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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17522310 No.17522310 [Reply] [Original]

Good or bad

>> No.17522311
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>> No.17522313
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>> No.17522315
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>> No.17522319
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>> No.17522323

They make me reconsider my stance on white genocide.

>> No.17522324
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>> No.17522328
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>> No.17522330
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>> No.17522332
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>> No.17522338
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>> No.17522345
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>> No.17522350
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>> No.17522352
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>> No.17522357

This one doesn't seem too bad honestly

>> No.17522358
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>> No.17522361
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They aren't all horrible sounding

>> No.17522364
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>> No.17522365
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>> No.17522366
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>> No.17522371
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>> No.17522372

>”””””Vintage Recipes””””””
Most of these are advertisements.
Some of them aren’t bad. I actually have a bit of a hobby of recreating recipes from old ads like this.
But it’s still important to remember that they were ads. Not popular items; they were forgotten about almost immediately after the ad ran, and the few who tried them probably never tried them again.

>> No.17522374
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>> No.17522379
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By "vintage" I mostly just mean I found them in magazines ranging from the 20s-70s, there's a fair bit of recipes that aren't advertisements, but the ads are more fun

>> No.17522380

Man imagine comming home from the car factory, working the whole day. The kids scream, the house is not cleaned up. Then your wife serves you something like this.
How could you not hit your wife during that time?

>> No.17522381

I dont think I'd be too upset over half of these

>> No.17522388

Cool, fair enough.
>old magazines
Like online?
Or you actually get them?
There’s a store near me that had mags from late 1800’s-1950’s and they’re usually just a few bucks.
It’s worth getting them just for the ads alone.

>> No.17522395

Well I’d be a man of the 50’s, not a zoomer, so I’d know that homemade food could be a lot worse, and I’d probably know that’s aspics have literally been eaten for centuries so the jello things wouldn’t bother me too much, especially since I’m living before the time gelatin became known only as a dessert.

>> No.17522396
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I actually got them, they're fun to read through

>> No.17522397
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>> No.17522399
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>> No.17522407
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>> No.17522410
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>> No.17522413

Was everything jello in the 50s?

>> No.17522423

Jello was a new thing and heavily advertised in print.

>> No.17522429

It was more affordable, accessible and novel for its time

>> No.17522705

I can't imagine most of this tasted good

>> No.17522737

I've pondered it everytime a vintage thread pops up and still am amazed at how much Depression Era people love Jello salads.
Every Thanksgiving and Christmas my gran makes three different Jello concoctions. Well, my mom makes them now since my gran had a stroke.

>> No.17522816

is that elizabeth warren?

>> No.17522829

Both sweet and savory aspics had been around forever.
But before instant gelatin, they were difficult to make and more of a “fancy” thing. They were basically haute cuisine in Victorian times.
Jello made it something cheap and instant. So yeah it was kind of a big deal for the time.
A lot of them are surprisingly good, but moreso the actual recipe ones, not ones that were being used to market a (non-jello) product.

>> No.17522847
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Here’s a great example of a “product sales” one.
It’s from a 1948 Hormel “Recipe Book”; it’s bound like a cheap magazine so it was probably a free giveaway at the time.

How about some canned tongue and stuffed olives with celery suspended in bouillon/cream cheese/milk jello?

Honestly most of the recipes in the book seem pretty damn good, but this one is more entertaining.

>> No.17522854
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And the foreword of the book, where Hormel’s chef is basically telling housewives to take more pride in their cooking and see it as a challenge, not a chore, so they can “keep a gleam of pride on their husband’s eye”

>> No.17522999

I know these seem disgusting, but my grandmother makes them, and honestly most of them are pretty good.

>> No.17524316

My family still makes a jello salad for desert for the holidays.

>Lime jello
>Uncooked coleslaw mix
>Canned pears

Pretty dang good and has a great texture

>> No.17524355

Modern inventions like horror-show foods, TV dinners, vacuums, dishwashers, etc; these were made so housewives could get shit done quick and get sauced with their friends.

>> No.17524486

now modern women can't cook and can't clean
aint that some shit

>> No.17524497
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>> No.17524519

Vintage Anglo cuisine is some serious fucking horror material.

>> No.17525342
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/deenz/ bros...

>> No.17525472

I too am white and this is a nice thing we make sometimes in memory of my grandmother.

>> No.17525528

Man what the fuck was up with the jello obsession shit looks disgusting

>> No.17525582

The husband's of these wives spent a period of their lives eating government issued potted meat out of a can with their bayonet while sitting next to a dead soldier with half his face missing. I'm sure they weren't too broken up about some odd jello meals.

>> No.17525868

>why is jello trying to make people buy more of their products through marketing?

>> No.17525914

This looks easy and delicious.

>> No.17525918

What are you some millennial lower middle class student

>> No.17526021

this is what they took from you

>> No.17526065

My mom makes this except with orange jello, and mandarin oranges in addition to the pear

>> No.17526097

What accounts for this mid-century preoccupation with jellies?

>> No.17526774

I can imagine that overpowering bologna taste already...

>> No.17526792

cute vintage rare negrita mommy

>> No.17527101

Zoomer faggot. I grew up eating this stuff and regularly make jello salads, aspic has been eaten by people for hundreds of years prior to your avocado toast wedges.

Shit tier bait.

>> No.17527600

This recipe was almost refried beans.

>> No.17527619
File: 189 KB, 900x675, 7340C9AC-82A0-4582-9876-2517875E2E94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is 1950’s food so grim? Not even the Mesopotamians 4000 years ago had to deal with this tier of sloppa. See: picrel. Not bad for early civilization.

>> No.17527759

That's a modern photo, 4000 year old food wouldn't have looked anything like this.

>> No.17527779

Thinking about them beans.

>> No.17527780

that all looks fantastic what's the problem

>> No.17527799
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More like 2k years ago, but food found preserved at Pompeii doesn’t look too bad.

That’s food made using ancient Mesopotamian recipes.

>> No.17527842

I think it was more so experimental, people had access to way more ingredients, cookware and time than the previous generations

>> No.17527962

>Can't tell if troll

Chances are I am close to your age. There is aspic and there is 'tuna jello salad'. The latter wasn't and isn't food. Aunt Myrna's Party Cheese Salad evolved from this shit for Christ's sake.

Somehow the generation of my parents managed to throw random shit from the multiverse together and make the whole thing taste as bland as possible.

The food from that era has no redeeming qualities.

>> No.17528027

This looks like shit too wtf lol

>> No.17528072

a lot of postwar long storage food that someone needed to get rid of leading to a lot of marketing of things people would have never eaten together before

>> No.17528086

This one doesn't sound bad actually

>> No.17528650

I'm considering making that one honestly

>> No.17528694

Nah, you sound pretty damn zoomer.
Otherwise you’d know there were all sorts of fish aspics for generations before “jello” was ever thought of.
That fact isn’t negated by it not being demonstrated by your favorite YouTubers.

>> No.17529133

That bologna doesn't look that jubilant to me.

>> No.17529532

that actually sounds pretty good

>> No.17529578

pre 1950, yes they're amazing.
post 1950, no. reason being that shit started getting heavily commercialized meaning shitty recipes were used as a marketing tool to convince shitty cooks to buy whatever shitty product that was being shilled

>> No.17529586
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actually this.
this shit basically set the foundation for pic related in modern times
t.i live with 2 women in their mid-30s and all they do is get smashed wasted drunk every night while watching 50 episode seasons of Love Island on repeat

>> No.17529681

What are the dishes?

>> No.17529682

>studded bologna with bnanaas & olivias

>> No.17529739

hey, that's exactly how my sister's mom is. man is it not a very promising future.