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17561720 No.17561720 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17561733
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Not sure if it counts.
But I ate in one of those "black-out" restaurants It's where they stick you in a pitch black room and make you guess what you're eating.
It was salmon and prune salad.
Salmon was a little dry and easy to guess, but the prune salad was great.

Here's a picture I took.

>> No.17562117

deep fried caviar
seemed utterly retarded to me and it turned out it was

>> No.17562180


>> No.17562209

Oyster was the most disgusting. Chicken hearts probably what is the strangest to many people.

>> No.17562225

T. American

>> No.17562239

one time i thought i was ordering cheese dip but instead they bought a hot cast iron griddle to the table and started to cook chorizo and melted cheese on it and them combine it into a stringy, sloppy mess

name of the dish was "queso fundido" i believe

probably normal to most of you, but that shit was wtf, didn't even take a bite, waitress probably thought i was disgusted by her and/or her cooking

>> No.17562246

chocolate grasshopper or ant or some shit like that, and a dog treat that looked like an oreo

>> No.17562578

Chicken Feet, but not like any normal chicken feet you've ever had. I like them hot and crisped with some sort of sauce/marinade, but I ordered them once from a hole in the wall dim sum place and received literal collagen mush, no sauce, with loose broken bone fragments in it. It's like the chef actually chose to smash the bones instead of just serving it claws and all like any normal person. There was no taste, it was room temp, and the three feet were served on an absurdly large dinner serving tray.

>> No.17562584

That sounds tasty and basic as fuck. How autistic and homebody are you to think that’s weird? Do you just eat tendies and Mac and cheese all day?

>> No.17562594
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Shot and roasted a gull on a hiking/hunting trip once.
By far the nastiest thing I have ever eaten and we threw it away after trying it.
Thankfully also bagged a couple of hares, which were a lot more palatable.

>> No.17563174

wipeepo be like
as a chilean I don't know why like 80 percent of people I've met don't and will never try seafood, some won't even try fish outside of a taco.

>> No.17563192

>country is one long strip of coastline
>residents are scared of fish

>> No.17563214

Phaesant. Also a friend made a deer and cheese dip. I know fags that hunt but cant cook for shit

>> No.17563218

Antelope in south africa. Tasted just like game, pretty good.

>> No.17563297



Used to eat salted chicken hearts with my bud drinking beer and watching the game, good times

>> No.17563317

I tried making a banana curry a while back apropos of nothing, no recipie... Turned out pretty bad but I still ate it.
I've had lots of stuff that old white people would consider weird. Horse whale, chicken fetus, bug candy. The chicken fetus (balut) was great.

>> No.17563380

It's usually just Oaxaca cheese which is super similar to mozzarella. There's an Italian dish that's exactly the same thing. Why was melted cheese off-putting to you when you're ordered cheese dip?

>> No.17563403

Isn't that a typical Mexican dish? I've seen that served in Mexican restaurants over here in the UK and in Spain

>> No.17563517

>probably normal to most of you
whats your ethnicity
I refuse to believe any human being thinks cheese and sausage is weird

>> No.17563543

It was either beef or pork tongue. It's hard to explain how much it feels like chewing on your own tongue, but it tasted nice otherwise. The texture isn't even bad, it's very soft, but it's hard to get past feeling like it's your own tongue.

>> No.17563562

>orders melted cheese
>disgusted when it's combined with meat
>continues to complain about it to this day
Just non-white things lol.

>> No.17563568

It sounds like it should have been normal to you. They basically made a cheese dip in front of you. How do you think cheese dip is made anyway? You sound like a retarded simpleton or a basic bitch. Stick to your Applebees quesadillas and I pray for anyone you date for having to put up with your shit.

>> No.17563574

pan fried chicken hearts with cheese ravioli and tomato sauce is an amazing meal.
They go good in a stew too

>> No.17563577

Pigeon with caramelised chicory. It was delicious.

>> No.17563581

Seagull aka "beach chicken" . Gotta love that weird grey meat

>> No.17563587

A piece of dogfood from under the fridge that I thought was a cocopuff.

It's my earliest memory, and the shining moment I realized that I shouldn't just shove every random little thing in my mouth.

>> No.17563595

underrated post, I remember that fad

Carp cum is an absolute delicacy, on a par with sturgeon eggs.

>> No.17563606

I wouldn't call that strange as much as I'd call it uncommon.
But I'm also biased. I've won a couple of competitions in small towns before to see who could catch the biggest pheasant feather.

>> No.17564849

Got emu steaks, cooked them myself. I don't have the most discerning palate, but it tasted like a combination of beef and goat or lamb. Would definitely recommend if you have the cash to pay 15$/lb (or more) for it.

>> No.17564924

I tried swordfish and octopus, this was on corfu, the swordfish was nice and meaty but the octopus came as a massive slab and was tough as old boots

>> No.17564933

Rent free.

>> No.17564939

Had pheasant once at a super old weird in in the middle of no where England. Was a bit dry and unremarkable. I was like 9 or ten tho

>> No.17564980

I've been dying to try something like that but with ostrich.
Smoking an ostrich leg is high on my bucket list, alongside wholesale alligator.

>> No.17565108

I can't find anyone online selling entire legs of ostrich, but you might be able to contact one of the sellers and request it directly, unless you find a local ostrich farm.

>> No.17565163

Dude that stuff is good. What is wrong with you?

>> No.17565173

cringe fucking weirdos

>> No.17565205

ostrich meat is smelly, oily and foul. why the fuck would you eat this you stupid cunt?

>> No.17565211
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you people are deranged

>> No.17565230

To add another one of God's creatures to my stomach.

>> No.17565233

I've seen a couple online in the past.
They usually go for the year old chicks, or you can get the ribs.

>> No.17565820

tastlet child cant handle organ meat.

>> No.17565906

das some good sloppa
you missing out, boy

>> No.17565913

Deep fried bull testicles
Cod eyes
Goat liver paté

>> No.17565982

>Deep fried bull testicles
Just call them rocky mountain oysters like the rest of us do.
Give everyone else the privilege of looking up what that means.

>> No.17566029

Only called that in one part of USA, presumably a region called rocky mountain. That's not the only place they're eaten.

>> No.17566032

here in texas we call em rocky mountain oysters, chud

>> No.17566037

Wild boar

>> No.17566392

Rotten japanese beans

>> No.17566431

>Only called that in one part of USA,
They're called that in a lot of places.
Mainly because the Rocky Mountains are as geologically distant from anywhere that actually grows oysters as you can get.

Its a joke meant to fool people into eating them without realizing what they are, or goad them into asking dumb questions like "So where'd you find oysters in the Rocky mountains?"

>> No.17567212

Never heard of that term before (I'm a cucky Sven). I'll use it from now on.

>> No.17567275
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chicha made by chewing yuca and spitting it in a big bowl so it can ferment for a long time and turn into a alcoholic drink, it tastes terrible.

>> No.17567277

its literally just cheese and sausage wtf

>> No.17567628

Wew what an awful way to get pissed

>> No.17567642

Remember, if anyone asks you what a rocky mountain oyster is, the best response is always "The difference between a bull and a steer".

>> No.17568529

search "tactile dinner"

>> No.17568873

i ate all of these at a single bar in toronto

>> No.17569093

what kind of terrible?

>> No.17569966

Weird, I'd always assumed the name was just like Buffalo wings beings wings whose recipe was created in Buffalo.

>> No.17570086

" they're great, people go nuts for them"

>> No.17570112

I saw this round egg-shaped and sized piece of 'meat' in some goat curry a little while ago and got it. Upon some poking and prodding, it didn't look like a piece of liver or anything so I took a bit and ate it. Gamey-est fucking thing I've ever eaten in my life but I figured in for a penny, etc.

>> No.17570853

autist discovers thick cheese dip with chorizo.

I want to beat the shit out of you.

>> No.17570911

Strange meals:
A whole lamb head
chinese fermented tofu
Duck tongues
Pakistani curried sheep's brain

As for just meats, ostrich, groundhog, squirrel, alligator, kangaroo, probably more

I really liked the brains, they were very delicately flavored with a subtle curry, texture was like a soft custard

>> No.17571590

Raw chicken liver sashimi in Japan.