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17515373 No.17515373 [Reply] [Original]

how much alcohol do I have to drink to get delirium tremens?

>> No.17515379

nobody cares, eat a bullet like a man.

>> No.17515385

Quite a bit apparently. I recently quit after getting drunk 6 nights a week for the past 15 years with no noticeable withdrawal effects.

>> No.17515393

A handle (1.75L) a day of vodka for about 30 days should do it. I guess technically I never got delirium tremens - but I got wernicke's encepalophathy from doing that because when you drink so much it messes up the binding of thiamin (b vitamin) in the brain and your memory/thinking go bye bye.

Eventually you sort of stop getting tired and are in a perpetual state of wakefulness and that's when it all comes crashing down.

>> No.17515394

How much did you drink a day?

>> No.17515396

most of it

>> No.17515400

so did you do permanent brain damage or are you better now?

>> No.17515416

I mean I feel fine now but it was a couple months of pretty shitty brainhurt and vitamin supplementation.

People who die from alcoholism often have been drinking daily for 10+ years. If you want to end things there are faster ways.

I just remember checking into the er and they asked me a buncha questions and I really couldn't remember much. Just sort of like brain goes blank slate.

>> No.17515418

depends on a lot of things, I've had it once and that was after a year of daily 750ml+ of vodka, but I had been an alcoholic for nearly a decade before that and only gotten severe withdrawals, not the full-on DT's of hallucinating and having a seizure.

>> No.17515429

closest I ever got to actual seizures was abusing midazolam pills I got online. Ultra-short acting benzos - take that for a month then quit cold turkey - it only lasts an hour so you'll be taking them all day - u will seize!

>> No.17515448

I have been drinking 2-3 bottles of wine 5 days a week for almost a year, didn't get DTs.
I used to be very scared of DTs, I guess in my case it was a mistake, because it just made me drink more because I didn't want to go cold turkey.

>> No.17515461

When you start to get dt it won't be like in the movies. At least for me, my hands were fine. It starts in the major muscle groups. In my experience when you are lying in bed sweating out the toxins the muscles that really twitch are triceps, thighs and calves.

>> No.17515470

definitely made my hands shake uncontrollably, so much that no matter how hard I focused and tried, I couldn't operate my phone to call for help. had to just lay there shaking uncontrollably until my dad found me.

>> No.17515477

Siri could save your life.

>> No.17515492

Don't have to worry about that if you just never stop drinking.

>> No.17515509
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It takes a lot. I've only experienced it once, and that was when I was drinking a fifth/day and then stopped abruptly (not on purpose, I had no idea what was going on at the time).

Anyway, my wife figured out what was happening, and forced me to drink, and then I tapered off from there and started getting naltrexone shots.

You really really really don't want delirium tremens. There are better ways to kill yourself.

>> No.17515535

Very much.
I spent my 20s blackout drunk 2/3 times a week (2 after I left college because work) and only developed anxiety.
A good friend of mine went very fast to a psychiatric hospital though, only 5 years into binge drinking.
It depends.

>> No.17515536

did the naltrexone help significantly? been considering it but kind of against it unless it's really actually going to help

>> No.17515540

Drinking 2/3 times a week is nothing. What did you expect

>> No.17515544

Yeah it changed my fucking life. Unlike antabuse, you can drink on naltrexone without getting sick. You get the physical symptoms of being drunk, but you don't get the mental effects (so you don't get buzzed).

Check out the Sinclair Method, I more or less DIY'd that shit. You never catch a buzz, but you are able to drink, so you don't catch WDs, and it makes tapering a whole lot easier. It really kills the mental craving for booze, while letting you minimize the physical symptoms.

>> No.17515547

cool I'm going to see an addiction specialist soon I'll ask about it

>> No.17515551

6 40 ozs and at least two bottles of vodka per night

>> No.17515563

No harm in looking. I managed to convince my PCP to do the shots, rather than an addiction doctor.

I'm amazed that this isn't a more common treatment.

>> No.17515636

I can also vouch for naltrexone. it just makes you not like booze as much and once your brain sees there's no reward there's no need to make you addicted. it's a miracle drug

>> No.17515637

Are there any early signs, that you might get DTs that day? For example do you have a very strong hangover before it happens? Does it start with light shaking? Something like that?
Would you have enough tome to at least have a drink before you are completely fucked?

>> No.17515644

check your pulse, if it's going fast then it's not merely a willpower thing and have a beer

>> No.17515657
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my pulse isn't crazy fast but it's hard, like two different women both told me my heart beat was loud should I be concerned? two bottles of wine per day for the past 3 years

>> No.17515661

I was drinking at least a 5th a day before i went to rehab

>> No.17515683

women are retarded, it's the speed and factoring in how long since your last drink. there's a lot of signs like sweating, hand shaking but you can easily write those off as psychosomatic. Your brain will make up symptoms to make you drink again but the pulse is hard to fake and that's when you know it's for real and you need to drink ONLY to make it go back down.

>> No.17515686

I was drinking 1l vodka per day and stopped and had hallucinations, violent shaking, terror etc.

so I guess that much.

>> No.17515795

did you have any permanent damage?

>> No.17515880

Real delirium tremens is actually pretty rare and only occurs in extreme cases where you're close to dying, just hallucinating isn't DTs. I think full blown DTs isn't just moving shadows and seeing faces or whatever, it's where you'll be laying in bed but think you're walking down the street or something totally unrelated like that. Anyway you'll probably give up on trying to get there the first time you get serious withdrawal, it's really not fun.

>> No.17515914
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>dying isn't fun

>> No.17516118

how do alchies deal with the hangovers? every time I drink to excess I feel like doodoo the whole next day

>> No.17516135

When I drink a lot I am able to sleep almost the whole next day. My job is also pretty shitty, so I am already tired every Friday.
Today I woke up at 10 am, had breakfast and went back to sleep until almost 7pm.

>> No.17516201

I drank every day for a year straight. Towards the end a pint of vodka or more per night. I'm sober for lent and i had trouble sleeping Wednesday night but I never got the shakes. My guess if maybe a fifth per day? Idk

>> No.17516205

i used to deal with a moderate headache, or if it was a real bender then i'd be sick to my stomach and ache all over.
now it's nothing, i just wake up. Maybe a little dizzy for a few minutes.

>> No.17516239

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