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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 271 KB, 1080x1080, 186166764_10165198463410023_435219788603080263_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17551513 No.17551513 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17551554

your mom

>> No.17551564

the answer you seek is in your image.

>> No.17551566

Covid made people hate Asians

>> No.17551571

turns out shifting your marketing strategies to appeal to people that don't exist in the real world is a bad idea

>> No.17551595

ding ding ding

>> No.17551608

Those sauces were so good, sucks they got rid of em. It’s a shame too because all their normal sauces are terrible
But the Travis Scott meal was a huge success

>> No.17551617

No it wasn't, there was just a bigger advertising push for it

>> No.17551619

I'm pretty sure korea exists

>> No.17551626

Kpop thots are everywhere
You're just some boomer or you live in the middle of nowhere

>> No.17551640

nobody istalking about korea that ad is in english

they exist online and are not widespread in the core mcdonalds revue stream which ironically is boomers in the middle of nowhere

>> No.17551664

No, they're huge irl. I admit I'm a zoomer so I know other zoomer, but bts is genuinely insanely popular.
They don't really have McDonald's in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.17551685

Wrong, google was the travis scott meal successful. Business Insider did an article on how genius it was and how crazy successful it was for acquiring gen Z customers

>> No.17551702

BTS has a lot of fans but the promotion didn't make sense because when people go to McDonalds they want classic American food, not South Korean inspired food.

>> No.17551751
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It wasn't a failure I would say it was the 2nd most popular promotion after the Travish Shcott meal. The Travis Scott meal was good just because it was a quarter pounder meal for 6 bucks instead of 9 bucks. I think the Saweetie or J. Balvin meals were the worst. Promo meals for fucking D-List celebs no one has ever heard of.

>> No.17551771
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how come there was never a Michael Jackson meal?

>> No.17551783
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>They don't really have McDonald's in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.17551786

the music industry is aware of bots, and are making changes to address the negative affects it has on giving recognition to those that truly deserve it. why can't you accept that a majority of kpop fans, are not real people? it's well known.

>> No.17551795

It was literally just a new sauce with the same old McNuggets. Same shit with that Sweetie garbage. The Balvin one was even more hilarious because it was literally just standard menu items bundled together for the same price. The Travis Scott thing put the bare minimum effort into having a unique menu item included, but it was still just "phoning it in" tier on par with the Michael Jordan burger.

The problem was that the promotional companies all these melaninated individuals had contracts with were unable to fulfil their obligations to set up autograph events and photoshoots. So, they tapped into their contact and this was the result. Low effort, high cost, high visibility.

>> No.17551798

Turns out BTS Fangirls are just 12-16 year old teens that barely have/make enough money to buy anything, let alone Fast Food which any decend women avoids like the plaque

>> No.17551822

no value
travis scott meal was actually worth the money. also only lanky bugpeople and children order a ten piece meal

>> No.17551844
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I would buy regular nuggets and ask for the sweet chili sauce

>> No.17551856

Should have been girls generation or some random group of oriental 6th graders dlSging their pussy and breasts everywhere.

>> No.17551857

the sweet chili sauce wasnt really new and the cajun sauce wasn't good enough to warrant an extra order. it doesnt even taste like cajun spice
also bts just isnt fuckable enough. they're cute in a dog or plushie kind of way but not fuckable cute in a big titty slut sending snapchats doing silly faces in the middle of class kind of way

>> No.17552014

I mean none of them were special in anyway I would say the BTS one was the most unique because it actually had a limited time part of the meal being the sauce

>> No.17552048
File: 312 KB, 800x1280, Screenshot_20220313-215725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU don't exist in the real world!

>> No.17552124

because their taste buds are as developed as their genitalia

>> No.17552419

kpop fags maybe bought the meal once and then went back to buying $10 cups of coffee that are more sugar than coffee

>> No.17552427

all kpop stars male and female look exactly the same
without hair you'd really struggle to pick between them.

>> No.17552462

I quite liked the Cajun sauce.

>> No.17552658

>trying to advertise louissianna cousine with kpopshit
it was so retarded in the first place

>> No.17552665

Because I stopped eating fast food.

>> No.17552668

Beacuse nobody wants to be associated with a South Korean boy band or Dennis Lynn Rader (born March 9, 1945) is an American serial killer known as BTK (an abbreviation he gave himself, for "bind, torture, kill"), the BTK Strangler or the BTK Killer.
They didn't do proper diligence.

>> No.17552694

This was lightning in a bottle, see how no other "meal" was as succesful as the Travis Scott one

McDonalds tried to replicate it but couldn't. I admit that the scott meal was kind of funny when it first came out, but became tired right after

>> No.17552702

No it doesn't, it's made up like Wonderland, Narnia or Zimbabwe.

>> No.17552711

How many Koreans do you see hanging around in McDonald's restaurants?

Their clients are all dindus and poor white people.

>> No.17552732
File: 102 KB, 1200x800, korea-french-fry-party.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah right

>> No.17552860

>They don't really have McDonald's in the middle of nowhere.
that's how i know you're a zoomer lmao. They have nothing BUT mcdonalds in the middle of nowhere

>> No.17552878

It wasn't.

>> No.17552978

I would legit buy gallon jugs of those sauces

>> No.17553010

>bts is genuinely insanely popular
I've never heard anyone talk about bts in real life nor have I ever seen a fan in person. If the internet didn't exist I wouldn't know bts existed.
This guy knows, the one thing I can rely on living in flyoverland it's that no matter where I'm at there's a mcdonalds within a 20 minute drive.

>> No.17553021

koreaboos can't afford mcdonalds when they pay for overpriced kpop concert tickets. wait, take that back. they can't even afford mcdonalds without the ticket then bitch on social media about people who can afford to go.

>> No.17553036

And 20 years ago a person in your position would never have met a Backstreet Boys fan.

>> No.17553047

I'm from the middle of nowhere but I'm currently going to college with a bunch of other zoomers and yet I still haven't seen any bts fans.

>> No.17553060

It didn't - it was very successful. Not as successful as Travis Scott burger

>> No.17553071

it's not like they wear a fucking badge

>> No.17553101

>$10 dollars for ten nugs, shitty fires, and a drink
Yeah I can't imagine why this wasn't super popular

>> No.17553274

It's honestly fucked up, because Korea is famous for its fried chicken. Chicken nuggets aren't going to cut it lmao. I think if they'd pushed the BTS meal as being like a super special Korean style fried chicken meal they'd have been able to bring in more people and get away from the stigma that only KFC can do fried chicken.
Chicken nuggets just proves the stigma right.
Can you really imagine a village with its own McDonald's?
Flyoverland? I don't know about any flyoverland. Are you saying that in America you guys literally have to rely on McDonald's if you're in the middle of nowhere? No wonder you have ten percent of your population living in food deserts.
This. You'd need to talk to a kpop fan about music before they'd talk about being a kpop fan.

>> No.17553293

It has to be the laziest special offer ever made. It's just a regular nuggets menu...

>> No.17553333

>it doesnt even taste like cajun spice
That's cause it was Korean cajun sauce

>> No.17553342

kids ate that shit up in Austria, they even sold the sauces seperatly for €0,80 in some stores

>> No.17553426
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>> No.17553432

I think nuggets make sense. Everyone I know who likes kpop is also one of those people who shares chicken nugget memes.

>> No.17553436

they got rid of the ball pits

>> No.17553444

>I'm a zoomer
Please kys

>> No.17553453

>all kpop stars male and female look exactly the same
That's just asians in general

>> No.17553477

>They don't really have McDonald's in the middle of nowhere.
lol how old are you to be that ignorant of the world outside your city?

>> No.17553489

Most likely due to Asian hate that is widespread in the USA.

>> No.17553490

I'm from a small town in the countryside you retard
We had to travel thirty minutes to get to the nearest McDonald's and we weren't even in the middle of nowhere, we were just in the countryside
How much further do you think you have to travel in the fucking Highlands or in Wales or something

>> No.17553494

A common misconception. There's nothing more manly than a manly east asian. I don't mean that in a complimentary sense. East Asian men all either look like women, robots, or Danny Devito, and it's that last group I'm talking about.

>> No.17553805


>> No.17553837

It didn't. By the end of it there weren't lines of people wanting to resell the bags but it was in no way a flop.

>> No.17553859

BTS fans are the kind of people who post thinspo infographics telling you to eat an apple for breakfast and a celery stick for dinner and that's it.

>> No.17554011

Works for netflix?

>> No.17554026


>> No.17554390

God fries are fucking awful when they're not animal style, fuck mcdicks

>> No.17554410

Zoomer detected. They were amazing before they removed the beef tallow.

>> No.17554431

You had to order it online ahead of time and even then it was only at select mcdicks

>> No.17554634

I'm 28 dude, pretty sure they never had any of that shit in Estonia

>> No.17554649

>they exist online and are not widely spread
yeah it's pretty much a vocal minority in twitter

>> No.17554721

it's literally 0 food. I need like 3 of those to feel full and I'm skelly. bring back the 50 piece ffs

>> No.17554810

I got pulled over by a female cop with k pop tattoos on her arms it was the names of a bunch of them

>> No.17554831

How is that not just a regular nugget meal?
I don't get what their marketing department is doing lately.
Are they just throwing random shit at the wall to see what sticks?

>> No.17555115
File: 123 KB, 1242x699, wendy BTS meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some thought it was a success

>> No.17555130

it's more an effect of all the plastic surgery and makeup they use

>> No.17555139


>> No.17555452

It's not a BTS meal. It's a couple of BTS sauces.

>> No.17555533

What you don't think it's genius to make people build their own abominations and call it a hack?

>> No.17555538


>> No.17555542

>Kpop thots are everywhere

Yeah, like twitter, instagram and fucking Asia. In real life America, they are too spread out to be a viable marketing demographic.

>> No.17557038

No burger, just nugs and fries

>> No.17557066

>Those sauces were so good, sucks they got rid of em. It’s a shame too because all their normal sauces are terrible
They kept the sauces for a while afterwards here - like three months or so.
So sad they got rid of them.

Their new spicy barbeque is good, but definitely not a replacement.

>> No.17557081

It made them lots of money. I think that was the intention. Ergo not a flop.

>> No.17557089

You sure about that?

>> No.17557115

Too dry, needs chup.

>> No.17557262

waiting for the IBS meal

>> No.17557322

McDonald's in the Philippines already has fried chicken as a regular menu item. So it's not like fried chicken would be totally uncharted territory for McDonald's. What they should have done is ship some frozen chicken to America, fry it, and then toss the sauce all over it. I don't know the logistics behind making something like that happen, but I'm sure a multi billion dollar corporation can find a way to make it happen.

>> No.17557341

What made it dumb was the dipping sauces were the only thing that made the meal special. At the end of the day it was plain nuggets and special dipping sauces. They could have easily circumvented this by pre-covering the nuggets with the sauce and calling the limited edition meal sweet chili nuggets. It's a minor change, but it gives the illusion that what people are buying is a limited edition menu item and not just regular nuggets with limited edition dipping sauce.

>> No.17557535

I have never seen a kpop thot online. When I say "kpop thots are everywhere", I mean in real life. I've met so, so fucking many. It's like a one in three chance any girl I meet is into at least BTS. I'm a zoomer in the UK.
Perhaps in your age bracket, but I wouldn't be so sure about Estonians. The biggest koreaboo I know is Latvian, and I know plenty of Polish kpop thots. One travelled to London to see BTS and then went back up to Manchester to see them again.
Hell, McDonald's in the UK has some degree of fried chicken. Not on the same level as in Asia tho

>> No.17557540

Whoops, I thought the Estonian was talking about bts, my mistake.

>> No.17557739


>> No.17558088

I really wanted to fuck her on the hood of her stupid police cruiser in front of the dashcam there was a lot of sexual tension in the air

>> No.17559153

>Be civil servant.
>Our vaccination facility also has a MacDonald's.
>Heard about the upcoming BTS meal, how bad could it be.
>Sit down in a meeting with the restaurant manager, head police inspector and some guy from PTU.
>Literally prepping us for a riot in a few days.
>Assures us that they'll have crowd control on standby.
>Literally an anti riot squad on standby for a fucking BTS meal.
>Restaurant manager looks like he wants to cry, out of thankfulness for the anti riot squad and the fact he has to face the kpop stans.

>First day.
>people have been lining up before dawn.
>Despite the signs telling them they can only preorder/buy online.
>Crowd gets angsty but fuck off when police arrive.
>One part timer gets caught selling the burger packets? Also turns very ugly when people start openly bribing the cooks.
>Scuffle outside when a fan accuses a nonfan for buying the food to resell and the guy just laughs, eats the meal and chucks the limited edition packaging.

>Resellers for dirty burger papers and fries boxes sold for hundreds.

It was an absolute shitshow but the amount of profit i could only image were insane.

>> No.17559166


>> No.17559243
File: 303 KB, 1600x1600, 1616765813482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss it so much bros you have no idea

>> No.17559511

>At the end of the day it was plain nuggets and special dipping sauces.
Kpop fans ain't the brightest man

>> No.17559558

Retard the sauce was the point. That was literally it. They didn’t try to hide it.
And they sold every bit they had.

>> No.17559639

>make your limited time only meal online only through the app
>it's literally 3 standard menu items at the normal prices plus limited edition sauce (just one packet though, no extras for free)
>kpop girls don't even like mcdonalds and those faggy BTS twinks wouldn't eat there either

>> No.17559662

Kpop fans are too busy eating no dressing salad in hopes of being the skiniest white girl that will instantly seduce Ji-Woon and the rest of NO SPIN with her magic western appearance to eat Mcdicks

>> No.17559682

>despite proof that the meal help move product at a higher rate anons continue to insist that it was a flop

>> No.17559714

Since nobody has responded to this, it goes to show the whole concept of people refusing to be proven wrong, lmao. You beat them and they just ignore you.

>> No.17559864


>> No.17561220

It doesn't, they just lie about it since most people won't cancel a subscription just because of one crappy show they won't watch

>> No.17561931

You're not making any sense.

>> No.17562605


>> No.17563965

What the fuck are you talking about, it LITERALLY did not flop

>> No.17563967

Cope it did

>> No.17563980

This is /v/ Shazam tier delusion. Cope seethe and dilate.

>> No.17563983

Cope it flopped

>> No.17563990

You're right I consneed

>> No.17563993


>> No.17563997

>ding ding ding
Reddit moment

>> No.17564665

Actual cajun here wondering what a "cajun sauce" is

>> No.17564700

hot sauce that isnt hot with black pepper.

>> No.17564926


>> No.17565183

The 40% boost is a 40% increase over the sales from 2020, which were heavily impacted by government restrictions to flatten the curve for just two weeks. Their revenues were also helped by the fact they jacked up their prices.
That aside, I wonder how that compares with the Beanie Baby and Monopoly promotions.

>> No.17565367

The chicken sandwich with this sauce was Fire. I now just get a mcchicken only mac sauce but it's not the same

>> No.17565853
File: 58 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only BTS fangirl I saw in real life suicided, desu lots of people who are into internet subcultures suicide from personal experience

>> No.17565858

Heavily impacted in that they made an absolutevfortune from people with nothing better to do than visit a drive thru.

>> No.17565863
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>Kpop fans are too busy eating no dressing salad in hopes of being the skiniest white girl

>> No.17565884

Isn't this just a normal chickie nuggie meal?

>> No.17565889
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>> No.17565890

Everyone was expecting a Korean BBQ sauce

>> No.17565894

netflix subscribers are trash consumers that will watch anything you give them.

>> No.17565907
File: 348 KB, 1514x2074, kfc-sauce-1602099564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a stupid look. Imagine telling people you're going to drive to KFC so you can get your hands on that delicious KFC sauce.

>> No.17565912

because sauce isn't enough of a gimmick and kpop stans don't regularly eat mcdonalds

>> No.17565969

What's bts? No I won't read the thread just spoonfeed me okay?

>> No.17565983

British Transgender Society

>> No.17565989
File: 158 KB, 489x670, 1616515226601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because nobody knows what the fuck "BTS" is. A "David Lynch" meal would probably have sold better.

>> No.17566002

Until I set foot on this so called "Korea" to source check it, it will not exist.

>> No.17566048

I didn't know what BTS meant when this came out, and even when I found out I was confused because it's just nuggets with chips and a drink.

>> No.17566064

true, the saweetie meal was the only one I bought, and I actually liked the paper bag

>> No.17566075

The Burger King Crown Rewards exclusive Whooper Melt deals LITERALLY did it better in every way

>> No.17566095

a david lynch meal would be a raw pigs heart with a used condom on top of it

>> No.17566096

Take a step back and consider that this only shows you don't matter to marketers.

>> No.17566098

I think you mean Covid made people hate Americans. It only came from Asia. It spread globally because America ignored and denied it for 8 months and their media told the world, every day, that it's fake.

>> No.17566119

Nah, it would probably be fruit and maple oatmeal over hotcakes with a side of sausage, a large black coffee, and an American Spirit.

>> No.17566136

It was and is fake.

>> No.17566172

Only porch monkeys hate asians

>> No.17566423

Heavily impacted in that their revenues dropped by about 10% year over year.

>> No.17567633


>> No.17567645

>nobody knows what the fuck "BTS" is
Back in my day, BTS was Back to School and was the worst ad campaign of the year for us kids.

>> No.17567652

>denied it for 8 months and their media told the world, every day, that it's fake.
List me a single news source that isn't fucking Infowars saying that covid is fake.
Nigger I bet you can't

>> No.17567672


>> No.17567684

Hell, early on info wars was saying COVID could be a Chinese bio weapon and we should quarantine travelers until we were sure they weren’t sick. I don’t think they ever claimed it was fake, but rather changed their position to COVID basically being a very contagious cold.
What’s fake are the death rates and stuff people claiming. People are actually dying from immunodeficiencies, being fat, or being old. COVID itself is survivable and has no long term effects, but it can assist actually fatal conditions.

>> No.17567793

The Travis Scott meal was a hit because it was cheap. It was cheaper to buy the nuggets and fries separately and just ask for the sauce since it wasn't exclusive to the meal

>> No.17567857

Never forget that 2020-2021 had the lowest rates of flu hospitalisations on record; in many places flu cases were down 97% compared to the previous years’ average. Deaths from things like cancer and heart disease were also down double-digit percentages

>> No.17567865

>americans denied it
just go fucking kys dude

>> No.17567924

Half the words you write have no meaning

>> No.17567927

Because McDonalds only serves Coke and MJ was the voice of the Pepsi generation

>> No.17567937

>korea is famous for its fried chicken
It’s famous for its barbecued dog meat.

>food deserts
Retard reddit meme regurgitated by people who have never been in a low-income area before, poor people just don’t like to eat healthy because poor people make poor life decisions (it’s why they’re poor)

>> No.17567942

Of course, half their population is asian

>> No.17567952

>china unleashes plague on the world, does nothing to help fix it
>”how could America do this??!”
At this point I hope Xi buys out whatever shithole you live in. You bloody well deserve to be China’s slaves

>> No.17568131

>also bts just isnt fuckable enough. they're cute in a dog or plushie kind of way but not fuckable cute in a big titty slut sending snapchats doing silly faces in the middle of class kind of way
Tell that the the girls writing novel length fanfics about the group members raping and impregnating each other with dog dicks on Wattpad and AO3

>> No.17568580

this movie rules

>> No.17568610


>t. dumbfuck zoomer

>> No.17568621


Because Koreans are horrible people.

>> No.17568688

>Untouchable gigajew families only exist in Korea

>> No.17568704

denied what?

>> No.17568710

Why don't we bomb them?

>> No.17568725

Cause it wasn't a specific change to the food like the other meals, it was just a nuggies meal with different sauces.

>> No.17568740

>How many Koreans do you see hanging around in McDonald's restaurants?
>Their clients are all dindus and poor white people.
As someone who's travelled abroad for work the McDonalds in the US are objectively shit compared to other countries, especially in Scandinavia and Japan.

>> No.17568760

What the fuck does cajun ketchup have to do with k-pop? This threat reads like a fever dream.

>> No.17568802

It was developed by an AI

>> No.17568977

not enough Koreebs

>> No.17569343

Cajun sauce was actually excellent. I wanted to apply for a job just so I could steal a bunch of them.
But literally nobody except Chinese immigrants know what BTS is. The promotion was confusing and the literal-whos to come didn't help either.

>> No.17569900

Yeah, it's responsible for my caveman style fetish, which doesn't really fly these days.

>> No.17569970
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Yeah, that will teach them.

>> No.17570607

Boomer cannot comprehend the fact that normalfags younger than him have different tastes in music

>> No.17571332

>It’s famous for its barbecued dog meat.
Is it really