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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17548249 No.17548249 [Reply] [Original]

Cooking and cleaning. And starting seedings. Making pies, scrubbing counters, other stuff. Let's start with a .99ld chicken. Cooked in the oven with salt and pepper.

>> No.17548271
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Break it up

>> No.17548310
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Making stock

>> No.17548319

What the actual fuck are you shitting on about

>> No.17548326

It appears op has roasted an entire chicken and is now using it to make a pie and a chicken bone broth with vegetables.

>> No.17548331

Why couldn't he just say that instead of shitting on like a dementia patient

>> No.17548352

He didn't cater for retarded cooklets like you who can't tell what he's doing at a glance.

>> No.17548371
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Pressure cooked it for 75 minutes. I put it in the fridge overnight. Mixed some with some leftover pasta sauce for dinner.
Leaving the onion skins really darkens the final product.
Chopping up veggies for a pie filling. Gonna start on a chocolate cream pie simultaneously.

>> No.17548390
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>Cooking and cleaning. And starting seedings. Making pies, scrubbing counters, other stuff. Let's start with a .99ld chicken
Keep talking shit and I'll bite your face cunt.

>> No.17548420
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Drink break

>> No.17548422

thats an empty jar

>> No.17548437
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Most of it got used for vanilla extract. But there's more than enough to make me feel very I'll if I drank it all.

>> No.17548446

For you

>> No.17548462

Is it grain spirits or just vodka?

>> No.17548478
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I also made a banana cream pie. But I did not take pictures of the process

Homemade rum

>> No.17548492

Cane sugar or molasses? Looks pretty clear to be molasses. You live somewhere sugar cane is cheap?

>> No.17548519
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Dirty stove.
Molasses and white sugar. Plus a few odds and sods ingredients. Only a year old. Needs to sit for a year or two more.

>> No.17548536

I don’t have the patience to make spirits. I’ve got a case of mead that needs 6 more months. I might do beer again this year.

>> No.17548560
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Clean enough
It only takes a few weeks to produce. If you have the right sort of still it can come out drinkable right out the gate.

>> No.17548619
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Making pie crust

>> No.17548676

That’s another issue. I’m not sure about where I would house a still. Although I expect I’d build it myself so specs aren’t a problem. I am gonna build a smokehouse this year. More like a smoke closet, ha!

>> No.17548695

Your knife and pots and pans remind me of the shitty stuff they have at airbnb.

I always bring my own knife and I make sure to sharpen it with an electric sharpener every month or so.

Anyways, I made beef meatballs this morning, tomato sauce, homemade cream of mushroom soup concentrate which will go in a future tuna casserole.

>> No.17548742
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I lost my good knife in the garden last year. Haven't replaced it. It's almost all thrift store and yard sale stuff.

>> No.17548748

That's fine but I highly recommend an electric knife sharpener (or probably a manual one is fine too if it is cheaper) - but I like having one with a coarse and then a fine sharpening wheel

Dull knives are awful to use once you have taken the sharpener pill.

>> No.17548783
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I use an old pull through. It works well enough to effortlessly cut through onions and tomatoes which is my benchmark for sharp enough.

>> No.17548839
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>> No.17548988
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>> No.17548992
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Added potatoes to the pot pie and 4 egg yolks to the chocolate pie mix.

>> No.17549014
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Potatoes cooked. Time for kale and pea.

>> No.17549092
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I'm so tired

>> No.17549111

>Gul Dukat is watching you cook
based and Cardassia pilled

>> No.17549144

I can't get past the cleaning part, too much anxiety about bits of food flying off the cutting board onto the floor or behind a table leg that I missed. Same thing when washing, all that splatter at the sink. Therefore I eat only meals with minimal prep and no cutting board required. Frying eggs is an acceptable level of prep for me.

>> No.17549148
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Some milk, cream, rue, garlic. Gonna let it Thicken.

>> No.17549151

Stop complaining and cook bitch

>> No.17549153

>I'm so tired
You still have to clean all those dishes bro.
I have to admit it looks good tho.

>> No.17549154

Get a dog I just call mine over to eat what ever I drop when cooking

>> No.17549166

This stove... How can you cook anything with that? Buy an induction plate it will change your life.

>> No.17549170
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I got a dog for floor duty but he's also tired. It's 9am here.

>> No.17549171
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You think that's bad. This is where I make soups.

>> No.17549213
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Time has passed and the filling has cooled.

>> No.17549233
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All the extra filling.

>> No.17549244

Enjoy your toxoplasmosis

>> No.17549250

Excellent taste in TV, anon.

>> No.17549258

Toxo infections are arguably one of the rarest cases of parasitism in the modern world. Like, you'd have to literally be eating raw animal entrails without cleaning them to contract it. Once you are infected, it's debilitating to the point where you're extremely ill without treatment.

>> No.17549273
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The chocolate pie has solidified enough to photograph. Overcooked the crust a bit.

>> No.17549283

Dude let’s his cat shit and piss up on the counter where he makes and eats foods

>> No.17549328
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Another pie done. Cleaning continue after a joint and a walk in the woods

>> No.17549352
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Well done, OP.
This is a max comfy thread, and what /ck/ is supposed to be all about. Great food, lovely step-by-step, and not a single soyjack-poster to be seen.

Enjoy your smoke and walk in nature. I'll be monitoring this thread.

>> No.17549358

How THIS is peak Reddit.

>> No.17549369
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I believe you made a typo, amino.
Here you go.

>> No.17549373
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>not amino
Touchè.... I'm gonna go kill myself now.

>> No.17549377

>Overcooked the crust a bit.
crust looks great though

>> No.17549401 [DELETED] 
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If it makes you feel better I'll add some more 4chan stink to it

Nigger nigger nigger

>> No.17549428

OP can we get married? I never sucked a dick before but I would for a slice or two of that banana pie.

>> No.17550132

What a fucking weirdo

>> No.17550161

Kitchen looks kind of grimy to me but the food looks good. nice job op

>> No.17550360

>plastic chopping board
the worst, kys please.

>> No.17550715

>say that in person fucker not online see what happens

>> No.17550768

your OCD is damaging your life.

>> No.17551765

what an absolutely beautiful individual. what are you doing in a heap like this, you're a treasure.

>> No.17552571

It's a heap of my own making.

>> No.17552983
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Why did I read that in the tune of my favorite things?

>> No.17553964
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For the sake of completion. Here me working on my seeds and continued cleaning.