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17536348 No.17536348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Explain how Veganism is better for the enviroment, and socioeconomically when the lifestyle is more expensive than regular food and more damaging and harmful to various ecosystems?

>> No.17536352

Vegans first need to prove that their lifestyle isn't a mental illness first.
(They can't)

>> No.17536363

Oh my god... Imagine if you unsuspectingly bit into a wholesome chicken nuggie and saw the cross-section of whatever the fuck edible vulcanized rubber that shit is. We have to protect the children.

>> No.17536368

>Grow plants
>Eats plants
>Gets fat
>Slaughter for meat

This shit
>Grow plants
>Convert plants to "meat"

Chickens seem to be more efficient than a factory. Humans trying to be god again.

>> No.17536370
File: 25 KB, 480x484, far into the distance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you make these threads multiple times every day? Do you have nothing better to do?

>> No.17536374
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it looks like it would taste and feel like biting into an eraser

>> No.17536402

>more expensive than regular food and more damaging and harmful to various ecosystems?
But it's cheaper if you don't buy fancy meat lookalike shit and less harmful (takes up less space and resources, produces less shit as byproduct) if you compare the usual shitty farming methods.

You can't compare it to ecological valuable small scale farming or hunting because if everyone used that there wouldn't be enough space left. Animal products as main calories makes only sense in areas where other farming isn't possible. Everywhere else meat is the fancy thing for special occasions.

>> No.17536404

Show me your inverted cock and ill stop making them, tranny

>> No.17536426

not to mention fake meats always require industrial processed items and often ingredients shipped from around the globe, all that logistics pollution

>> No.17536483
File: 242 KB, 800x800, trophic levels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in short, trophic levels and the 10% rule. say you grew a lot of grains. you could either eat the grains, or feed pigs the grains and eat the pigs. if you choose the latter, you add one trophic level in the energy pyramid. the 10% rule says that every trophic level carries over only 10% of the energy from the lower levels. in other words, you need 10x more grains to live on pigs that you need to live on grains.
>the lifestyle is more expensive
the industry optimized for what people wanted, and for a long time that was a fuckload of meat.
>more damaging and harmful to various ecosystems
no it is not, read the part about trophic levels again. you need to produce even more plant-based food in total to breed livestock

>> No.17536493

Veganism is cleverly targeted towards the mentally ill and depressed, or low self esteem people especially during the winter months in December/January when Veganuary rolls around. What's worse it's hailed as some alternative health risk when that couldn't be more true and comes with damaging and lasting health issues.

>> No.17536562

Nigger where do you think your chickenfeed comes from? It's carted round the world all the same.

>> No.17536568

chicken feed is crunched up beans you can grow that anywhere

>> No.17536577

Fake meats is mostly s*o*y, wheat, peas, beans. Stuff that you can grow almost anywhere all the same.

>> No.17536585

and then ship it to a hundred different processors then to a labratory/factory in california

>> No.17536591

op is a homeschooled retard who never took a basic biology class
t. not even vegan

>> No.17536621

There's not a single reason those processors couldn't be close to where the stuff is grown and the end product consumed. The entire reason they're not is because transport is cheap (especially on the small volume of those fake meat products) and there's not a lot of them around at the moment.

>> No.17536633

there are very simple reasons why cocoa butter and coconut oil processing facilities can't be built to be grown and consumed in northern michigan

>> No.17536647

Funny how a vegetarian diet can work without cocoa butter and coconut oil.

>> No.17536651

can Michigan and none of the states around Michigan make a crop that can be used for a neutral tasting oil? I'm not even a vegan I'm just confused by your statement.

>> No.17536653

Why do obese white vegan posers love these overprocessed chemical lab experiment fake meats instead of just eating real fruits & veggies?

>> No.17536661


i'm talking about beyond meat you tards

>> No.17536663
File: 42 KB, 460x564, 1645512774431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OPs pic is corporatism, not veganism. It is sludge marketed as "plant powered". This is what they plan to do to make money.

If you want to seriously discuss veganism start with real recipes and dishes. Corporations looking to force us into eating the bugs through virtue signalling cuntraggery does not count.

We must stop putting up with this bullshit. Being a vegan is fine if you're not a cunt about it. Share your recipes and help others learn to cook with whole foods. You do not even need to promote it as veganism.

Asparagus is great when cooked with coconut oil, salt, pepper, and whole garlic cloves. What's the fucking problem here? Can we not serve this with steak as well?

Fuck corporate America. They've sold us all out and you ALL know it.

>> No.17536671
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This is NOT vegan it is FECES marketed to stupid people.

>> No.17536676
File: 146 KB, 2560x1846, 1628311297776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is dolmas, it is vegan and fucking delicious. You can eat it with lamb or chicken if you want. Make and season some rice, wrap in grape leaves. Wala.

>> No.17536679

That carrot looks like a little man. How can vegans eat him and claim that it's ethical? Why does carrotman deserve to be eaten alive?

>> No.17536684

You're also incapable of thinking out of the box you tard. If there was an economic reason for it, beyond meat would use local products. As it is, there isn't. And carting around the stuff they need from somewhere else is still WAY cheaper than carting round the amount of feed for chicken.

>> No.17536698

>Trying to genuinely answer the schizo's questions
Nice try anon, but until OP takes his meds, I'm afraid it's pointless.

>> No.17536700

>Why do obese white vegan posers love these overprocessed chemical lab experiment fake meats instead of just eating real fruits & veggies?
remember, whites invented & love velveeta... they love shitty processed foods

>> No.17536706

beans are fuck easy to grow
i can grow more than i'll ever eat and feed the rest to my chickens who will give me those delicious eggs meat and fertilizer so i can grow more beans and live forever without spending a cent on fuel or putting any disgusting globohomo slop in my mouth

>> No.17536711

>you need to produce even more plant-based food in total to breed livestock
Another bullshit claim from these "people". Ranged cattle grazes on lands that cannot be tilled and renews the surrounding soil. The mistake made was allowing these same corporations to set up factory farms under tax-funded subsidization. They enriched themselves on our backs and now demand control over our food supply and dietary choices.

Fuck these people. Move to whole foods right fucking now.

>> No.17536728

Face it. He blew you the fuck out.

>> No.17536735

that's the best you can do?
maybe eating an egg will quicken your wit

>> No.17536753
File: 169 KB, 604x541, F78AC9AC-DC78-4F98-84DB-1FC1B89C92F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The saddest thing about this shit is that you can buy/make crispy breaded and deep-fried tofu, which is actually good in its own right and isn’t trying to be some retarded ass fake meat.

>> No.17536759

Historically, people were rarely vegan, I suspect because purely plant food really does lack some nutrients in the end. With modern means, that is easily fixed though. The principal problems with veganism are
-general lack of some micronutrients
-general lack of protein
On the matter of which, I present:
>temperate climate diet
>warm climate diet
Or something, I'm not a third world darkie.
Methionine is usually the problem, but it is easily synthesized (synthesized methionine is used as chicken feed in fact.)
The problem with oil is that most plant oils have a lot of omega6 oils. Palm, Coconut, Cocoa, Olive have little of them (all from warm climates). I suppose there would be a way to breed temperate climate plants that have more suitable lipid composition, but there's probably no market for that the moment - most believe don't know omega6 is harmful, most of the rest has no qualms just using butter, most of the rest of that has no problem importing coconut or live.
Btw. omega3 also comes mostly from animals (fish). But there are ways to produce omega3 oil from algae and this is already being done commercially. Just a bit expensive so far.

>> No.17536765

Humans ate meat for trillions of years. The planet somehow lasted this long. Meat eating is sustainable. What isn't sustainable is 1 billion Africans and 1 billion Indians. We could solve world hunger and the climate impact of eating meat if we just stopped selling RoundUp and giving away food aid to the third world and sent them contraceptives instead.
Never give in. Never eat the bugs. Farmers are the true enemy. Farmers are the ones who will force you to eat soy like livestock do.

>> No.17536779

There's not enough land to produce the current amounts of meat by having cattle graze.
I will admit that animal feed grows in more places than coconut oil, but apart from that there's no big difference. And a lot of animal feed really is carted around the world. It's cheap, why not do it.
Btw you could easily eat those beans yourself and have more protein and calories from it. No need to go through any factory.

>> No.17536783

>I'll rather see two billion people dead than stop eating meat
The absolute state of... not meat eaters, I'm one of them. The absolute state of YOU.

>> No.17536790

what factory? i literally eat the beans and feed them to the chickens

>> No.17536795

>Actually wanting the world to be polluted with niggers and street shitters
What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.17536799
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I could debate this but I see no reason to. My interest is in reducing factory produced filth and increasing cleaner, healthier sources of nutrients for our people. I do believe we should consume animal proteins and I do not believe we should do so in the manner we are today.
>Pic related.

Corporate board rooms pushing out low quality factory foods have been poisoning our people long enough. Many of them are outright criminal and it is far beyond time to put them on notice for what they have done.

Stop buying their garbage and learn to cook with your friends, and families.

>> No.17536802

Btw. I'm not a vegan or vegetarian myself. I just think food will become more expensive from droughts and expensive fertilizers. It's worth wondering how we could do without the expensive calorie shredder that is animal husbandry. We can still use stuff like meat and milk from cattle grazed on marginal lands, or animals fed with leftovers not fit for human consumption, or fish, or game.

>> No.17536811

Can't keep infinitely feeding an exponentially increasing amount of people forever even if we want to. If population should be capped at some amount, let it be low enough that we still get to eat meat and live like normal humans, not bug eating pod people.

>> No.17536812

I basically agree with you. See

Though I do not have problems with factory food per se. A lot of it is shitty because they get away with it, not because there's no way to make non-shitty factory food.

>> No.17536887

I've 100% had the exact same thought process

>raise cow on pasture (ideally)
>kill cow
>transport cuts of meat to store
>sell skin for leather

this shit:
>grow plants
>harvest them
>transport them to a factory
>use a bunch of extra steps that take manpower, time, and also extra transport costs for material

fun fact: you know why we don't have leather clothes and bags from thousands of years ago lying around? Because it's biodegrable. You know what isn't? Plastic jackets and backpacks. Turns out animal products B I O D E G R A DE

>> No.17536897

Agreed. I hate the idea of fake food as a result of excess people. It's a sign that there's too many people in general when we're slowly becoming a warhammer 40k hive city.

However, whites should have more kids and poor nations should have waaay less.

>> No.17536929

>However, whites should have more kids and poor nations should have waaay less.
lol you beta white losers are being race mixed out of existence. all your white women love fucking every other race while you cucks seethe

>> No.17536931

Yeah. Meanwhile in actual fact, the meat you can afford comes from factory farms, where animals are fed chow about as heavily processed as fake meat products, and transported about as far as fake meat ingredients.
>Turns out animal products B I O D E G R A DE
Turns out plant products do the same. What is your fucking point?

>> No.17536943

Bro I'm surrounded by small farms with high quality pastured meats and it's a dollar or two more per pound over factory farmed slop. Nobody but the poorest if poorfags is unable to afford quality meat.

>> No.17536956

Then you're one of very few. Try that in the big cities.

>> No.17536961

this is globohomo defeatism though
growing meat and plants is literally so easy your superstitious irish great great grandmother could do it
community farming is a real solution it's just that internet activists don't actually want real solutions they just want to cry and complain on their corporate daddy internet platforms

>> No.17536974

>A lot of it is shitty because they get away with it
This will continue as long as it is tolerated. Considering how much taxpayer money has been given to them it is a fact that we have a right to dictate to them how this system will work. This could include detaching them completely from the food system and possibly end in criminal investigations.

I say this because they fucked up and left an opening for civic action. And to begin, we must encourage others to look towards their health and sources of food.

>> No.17536977

killing or starving nine tenths of the world's population would be great for the environment, but it would be morally wrong

if you can grasp that, then you can grasp the argument for veganism

>> No.17536983

Let me also add to this: they have become incredibly wealthy from this system and believe the opposite is true. They believe they can dictate to us how our food system will work. This is absolute insufferable faggotry and it will not stand. Not all of them are evil, of course. God bless them. Many of them are greedy and stupid, criminal. They must be routed out and if I have my way, exiled to Mexico.

>> No.17536988

I don't explain shit to trolls.

>> No.17536993

Isn't it time for you to make the trannies pay the rent they owe you for living in your head anon ?

>> No.17536996

Feeding deep-fried Staedtler erasers to children is morally wronger

>> No.17536997

Then why is it all soy that was farmed in brazil then ?

>> No.17537012

i don't quite know what you're asking but soy is a bean and brazil is the largest exporter of cattle

>> No.17537015


>> No.17537019

Nice anecdote anon
But most of the cheap affordable meat ces from factory farming.

>> No.17537115

Community farming is hippy bullshit. You need to work much more to feed yourself and your options concerning what to eat (and when) are limited. You have to live where the land is plentiful, which generally means bumfuck nowhere with no services, cultural offers or shopping opportunities close.
And in the end, I DON'T SEE THE FUCKING PROBLEM. Good factory farmed meat is marginally worse than pastured meat. I can easily buy fresh produce, even if it is produced in another country - transportation is cheap. And I don't need processed food either - if you buy staples and spend just half an hour per day cooking, you're fed better and cheaper. That includes food that is vegan.

>> No.17537199

>muh hippies
>consume our products
neck yourself traitor

>> No.17537222

Your endless schizoposting here will ultimately prove like fruitless, the deranged, atavistic world you've dreamt up in your head will never come to fruition, industrial society will continue to exist long after you're dead, the green revolution was overwhelmingly a positive for all of humanity, your desire to destroy it is anti-human hippie nonsense.

>> No.17537233
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>Ranged cattle
>renews the surrounding soil
choose one

>> No.17537244

>hurr muh schizos
that's not going to work either you subhuman shitbag.
>muh ludditism
This is not excuse for corruption, fuck you. As if we need corrupt people to operate strong industry. These arguments are for an era of faggots that is ending, starting with (You).

There is no space in this nation for corrupt food processors ran by dickheads who hate our people, and poison them. There is plenty of space to build prisons. This is coming whether your faggot ass likes it or not.

>> No.17537249

You do know that cows poop, right?

>> No.17537252
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>Humans ate meat for trillions of years

>> No.17537260

Yes, using cattle to improve topsoil has been proven - and historically recorded, as well as shown in nature.

>> No.17537269

it might be hippy bullshit but it's definitely feasible in cities as long as the government is willing to facilitate it a bit
if its working how it's supposed to it definitely isn't a lot of work for one person except the problem is twitter activists usually just want gibs and instagram moments so most community farmers i know including myself wind up just peacing out and farming their own land
this is in a lot of ways harder but you don't have to deal with flakie instagram thots and their orbiters, which is nice
the goal is to reduce dependence on the globohomo food system, not eliminate it

>> No.17537293

>and socioeconomically when the lifestyle is more expensive than regular food
Vegan/vegetarian diets are literally, LITERALLY third-world poverty diets. Tell me how the fuck eating beans and rice is more damaging to the environment and more expensive than eating a fucking steak that was fed with several pounds more of mass-cultivated corn and soy (a 500-calorie raw steak requires consumption of over 16,000 calories of feed).

>> No.17537309

see what you did there? you added a slash that wasn't in the original argument

>> No.17537315

>drying and grinding up a bunch of soybeans or peas and then mixing startch, persavtives and spicies takes more CO2 than fucking factory meat farming

this is your brain on meat

>> No.17537319

Our grandparents grew victory gardens and these faggots claim this idea is for hippies. They are fucking traitors, fuck them. We owe them nothing.

>> No.17537326

I tried it once and it's awful, has a disgusting texture and tastes like some bad vinegar

>> No.17537386

i mean hippies is a pretty meaningless concept at this point but yeah it's kind of upsetting
i always cringe to death when someone gets shut down and called larper for any attempt at self sufficiency too

>> No.17537460
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These people are poisoning our children. They have been doing it for decades. You know it, I know it, they know it. Nothing more to discuss. Except how to rebuild everything they fucked up. We need to discuss what to do with them too. For now, we should demand they clean up their food system and promote good natured food products.

Every bottle of dressing made with soybean oil in your grocery store is built by a company that should be worried right now. There is still time to do the right thing. I don't know about you but I don't have my hopes up. For them. I hope they can show us their wrong. I'm not seeing it with these "eat the bugs" movements their making.

They thought our people were stupid. That was their mistake. Yeah, yeah, collectively we can all act retarded. It was still a giant fuckup and now they're heading to prison for it.

>> No.17537465

grammar is important, of course.

>> No.17537474

then try something else.

>> No.17537486
File: 99 KB, 662x342, Grazed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>marginal ecosystem
>struggles to pull oxidized nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) out of the air, reduce it, and put it into the ecosystem
>cow eats grass containing reduced C and N
>leaves a little shit on the ground containing a little reduced C and N
>cow is trucked away taking the bulk of the reduced C and N with it
>ecosystem is worse off than if it had been left alone
>cows trample plants
>shit in water
>spread disease to wildlife
>destroy soil crusts
>cause erosion

>> No.17537493

And we're not growing victory gardens because it is not worth the effort. Go with the times grampa. (Also victory gardens were an easy way to add some stuff, not the means to nourish everyone entirely.)
Becasue most of the time they ARE larpers who will talk much, do little (on account of laziness), but act smug all the time.

>> No.17537504

Revenge LARPer shaking his hand at the clouds.
The funny thing is, noone is forcing you to eat that poison. It's even cheaper to eat real food.

>> No.17537510

Not to mention chickens can be an incredibly efficient way to get rid of waste and enrich and process compost. Instead of running expensive equipment to turn compost you get some chooks who will do it for you and shit out valuable eggs for you.


>> No.17537518
File: 537 KB, 1500x1020, industrial farming fish die off with botulism blooms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If there is one thing we can count on from billionaires and their corporations it is a complete dishonesty in their activism networks. These issues are nuanced and require real deliberation, and local action -- they oppose this for power. Ranged grazed cattle is ecologically sound - often, not always. Factory farming including massively subsidized chemical or organic fertilizer has led to other ecological nightmares.

Farm runoff for commercially subsidized crops is also a problem - veganism does nothing to solve this alone. Know your sources, this can help. A little.

You should still move towards whole foods including fruits and vegetables, and non-processed sources of animal protein. Buy the good eggs, and the good butter. Flavor your dishes with meat, not the other way around.

>> No.17537520

Akshually, managed in the right way cows deposit carbon in the earth and improve the soil. Sure, you cart off some material, but compared to the vast area that the cow grazes on it doesn't really matter.

>> No.17537544
File: 104 KB, 469x469, bigz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, I must be larping. No way I know anything about the backlash coming, I must be making this up. Imagine thinking you can sit back and let them harm people. As if a shit-tier and subhuman set of convictions such as yours will go unanswered forever.

>> No.17537565

It's almost like you are implying a lot of our modern environmental and ethical issues are a result of the vast majority of people concentrating in urban/suburban environments and are therefore unable to live sustainable, productive lives (unless you define productive as being a wageslave to some billionaire)

>> No.17537583

Even in cities we can adapt. One of the techs I want to work on at some point is indoor and vertical farming. Even just in my own abode I am planning on getting a wall planter. A lot of us can do little things like this. The bigger technologies are way behind where we want them to be, sadly. Still this is coming and a lot of smart engineers are working to make vertical farming technology accessible and profitable.

It's fun and you get fresh basil.

>> No.17537592
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There are also bioluminescent trees being developed for street lighting. Maybe 50 years away for all I know, this is a difficult problem to solve. But there are already prototypes in place for I think about a decade strong now.

>> No.17537597

It's almost like people don't enjoy living as subsistence farmers, working a hell of a lot for a very modest lifestyle. But good news: If you want to do that, you still can.

>> No.17537623
File: 1.62 MB, 1764x1016, communal life is so quaint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, growing tomatoes in your backyard is difficult subsistence farming. It's almost as absurd as having your children work with earth and seed alongside the neighbors children. Best to stop by the drive thru on the way home instead. Get them some coke and plop them in front of some cartoon produced by a bunch of fucking pedophiles.

Amirite? That's what we all want for our kids or future families.

>> No.17537627

Don't try to argue with this retard, he hates civilization and cityfolk because they are "globohomo".

The reality is that there is no sustainability crisis for food. More than enough is being produced - or would be, if less of it was consumed by animals. It requires energy (which could probably be reduced somewhat by using more human ressources, but few people want to do that.) But food makes up a very minor part of our energy consumption.
Anon also has a problem with processed food because it is (often) unhealthy - which is true, but that's entirely the fault of the people who eat it. Eating cheap and healthy is easy as fuck if you have a brain.

>> No.17537642

Right, because tomatoes grown in your backyard can feed a family of four, let alone that cow you want to rear to support your meat eating. You have no sense of reality whatsoever, you absolute retard. AND you're building strawmen like crazy.

>> No.17537662

that was pretty fasinating to watch

>bringing your 5 loud children to shoot a video
please dont

>> No.17537764

Is this shit really that tough to eat or was that review dude just meming?

>> No.17537824
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i just want the meat alternative industry to be so successful so that meat prices could go cheap again

is that so much to ask for

all theyre doing is selling fake meat that is more expensive than beef

>> No.17537827

no one hates city folk because theyre globohomo
were literally itt trying to help city folk get into sustainable self sufficiency to protect from globohomo
get it fucking straight globohomo retard

>> No.17537861
File: 101 KB, 651x338, Grazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never been outside or to BLM lands
>thinks BLM stands for black lives matter instead of bureau of land mismanagement
sorry sweaty, grazing on public lands only destroys them
it's cowboy welfare
t. not vegan or vegetarian

>> No.17538034

> Ranged cattle grazes on lands
you are using a rare edge case that does not represent the reality of massively produced meat. if you bought meat at a fast food or in a grocery store, then the animal did not live a life of grazing in fields eating grass. it was kept in a cage and fed grains and soy.

>> No.17538065

How about you just go the fuck back?

>> No.17538128

this is not a good example of a properly managed range

>> No.17538146

>more expensive than regular food
Beans and rice are cheaper than meat.

>more damaging and harmful to various ecosystems?
Animals eat more plants than we do. Rainforests are being destroyed to grow soy so we can feed it to livestock, not humans.

>Just over 70 percent of the soybeans grown in the United States are used for animal feed, with poultry being the number one livestock sector consuming soybeans, followed by hogs, dairy, beef and aquaculture.

> 70-75% of the world’s soy ends up as feed for chickens, pigs, cows, and farmed fish.

>Extensive cattle ranching is the number one culprit of deforestation in virtually every Amazon country, and it accounts for 80% of current deforestation (Nepstad et al. 2008).

>Soybean meal is widely used as animal feed, so we humans consume much of it indirectly via our meat and dairy.

>> No.17538151

thanks for the cool sources, globohomo

>> No.17538152

Vegans don't really eat that stuff. Mock meats are for people who are transitioning to veganism and don't want to give everything up at once. Vegans mostly eat whole plant based foods.

>> No.17538155

Hate that normie boards are all just wastelands for facebook schizoid behavior now

>> No.17538156

Alright keep salting the earth with your petroleum-derived nitrogen salts. I'm sure nothing will ever happen to the supply chain for this product.

>> No.17538161

What kind of sources would you prefer? Youtube videos like What I've Learned? The USDA is a pretty good fucking source considering they are for the meat industry.

>> No.17538172
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>he doesn't know about the water

>> No.17538174

When chemical fertilizer production begins declining, that's when we will see the doctrine of veganism be put to the test.

>> No.17538247
File: 86 KB, 736x1067, Fast Food Fighting Force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking corporatist cocksuckers abound in here. We know we're going to see many of (You) in the days to come. Making excuses for your subservience while we work to reverse the damage you shitbags created.
>you're all hippies
>wait, no, you're ... you're all /pol/tards
Fuck you, this is a fight for the human race and you are on the wrong side. We're going to make sure you fucking understand that in the end, asshole

Our people deserve better and you deserve to dig horse shit for a living. Believe me, we're working on making sure that happens.

Oh yeah that's what we're talking about. Every citizen feeds a family of four now. Some dumb fatass fucktard here wants us to think that processors and the shoddy condition of our corporate infrastructure is a worthy endeavor.

Your opinion is as worthless as what you produce. Absolute trash human beings think this way -- you cannot be removed from the echelon fast enough. Everything about your "core values" is as toxic as the product you are here defending.

These "people" are literal shit. As a carnivore I will absolutely stand with the vegans in reframing this discussion, improving the condition of slaughter, and bringing down the corporatist system.

Fuck. You. Dirtbags.

>> No.17538250
File: 101 KB, 680x847, soyboys pointing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leaving the memes aside, does it taste good?