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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17522912 No.17522912 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best thing to eat when you have the Munchies?

>> No.17522928

Butter chicken maybe? Idk. I make guac toast no matter how high I am - it just takes longer.

>> No.17522932

>guac toast


>> No.17522943

kill yourself

>> No.17523037


>> No.17523042

So am I able to report this trash because it is federally illegal?

>> No.17523055

just eat what you like normally
I've been smoking for many years and I've never understood why getting stoned necessarily means cramming frito-lay products down your gullet
eat some fruit instead

>> No.17523058

hummus and vegetables. those wacky arabs got it right

>> No.17523077

Just wait the 20 minutes for the hunger to go away and dont kill your high prematurely by eating

>> No.17523245

tame your desires and fast through it

>> No.17523327

White cheddar cheez its and ginger ale is good. Turkey bacan ranch sandwich is good. Goldfish and hummus is good. Wasabi pees.

>> No.17523332

Your mom

>> No.17523337

fuck yourself burger man

>> No.17523360

I mean, it's sitting next to you.

>> No.17523363


>> No.17523366
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>> No.17523381

Lmao this is sad but pleasing.

>> No.17523402
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fuck the faggot OP who can`t even figure out what to eat grilled cheese or pizza while stoned. What`re your favorite records to put on? Here's mine

>> No.17523416
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Hard Candies

can you tell I'm a /fit/ bro?

>> No.17524370

Why do degenerates love bragging about being a drug addict? I hope you od.

>> No.17524386

third post best post

>> No.17524397

You can't OD on weed, dumbass.

>> No.17524406

Her box.

>> No.17524430

penis pot pie

>> No.17524437

I never got munchies. I've been high 3 times for CBT purposes, i mean extremely high, and I usually lose my appetite instead.

>> No.17524441

Cap'n Crunch is pretty good

>> No.17524469

watermelon, it feels amazing when you have cotton mouth

>> No.17524555

She doesn't look TAME at all

>> No.17524580

savory with varying textures, slightly below lukewarm, bowl, slightly spicy. whatever it is is what is

>> No.17524589

Jesus, man, buy a tray, it's 10$, cheaper than a record. They have have rounded edges and you don't spill anything.

>> No.17524600

Oh that's clever

>> No.17524641
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>Even worse, girls who smoke weed
Absolutely disgusting

>> No.17524662

For me it's a bowl of crunchy Cheetos and throwing on a Cocteau Twins album

>> No.17524761

Post body (we know that pic related isn’t yours)

>> No.17524769

It’s only weed smokers and booze drinkers. Can’t say I ever heard people bragging about smoking a pack of cigs a day, or doing 8-balls before work.

>> No.17526141

this one knows. for me the hunger lasts hours though. it's like the initial buzz you get slamming beers and then it dies the first time you piss. it feels great to piss but you are basically done getting that levity at that point.

>> No.17526149

A bullet

>> No.17526279

I guess burritos and wraps if I have the money, if I don't usually the salsa flavored Combos w/ corn meal usually do the trick