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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17565091 No.17565091 [Reply] [Original]

Please make sure that when you shopper at TJ's, or any retail store really, you are mindful and gracious towards your local essential workers. Here is a list of the following things to keep in mind:
> Don't try to barter prices with people who have no power over them
>You're not going to love every free sample, but don't complain about them
>It's much more helpful if you throw away your trash
Whether you're at the demo station or elsewhere around the store, it's super important to pick up your trash.

Leaving empty cups and open packages is unsanitary and a nuisance to employees.
>Don't blame the employees for the store's small parking lot
>Forgetting to put your cart back makes everyone's job harder
Leaving carts all over is a headache and wastes space in what's usually an already small lot.

There are several designated areas where you can return your cart, which helps the employees keep the space neat and safe for everyone.
Leaving carts all over is a headache and wastes space in what's usually an already small lot.
>If you need help with something, please ask nicely
>The cashiers are trying to keep the line moving, so be patient
>If you have a big shopping list, don't come right before closing
>Try coming in at least an hour before closing if you have a huge list.

The night crew working the last shift has to stay until every customer leaves, so coming in 10 minutes before closing can cause the employees to stay longer than they're supposed to.
>If Trader Joe's has discontinued a product, there's no use arguing about it
>The employees aren't forced to be happy, so don't treat them like robots

>> No.17565099

Why should I care what some wage thinks?

>> No.17565104

Before I enter shop, I set goal. Then I enter shop, ignore everyone and everything that does not help me get goal. Get goal. Leave. Never fall for degenerate marketing tactics

>> No.17565107

TJ has the best BBQ sauce, Its that garlic sriracha one. Mine hasnt done samples in a long time but to be fair i dont go there a lot.

>> No.17565113

aside from the last one all of these are just
>don't behave like an unshaven ape

>> No.17565180
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Delet this

>> No.17565196

Because they're human

>> No.17565228

The fact that someone had to list them as specific items... somehow I'm not really surprised though.

>> No.17565262

>#1. shop at trader joes
>#2-10 see #1

>> No.17565272


sounds like some wagie bs bait anyway. who cares

>> No.17565282

If they're human why do they lack the agency to go work somewhere else?

>> No.17565291

So are pedophiled and jews, not everything is a shared experience. You can take a year or less of classes at any tech college and start making $35k a year, minimum. I dont want to hear someone complain about washing dishes or folding clothes at Target if they are able bodied

>> No.17565294

not everyone can be a rocket scientist anon, now flip my burger.

>> No.17565363

$35k seems exactly what someone working at Trader Joe's or Target should make. Thats barely enough money to live for doing a job that basically anyone can do.

Thats only decent money if you have no expenses other than entertainment for one at home because you live with your parents, have no friends, and can't/don't date.

>> No.17565374

I like the people who use their backpack or satchel instead of a basket and then complain when security thinks they are shoplifting.
Honestly you have no idea how retarded people are until you've worked in a supermarket.
You might think you do, but you really don't.
I see square-peg round-hole shit every single day in my store, and I'm constantly astonished that these people are even alive.

>> No.17565381

But the worst are the customers who smell bad.
I'll take the retard who can't even open a plastic bag over the guy who smells like hot garbage any day.

>> No.17565399

dumb gay bitch gaylord faggot

>> No.17565412


>> No.17565644

I worked at a supermarket in a pretty poor area years and years ago.
In that case, I don't doubt that people are just dumb, but a lot of them were also on drugs and/or drunk.
And somebody stole one(1) tube of KY jelly once a week, every week, and we were never able to catch them. After a while it wasn't even about product loss, we just wanted to see who the master thief was who went through one tube of KY a week.

>> No.17566546
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>> No.17566554

urban shithole detected

>> No.17566593

ah yes the writings of an enlightened 18 y/o

>> No.17566603

I was a greasy, long-haired full-time night stocker at a grocery store for 4 years in my 20's; I had exactly one negative customer experience, zero negative experiences with my bosses (including the ones other employees claimed were "assholes"), was chewed out zero times, and saw easily 100 employees fired/walk out within a week of starting.

Anytime I see someone complain about retail I instantly know they are lazy, inattentive, incompetent or rude, because after literally thousands of times helping customers with problems, most of which had nothing that could be done about, I had one that didn't end with "Oh it's not your fault, thank you for your help".

>> No.17566624
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how do we know the proofs are in there if it's unopened? checkmate

>linking a yahoo click bait top 10 article
how braindead are you?

>> No.17566832

>You can take a year or less of classes at any tech college and start making $35k a year, minimum.
are you unironically a boomer? this kind of delusion only shows up in the older vintages.

>> No.17566860

Because having money doesnt make you less of an ape

>> No.17566878

Because small towns arent full of retards, parking lots, garbage, and shopping carts? Stop lying, inferiority complex.>>17566554

>> No.17566902

>how braindead are you?
Well he’s shitposting, so...

>> No.17566950

It's fun to make fun of wagies but not because they're working shit jobs but because of the dystopic conditions of their workplaces. I worked some wagie jobs in the past, I wanted to die. I'm lucky enough I don't have to do that shit anymore, have some fucking empathy

>> No.17566967

1. true
2. feedback is the point of samples you dumb cunt
3. no shit

>> No.17566969

>I worked as a Trader Joes employee for nearly 3 year
yeah probably as the media/marketing manager

pls all these fake ''employee tips'' etc is the new form of guerilla marketing. They trying to sell people insider scoops or do some new public branding, etc. I suspect the ''shopper behavior'' centric hit pieces are just some sort of shaming/humiliation to try and drive a different kind of consumer/audience.

>> No.17566979

if no one worked at the store you'd complain

>> No.17566991

I hate this new style of soft marketing

>> No.17566996

How do you know? Is there a store that doesn’t have employees?

>> No.17567007

It’s hardly new. 4chan is a marketing and surveillance platform, didn’t you know?

>> No.17567016

Oh I've been aware. I'm just commenting on the fact I particularly dislike this flavor of ''organic'' (tm) consumer opinion pieces. It's all marketing media placements.
I noticed it first a few years ago when employees started posting TikTok hacks and never got retribution in terms of privacy policy.
I think the brands just watched the positive response in terms of marketing, customers going out to try ''secret menus'' or ''tricks/tips''...etc
I just don't like this script flip of it being a ''former employee'' dishing out secrets etc.

>> No.17567017

Yeah? $35k is nothing. You can drive a fork lift and make that. If you go to a trade school you can be making $60k+ in commercial HVAC+R within 2 years(1 year of school, 1 year in the field where you still might make like $48k).

>> No.17567022

no, because then people would steal shit

>> No.17567059

man I work retail and I still think this guy is a whiny bitch

>> No.17567103

Small towns suck too. Follow retirees if you want to live properly. The schools will suck but they'll still pay a 16 year old 15/hour to round up carts, pick up trash, bag groceries because the old farts won't and demand it.

>> No.17567117

ok, definitely either a boomer or someone larping as a boomer. solid 8/10

>> No.17567418

So what? They're working in a role notorious for being shit. They don't really have anything to complain about considering how there are a million other jobs you could get at the same pay level that aren't shit. I worked shitty jobs like this when I was younger, when I got tired of one I could just quit and easily find another shitty low-paying job requiring 0 experience like this and hop around until you find something good. I have 0 sympathy for people who work shit jobs like this like at giant corporations that throw you under the bus like Walmart or super shitty consumer facing stuff like grocery stores or movie theaters. Go find a small business that will treat you like a human being or a corporate job that's not consumer facing if you don't like it. It's not super hard, these jobs don't require any credentials.

>> No.17567494

>my entire life is dependent on others yet I feel superior to them
OP is still a faggot as usual though.

>> No.17567498

>implying the slaves are better than the pharaoh

>> No.17567516

I like to walk my dog and save their shit in a bag, then dump it on the floor when I visit.

>> No.17567587

Okay, then talk with your union rep about having store hours officially pushed back so that the store closes at 8:45.
One of my favorite local restaurants is closed 2/7 days a week and only operates from 4pm to 8pm, it's obvious that the limited hours are there for employee benefit, and the employees are likewise very obviously happy, I don't mind limited hours.
I do mind being told that I can come in until a certain time and then you pissing your pants when I'm explicitly fucking allowed to be there you fucking faggot.

>> No.17567774

gb2r. Anyone who has a halfway decent work ethic and two brain cells to rub together can get a technical certification and make more than $35k with no experience.

>> No.17567781

You don't really believe that, do you?

>> No.17567790

What's up with all these self-important "I work at X, here's what you shouldn't do at X!" I don't give a single fuck about your "rules" wagie. I'll do whatever I please and you WILL clean up after me.

>> No.17567799

i dont really get complaining about customers leaving their shopping carts around everywhere. when i used to work retail, i LOVED that shit. time spent outside pushing carts around was time not spent having to dick around fixing shelves and talking to retards.

>> No.17567802

you should print this out and show this to your parents. then again, they probably raised you to be this way. pathetic

>> No.17567807

Keep acting as if everyone is a helpless victim of circumstance, I am sure your life will turn out great

>> No.17567821

>bend over backwards, for free, so wagies don’t have to do their jobs
Friendly reminder this belief originates in leftists trying to instil a sense of class camaraderie. That is, they’re saying “the working class should work together to scam as much money off the owners of the means of production as possible”. In this scenario, they’re trying to convince shoppers to help wagies get paid for not doing their job, because it means less of the wagie’s labour is being ‘stolen’ by his ‘capitalist’ boss.

>> No.17567834
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Most higher-end trade certifications like HVAC and plumbing only cost a couple grand. You can do the shittier jobs like roofing with basically no experience. Plenty of states also offer free community college, which you can switch out of to a state school with cheap in-state tuition that's covered by federal student loans.

>> No.17567863

Gay orgies

>> No.17567869

T. Has never applied for a job in a position that wasn’t saturated with applicants

>> No.17567874

You can get free tuition even if you don't live in one of those states. Gubbermint gave me a full ride through community college, and even let me keep the money I didn't use so I put it towards my first car.

>> No.17567876

>no counterargument

>> No.17567881

> Don't try to barter prices with people who have no power over them
Do people actually try to barter at a grocery store? It's not like we're in Europe.

>> No.17567885

>parents are the same as random strangers being paid to do a job

>> No.17567890

Sounds like a very kosher lifestyle practise

>> No.17567914

Yeah there's really no excuse to not be making at least $50k if you're a wagie, whether that's in the trades or an office job that requires a degree. The real jump that's hard to make is going from high-end wagie to a position that actually requires capital, like the founder of a small business or a startup.

>> No.17567967

i support shopping cart nationalism. the rest is just wagies complaining about their easy, low IQ job.

>> No.17568039

Not my problem

>> No.17568111

who is generating trash while shopping?

>> No.17568274

The employees

>> No.17568324

how do you realistically expect to both, be served and eat in 15 minutes tho?

>> No.17568337

don't you hate it when you get paid to do a JOB and you then have to actually do the aforementioned JOB?

>> No.17568369

Yeah, sub human.

>> No.17568573

Why do you feel entitled to shop after the posted hours? Feel free to come in at 8:50, but you've got 10 minutes to check out nigger. You don't get to pop in right before close and take as long as you want.

>> No.17568716

kys you stupid tranny zoomer. If I want to come in at 8:45 and shop for an hour, I'll do what the fuck I want to. You're PAID to serve the customers in a customer service job. If you don't like it switch careers you mouth breathing, drooling retard of a monke.

>> No.17568733

>> Don't try to barter prices with people who have no power over them
Every single time this happened it was always some fucking Pajeet who could barely speak english.
This is a grocery store, not a pawn shop you fucking retards. If you don't want to pay $1.69 for an orange, you put it back and go somewhere else

>> No.17568749

You have no proof of this.

>> No.17568770

What does this have to do with food or cooking?

>> No.17568807

I'm paid to escort customers out of the store past close you schizophrenic delusional boomer retard. Day of the pillow can't come quick enough

>> No.17568808

this type of passive aggressive bullshit only makes me want to abuse grocery store workers even more

>> No.17568830
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Oh yeah?

>> No.17568879

I mean, the slaves are better. Look at slaves, peasants, overthrowing their kings all throughout history and the king's army being powerless to stop it.

>> No.17568886

I work Longshore, walked into a Horizon lines and got the job that day. Starting pay was 35hr. Didn't graduate high school, but it's easy manual labor, loading freight, locking down vans, truck driving, forklift, etc.

Now I'm pulling 56/hr since I've been at it a decade. Pretty great gig.

>> No.17568890
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You fucking losers, you fell for another wagie hate thread planted by /pol/.
Quit using your brains for buttplugs.
Don't feed the trolls.

>> No.17569403
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If I leave a grocery store mad, I will ram and scrape my cart into the most expensive vehicle near mine in the hopes that they get angry enough to never shop there again.
Mask mandates have made me do this quite a few times.

>> No.17569840

>company makes you mad
>go attack innocent civilians

>> No.17569862

Fuck expensive car owners.

>> No.17569873

>be served and eat
That's not how Trader Joe's works.
For a sit-down restaurant I will observe a "45 minutes or more before posted closing" rule.

>> No.17569882

this is bait

>> No.17570418

Touch me and I'll stab you, rent-a-cop.

>> No.17570424

How the fuck is that our problem?

>> No.17570446

I shave

>> No.17570755

Based boomer

>> No.17570804

Don't worry, they think you're a fag too

>> No.17570810

Yeah totally stable and sounds like a good customer. Just kidding, I'd happily kick your ass out of my store and tell you to not come back. Don't need some smoothbrain boomer's money

>> No.17571514

You'd have to trespass me then call the cops, by which time they arrive, I'll be long gone anyway. If you touch me thats assault and battery and I will shank you in self defense.

>> No.17571518


>> No.17571563

I'll lock you in the freezer and throw your body in the trash compactor. You will never be found.

>> No.17571586

They were shoplifting