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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17542827 No.17542827 [Reply] [Original]

Well, well, well, well...

>> No.17542830


>> No.17542930

*unzips dick*

>> No.17542943

some Americans on the internet told me that salt is bad for you. I didn't believe them, either.

>> No.17542944
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>> No.17542982
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>> No.17543015

>there's a million studies that say sugar bad but here's one that says sugar good!

>> No.17543040
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>> No.17543048

Literally no one believes this.

>> No.17543080

I fucking hate journalists.

>> No.17543097

More than 50g of sugar per hour is bad, but not really that bad. However if you shovel down candy most days for years and years it will be more difficult to stay at a healthy weight and you are also at risk of pancreatic cancer.

>> No.17543103

Not deep down, but plenty of people will use it to rationalize their poor choices.

HAES is mainstream now

>> No.17543518

Sugarchads keep winning

>> No.17543527

Hunter-gatherers have been seen eating 50g of sugar from honey per day, with some eating up to 250g when other foods are scarce. They didn't seem to have health problems because of it. There are some theories that humans being able to gather large quantities of honey helped as much with brain development as being able to cook meat and starchy foods because honey provides so many calories.

It might be different when talking about refined sugars though. Refined foods are usually less healthy for one reason or another. Plus sugar is probably worse for you when you have an overall unhealthy diet and eat too much in general and your body just struggles to deal with the overload. But you don't have to avoid sugar like poison like some people think. Fruit, sweet vegetables, and honey seem fine. But you probably want to limit juice and refined sugar, and most junk food in general.

>> No.17543538

Eh, yeah maybe with some butter vs. margarine type debate. It's universally accepted that sugar is destructive because everyone can see and feel it. If not today, eventually, and everyone around them the same.

>> No.17543548
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If Americans switched 100% of their refined intake to fruit and honey we'd see a massive drop in the diabeetuses. We would see a massive drop in tooth decay, and associate trauma caused from oral decay. It isn't sugars from whole foods. Apples clean your teeth. You need to brush them to remove the acidity afterwards, and not right away.

Pastuerized sugar drinks marketed as apple juice are bad. Fresh apple juice and cider? Really good for you, in moderation.

Maple syrup is very, very good for you. In moderation.

>> No.17543568

>Pastuerized sugar drinks marketed as apple juice are bad.
Do you mean the stuff that is like 8% juice and the rest is water and corn syrup? Or even 100% apple juice is bad when pasteurized?

>> No.17543635
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Go back.

>> No.17543688

I eat a high fat diet and I personally don't really care about sugar all that much
It makes my teeth feel awful so I avoid it but otherwise I don't get the problem
Sometimes I'll eat some chocolate or a slice of lemon tart or cheesecake but i'll brush my teeth as soon as 60 minutes passes

>> No.17543759

Honey is bad and fruit can be bad depending. Just because they're natural doesn't negate the negatives. Fruit and honey used to be rare, they're not meant for us to eat regularly.

>> No.17543774

I’m going to need a peer reviewed study to confirm your assertation and until then I am just going to kill myself.

>> No.17543793

>Fruit and honey used to be rare, they're not meant for us to eat regularly.
>Hunter-gatherers have been seen eating 50g of sugar from honey per day, with some eating up to 250g when other foods are scarce.
Please show any kind of proof that fruit is bad. I've never seen any kind of evidence that fruit causes any harm unless you're doing something extreme like a fruit only diet, but even then the issue with that isn't the sugar but the lack of fat and protein and other vitamins/minerals. It does seem like large amounts of refined sugar is bad, but you can't turn that around to say fruit has sugar so it must be bad too. They're entirely different things. And it seems like there might even be a difference with honey compared to refined sugar.

>> No.17543865
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How will ketolards recover?

>> No.17543987

bumping this thread in hopes that keto diet fags can try to explain themselves while I laugh at them

>> No.17545287

As expected, still nothing.

>> No.17546443

>cognitive decline
Oh nyooo!

>> No.17546479

welp, none of these are true, but it sure does fit symptoms of carb abuse, like literally, all of those are exactly what keto diets target for elimination

>> No.17546631

Back when I tried out keto, the only times I felt any of what that image describes is when I caved and ate a shit load of carbs. I'd feel great for weeks, but then I'd down like three bowls of pasta and struggle to think.
It ruined me for the rest of the day.

>> No.17546949

>carb abuse

yeah moron overdosing on any macronutrient will make you unhealthy. abusing protein will make you sick and hurt your liver. eating too much fat will give you symptoms of malnourishment too. Fucking keto dumbass kek.

>> No.17547214

>source: my ass

>> No.17547222


AKA some nobody with at best a Bachelor's degree paid by the lobby.

>> No.17547701

Are you so stupid that you see problems resulting from overdosing on a substance and conclude that the problem is the inherently substance itself, not the overconsumption of it? What kind of horseshit do you inject into your head my dude?

>what keto diets targets
what keto is *meant* to do and what it *actually* does in practice are two different things.

>> No.17549069

>dude you just did a logical fallacy, uh downvoted
Go back to 2014

>> No.17550260

Hunter-gatherers typically died at around 30 or so. Not really a good argument there.

>> No.17550285

Isn't that estimate only because of the higher amount of child deaths due to lack of modern medicine bringing the average down? No hunter-gatherer is dying at 30 because of diet-related health issues anyway. If they did die at 30 it was probably an accident or some form of violence.

>> No.17550294

Yes, post childhood the life expectancy was around 70 or 80

>> No.17550300

This is false. Life expectancy was highly skewed in antiquity due to high infant mortality rate. If everyone in a population dies at 90, but 2/3 of them die in infancy, then the average life expectancy is 30, even though everyone who survives childhood live to 90.

>> No.17550336

>I am stupid, therefore you are reddit
Do brainlets really?

>> No.17550458

Fucking retarded dude. Tons of dumb vegans who eat only fruit lose their teeth.

>> No.17550632

>Hunter-gatherers have been seen eating 50g of sugar from honey per day, with some eating up to 250g when other foods are scarce.
utter bullshit hunter gatherers had little to no access to sugar, honey, or even fruit as you know it. there daily intake of sugar was extremely low.

>> No.17550642

>If Americans switched 100% of their refined intake to fruit and honey we'd see a massive drop in the diabeetuses

tell that to all the people who went on fruit and fresh squeezed juice diets and developed diabetes.

>> No.17550979

>Science Insider
Why would I trust a literal shill source?

>> No.17551272
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>sugar good, sugar bad
>salt good, salt bad
>fat good, fat bad
>carbs good, carbs bad
Can we just admit no one knows anything about nutrition already?

>> No.17551285

That doesn't sound healthy. This morning I indulged in some pancakes with maple syrup and I'm feeling great now, about to go on a walk and then make some dinner and read.

>> No.17551293

Your teeth will also be UK'd

>> No.17551322

There are still hunter-gatherers around today and they've been seen collecting that much wild honey.

>> No.17551326

No, then all those scientists would lose their credibility and jobs. Think of them!

>> No.17551419

>being actually retarded

>> No.17551438
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>Sugar isn't bad for you, according to studies funded by corporations who put massive amounts of sugar in everything they sell.
If America ever comes to terms with its obesity epidemic (which it wont) sugar will be the nicotine of the 21st century.

>> No.17551676

me too, the fucking scum of the earth, those vultures.

>> No.17551919
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>> No.17551942

I'll stick to my meat and greens on keto.