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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.18 MB, 3024x4032, 7i7v5p5h6en81[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17557407 No.17557407 [Reply] [Original]

This is what they give you for school lunch now. Still hungry 30 minutes later. No energy to learn and do sports. Shame on our schools.

>> No.17557409

If you are American I hope they give you even less I hate fat people so much it is crazy

>> No.17557412
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>> No.17557416

In Australia tax money doesn't buy food for students. Parents have to organise a packed lunch or give their children some money to buy lunch with.

>> No.17557601

and that's a good thing. I bought my cousin a $2 meat pie and gave it to him for a gameboy advance he stole from some kid in english class.

>> No.17557604

lol ok reddit

>> No.17557611

I don't know of a single school that would serve 'just' a burger. You'll usually get a vegetable and a fruit to go with it. For example, my local district normally serves a burger with mixed vegetables and a orange.

>> No.17557691

It's so weird that American schools insist on spending tax money on shitty lunches, but Americans don't want tax funded healthcare. America is the real upside-down country.

>> No.17557713

School lunches are only free in america for niggers.

>> No.17557730

they purposely keep kids "sedated" so they are easier to control and brainwash. dont even let you have your own water bottles at my school. had to beg the teacher to go get a drink at the communal fountain

>> No.17558092

Why dont you bring your own lunch and take control instead of blaming others for every inconvenience you have

>> No.17558095

Please say sike

>> No.17558097

>dont even let you have your own water bottles

what? why? I would sue over that - there's no way they can legally enforce that and you could easily get an injunction against such a ridiculous policy

drinking water is a basic human need

>> No.17558100

Water is a privilege not a right

>> No.17558103

I graduated like 10 years ago and we were allowed water bottles

>> No.17558106


>bottled water is a symbol of white supremacy

>> No.17558173

When i was at school in the UK we had to either take a packed lunch or put money onto a card to buy food, nothing was free for anyone.

>> No.17558178

The school system in America only pays for the food for the "economically disadvantaged". Because their parents are useless pieces of human trash whose only ability is to breed more children they cant afford and everyone else has to pay for up to including their future prison sentences. Because for some having a child is a generational meal ticket to endless gibs me dats from American middle class tax payers.

>> No.17558202

You must be 18 years or older to post on 4channel.org

>> No.17558215


>> No.17558454
File: 154 KB, 1200x796, 1200px-School_lunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you rather have this?

>> No.17558605
File: 75 KB, 620x449, 927686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st world problems bro

pic related is what you get in Bulgaria

>> No.17558609

Stop going to public schools and go to a real one where you actually get an education.

>> No.17558612

Hey how about you get the fuck off our forum. Nobody cares about your little boy problems.

>> No.17558613

But being indoctrinated by lazy marxist teachers is what makes public school education great.

>> No.17558619

**Unlimited access to water is not a human right.
Kind of like how farmers have to pay for the water they use for growing crops.
Good job being psyop'd you dumb bitch. You cant even read properly and you are part of the media's target audience: stupid, gullible, and lacking in critical thinking.
Go read that Nestle article again you slowbrained clown. I hope you never come to a position of power or decision-making.

>> No.17558624

lol owned
All of my public school history teachers were Republicans and based as hell.

>> No.17558689

I hope there was an Advanced Wars cartridge in that bitch, anon.

>> No.17558743

carrot burger?

>> No.17558774
File: 45 KB, 771x383, 3176f812172e8fbf23ed59f9393ab3f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

either the carrot burger or the pic related one

>> No.17558788

>File: 7i7v5p5h6en81

>> No.17558800

no, it had sonic battle in it though.

>> No.17558808

Hey Arnold, the Simpsons and Recess fucking lied to me.

>> No.17558826
File: 96 KB, 640x458, 1647366436449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was my favorite school lunch

>> No.17558848

People pretend not to like school lunch pizza to try and look cool or something but it's actually really fucking good.

>> No.17558864

Imagine living in a country where school lunches were better in the USSR, lmao

>> No.17558898
File: 3.95 MB, 5180x2914, Belgian school food vegetable station.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It sure looks delicious and healthy. Exactly what I'd want my child to have.

>> No.17558937
File: 1.94 MB, 3962x2229, Belgian school food main dish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Main dish is a bit of a disappointment everywhere, no? Unless it's pizza or meatloaf.

>> No.17558944
File: 3.47 MB, 5184x2913, Belgian school food desserts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't let children choose between desserts, but that's me.

>> No.17558997
File: 1.16 MB, 480x360, 2WWbesi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

School meal programs are a colossal scam designed to funnel money into the pockets of gov't officials and their friends. The exact same thing happens in every country with every gov't-funded program, including healthcare. It's painted with a friendly humanitarian lacquer to make it seem appealing to the average joe, but it's always nothing but an incestuous circlejerk of companies and politicians alike throwing money at each other. And in places without these programs or services, you have creditors and """non-profits""" throwing money at each other instead.
t. Canadian

>> No.17559007

OP is obviously trolling, retards. There are zero schools that would literally only provide a plain burger. It's illegal.

>> No.17559026

Don't kill your children with public education.

>> No.17559046

Agreed. Crypto is my only way out of this lower middle class

>> No.17559074

Yet there is photographic proof. What evidence have you provided to your claims other than talking out of your ass?

>> No.17559116
File: 1.66 MB, 755x1357, 1533373461991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>First year of UK high school the 50p fresh oatmeal cookies were fucking massive and tasted good
>Just before I left they cost £1 and were 1/4 their original size
I remember seething all day when I realised how expensive canteen food had become.

>> No.17559158

This reminds me of that Afghan guy who removed half the food from his humanitarian ration just to post a picture of it and complain on Twitter. At least the redditor who took the OP picture remembered to hide the missing food.

>> No.17560076

100% true. it was a combination of things. they tried to say "its not fair to the other kids" so you couldnt have water or any snacks for yourself. they also tried to use an excuse that you could sneak in vodka and shit

>> No.17560099

You're just as mentally ill as a fat person, though. So in a way you are a fat person in my mind, fatty.

>> No.17560112

and thats why i started jacking them in year ten
im not a theif, the baguettes cost me 3.50 and it was dire

>> No.17560139
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>ywn shoot the shit with your buddies at lunch again

>> No.17560147

> be me
> graduated in 2009
Yep, that looks like the "cheeseburgers' they served us. You'd get that, a small little styrofoam cup of over done veggies, plain boiled sliced potatoes, and a shitty little half pint of milk, and you had to pay for it.
Started working as soon as I was able, started bringing in good ass meals and making my vice principal seethe because I was eating better than him.
Now, in my state, shitty ass Aramark has contracts through the schools, and they feed the kids nearly the exact same diet as prisoners in the DRC. Fuck that.

>> No.17560150

get a blue collar job and you definitely can, plus now with beer

>> No.17560185

My mom always brought me lunch during rest time, what kind of shit mothers you guys had that didnt even do that for their son

>> No.17560195

>at my school
Why are there so many underage faggots here still in school? Also, faggots whining about their free school lunches. At least you get free lunch. When I was in school you either brought it or had to buy it.

>> No.17560226

>and you had to pay for it
Shit is annoying, though most poorfag schools have like 90% of students on free/reduced lunch programs. Couldn't qualify and I never wanted to pay for sloppa so I basically skipped lunch all of high school. One time I actually tried to buy some and I was in "debt" so they gave me a sandwich containing a single slice of cold American cheese

>> No.17560462

Schizo zoomer

>> No.17560468

I'm pretty certain I remember there being at least one Kids Next Door episode about this.

>> No.17560477

Your fault for not taking the fruit and salad that comes with every meal.

>> No.17560481

>you either brought it or had to buy it.


>> No.17560492

As nice as this looks, American kids won't eat it. There's too much green veggie stuff.

>> No.17560497

Yeah they act like the poor kids get free or reduced price lunches out of the kindness of their widdle hearts, but then they raise up the people who can pay's meal cost to compensate. Fucking shit bags.
Wish it was like back in the day. Talked to my mom about this years ago when I told her how shitty the food was in school. Back in the 70's and 80's when she was in school, she said they had like an independent staff of lunch ladies come.in and prepare good food fresh daily. She was on that tuna salad's dick for some reason...must.been hellaciously good for her to harp about it 20 years later, kek.

>> No.17560506

That makes no sense. Kids, and people in general get angry and irritable when hungry.

>> No.17560531


>> No.17560534

Wow, is this what its like to live in a country with no lazy mexicans and very little blacks? CRAZY

>> No.17560565

Those are obviously not students. They're all out of school uniform.

>> No.17560599

looks ok

>> No.17560641

Yes very healthy

>> No.17560649

all those flavours and I'd still just stick with good ole chicken' broccoli.

>> No.17560684

Literally more than 50% of school children nationally are on Free and Reduced Lunch.
It's mostly parents fault though for putting up with this garbage and not demanding better. At the very least they could send their kids to school with a packed lunch.

>> No.17560767

I never ate school lunch. We always drove to the city to buy something to eat.

>> No.17560839

School lunch here in Brazil was always great, basically the full meals we have at home, but in school, your standard rice and beans, and a variety of meats, even stroganoff, and of course a variety of salads, and fruits as well. And all of that for "free" (as in, paid from taxes, but still), and it was your pretty normal public school. The breakfast was more boring, some basic sweet bread with margarine and choccy milk, and crackers, but you could get as much as you want so it's fine.

>> No.17561635

ok, sloane peterson

>> No.17561646

is it bad if i want to eat a half-dozen of those horrible fake cheeseburgers rite now

>> No.17561660

kys underage faggot

>> No.17561708

Thanks Michelle Obama

>> No.17561827

this is a reddit appropriated thread
reddit bitch posters

>> No.17561916

So bring some fruit or snacks to bring to school? You pig faggot fuck

>> No.17562247

>Why are there so many underage faggots here still in school?
Welcome to the world of /pol/troll faggits, shitting up the boards anyway they can. They're not underage, they're 30 something shits living in mamas basement, pretending to fight in a meme war.

>> No.17562248

Ok fatty.

>> No.17562256

it's so much better that way, honestly. the temptation for parents to be lazy and let the school feed them chips and beans every day is too great.

>> No.17563153

my school system growing up would literally just give you a slice of american cheese in a hamburger bun and plain milk if you didn't have money for lunch

>> No.17563182

Fruit (like a banana) I always had with the main dish, but vegetables I could never eat because it was served raw.

>> No.17563276

Better than getting indoctrinated by pedo cult members at a (((catholic school)))

>> No.17563285


>> No.17563286

uk schools banned burgers and choc milk.
not even allowed to bring biscuits or chips as packed lunch. they will take it off you and make eat salad and apple.
plenty of halal curry tho

>> No.17563342

man i once flew bulgaria air, the national carrier with meal inclluded.
thats pretty much what i got, cheap bread with no spread and a plastic cheese slice.
any other airline would be 3 courses with wine and coffee and a bread roll.
weird because people eat really well in bulgaria at home or fast food and returants.
there are a few places in bus stations etc think its ok to serve 10 fries in a plastic cup, cold. or cold slices of pizza. spain is the same.
go get a doner kebab

>> No.17563354

spot on. uk is like this too.
they found every way to worm that tax from where its needed and into their pockets.
thats why hospitals are now nhs trusts, and schools are all academies

>> No.17563369

Lol ok kike

>> No.17563377

You just described how for profit health care and insurance works you dumb fucking gibbon

>> No.17563387
File: 6 KB, 225x225, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17563392

It's (((turtles))) all the way down, bud.

>> No.17563400

Don't tell us you're unfamiliar with the concept of packing your own lunch?

>> No.17563686

weak bait
try again

>> No.17564141

What’s the deal with Brazil and stroganoff. I’ve seen it at all 3 Brazilian steakhouses in town. I love me some strog but wtf is it ubiquitous in Brazilian places. I figured it was always a Nordic or Midwest type food. Creamed beef doesn’t scream South America.

>> No.17564193

What's the frozen pizza that'll taste the most similar to this?
Im feeling nostalgic

>> No.17564213

USA is freedom. 3rd world is shit.

>> No.17564234

stroganoff is russian

>> No.17564481
File: 26 KB, 470x337, 69120342678db059b179ec3123d01d4a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kid Cuisine

>> No.17564685

I cant imagine going to school and they having a cantine. Its so bizarre to me. We bring our own stuff.

>> No.17564687

so a 500 Kcal lunch of a hamburger and skim milk? Sounds fine.

>> No.17564695

I bet red baron

>> No.17564698

Why do you burgerlanders always make everything political? Everything is based off of politics. Brainrotted, all of you

>> No.17564701
File: 80 KB, 680x703, 1647401219259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Non-whites won't feed their kids in America, so they defer to the tired public teat of the White American tax payer to do it for them. A fed population is a breeding population, and the replacement of White America is their goal, after all.

>> No.17564712

>A fed population is a breeding population
then explain africa

>> No.17564715

>I cant imagine going to school and they having a cantine. Its so bizarre to me.

It's an odd history of the US. Our free food programs for the poor used to be that they got the excess production (huge blocks of "government cheese", cheap milk, etc). The school lunch program (killed by obama) was designed to give poor kids at least 2000 Kcal a day in breakfast and lunch with the idea that if they got no dinner they'd still be alright.

Flash forward 40 years. Instead of getting extra milk and cheese you get a "Food Stamps"/EBT card that you can go to the grocery store and buy unhealthy food.

Now that all the black kids are hugefat and the rural and suburban white kids are fit he killed the program under the idea that it was 'gross' and didn't have enough veggies.

Really what they were doing was mandating that instead of 2000 Kcal a day and kids can just eat less they decided to just give everyone less food and try to make Tyrone eat a salad. Spoiler: Tyrone will not eat a salad.

>> No.17564716

>public school history teachers
Ah, yes, the last based teaching discipline. It has already fell, sadly (on display at any public university history department in America). History is being increasingly taught by women and non-whites, and they have a modern and politicized, accounting of history.

>> No.17564726
File: 175 KB, 1016x970, 1647263028294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no goddamn idea how much foreign aide (food included) Africa receives. They aren't intelligent enough to farm, but they sure as hell will eat U.N. and USA grain, make some soon moonshine, and knock-up another slum prostitute. who's child will then follow in the exact footsteps of his father. A never ending nigger breeding cycle of parasites on society, offering nothing in return. That is why Africa's population is exponentially increasing, our charity.

>> No.17564736


>> No.17564743

>You have no goddamn idea how much foreign aide (food included) Africa receives. They aren't intelligent enough to farm, but they sure as hell will eat U.N. and USA grain, make some soon moonshine, and knock-up another slum prostitute. who's child will then follow in the exact footsteps of his father. A never ending nigger breeding cycle of parasites on society, offering nothing in return. That is why Africa's population is exponentially increasing, our charity.

Yeah the jokes on them. We essentially keep the third world in debt through debt slavery and predatory national lending through the world bank and IMF.

Imagine you are Burundi or some other shithole. Because you are a fucking huge credit risk nobody will buy your bonds. So the world bank instead of writing you 30 year notes at 1% (first world country) or 30 year notes at 4% (stable third world country) they write you 30 year notes at 9%.

So when you inevitably default 5 years later they have you renegotiate with it being "Secured". The "security"? Things like tolls from bridges in perpetuity, mining rights, water rights, etc.

The World Bank and IMF fuck out the third world countries real good.

It would be cheaper for normal taxpayers to just have "jubilee" every 20 or so years with 3rd world national debt. But in the IMF/World bank situations the large banking arms of the world make much, much more money and get the country's future resources.

>> No.17564759
File: 73 KB, 781x767, 1647371036326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I agree, Africans and the basic tenets of First World civilizations are incompatible. Inclusion of an African minority in a 1st world society can be forced at GREAT strain for a period, but will inevitably collapse halting societal progress at first (we are here), before evolving into full collapse. I think Africa should be forcefully annexed and allowed to return to a wild state, until we may need it in the future for the greater good of humanity. Your populations will stabilize in the wilds without our infinite aide.

>> No.17564783

In a democracy, it is ones duty to be political.

>> No.17564792

okay then why are they starving? pretty sure foreign aide has nothing to do with their breeding

>> No.17564793


>> No.17564797

Doesn't look much different than the slop they were serving 20 years ago. Bread, fake meat, melted cheese product and milk/sports drink.

Maybe a few A La Carte items like Otis Spunkmeyer garbage cookies and large pretzels. If they had leftover chicken patties they would put some fake marinara on it and call it "chicken parm" the next day

>> No.17564812

>okay then why are they starving?

>give food to 4 people, they make 8 people
>give food to 8 people, they make 16 people
>give food for 16 people, they make 32 people
>give food for 16 people, 16 people starve

>> No.17564815

>fake meat
what the hell is "fake meat" you fucknuckle

>> No.17564822
File: 268 KB, 1186x1770, 1647473762412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't have a soul, the creator does not shine in you, you wouldn't get it.

>> No.17564827

>cubicles used as an example of a miserable environment
kek, how dated
they'd never give you that kind of privacy or luxury these days

>> No.17564837

The lesson, children, is don't feed the wildlife.

>> No.17564860

you misunderstand the situation entirely. the foreign aid is often "returned to sender". very few africans actually see any aid or extra food for that matter. they are starving and yet reproducing.

>> No.17564864

>they are starving and yet reproducing.

>> No.17564870

Yes, they quite literally are starving.

>> No.17564873

Ok but what does that have to do with the part where their demographics keep increasing and ours keep shrinking
Stupid leftist

>> No.17564878

Then they aren't breeding. Yet, they are. Do you see the rift in logic here?

>> No.17564890

I'll put it more simply. A starving population does not breed, and if they do, they don't breed for long because the population quickly stabilizes the African population is exploding entirely due to foreign aide and foreign investment.

>> No.17564891

White are extremely well fed and aren't breeding. You're understand of the material and cultural dynamics at play with "breeding" are reddit tier.

>> No.17564901

It's actually ridiculous to claim african *aren't* starving, and it's obvious you understand very little of the situation.

>> No.17564905

We're discussing the behavior of African fauna here, anon, not white replacement/genocide, keep up. Although, the connection there would be the injection of these increased African populations into white 1st world countries under the false guise of immigration, refugee status, climate refugee (you'll here this one a lot soon).

>> No.17564909

I'm sorry you're having such a difficult time accepting blatant logic here, my dear.

>> No.17564920

like i said you don't understand what you're talking about, there's unfortunately little of your "logic" involved

>> No.17564921
File: 293 KB, 1241x1182, 1607660371029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17564954

Shut up fag.

>> No.17564999

>Ok but what does that have to do with the part where their demographics keep increasing and ours keep shrinking

Because if the IMF/World Bank/Rothchilds own not only the governmental debt of a country but the wealth of the country then they will have no way, even if governed perfectly, to operate as a functioning country.

What I'm saying is that to cut them off international food aid you should also forgive their third world debt that way they have a fighting chance to at least be a raw material export country. Can't do that if the IMF owns their Palm plantations and cane fields.

>> No.17565002

I'll make it even simpler. Essentially all of Africa's agriculture infrastructure is either donated, or given as foreign aide. It is then managed by non-African entities, to ensure efficiency and ensure the money is not embezzled, who will then work with "on the ground" African workers. If any of that supply line falters, the food stops for a period.
When you are incapable of growing your own food, and are reliant on foreign investment and aide to eat, you will eventually starve; and it's only your fault. The first world will not serve as your free buffet so you can endlessly breed to replace us.

You say Africa is starving? Good. Let them starve for a single generation, and let the population stabilize.

>> No.17565006

>What I'm saying is that to cut them off international food aid you should also forgive their third world debt that way they have a fighting chance to at least be a raw material export country.
>Give them more! Give them everything! Give them your attention, your compassion, your money, your home, your town, your country!

Cowards like you disgust me. You foster weakness as a virtue.

>> No.17565014

So you hate fat people but think they should serve cheeseburgers?

>> No.17565216

why are you just making stupid shit up? go to africa and see how much food they have. they still breeding and it aint because of you retarded white saviour fantasy.

>> No.17565283

>go to africa
I'll pass.

>> No.17565292

If a population isn't fed, it can't breed. If it is breeding, it is fed. How can you not wrap your mind around this? Are you sub 85 IQ?

>> No.17565309

>why are you just making stupid shit up?
Just because you don't understand supply chain economics doesn't mean he's "making shit up" lmao

>> No.17565311

in africa. please don't pipe up again with your dogshit comments.

>> No.17565315

have you ever traveled outside of the first world? just don't comment you'll feel less stupid.

>> No.17565321

First person experience is the least reliable source of information there is. Data is solid, your experience is not.

>> No.17565325

Have you ever been to the moon? Do you still have the capability to learn of it?

>> No.17565326

wtf why are you in middle school

>> No.17565328

LOL maybe stick to reddit for the upvotes or whatever you silly dipshit

>> No.17565337

>whatever you silly dipshit
Ah, anon, you stole my goodbye!

>> No.17565338

its disgusting, look at the fucking corn

>> No.17565339

>just don't comment you'll feel less stupid.
it's my suggestion i guess can't cure mental retardation

>> No.17565347

nah you still don't get it because you're a silly faggot with raisin brain comprehension of the world

>> No.17565349

Do you have a logical rebuttal, or nah?

>> No.17565352

Yes, I am clearly the uneducated one in this exchange.

>> No.17565370

>africant's aren't starving

>> No.17565372

If they are breeding, they are not starving.

>> No.17565376

well that's completely wrong when you look at africa isn't it? and china as well to be fair.

>> No.17565379

and india...lots of starvation there.

>> No.17565383

>1. get whole milk
>2. leave out in the sun for 2 weeks
>3. chug

>> No.17565390

If a population is increasing, generation after generation, it is not a starving population. This whole "the 3rd world is starving!" campaigns are literally just propaganda to increase foreign aide and to sucker sentimental Boomers out of their pocket change at Supermarket checkouts. If there is a population that is starving, it's because their population was artificially inflated over a short period, and their starvation is simply a correction in the population after the artificial supply of food is removed.

>> No.17565400

starvation is basically an impetus to breeding, if you actually read history or understand human psychology. you really don't have a clue what you are talking about. riddle me why china, india, and africa have the largest populations? because whites are feeding them? you're understanding of the realities of the world reveals you're a child.

>> No.17565410

>because whites are feeding them?
Yes. Directly or indirectly. The world starves if we one day decide it does.

>> No.17565413

yeah okay keep huffing paint while chinkoids and negroids steamroll you for pennies on the dollar.

>> No.17565419

I'm prepared to accept that if it means isolating ourselves from the savage races. You kill the spirit of civilization.

>> No.17565423

>school gives you free food
>cry about it
when I was a kid in my country you didn't get shit. ungrateful fuck, I hope you die

>> No.17565431

chinese civilization as westerns understand the word has been around longer than any other.

>> No.17565436

And yet they remain so inconsequential throughout history, how curious.

>> No.17565446

>so inconsequential throughout history, how curious.
maybe you should get curious you might learn your place

>> No.17565449

Without westernization you'd still be wading around in your rice paddy lmao

>> No.17565456

lol no.

>> No.17565458

your lack of knowledge of history or politics suggests you're not even white it's funny you are talking about westernization

>> No.17565461

Historically, yes.

>> No.17565470

>Cowards like you disgust me. You foster weakness as a virtue.

you are so dumb you don't even realize what I'm saying. If you don't want to have to take care of Africa forever stop letting the IMF take their shit. If the IMF keeps plundering those countries we have to keep paying for their horseshit.

>> No.17565480

you see that "made in china" sticker on everything you own? how's that "westernization" going for you goy? totally part of the plan right?

>> No.17565489

>Pittsburgh is the richest city in the US because they made all the steel
>Akron was the richest city in the US because they made all the rubber

got some bad news for ya chang

>> No.17565492

>Pittsburgh is the richest city in the US

>> No.17565505

that's my point dummy places that are manufacturing hubs just end up getting fucked out and 40 years later there is some university there set up by the robber barons to educate the children of the workers they killed.

this is essentially what will happen to SE china as soon as the race to the bottom is complete and we are making chips in Bangledesh or Lahore because they are cheaper by .01c

>> No.17565512

sure in like 50 years we'll see who's doing better or making all your stuff. certainly not americans ahahaha i don't even understand your point...bagladesh will one day take over from chine meanwhile pittsburg is a broke nigger infested shithole that is only going to get worse?

>> No.17565524


>> No.17565589

> One time I actually tried to buy some and I was in "debt" so they gave me a sandwich containing a single slice of cold American cheese

>> No.17566131

>What I'm saying is that to cut them off international food aid you should also forgive their third world debt that way they have a fighting chance to at least be a raw material export country.
>stop giving money to africa
>also fuck over the (((money lenders) that (((lend))) to entire countries
I may differ from you in what we think will happen when we do this, but I'm glad we agree on the action. You've got my vote.

>> No.17566135

He does not, once you figured out to define being fed as being able to breed to stop him from running in a circle.
Reading that reply chain made my IQ drop. I hate this board sometimes.

>> No.17566336

Ok genius.

>> No.17566353

Mao killed Chinese civilization. Society in China today is not a continuation of ancient China. It's something more recent than the American constitution.

>> No.17566411

I remember reading once about certain schools not allowing homemade lunches for this same reason, "it's not fair to the other kids".

>> No.17566505

Germany or Scandinavia? Looks good

>> No.17566509

This, open offices are a nightmare

>> No.17566541

actually, it's increasing not at all because of this, but because of chinese investment in infrastructure allowing population centers to modernize and spread. In reality, I agree with stopping our food aid donations as well...because they are totally ineffective and mostly just prevent african farmers from being able to participate in their own economy.

>> No.17566543

I miss those shitty soy burgers

>> No.17566559

do you always lash out in anger when someone points out how stupid the shit you're saying is?

>> No.17566611

looks like Finland