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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 560 KB, 828x896, 1F84F68F-D73C-4BB1-97B0-5E92C75C583B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17566983 No.17566983[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How hard is it to microwave a burger? I’m tired of the laziness and the shit-tier hoodrats mcdonalds employees. Go back on welfare!

>> No.17567001


>> No.17567003

Judgin by those fingers I'd say you're a little lost, boy. Why don't you git and join the other coloreds on Facebook or wherever you people go

>> No.17567005

whenever I pass by places like mcdonalds they proudly have it posted that they're paying 11 or 12 dollars an hour, now what caliber of people would work there for that wage when the walmart or amazon down the street start at 15-17

>> No.17567006

I’m a little drunk anons

>> No.17567009

>”Mom I said it again!”

>> No.17567013

>You people
Can’t imagine you’re doing much with your life sitting at your keyboard in the basement. Kys Incel, go back to /pol/

>> No.17567027

>half the burger gone
Do you not look at your food

>> No.17567036

Too busy driving. I’m extremely drunk as well so I couldn’t really tell off of taste

>> No.17567043

>driving drunk
The employee was trying to save lives by killing you with undercooked beef

>> No.17567048

some people can drive drunk and others can’t. If someone hits me I’ll just ditch my car

>> No.17567081

The world would be a much better place if you and all the rest of the niggers didn't exist.

>> No.17567085

>No mention of women at all
Do you just spout insults without thinking? He's a racist, not necessarily an Incel you dumbfuck.

>> No.17567089

Have fun raising my mutt babies, Whitey!

>> No.17567106

It's weird that the pickles are on the bottom, but how exactly is that going to poison you?

>> No.17567113

I live in an area where the closest thing we have to niggers are the gorillas at the local zoo. It's kind of like an American prison with those low IQ barely-sentient creatures locked behind bars.

>> No.17567116

I had two double quarter pounders with cheese yesterday and they were delicious. This was the first time I've been to McDonald's this year and it was pretty tasty.

>> No.17567122
File: 8 KB, 205x246, 2170A468-CEF1-4CC5-B776-4CC2ECCF55C9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, we’re genetically superior. Eventually your kind will get bred out of existence

>> No.17567136

it's very noble that you people know you're incapable of raising children so you give them to us, your superiors. I just wish we could teach you how contraceptives worked. but then if you were capable of long term thinking, you wouldn't be a nigger.

>> No.17567157

This is a cooking board you degenerate piece of shit,

>> No.17567178

we had this thread a couple of weeks ago with the same pic. basically, kys faggot

>> No.17567190

Looks like the grill settings need to be calibrated, it's not procedure to check each patty through the day you idiot

>> No.17567191

Go back to the cave you live in, Tranny

>> No.17567203

He's right. the term you should've used would be 'chud', or the general insults of asswipe, sperm waste, load blower, cocksucker, honkey, cracker, saltine, pale skin, ghost skin, etc. Any number of those would have been the more appropriate insulting term.

>> No.17567209

The term I should’ve used is kill yourself

>> No.17567315

Hahaha they heard your kinky haired voice jiggaboo and wanted to kill you, based wage cucks