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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17542553 No.17542553 [Reply] [Original]

Every time I go to the store, I see a rack of these things that haven't moved in 2 years. The only thing that confuses me is that these two dipshits thought their stupid mugs made for a good company logo. Or that no one in marketing or graphic design told them that having 30% of the packaging be obscured by a giant wad of pube hair wouldn't be appetizing

>> No.17542564

Lenny and larry: formerly but still currently a bunch of buttfucking faggots.

>> No.17542567

these things are disgusting
kill everyone who has ever bought one including me

>> No.17542572

I bought one last week, that exact double chocolate variety there. I didn't know it was supposed to vegan health food or whatever until I bit into it. No chocolate taste at all and its texture was very much unlike what a cookie should be.

The creators of such a terrible product ought to be ashamed of themselves, both for making something so bad as well as for putting two Eric Andres on their packaging.

>> No.17542588

they're good but the birthday cake ones taste like play-doh

>> No.17542612

I've always been tempted to try them

>> No.17542614
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>> No.17542617

oh also they got in trouble with the FDA because their cookies only had half the advertised amount of protein

>> No.17542623

They made their logo (names+faces) larger and more prominent than the name of the product itself

>> No.17542625

I did not know this when I bought that so-called "double chocolate" """""""""cookie.""""""""
God may not be real, but Lenny and Larry have shown that the devil sure is and he's a cookie.

>> No.17542626


>> No.17542681

It's so depressing to know people can be convinced they should eat something like this.

>> No.17542746

I bought it cuz it was 50motherfuckin'cents. I didn't even read the packaging. Just saw a large, friendly picture of a brown, presumably chocolate cookie. Then I bit into it and knew it was a lie so I inspected the packet and saw "plant-based" staring back at me.

>> No.17542758

>plant based
Even vegans know this means factory sludge

>> No.17542759


>> No.17542769

Plants are not based

>> No.17542770

Any of you anons know any good high carb high protein cookies or bars?

>> No.17542775

it's possible to have nice vegan cookies (usually the ones your friend bakes at home and brings for sharing) but health food shop ones taste like sawdust and coconut sprinkles for some reason

>> No.17542781

Worse yet, I ate one once, and even for a prepackaged snack it was revolting

>> No.17542782

how much for a single cookie?

>> No.17542879

Even if they were considered good, the packaging is an instant no for me.
Who the fuck thought that image was a good idea?

>> No.17542892

Lol their image is a soyjak

>> No.17543082

>plant based
>implying you're gonna save the planet by keeping a teaspoon of milk powder out of a cookie individually wrapped in plastic

>> No.17543085

whoops meant to quote op

>> No.17543088
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>> No.17543099

I think the problem is more that it's a fucking vegan cookie, OP.

>> No.17543176

>they haven't realized that all you need to do to make a cookie "plant based" is replace the butter with vegetable oil, something 99% of prepackaged cookies did decades ago

>> No.17543184

Art imitates reality.

>> No.17543185

They're not bad i buy one every now and then for a snack

>> No.17543246

If you expect a cookie you should expect disappoint. If you expect proteins bar, expect shame for fucking up your macros cause what the package says is not the real nutritional value.

>> No.17543267

Embarrassing soyboy.

>> No.17543278

Oh, I know. While not vegan myself, I make vegan sugar cookies (or vegan fruit crumbles) for family gettogethers because my SiL can't have any sort of dairy and my brother has inexplicably developed an egg allergy in his middle age.
Every time I've had an actual vegan's baked """"""""good"""""""" they were more like baked bads, they were so awful. It's like they don't understand the chemistry behind baking at all. They wanna swap eggs out for fucking apple sauce?
Yeah, cuz fruit, sugar and water are great substitutes for coagulating proteins. /sarcasm

I didn't notice it until after I'd already taken a bit. Assuredly, had I seen it prior, I wouldn't have wasted two quarters on it. Then again, wtf else am I gonna spend it on? 50c don't get you shit these days.

$2, I think? idk as I got mine as a manager's special and I seem to recall the nice yellow sticker reading 75% off.

>not bad
See >>17542614

>> No.17543296

It's a cookie shaped protein bar not an actual cookie, temper your expectations accordingly.

>> No.17543300

>It's a stupid as fuck comment, temper your expectations accordingly.

>> No.17543303

I worked at a Target for about a year and i swear we had the same few boxes of these things sitting out the entire time I worked there and nobody purchased a single one. One time, one was missing, and then it came back through the return bin up front.

>> No.17543317

repeating dubs of truth

>> No.17543340

Too many calories. The macros suck. Why bother when you can just a comparative or better tasting protein bar with a much better protein/calorie ratio? There's even a few good plant based ones now so there's no excuse for their shitty cookies.

>> No.17543591

My aunt had a bunch of these so I tried them out. Overall they're just fine, nothing really good to bad, but not worth the price at all. Only downright putrid one was the one in OP. I swear that dark color comes from how fucking charred it is because there is no chocolate flavor at all, only a burned flavor.

>> No.17543602

>The only thing that confuses me is that these two dipshits thought their stupid mugs made for a good company logo.
"hey everybody likes Ben and Jerry, we should market our sawdust pucks by telling them we're bestest buddies just like Ben and Jerry!"
That's about it.

>> No.17543610

>Larry or Lenny
>black people
Those are Jewish names, Jewish faces, and a Jewish fro.
I bet Tyrone and Tariq's cookies would be pretty good, and they'd be much more on the DL about sucking each other off in the back of the cookie factory.

>> No.17543616

I wouldn't eat them with anything but as a garbage treat, the sugar cookie version is pretty nice but i'd eat half and it'd be enough.

>> No.17543683
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>No chocolate taste at all and its texture was very much unlike what a cookie should be.
To be fair, it's basically a protein shake in "cookie" form. You're supposed to be buying it for the protein and enjoying whatever resemblance to a cookie it might have. I haven't had that brand but I've had ones like that and they taste okay.

I remember Rich Piana used to eat those all the time in his video blogs

>> No.17543703

Slip on black ice and break your hip.

>> No.17543932
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>> No.17543941
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I did enjoy these cookies when I was lifting. Not everyday or anything, but when I needed that fuggin chocolate.

Especially when I'm on the road. Protein shakes leave my breath smelling bad. Real food is difficult to eat when driving

>> No.17543964

They've had lawsuits because their macros are bullshit and they lied about what's in them. It's all marketing.

>> No.17544249

Good point. Aren't all store-bought cookies made with palm oil and partially hydrogenated soybean oil and thus vegan already? They're expecting their customers are the types of individuals who respond to "plant-based" positively, and must have correctly recognized the quality of the taste doesn't matter.

>> No.17544273


>> No.17544319
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>> No.17544330

Suddenly I don't hate this cookie now that I see they aren't soyfacing vegans. Tragic branding.

>> No.17544485
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>I will now buy your product

>> No.17544500

That’s Barry and Benny
Lenny and Larry are their twink alter-egos

>> No.17544525

>Eat this cookie or else this will be you >>17543088

>> No.17544601

Ben&Barry / Öemmy&Larry are a metaphor for sneed&seed

>> No.17544712

The logo is to demonstrate that they have curly hair and wide noses. You know why.

>> No.17544847

You're retarded

>> No.17544875

Weirdly the other half of the argument for that is "We can feed EVEN MORE people" as if consuming the exact same amount of resources... but with more competing mouths... is desirable, as if places like India are filled with people who have good health, good lives and good work.

>> No.17545955

I don't have hips.

>> No.17545959

What about Larry Fishburn and Lenny Henry?

>> No.17546083

The drawing isn't very similar to the way they really look. They're essentially imaginary mascots.

>> No.17546093

I don't understand. What else would a cookie be but plant based

>> No.17546254

I've never thought about it but Lawrence Fishburne is an incredibly Jewish name.
Especially with Fish-burne, both prefix and suffix are super jewy, and he's a jr so it's not like a Whoopie Goldberg thing.

>> No.17546281

I tried one once for curiosity's sake, it was ok but definitely not worth the price of $3 for one cookie

>> No.17546390

I've known several Larrys. Not one was of some group other than Jewish or Black.

>> No.17546408

Fuck off.

>> No.17546641

>if you don't like my product you're a nazi
Unironically, genuinely, and with absolutely no sense of irony, fucking kill yourself.

>> No.17546891

Telling someone to commit suicide is against the law. Delete your post or I will report it to the authorities. You have three hours.

>> No.17546953

It can have dairy ingredients, but you're right that there's nothing stopping a company from putting dairy or meat in a product that's mostly flour and calling it plant based. We'll probably start seeing something like "100% plant and mineral" eventually. In this case they do also claim it's vegan, though.

>> No.17547599

Five minutes.

>> No.17547604

Commit suicide, don't forget to do a flip.

>> No.17547685

cookie time

>> No.17547707


>> No.17547715

One of the worst things I've eaten.

>> No.17547791

I've only met jewish Larrys but I know like five jews per every black, so-

>> No.17548810

I bet they're all boring. The Larrys I know are all super interesting.

What about telling someone that they're the load their mother should have swallowed?

>> No.17549976


Well I have to defend these. I eat around 3100 calories a day for maintenance, and these are an easy 400 calories after dinner with a nice chewy texture and decent flavor.

Doesn't hurt that theyve got a decent protein content.

For $1.75, I'm a big fan

>> No.17550001

why not eat real food

>> No.17550030

that jetta though

>> No.17550040

why the fuck is it called Lenny and Larry if their name is Benny and Barry. They don't even explain it. It's so fucking weird

>> No.17550046

how much synthol they got in those ceps

>> No.17550518

These are in a vending machine at my gym and I don't think they've been touched in a year.

>> No.17550935

I eat a lot of real food.

15-20% of my diet being processed isn't a big concern, personally

>> No.17552043

I've eaten a lot of these before and never noticed the marketing, but I'm also not a faggot and I eat what I want without being upset over trivial manners (I'm also a Chad)

>> No.17553504

It totally depends on the flavors bros. The chocolate chip one is gutter trash but the snickerdoodle is pretty good

>> No.17553697

kek, I tried them because rich piana would eat them.

>> No.17553740
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>> No.17553791

> len and larry
That's the whole joke
> ben and jerry

These cookies suck. Snickerdoodle is maybe ok but if they are lying on the packaging for nutrition then there's no point. I'd just eat a regular cookie instead

>> No.17553990 [DELETED] 
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>baked bads
die barneyfag

>> No.17555270

I got one for free from a convention I was working. It was so fucking bad. I paid nothing and I still felt ripped off.

>> No.17555279

can confirm: disgusting and difficult to digest
>plant powered
my mistake for not getting this marketing gimmick sooner. clearly these fags are eating steak while promoting this shit on the rest of us.

>> No.17555286

I actually think they're pretty good, I would get one as a snack some days when I was working at a sports store.

>> No.17556577

I like the double chocolate ones. My office used to sell the bigger 400 cal ones and they got me through a few night shifts

>> No.17556589


>> No.17556671

I get the white chocolate one. S'alright

>> No.17556672

Why do you know what play-doh tastes like?

>> No.17556817

this is a food and cooking board sir

>> No.17556830

why the fuck would i want a healthy cookie?

>> No.17556955

Pretty much this. It's basically a giant 400 calorie fiber+protein bomb made for mass gaining and quick shelf stable protein. They're decent enough for what they are.

>> No.17557181

Can someone shoot wojak in?

>> No.17557206
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>> No.17557224

the biggest redpill is that we've artificially subsisted billions of people (read: third worlders) who have no business existing outside of cheap, industrialized foodstuffs. the coming food crisis will be brutal

>> No.17557336

There's tastier protein bars with better nutrition.

>> No.17558427

10/10 saved