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File: 93 KB, 900x639, Mastering-Oyster-Etiquette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17542301 No.17542301 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people eat raw oysters? They don't taste very good to me

>> No.17542304

They do to me.

>> No.17542319

I don't think they do

>> No.17542334

I use to eat them a lot but then I realized the only real flavor you taste is the salt water and the horseradish/cocktail sauce. Fried taste pretty good but looks soooo gross. Also have a mental aversion to them after I was drunk shucking them and almost sliced my femoral. Had to get a bunch of stitches and had bad food poisoning for a couple days. There are just so many better tasting things to eat that are 1/10 the price so I don’t see the point anymore

>> No.17542420

I love raw oysters but hate to shuck them. That’s why I love New Orleans.
Cooking an oyster changes it completely.

>> No.17542733

exactly. they aren't good

>> No.17542763

>Why do people eat raw oysters?

You got me? It's like sucking down a giant snot.

>> No.17543043

yeah but they are good, and they taste good.
gotta get em rockefeller next time

>> No.17543049
File: 33 KB, 652x471, F7CF3C5F-9739-4582-AFBD-F65B0ACE0A6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it’s the oyster crab
Like an extra present from God letting you know everything is going to be okay

>> No.17543072

Why do tastelets insist on advertising their deficiency?

>> No.17543114

Never had them rockefeller, what's it like? There's a place near me that has what they call "mardi gras oysters", it's broiled oysters with crab meat, butter, and cheese. Not big on the cheese, but other than that it was really good.

>> No.17543118

most people aren't gay like you

>> No.17543144

I enjoy raw oysters but they're not particularly flavourful, there's a reason even the nicest places will give you a bunch of condiments. It sorta tastes like a refreshing, cool load of cum in your mouth

>> No.17543154

Agreed they taste like slimy shit. A nicely seared scallop though and I'm game

>> No.17543172

a very small number of cheeses can pair with oysters imo. rockefeller is just baked with some good stuff on top of the halfshell, mixture of breading and goodies.
with rockefeller you can eat them out of the shell with a little bitty fork and actually chew into them.

>> No.17543203


>> No.17543216

Greeting from New Orleans.
I hate picky eaters so much it’s unreal.

>> No.17543222
File: 94 KB, 240x240, 1645597620805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to coastals really eat this vile shit right out of the ocean? that looks like some snot and phlegm from a pneumonia patient

>> No.17543228

This, it has such a slimy consistency lol

Its funny because the people you typically see shelling out for oysters at fancy places are straight men with high powered jobs and they eat sea jizz to be powerful and high status lmao

I'm a faggot so I like the taste but I don't get why the oyster demographic is and not what I'd expect it to be.

>> No.17543355

no one is gonna take criticism from a fag.

>> No.17543382

You just did. Suck my cock bitch

>> No.17543388

You obviously like oysters so you should try cock. Cum is like an oyster but instead of paying $3+ tax & tip, you work for 15 minutes instead to make a man happy

>> No.17543407

Raw I don't know, sometimes people like to throw away money to try to make themselves look impressive. Personally I don't like raw oysters, they're even vile looking, but fried ones are quite fine by me.
To me oysters aren't the problem, it's the preparation as raw v. cooked.

>> No.17543454

quantity over quality when it comes to sea boogers
they're not a delicacy, but we live in the age of bottled water

>> No.17543477

Why is someone picky because they have preferences? Draw that shit out and you might as well be going out with nigs and pretending to be a savage.
To me you come across as a moron that has no preferences and would just as fuck a donkey as well as a beautiful woman.

>> No.17544823


the canned smoked ones are p good

>> No.17544835

I fukkin love me some oysters.
And at bars/restaurants I love to slurp them loudly and chew with my mouth open for maximum effect.

>> No.17544848

Lol holy shit
>I am 14: the post
It’s cool though, I do believe the part about you being a fag.

>> No.17544850

For the satisfaction of eating something alive whole. Also they taste good

>> No.17545066

i went to an oyster bar in seattle thinking i'd spend 30 bucks. it was 80 dollars for 12 fucking oysters. They were pretty good though.

personally i think the best way to eat oysters is smoked with garlic butter and parmesan.

>> No.17545075

I love oysters but they cost too much.

>> No.17545246

Because people aren't you

>> No.17545802

Huh? In europe they're like 1-2€ each

>> No.17545816

You got absolutely fucked mate lol. That is not common at all in a coastal state

>> No.17545823

here we go, the parmesan and garlic. i had this the other day at a hibachi grill and it was too rich for me. i felt like i was committing a mortal sin.

>> No.17545947

as a sinner thats why i liked them that way