo based salad, desu. If they’re larger deenz like matiz, I just serve them on toasted sourdough with a little kosher salt and pepper, desu.

>> No.17568729

Should I be getting these plain or flavored? I tried rosemary sardines the other day but couldnt really taste anything but the oil the fellas were in

>> No.17568755

I love it. It has a pretty delicate flavor and lacks the metallic, bitter taste of beef, pork or chicken liver. It's very greasy and the texture is soft as butter, you can quite easily spread it like a pate. I usually eat it on a piece of toast with a few capers.

>> No.17568863

I like briesling in cracked pepper or tomato sauce and larger deenz in just olive oil.

I like mackerel and kippers in just olive oil, desu.

>> No.17568869

for me it's kippered deenz fillets cooked with oats

>> No.17568887
File: 77 KB, 600x600, 077011_Smoked_Mussels_Packed_Olice_Oil_Coles___26646.1588098944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got trader joes brand smoked mussels and saw this other brand for $6 a tin at wegman's, so bought those to do a side by side taste test.

I guess patagonia also sells smoked mussels? I did not buy those since I found that upsetting.

>> No.17568888

>kippered sardines
Is this just kipper snacks

>> No.17568898

Coles smoked salmon is fine, it’s just very disappointing, just a bland fishy mass with no color. Not worth the price.

However, canned salmon is generally bland in general so I’m. It sure what I expected.

>> No.17568906

I havent ventured into tinned salmon yet. Hopefully the mussels are better

>> No.17569381

Oh fuck that sounds good. I love capers.

>> No.17570365

Thinkin bout getting some nuri to have something good as a last meal if the need arises to have a last meal.
They worth the hype?

>> No.17570557

thanks for the tips anon I will try them

>> No.17571451
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Bump for the mack

>> No.17572321
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>> No.17572728
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bumping with yellowfin tuna

>> No.17573261

for dinner I had some rigatoni with vodka sauce that i mashed a can of sardines into. it was based. I used rolands

>> No.17573573
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Take the trout pill. I'm not sure I can go back to deenz.

>> No.17573597
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>tfw mussels are the fishiest thing i can get in a can

i want to taste the oceans asshole
its not fishy enough

>> No.17573722

are you fucking serious? Trout tastes like fucking mud. Shit tier fish meat

>> No.17573942

i had some smoked trout and it was delicious

>> No.17573951

>sautee onions and mushrooms in olive oil and butter
>add in some canned tomatoes
>oregano, salt and pepper
>throw in a can of sardines and the olive oil theyre packed in
>simmer for like 10 minutes
>serve on spaghetti

>> No.17575388

Bros, is it safe to eat deenz every morning? I also indulge in tuna once a week.

>> No.17575394

What are you worried about? Mercury?

>> No.17575482

I only like brislings/sprats in olive oil. No other deen or packing liquid will do

>> No.17575696

Sardines are probably "fine" to eat daily since they're forage fish, no real issues with mercury or metals. I'm more worried about you eating something so salty every morning, I would probably try to limit it a bit unless you somehow have to eat it every day.

Might want to watch the tuna. Once a week is alright but mercury can cause memory probs when ya old.

The long and short is there's very few things you should eat "every day" besides like oatmeal or eggs or something. Moderate what you eat, and switch around as able.

>> No.17575706
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>interesting, never tried this brand before...

>> No.17575736

Is there any place where I can buy cheap, canned anchovies?
I love anchovies but they are super expensive and I want to stock up on them

>> No.17575748
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I'd like a recipe for deenz spread on crackers please

>> No.17575765

i'm talkin bout deeeeenz
if you know what i meaaaan

>> No.17575805
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my friend got me these for christmas. which one should i open?

>> No.17575810
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i had these last week, they were really nice on bread

>> No.17576867
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I might have a thing for deenz in tomato sauce.

>> No.17576896

My default is deenz in tomato sauce with a bit of hot sauce. A dab of mayonnaise in addition works well for me.

>> No.17576913

One of my preferred Deenz dinners is a bunch of plain white rice, sprinkled with Dark s oy sauce and some tomato sauce deens added on top. Should be enough rice that a single small can of deens allows for a bite of fish with every forkful
If you like, you can also add a little ketchup, it's better with some tomato paste but you're more likely to have ketchup at work or wherever you take this

>> No.17576931

I meant to ask in this post >>17576896, has anyone else tried deenz with mayonnaise and if so did you like it?

>> No.17576944
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Any britbongs in here? I normally get my deenz from sainsburys, but I was at tesco today and saw these. Anyone tried them?

Just interested since they're 40p. I got a few cans but I'm away from home for the next couple of days. Just wondering if I've been wasting my money these last couple of years

>> No.17576965

Is that like 53 cents American? Seems like a good deal if when you eat them you don't have any negative thoughts.

>> No.17576988

Yeah, around that.

They're okay, I've had better obviously but they're good for the price. I'd say honestly it's one of the best things you can get in a shop for that price. I think the only thing of better value I've seen was the pack of bacon offcuts for 75p

>> No.17577007
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I tried some peppered herring, didn’t like it. No flavor other than a fishy taste.

>> No.17577017
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I got lucky however because I also bought a 12-pack of Mediterranean style mackerel, which were fantastic in every way.

>> No.17577523
File: 789 KB, 1920x1440, 2022-03-19 18.35.15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made egg dwop soup for lunch today and had a nice side of deenz with it

>> No.17577556

They're great considering the price, but I prefer tesco's mackerel in spicy tomato sauce

>> No.17577573

That looks good, what brand is it?

>> No.17577577

Lmao that's not egg drop soup. That's soup that has a bunch of scrambled egg in it

>> No.17577594

King Oscar.

>> No.17577601

Looks good bro. Maybe a little too many eggs

>> No.17577620

it's still egg drop soup even if it's not stringy
only 2!

>> No.17577633

That's like saying it's still carbonara if you spoon scrambled eggs into buttered pasta

>> No.17577636

no it's not, they're two different dishes. why are you so mad?

>> No.17577649

I'm not mad. You're the one that fucked up your soup. I think it's funny

>> No.17577799
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Luv me 'deenz in tomato sauce
Luv me heavy drizzle of Frank's RedHot on it
Simple as

>> No.17578966

What do you anons do with the oil if you're not using it to fry something?

>> No.17579331

soak it in bread. give it to the cats as a treat

>> No.17579916
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>scrambled egg soup

>> No.17580120

who is this amber wrangler

>> No.17580323

the mediterranean flavor of this is GOAT

>> No.17581171

What are some good low-carb recipes for canned sardines?

>> No.17581470

why is this so flavorful and chewy

>> No.17582365

I love fish!

>> No.17582425
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>> No.17582539
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if youre British, how about buying a rod and catching your own mackerel sometime? They usually come around in August September pretty much anywhere coastal. All you need is a 20g spinning rod, size 2000 reel with 15lb braid and a little silver spoon, cheap as fuck! and barrels of fun

>> No.17582544

but who puts them in the can??

>> No.17582559

>>17581171 this minus the spaghetti

>> No.17582575
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Britbros, my mom ordered me some arbroath smokies, what am in for?

>inb4 they’re not technically canned fish

>> No.17582590

I made sardine salad (like tuna salad) and it was delicious.

>> No.17582652
File: 2.34 MB, 2772x3896, IMG_20211015_000842-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do! Except its a metal smoker

use alder chips, so fucking good

>> No.17582679

>You do!
nigga i dont own cans
imma buy at the shoppe

>> No.17582688

but... but... you're making this very frustrating for me!!!

>> No.17582695

id smoke you with the fish

>> No.17582758

How does one get into deenz?

I'm on a diet and looking some simple, quickunch ideas and all the recipes I see posted in /deenz/ threads sound good. However, I haven't had deenz or any other cannes seafood outside of tuna on rare occasions. Do they all have bones? Is that something you can eat or do you need to debone them? What's some good recipes and what type of deenz should I start off with?

>> No.17582777

the bones are so small and soft they're literally unnoticeable
you can crunch through the whole skull without problem

>> No.17582787
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Love me some deens and pickles. I put a childhood towel down so I don't make a mess on my giza dream sheets while I watch wwf raw from 1999

>> No.17582818
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I really like these photos. Mine are not good, but I would like to share my high-definition deenz autism.

>> No.17582829
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>> No.17582848
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>> No.17582856
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>> No.17582863
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>> No.17582888
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>> No.17582892
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>> No.17582951

get matiz deenz, serve on toasted bread with a little kosher salt and lemon juice

>> No.17582957
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>> No.17582968

Lovely deenz

>> No.17583006
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>> No.17583012
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>> No.17583016
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>> No.17583019
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>> No.17583025
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>> No.17583037

Great pictures

>> No.17583048

Thank you friends

>> No.17583253

my nigger

>> No.17583405

Tried canned tuna belly. I normally dont like tuna, but it was awesome. Sad about the price though. Also does anybody have any recipes to make sardines better by themselves, like throwing them into a pan and adding stuff?

>> No.17583755


>> No.17584651

Same anon, what did you make it with? I tried deenz in tomato sauce, ultra finely chopped celery, mayonnaise and dill. It was close to what I was hoping for, but somehow not quite there.

>> No.17584674
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Deenz are great an all, but Chadz are where it's at.

>> No.17585209

horse mackerel are also very good fun on the rod yeah, ugly fuckers though

>> No.17586064
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take the cod liver pill

>> No.17586538
File: 29 KB, 474x360, brisling deenz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brisling sardines drained of the oil or water theyre packed in
>red onion (or green onion)
>yellow mustard
>salt & pepper
>lemon juice
>maybe like half a tablespoon or so of extra virgin olive oil
>mix it all up until the deenz are completely mushed and fully integrated into the mix

you can sub the deenz for mack or yellowfin

>> No.17586546

Any good Wal-Mart wine I can sip while eating deenz?

>> No.17586555

get you a bottle of barefoot white wine and some chicken of the sea sardines in olive oil and have a trailer trash seafood feast

>> No.17586639

For dinner I’m going to slice 2 hard bottled eggs height wise and serve on king Oscar kippers with red onion all on top of toasted sourdough

>> No.17586653


I'm in Mor. Mexico, so I'm practically the spic equivelant of white hicks

>> No.17586880

u need eater urop vodka for deenz

>> No.17586899

Next time you make egg drop, mix a little b8t of cornstarch into the broth, it gives it that nice snotty consistency. Take the eggs and slowly pour it into the soup while you stirr it gently

>> No.17587327

Sounds delightful

>> No.17587472
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I got a can of this, can anyone tell me what I'm in for?

>> No.17587505
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Is canned meat/fish good for you? What are the healthiest/tastiest/best brands.

>> No.17589022

Sardines are filled with fatty acids and omega 3s and stuff, they’re good for you.

>> No.17589028
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What am I in for?

>> No.17589715
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bump desu senpai

>> No.17589722

Soy isn't filtered here you fucking dingleberry

>> No.17590306

what about preservatives

>> No.17590494
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Aint worried about demz. Herring boys in the house tonight.

>> No.17591055

anyone got any quick easy pasta recipes

>> No.17591154
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not even meming
throw some canned seafood and parsley in, sub milk for evap milk or cream and youre golden

>> No.17591439
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Where can I get pic related (and not for $50 for 4pcs)?
They are first cooked to remove the extra moisture and then canned.

See: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpTwHAt0Zxw

>> No.17591442

Dark shits.

>> No.17592083
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>> No.17592087

World Market has them for $5 a can which is the cheapest I've seen. The tomato sauce ones are legit the best deenz I've ever had. The regular olive oil variety was too salty for my liking.


>> No.17592247
File: 1.39 MB, 2343x1874, A766ACE9-0940-4886-AC52-B74838339DD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As much as I like Nuri sardines, some other brands are also very good and cost less. Santo Amaro deenz are half the price online.

>> No.17592821

i ate them last night for dinner. they were cold from the fridge but they were good. once the food and the plate had heated them a little they broke apart and could be mixed in a but better. i enjoyed them and will get more. they were in no way salty, maybe need more salt if anything.

>> No.17592828

i ate one hot from the smoker one day at a country fair in scotland and it was delicious. took another of the same product home and ate it cold the next day. it was still good.